The document provides a weekly update from a Grade 5 teacher at CDNIS. It discusses several events from the past week, including watching an adaptation of Oliver Twist, continuing work on personal inquiries and drafting stories, and holding student-led learning reflections. It also announces upcoming dates like the beginning of the Festival of the Arts and notes for parents.
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04 30 weekly update - pdf
1. APRIL 30 2010
GRAD E 5 A @ C D N I S
Personal Inquiries and Students Taking Initiative
in Their Learning
Dear Parents, and language used when when you and I were
describing 3D shapes. Nets attending school and so too is
The week started off with a
were introduced as well. the way we talk about learning
taste of what is to come during
Next week I intend to look with our children. It was great
the CDNIS Festival of Arts, which
at the geometric properties to see you talk to your child
w i l l b e g i n o n M o n d a y. We
found in artwork as part of about his/her learning and,
watched a FAUST production of
our Math-Art connections. together with the portfolio, I
Oliver Twist (http://
hope you could take away Students continued
from today a clearer idea of
2010-04-14-Faust.php), which working on their personal
your childs academic and
was both truly entertaining and inquiries. Last week they
social well-being. Speaking as
had some of the students had refined and posted their
a parent, I thought it was a
analyzing and questioning Central Ideas and Guiding
most awesome day to have
Dickens story Oliver Twist Questions. This week (and
my daughter share her
historical fiction. Its amazing to next) they have been
learning with me. This was an
see students make such researching and planning
exciting day!!
connections on their own. how to respond to these
questions deeply and in a
In Literacy this week, the
way that considers the
brainstorming was completed and Please Note: If you did not
va r i e t y o f p e r s p e c t i ve s
first drafts were submitted on receive a Grade 5 CAMP
through which their
Wednesday. Peer feedback was information packet and
historical topic might be
done for homework on permission form, please let
Wednesday evening. I will offer me know and I will send
my own feedback to the students The SLLRs were a one home with your child.
before handing back the drafts on success. Educational
M o n d a y. T h e s t u d e n t s w i l l research has clearly
There were no Grade
continue the writing process by demonstrated that students
5A@CDNIS recognition
refining then publishing their can become more conscious
award handed out this
work. Eventually their pieces of of their strengths and
week due to the SLLRs.
historical fiction will become weaknesses in their learning
digital stories that can be shared and that they become more
as podcasts. responsible for identifying http://
those areas in which they
In Math, weve revised our
feel they need to improve.
understandings of the properties
Our world is different from
Dates to Remember
May 3: Beginning of Festival of the Arts at CDNIS
May 7: Evening of the Arts
May 12-14: Grade 5 camp at Cheung Chau