Geologic time can be determined through both relative and absolute dating methods. Relative dating relies on principles like fossil succession, cross-cutting relationships, and inclusions to determine the sequence of geological events. Absolute dating uses radioactive isotopes and their known decay rates to quantify the ages of rocks and fossils in numerical years. The development of radiometric dating techniques in the early 20th century revealed that the Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old, much older than previously thought.
4. In what order did these events occur in
American History?
5. Relative Time
Fossil Succession
Original horizontality
Cross-cutting relationships
6. Principle of fossil succession
Fossils occur in a consistent vertical order in
sedimentary rocks all over the world.
(William"Strata Bill" Smith, late 1700's, England).
This principle is valid and does not depend on any
pre-existing ideas of evolution. (In fact, Charles
Darwin's ideas on evolution did not appear until
50 years later - 1858).
7. Principle of fossil succession
Geologists interpret fossil succession to be the result of
evolution - the natural appearance and disappearance of
species through time.
"Fossil species succeed one another in a definite and
recognizable order"
Fossils at the base of a thick sequence of sediments
(so older, by previous principles) are less like
present-day species than those near the top
8. Principle of fossil succession
* Fossils unlike present-day species, but like
each other, are found in widely separated
* A fossil species which is observed to occur
above (and so younger than, by previous
principles) a second fossil species in one
locality will always occur above that second
species, wherever found.
11. Unconformities
1.Angular unconformities
Implies tectonic deformation and erosion of underlying
Sedimentary strata overlying igneous or metamorphic
rocks (in an erosional - not intrusive- contact)
An irregular surface of erosion between two units of
parallel strata
22. Intrusions vs Unconformities
A xenolith is a fragment of country rocks
which has been broken off during an
intrusion, and has become surrounded by
magma. The xenolith is older than the
igneous rock which contains it.
Through erosion and resedimentation,
younger rocks will often have pieces of the
older rock included (sedimentary).
27. History of
Geologic Time
Geologic Systems
Body of rock that
contains fossils of
diverse animal life
Corresponds to
geologic period
Named Cambrian
Named Silurian
28. Stratigraphy
Study of stratified rocks, especially their
geometric relations, compositions, origins, and
age relations
Stratigraphic units
Distinguished by some physical, chemical, or paleontological
Units of time based on ages of strata
Geologic Systems
Demonstrate correspondence between geographically
separated parts of a stratigraphic unit
29. Units of Time
Time-rock unit
Chronostratigraphic unit
All the strata in the world deposited during a particular interval
of time
Erathem, System, Series, Stage
Time unit
Geochronologic unit
Interval during which a time-rock unit is formed
Eras, Period, Epoch, Age
Boundary stratotype
Boundary between two systems, series or stages, formally
defined at a single locality
30. Geologic Time Scale
Chronologic units - Time/Age
Eons (largest):
31. Geologic Time Scale
Geochronologic Units = Place
Eon (largest) = Eon
Era = Era
System = Period
Series = Epoch
Stage = Age
32. Biostratigraphy
Biostratigraphic unit
Defined and characterized by their fossil content
Stratigraphic range
Total vertical interval through which that species
occurs in strata, from lowermost to uppermost
33. Biostratigraphy
Index fossil
Abundant enough in the stratigraphic record to be
found easily
Easily distinguished from other taxa
Geographically widespread and thus can be used to
correlate rocks over a large area
Occurs in many kinds of sedimentary rocks and
therefore can be found in many places
Has a narrow stratigraphic range, which allows for
precise correlation if its mere presence is used to
define a zone
34. Magnetic Stratigraphy
Use of magnetic
properties of a rock to
characterize and
correlate rock units
Magnetic field
Reversals in polarity of
field are recorded in
rocks when they
crystallize or settle
from water
35. Magnetic
Polarity time-rock unit
Period of normal or
reversed polarity
Normal interval
Same as today
Reversed interval
Opposite to today
36. Lithostratigraphy
Subdivision of the stratigraphic record on the basis of
physical or chemical characteristics of rock
Lithostratigraphic units
Local three-dimensional bodies of rock
Stratigraphic section
Local outcrop of a formation that displays a continuous vertical
Type section
Locality where the unit is well exposed, that defines the unit
37. Lithologic Correlation
Cross-sections of
Establish geometric
Interpret mode of
38. Lithologic Correlation
Grand Canyon
Used Trilobite
biostratigraphy to
determine age
Eastern portion of
units is younger than
39. Facies
Landward migration of
Grand Canyon
Cambrian transgression
Set of characteristics of a body
of rock that presents a
particular environment
Facies changes
Later changes in the
characteristics of ancient strata
40. Absolute Age
4.6 billion years old
Early estimates
Salts in the ocean
90 million years old
Accumulation of sediment
100 m.y. or less
Gaps in stratigraphic record
Unconformities represent large breaks in accumulation
Didnt include metamorphosed sedimentary rocks
Earths temperature
20-40 million years old
41. Absolute Ages
How old is the Earth?
4.6 billion years (4,600,000,000 years)
Radiometric dating (Uranium, Thorium).
Mass spectrometer.
42. Early Attempts
1654 Archbishop Usher (Ireland), genealogy
in Bible Earth was created October 22, 4004
9:00 am was added later
Earth was 6000 years old.
Led to the Doctrine of Catastrophism:
Earth was shaped by series of giant disasters.
Many processes fit into a short time scale.
43. Early Attempts
1770's, 1780's "Revolution"
James Hutton, Father of Geology (Scotland)
Published Theory of the Earth in 1785.
44. Hutton
Hadrian's Wall built by Romans,
after 1500 years no change.
Suspected that Earth was much
Slow processes shape earth.
Mountains arise continuously as
a balance against erosion and
45. Hutton
Doctrine of Uniformitarianism: "Present is key to
the past".
The physical and chemical laws that govern nature
are uniform
Unconformity at Siccar Point, Scotland
"No vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end"
46. Charles Lyell
Charles Lyell 1800's compared amount of
evolution shown by marine mollusks in the
various series of the Tertiary System with the
amount that had occurred since the beginning
of the Pleistocene.
Estimated 80 million years for the Cenozoic
47. Various Geologists
Thickness of total sedimentary record
divided by average sedimentation rates (in
In 1860, calculated to be about 3 million
years old.
In 1910, calculated to be about 1.6 billion
years old.
48. Lord Kelvin
In 1897, Lord Kelvin
assumed that the Earth was
originally molten and
calculated a date based on
cooling through conduction
and radiation.
Age of Earth was calculated
to be about 24-40 million
49. Lord Kelvin
Problem: Earth has an internal heat source
(radioactive decay)
Discovery of radioactivity by Henri
Becquerel in 1896.
50. John Joly
In 1899 - 1901, John Joly (Irish) calculated
the rate of delivery of salt to the ocean. River
water has only a small concentration of salts.
Rivers flow to the sea.
Evaporative concentration of salts.
Age of Ocean = Total salt in oceans (in grams)
divided by rate of salt added (grams per year)
Age of Earth = 90-100 million years.
51. John Joly
Problems: no way to account for recycled
salt, salt incorporated into clay minerals, salt
52. von Helmholtz and Newcomb
The German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz and the American
astronomer Simon Newcomb joined in by independently
calculating the amount of time it would take for the Sun to
condense down to its current diameter and brightness from the
nebula of gas and dust from which it was born.
100 million years, consistent with Thomson's calculations.
However, they assumed that the Sun was only glowing from the
heat of its gravitational contraction. They knew of no other ways
for it to produce its energy.
53. Rutherford and Boltwood
In 1905, they used radioactive decay to
measure the age of rocks and minerals.
Uranium decay produces He, leading to a
date of 500 million years.
54. Rutherford and Boltwood
In 1907, Boltwood suspected that lead was the
stable end product of the decay of uranium.
Published the age of a sample of urananite
based on Uranium-Lead dating.
Date was 1.64 billion years.
55. Age of Earth
So far, oldest dated Earth rocks are 3.96 billion
Canadian Shield. (NW Territories near Great
Slave Lake, 3.96 byr).
Detrital Zircons in sedimentary rocks are 4.1 - 4.4
Older rocks include meteorites and moon rocks
with dates on the order of 4.6 billion years.
56. Geologic Time Scale.
The age for the base of
each division is in
accordance with
recommendations of the
Commission on
Stratigraphy for the
year 2000.
58. The standard geologic
time scale for the
Paleozoic and other eras
developed without
benefit of a grand plan.
Instead, it developed by
the compilation of type
sections for each of the
64. Absolute Age
Radioactive decay
Becquerel, 1895
Uranium undergoes spontaneous decay
Atoms release subatomic particles and energy
Change to another element
Parent isotope decays/daughter isotope
65. Principles of Radiometric Dating
Naturally-occurring radioactive materials
break down into other materials at known
rates. This is known as radioactive decay.
Radioactive parent elements decay to stable
daughter elements.
66. What is an Isotope?
Nuclide of an element with different masses
67. Absolute Age
Three modes of decay
Loss of alpha particle
Convert parent into
element that has nucleus
containing two fewer
Loss of beta particle
Convert parent into
element whose nucleus
contains one more proton
by losing an electron
Capture of beta particle
Convert parent into
element whose nucleus
has one less proton
68. Absolute Age
Radiometric dating
Radioactive isotopes
decay at constant
geometric rate
After a certain amount
of time, half of the
parent present will
survive and half will
decay to daughter
Interval of time for half
of parent to decay
69. Absolute Age
Useful isotopes
Uranium 238 and thorium 232
Zircon grains
Uranium 238 and lead 206
Fission track dating
Potassium-Argon, Argon-Argon
Radiocarbon dating
Produced in upper atmosphere
Half life = 5730 years
Maximum age for dating: 70,000 years
Bone, teeth, wood
70. Absolute Age
Fission-Track Dating
Measure decay of
uranium 238 by
counting number of
Tracks formed by
subatomic particles
that fly apart upon
71. Radioactive parent isotopes and
their stable daughter products
Each radioactive isotope has its own
unique half-life.
A half-life is the time it takes for half
of the parent radioactive element to
decay to a daughter product.
72. Radioactive parent isotopes and
their stable daughter products
Radioactive Parent Stable Daughter Half Life
Potassium 40 Argon 40 1.25 billion yrs
Rubidium 87 Strontium 87 48.8 billion yrs
Thorium 232 Lead 208 14 billion years
Uranium 235 Lead 207 704 million years
Uranium 238 Lead 206 4.47 billion years
Carbon 14 Nitrogen 14 5730 years
74. Radioactive Decay
Radioactive decay occurs by releasing
particles and energy.
Alpha particles
Beta particles
Gamma rays (high energy X-rays) are also
76. Radioactive Decay
Beta particles
penetrate hundreds of times farther than
alpha particles, but easily stopped compared
with neutrons and gamma rays.
charge = -1
mass = negligible
78. Datable Minerals
Most minerals which contain radioactive isotopes
are in igneous rocks. The dates they give indicate
the time the magma cooled.
Potassium 40 is found in:
potassium feldspar (orthoclase)
glauconite (greensand; found in some
sedimentary rocks; rare)
79. Datable Rocks
Radioactive elements tend to become
concentrated in the residual melt that
forms during the crystallization of
igneous rocks. More common in
SIALIC rocks (granite, granite
pegmatite) and continental crust.
80. Datable Rocks
Radioactive isotopes don't tell much about
the age of sedimentary rocks (or fossils).
The radioactive minerals in sedimentary
rocks are derived from the weathering of
igneous rocks. If the sedimentary rock were
dated, the age date would be the time of
cooling of the magma that formed the
igneous rock. The date would not tell
anything about when the sedimentary rock
82. 14
How does Carbon dating work?
Cosmic rays from the sun
strike Nitrogen 14 atoms in
the atmosphere and cause
them to turn into
radioactive 14C, which
combines with oxygen to
form radioactive CO2.
83. 14
How does Carbon dating work?
Living things are in
equilibrium with the
atmosphere, and the
radioactive CO2 is absorbed
and used by plants. The
radioactive CO2 gets into the
food chain and the carbon
84. 14
How does Carbon dating work?
All living things contain a constant ratio of 14C to 12C (1
in a trillion).
At death, 14C exchange ceases and any 14C in the tissues
of the organism begins to decay to Nitrogen 14, and is
not replenished by new 14C.
85. 14
How does Carbon dating work?
The change in the 14C to 12C ratio is the basis for
The half-life is so short (5730 years) that this
method can only be used on materials less than
50,000 years old.
Assumes that the rate of 14C production (and
hence the amount of cosmic rays striking the
Earth) has been constant.
86. Deviation of carbon-14 ages to true ages from
the present back to about 5000 B.C. Data are
obtained from analysis of bristle cone pines from
the western United States. Calculations of carbon-
14 are based on half-life of 5730 years.
(Adapted from Ralph, E. K., Michael, H. N., and Han, M. C. 1973. Radiocarbon
dates and reality. MASCA Newsletter 9:1.)
87. Absolute Age
Best candidates for
most radiometric
dating are igneous
Not necessarily useful
for sediments
Error in age estimate
can be sizable
88. Absolute Age
Absolute ages change
Error increases in older
Techniques change
correlations are
usually more accurate
Radiometric dates used
when fossils not
89. How old is the Old Red Sandstone?
a. Older than 425 myr
b. Younger than 370 myr
c. Between 425 and 370 myr
d. Have no idea