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              PUBLIC AGENCIES

                         Carlos M t鱈
                         C l Mart鱈nez Garc鱈a-Loygorri
                                      G 鱈 L         i
                     Project and Infrastructure Finance Division
December 2004   PPPs  The Spanish Experience                      1
Examples of Infrastructure PPPs
                Promoted by Spanish Public Agencies


  Introduction: Criteria of Eurostat on PPPs
  Study Cases in Spain
       PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of
        Madrid  E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital
       PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities
        of Andalusia  E.g.: Seville Underground
       PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways
         E g : High Speed Railway Figueras Perpignan
          E.g.: High-Speed           Figueras-Perpignan
       PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways
         E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30  Madrid Calle 30

December 2004                PPPs  The Spanish Experience                              2
Criteria of EUROSTAT on PPPs

 Objective and application of the criteria:
  EUROSTAT: Official Statistical Office of the European Communities
  Criteria in line with the European System of Accounts (ESA-95)
  Objective: Defining the requirements to make possible the
   Debt deconsolidation
  Scope of use:
      Long-term contracts b   between Public and Private Entities for
                                       P bli   dPi       E ii f
      promotion and operation of Infrastructures
     Investment in construction or rehabilitation + rendering of  g
      services (operation) according to predefined standards
     Payments to private operators coming almost entirely from
      the Administration, not from users
December 2004           PPPs  The Spanish Experience                   3
Criteria of EUROSTAT on PPPs

 Categories of risks defined by Eurostat:
  Construction/completion risk: late delivery breach of quality
   standards, additional costs, technical deficiencies and negative
   externalities (external negative effects)
                 (           g             )

  Availability risk: breach of volume, safety or quality delivery service
   standards contractually agreed
     a da d o a ua y ag d
        These breaches must imply automatic and significant penalties in
        the periodic payments to the private partner
  Demand risk: variability of demand irrespective of the behaviour of
   the private partner

December 2004            PPPs  The Spanish Experience                       4
Criteria of EUROSTAT on PPPs

 Conditions for not consolidating the investment as a
   government asset:

  The private partner must:

      Bear the construction risk, and
      Bear at least one of either availability or demand risk

  A partner is considered to bear one of these risks if it
   bears the majority of the risk

December 2004         PPPs  The Spanish Experience              5
Criteria of EUROSTAT on PPPs

 Implementation of this decision in practice:
  This decision is applicable from March 2004 for all Member States
   and Acceding Countries
  Responsibility of its application: National Statistical Offices
  Eurostat is of the opinion that the risk analysis, identification and
   assessment can be extracted by expert statisticians from the
   Contract, and then be able to decide on the final allocation of the
  I questionable cases: analyse the nature of both partners
   In      ti      bl              l    th     t      f b th     t
   (especially if the partner is a public corporation), analyse the
   government financing and the effect of government g
                            g                    g              guarantees
December 2004             PPPs  The Spanish Experience                      6
Examples of Infrastructure PPPs
                Promoted by Spanish Public Agencies


  Introduction: Criteria of Eurostat on PPPs
  Study Cases in Spain
       PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of
        Madrid  E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital
       PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities
        of Andalusia  E.g.: Seville Underground
       PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways
         E g : High Speed Railway Figueras Perpignan
          E.g.: High-Speed           Figueras-Perpignan
       PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways
         E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30  Madrid Calle 30

December 2004                PPPs  The Spanish Experience                              7
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
      8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid

 E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (1)
      Equipment for concessioned services
      Provision of general and clinical furniture
      Operation and maintenance   providing residential and
       complementary services non-sanitary services
      Operation of complementary and commercial areas
       restaurant, newsstand, etc.

December 2004          PPPs  The Spanish Experience           8
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
      8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid

 E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (2)
  Characteristics of Civil Works:
      162.000 m2 built with 879 beds, enlargeable to 120 more
      Assembly Hall (400 seats), areas for investigation and
       studies, nursery, heliport, parking (4.000 vehicles)

      Initial:  300,5 million
      Renewal and Replacements:  64 6 million

  Attended Population: 675.000 inhabitants in 2011

December 2004            PPPs  The Spanish Experience           9
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
      8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid

 E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (3)
  Granting Authority: Consejer鱈a de Sanidad y Consumo de la
   Comunidad Aut坦noma de Madrid (Regional Authority of
   Concessionaire: Public Limited Company to be formed with an
                     bli i i d C             b f      d i h
   equity equal or superior to the 15% of the total estimated
  Date of award: March 2005
  Period of Concession: 30 years. In service from October 2007
  Present situation: Bidding process
  Financing: Not defined yet
           g              y
December 2004          PPPs  The Spanish Experience              10
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
      8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid

 E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (4)
 The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (I):
  Services to be provided by the Concessionaire:
        Complete maintenance of the building
        Waste management
        Safety of the Hospital
        Laundry service
        Cleaning of the building
        Management of clinical and administrative files
        Management of Reception and Information staff
        Maintenance of inner access roads and gardens
         M i t          fi              d    d    d
        Complete sterilization service
        Stock and distribution management
        Cafeteria and Restaurant service
December 2004                PPPs  The Spanish Experience   11
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
      8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid

 E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (5)
 The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (II):
  Operation of complementary and commercial areas - Income:
        Cafeteria / Restaurant service
        Vending machines
        Telephone and TV inside the rooms
        Telephone booths
        Bank branch, Hairdressers, Newsstand, Florists
  The Concessionaire can suggest, to its own risk, the operation of
   additional opportunities     only if this represents lower costs for
   the Administration
December 2004               PPPs  The Spanish Experience                 12
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
      8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid

 E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (6)
 The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (III):
  Payments to the Concessionaire:
     Basis: Maximum Annual Payment offered (MAP)
     Fixed Annual Payment (FAP):
         Maximum 40% over the MAP
         Not exposed to penalties
     Variable Annual Payment (VAP):
         Minimum 60% of the MAP
         Exposed on the whole to penalties
           Liable to adjusts depending on the fluctuation of the volume of
            service provided (occupation reference level: 85%)
December 2004             PPPs  The Spanish Experience                       13
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
      8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid

 E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (7)
 The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (IV):
      Based on the definition of indicators that make possible an
       objective evaluation of the performance
      For each indicator three parameters are applied:
                                  - Availability failure (maximum penalty: 100% VAP)
                                               y         (        p     y          )
           C t
            Category of f il
                      f failure
                                  - Quality failure (maximum penalty: 30% VAP)
           Reaction time
           Correction time
      Additionally, for each indicator both a frequency of control
       (daily, monthly, annual) and a supervision method (surveys,
       audits, inspections )
       audits inspections) are set
December 2004                 PPPs  The Spanish Experience                        14
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
       8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid

 E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (8)
 The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (V):
    Maximum theoretical penalty: 130% of the VAP           model established
     attending to the criteria of Eurostat to allow assets involved to be classified
     as non-government assets (therefore for the Administration it is an off-
        non government               (therefore,                              off
     balance finance)
    Risks borne by the private partner:
       Availability   because payments are mainly variable ( 60%)
    Provides budget stability and efficiency
    100% private funds
    The Administration delays payments and these are considered annual
     spending instead of an isolated investment at the beginning of the PPP
      p     g                                             g     g

December 2004                PPPs  The Spanish Experience                             15
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
      8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid

 E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (9)

  The Regional Government of Madrid is able to build a new hospital for
   its citizens, postponing its payment and advancing the
   launching of the service

  The investment is not accounted as Public Debt according to the
   criteria of Eurostat:
      The private partner bears the construction risk, and
           p       p                                  ,
      The private partner bears the availability risk (60% of the
       payment depends on volume and quality standards)

December 2004           PPPs  The Spanish Experience                      16
PPPs for the Construction and Operation of
        New Undergrounds in various cities of

 E.g.: Seville Underground (1)
     Project and Construction
     Supply of trains and installations
  Characteristics of Civil Works:
     19 km long (9 km subterraneous and 10 km on surface)
     2,6 km of viaducts
     23 stations (9 on surface), and garages
     Infrastructure:  443,2 million
     Trains:  54,0 million
December 2004         PPPs  The Spanish Experience          17
PPPs for the Construction and Operation
                           of New Undergrounds
                    in various cities of Andalusia

 E.g.: Seville Underground (2)
  Granting Authority: Consejer鱈a de Obras P炭blicas y
          g         y       j
    Transportes de la Junta of Andaluc鱈a
                                                                TUZ 5,00
    (Regional Authority of Andalusia)             RUSVEL 9,03               Dragados
                                                                               27 83
  Concessionaire: Guadalmetro
                      d l                           CAF 9,79
                                               Tressam 10,00

  Date of award: June 2003                           GEA 10 52
                                                          10,52            Sacyr 27,83
                                                                              y    ,

  Period of Concession: 35 years. In service from summer 2006
  Present situation: under construction
  Financing: Capital:  86,0 million Participatory Loan:  6,4 million
                       Grant:           Operation Loan from the EIB:
                    126 0 million
                     126,0                      260 0 million
December 2004           PPPs  The Spanish Experience                               18
PPPs for the Construction and Operation
                           of New Undergrounds
                    in various cities of Andalusia

 E.g.: Seville Underground (3)
  Diagram of relationships:
      g                  p
                                                              Contribution to the tariff
  REGIONAL          Contract          Concessionaire
                                                                    PUBLIC SPECIAL
 AUTHORITY                         Construction + Operation         PURPOSE ENTITY
           Participatory Loan
                                                  I i i l contribution
                                                               ib i
                                                                 Regional authority
        BANKS                                         Local                    Central
                                                   Administrations           Administration

December 2004                   PPPs  The Spanish Experience                              19
PPPs for the Construction and Operation
                           of New Undergrounds
                    in various cities of Andalusia

 E.g.: Seville Underground (4)
 The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (I):
  Risks borne by the private partner:
      Demand (limited to 55% of the income during the initial years and
       to 80% afterwards)      the majority of this risk is borne by the
       private partner in two different ways: tariffs and variable operating
      Operational and maintenance risks
  This service of public transport must be operated according to social
   requirements defined by the Administration, but also attending to
   corporate criteria that allows cost reduction and efficiency
December 2004             PPPs  The Spanish Experience                        20
PPPs for the Construction and Operation
                           of New Undergrounds
                    in various cities of Andalusia

 E.g.: Seville Underground (5)
 The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (II):
                                 ( )
  Sources of income for the private partner:
      Grant from the Regional Administration (33% of the
       investment in infrastructure and installations):  126 million
      Tariffs for users of the infrastructure
      Operating payments from the Administration (a significant
       part of them depending on traffic demand risk)
      Earnings from advertising, vending machines, shops

December 2004             PPPs  The Spanish Experience                 21
PPPs for the Construction and Operation
                           of New Undergrounds
                    in various cities of Andalusia

 E.g.: Seville Underground (6)
  The Regional Government of Andalusia is able to construct a new
   underground for its citizens, postponing two thirds of its
   payment and advancing the launching of the service
  The investment is not accounted as Public Debt according to the
   criteria of Eurostat:
      The private partner bears the construction risk,
      The private partner bears the availability risk (in the way that
       if the infrastructure is not available, users cannot use it), and
           h i f             i         il bl                    i)     d
      The private partner bears the demand risk (although it is
       limited, the majority of the risk is on the private s side)
December 2004            PPPs  The Spanish Experience                     22
PPPs for the Construction and
                 Operation of High-Speed Railways

 E.g.: High-Speed Railway Figueras-Perpignan (1)
  Object: Project, construction, operation and maintenance of
   the I t
   th International S ti Figueras-Perpignan of th N
              ti  l Section Fi     P i       f the New Hi h S
   Railway between Spain and France
  Characteristics of Civil Works:
       Double track line: 44,4 km (19,8 km in Spain and 24,6 in France)
       Single track lines connecting at Perpignan: two of 2,9 and 4,6 km
       Double tunnel of 8,3 km; Two false tunnels of 180 and 190 m
       9 viaducts (5 in Spain): 2.240 m
       14 railway bridges and 11 highway bridges
       9 underpasses
       Extreme security and environmental conditions

December 2004               PPPs  The Spanish Experience                   23
PPPs for the Construction and
                 Operation of High-Speed Railways

 E.g.: High-Speed Railway Figueras-Perpignan (2)
  Granting Authorities: Ministerio de Fomento (Spain) and
    Minist竪re d l i
    Mi i t竪 de lquipement, des Transports et du Logement
                          t d T          t td L          t
                                            ACS 24,9

  Concessionaire: TP FERRO                                Eiffage
                (bilateral equilibrium)   Dragados
                                           nes 25,1
  Date of award: February 2004
  Period of Concession: 50 years -including 5 for construction-
   Present situation: under construction; closing the financing
         t it ti        d       t   ti     l i    th fi     i
December 2004              PPPs  The Spanish Experience             24
PPPs for the Construction and
                Operation of High-Speed Railways

 E.g.: High-Speed Railway Figueras-Perpignan (3)
  Investment:        Construction            952,0 million
                      Others                  169 5 million
                      TOTAL                  1.121,5 million

  Financing:        Shareholders:          Capital:  51,4 million
                      105,0 million  Participatory Loan:  53,6 million
                         Grant:             Direct:  515,9 million
                      576 6 million
                       576,6               Financing:  60 7 million
                             Senior Debt:  439,9 million

  Re-financing: in 2015
              g                 25-year extra period
                                   y          p
       Limited-recourse to sponsors
       For the whole amount of the remaining debt
       Adjusted to the real demand
December 2004              PPPs  The Spanish Experience                   25
PPPs for the Construction and
                  Operation of High-Speed Railways

 E.g.: High-Speed Railway Figueras-Perpignan (4)
 The Concession Contract. Peculiarities (I):
    Subject to the new French and Spanish Concessions Laws (2003) in
     their common aspects; its last interpretation is submitted to an Arbitration
     Court in Brussels
    Risks borne by the Concessionaire:
       Construction       delay on the payment + severe penalties for delays
        (up to  22 million for 16 months) + loss of significant guarantees ( 60
        million reducible to  30 million when financing is closed)
       Operation   severe penalties for failures + loss of significant
        guarantees (up to  1,5 million)
       Availability     if the infrastructure is not available: a) Operators do not
        pay any tariff, and also b) Operators penalize the Concessionaire
December 2004                PPPs  The Spanish Experience                             26
PPPs for the Construction and
                  Operation of High-Speed Railways

 E.g.: Hi h S
 E              d Railway Fi
       High-Speed R il    Figueras-Perpignan (5)
                                   P   i
 The Concession Contract. Peculiarities (II):
  Risks borne by the Concessionaire (cont ):
       Demand (limited)    the small limitation lies on the approved annual
        Canon Ceiling set to the Concessionaire for charging to Operators
          This Ceiling is referred to the previous years Ceiling, and depends on:
                 Inflation (average of French and Spanish Inflations Indexes)
                 A ratio defined in the Contract for each year
                 A corrective ratio depending on traffic, only for years 4, 9 and 14
                  varying from 1,04 if the demand is a 20% lower than the foreseen one to
                  0,96 if it is a 20% greater
          Therefore th D
           Th f      the Demand Ri k i borne by the Concessionaire (th
                                d Risk is b     b th C            i    i (the
           maximum mitigation is equal to 4% and it is for a demand loss equal or
           greater than 20%)
          Symmetric limitation
           Symmetric                 Risk and Venture of the Concessionaire
December 2004                 PPPs  The Spanish Experience                                 27
PPPs for the Construction and
                Operation of High-Speed Railways

 E.g.: Hi h S
 E              d Railway Fi
       High-Speed R il    Figueras-Perpignan (6)
                                   P   i
  Th French and Spanish Governments obtain a high-speed railway
   The F     h dS       i hG         t bt i    hi h    d il
   connection paying a grant of  576,6 million (51% of the total
   Construction Cost) and transferring the remaining cost to
   Operators    canon
  The whole investment is not accounted as Public Debt according to
   the criteria of Eurostat:
       The private partner bears the construction risk,
       The private partner bears the availability risk (in the way that if
        the infrastructure is not available, users cannot use it), and
       The private partner bears the demand risk (although it is limited,
        the majority of the risk is on the privates side)
                                           private s
December 2004             PPPs  The Spanish Experience                       28
PPPs for the
                  Construction/Rehabilitation and
                  Maintenance of Urban Highways

 E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30  Madrid Calle 30 (1)
  Object: Rehabilitation, Operation and maintenance of the
     j                      p
   urban ring road of Madrid M-30
  Characteristics of Civil Works:
      Total: 21 actions
      Construction of two by-passes, north and south
      Putting underground the most j
           i     d       d h        jammed and diffi l zones
                                         d   d difficult
      Adjustment of the main access interchanges
  Estimated Investment:  4.000 million
  Estimated social benefit (Univ. Polit辿cnica de Madrid): >  5.000
December 2004            PPPs  The Spanish Experience                 29
PPPs for the
                  Construction/Rehabilitation and
                  Maintenance of Urban Highways

 E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30  Madrid Calle 30 (2)
  Entity Madrid Calle 30: mixed company with both municipal
   and private capital
  Duration of the Entity: 35 years with a buying and selling
   crossed option in year 20
  Present situation: under construction the Entitys structure is
   under consideration
  Structure under consideration:                City Hall 80%
                               Capital 80%       Private P t
                                                 P i t Partner 20%
            Equity 20%
                                Subordinated Debt 20%
            Debt 80%

December 2004            PPPs  The Spanish Experience                30
PPPs for the
                         Construction/Rehabilitation and
                         Maintenance of Urban Highways

 E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30  Madrid Calle 30 (3)
  Diagram of relationships:
                                                          City Public
                                  Dividend                 Authority
                                                                               Operation and
                                                         Capital            Maintenance periodic
                                                                            M i            i di
                                 Capital                                         payments

Fee                      S b di t d D bt
                         Subordinated Debt
Interests and Repayment of the                                                   Constructors
subordinated debt                                                  Payment for
                   Interests and Repayment of the debt              the Work


December 2004                     PPPs  The Spanish Experience                                    31
PPPs for the
                   Construction/Rehabilitation and
                   Maintenance of Urban Highways

 E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30  Madrid Calle 30 (4)
 The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (I):
  System: Special Purpose Mixed Company
  Payments from the City Authority:
      Basic Component        fixed
      Complementary Component             variable according to availability
       and quality standards established in the Contract
         d    lit t d d         t bli h d i th C t t
  The amount of these payments is offered by the private partner for the
   1st phase of the project
       p            p j     for next phases new investments the
   economic-financial plan will be adjusted so as the Internal Rate of
   Return (IRR) does not vary after the rebalance of the economic-
   financial plan
December 2004             PPPs  The Spanish Experience                         32
PPPs for the
                   Construction/Rehabilitation and
                   Maintenance of Urban Highways

 E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30  Madrid Calle 30 (5)
 The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (II):
  The amount of these payments is offered by private bidders in a public
   tender  market price is achieved
  Risks borne by the Mixed Entity:
      Availability   payments for services depending on quality
       standards related to attention to emergencies, maintenance of
                                                g   ,
       several elements of the infrastructure, etc.
  Private Partner: operating expert for high-capacity highways
                     p      g p            g    p    y g     y

December 2004             PPPs  The Spanish Experience                 33
PPPs for the
                   Construction/Rehabilitation and
                   Maintenance of Urban Highways

 E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30  Madrid Calle 30 (6)
 Conclusion: the model, under consideration, will try to achieve:
  The City Hall of Madrid is able to rehabilitate the ring road M-30 for its
   users, postponing part of its payment and advancing the
   launching of the service
  The investment is under discussion. For not being accounted as
   Public Debt, according to the criteria of Eurostat:
      The private partner must bear the construction risk, and
      The private partner must bear the availability risk (dependence of
       payments on quality and volume standards)
  The question remains if the 20% of private capital is enough to
   bear the risk requirements mentioned by Eurostat
                   q                      y
December 2004             PPPs  The Spanish Experience                         34
TYPSA  Engineering the Future

 TYPSA in Concessions and Services:
  TYPSA gathers experts capable of accomplishing every work included
   in the Concessional Process
  TYPSA has experience in:
      Traffic and planification studies
      Projects: modelling and financial evaluation
      Structured financing studies (BOT, BOOT, shadow tolls, Project
      D i and Construction Supervision
       Design d C  t ti S         i i
  TYPSA has capacity for participating from the beginning of the process,
   contributing a complete and multidisciplinary point of view
December 2004             PPPs  The Spanish Experience                 35
TYPSA  Engineering the Future

 TYPSA in Concessions and Services:
  TYPSA has, among its clients:
      Public Authorities (national and international):
          Technic-economical and financial feasibility studies
          Preparation of the Concession Tender
      Concessionaire companies/consortiums:
          Preparation of the Bid
          Technical assistance to the Project, Construction Supervision, Operation and Maintenance
      C t ti companies:
       Construction            i
          Studies and Projects
      Financial Entities: technical consultancy in:
          Technical and economical feasibility
                Investment and Operation Costs
          Surveillance of investments: Construction Supervision
          Surveillance of operations

December 2004                   PPPs  The Spanish Experience                                     36
Thank you very much
                 for your attention

                 Te綻ekk端r ederim

                                Carlos Mart鱈nez Garc鱈a-Loygorri
                            Project and Infrastructure Finance Division
                         Tel.: +34 917 227 300  Fax: +34 916 517 588
                                        e-mail: cmartinez@typsa.es
December 2004       PPPs  The Spanish Experience                         37

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  • 1. EXAMPLES OF INFRASTRUCTURE PPPs PROMOTED BY SPANISH PUBLIC AGENCIES Carlos M t鱈 C l Mart鱈nez Garc鱈a-Loygorri G 鱈 L i Project and Infrastructure Finance Division TYPSA cmartinez@typsa.es December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 1
  • 2. Examples of Infrastructure PPPs Promoted by Spanish Public Agencies TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Criteria of Eurostat on PPPs Study Cases in Spain PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities of Andalusia E.g.: Seville Underground PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways E g : High Speed Railway Figueras Perpignan E.g.: High-Speed Figueras-Perpignan PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30 Madrid Calle 30 December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 2
  • 3. Criteria of EUROSTAT on PPPs Objective and application of the criteria: EUROSTAT: Official Statistical Office of the European Communities Criteria in line with the European System of Accounts (ESA-95) Objective: Defining the requirements to make possible the Debt deconsolidation Scope of use: L Long-term contracts b between Public and Private Entities for P bli dPi E ii f promotion and operation of Infrastructures Investment in construction or rehabilitation + rendering of g services (operation) according to predefined standards Payments to private operators coming almost entirely from the Administration, not from users December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 3
  • 4. Criteria of EUROSTAT on PPPs Categories of risks defined by Eurostat: Construction/completion risk: late delivery breach of quality delivery, standards, additional costs, technical deficiencies and negative externalities (external negative effects) ( g ) Availability risk: breach of volume, safety or quality delivery service standards contractually agreed a da d o a ua y ag d These breaches must imply automatic and significant penalties in the periodic payments to the private partner Demand risk: variability of demand irrespective of the behaviour of the private partner December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 4
  • 5. Criteria of EUROSTAT on PPPs Conditions for not consolidating the investment as a g government asset: The private partner must: Bear the construction risk, and Bear at least one of either availability or demand risk A partner is considered to bear one of these risks if it bears the majority of the risk December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 5
  • 6. Criteria of EUROSTAT on PPPs Implementation of this decision in practice: This decision is applicable from March 2004 for all Member States and Acceding Countries Responsibility of its application: National Statistical Offices Eurostat is of the opinion that the risk analysis, identification and assessment can be extracted by expert statisticians from the Contract, and then be able to decide on the final allocation of the assets I questionable cases: analyse the nature of both partners In ti bl l th t f b th t (especially if the partner is a public corporation), analyse the g government financing and the effect of government g g g guarantees December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 6
  • 7. Examples of Infrastructure PPPs Promoted by Spanish Public Agencies TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Criteria of Eurostat on PPPs Study Cases in Spain PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities of Andalusia E.g.: Seville Underground PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways E g : High Speed Railway Figueras Perpignan E.g.: High-Speed Figueras-Perpignan PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30 Madrid Calle 30 December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 7
  • 8. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (1) Object: Project Construction Equipment for concessioned services Provision of general and clinical furniture Operation and maintenance providing residential and complementary services non-sanitary services Operation of complementary and commercial areas restaurant, newsstand, etc. December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 8
  • 9. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (2) Characteristics of Civil Works: 162.000 m2 built with 879 beds, enlargeable to 120 more beds Assembly Hall (400 seats), areas for investigation and studies, nursery, heliport, parking (4.000 vehicles) I Investment: Initial: 300,5 million Renewal and Replacements: 64 6 million 64,6 Attended Population: 675.000 inhabitants in 2011 December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 9
  • 10. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (3) Granting Authority: Consejer鱈a de Sanidad y Consumo de la Comunidad Aut坦noma de Madrid (Regional Authority of Madrid) C Concessionaire: Public Limited Company to be formed with an bli i i d C b f d i h equity equal or superior to the 15% of the total estimated investment Date of award: March 2005 Period of Concession: 30 years. In service from October 2007 Present situation: Bidding process Financing: Not defined yet g y December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 10
  • 11. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (4) The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (I): Services to be provided by the Concessionaire: Complete maintenance of the building Waste management Safety of the Hospital Laundry service Cleaning of the building Management of clinical and administrative files Management of Reception and Information staff Maintenance of inner access roads and gardens M i t fi d d d Complete sterilization service Stock and distribution management Cafeteria and Restaurant service December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 11
  • 12. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (5) The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (II): Operation of complementary and commercial areas - Income: Parking g Cafeteria / Restaurant service Vending machines Telephone and TV inside the rooms Telephone booths Bank branch, Hairdressers, Newsstand, Florists The Concessionaire can suggest, to its own risk, the operation of additional opportunities only if this represents lower costs for the Administration December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 12
  • 13. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (6) The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (III): Payments to the Concessionaire: Basis: Maximum Annual Payment offered (MAP) Fixed Annual Payment (FAP): Maximum 40% over the MAP Not exposed to penalties Variable Annual Payment (VAP): Minimum 60% of the MAP Exposed on the whole to penalties Liable to adjusts depending on the fluctuation of the volume of service provided (occupation reference level: 85%) December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 13
  • 14. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (7) The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (IV): Penalties: Based on the definition of indicators that make possible an p objective evaluation of the performance For each indicator three parameters are applied: - Availability failure (maximum penalty: 100% VAP) y ( p y ) C t Category of f il f failure - Quality failure (maximum penalty: 30% VAP) Reaction time Correction time Additionally, for each indicator both a frequency of control (daily, monthly, annual) and a supervision method (surveys, audits, inspections ) audits inspections) are set December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 14
  • 15. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (8) The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (V): Maximum theoretical penalty: 130% of the VAP model established attending to the criteria of Eurostat to allow assets involved to be classified as non-government assets (therefore for the Administration it is an off- non government (therefore, off balance finance) Risks borne by the private partner: Construction Availability because payments are mainly variable ( 60%) Provides budget stability and efficiency 100% private funds The Administration delays payments and these are considered annual spending instead of an isolated investment at the beginning of the PPP p g g g December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 15
  • 16. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of 8 New Hospitals in the Region of Madrid E.g.: New Puerta de Hierro Hospital (9) Conclusion: The Regional Government of Madrid is able to build a new hospital for its citizens, postponing its payment and advancing the citizens launching of the service The investment is not accounted as Public Debt according to the criteria of Eurostat: The private partner bears the construction risk, and p p , The private partner bears the availability risk (60% of the payment depends on volume and quality standards) December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 16
  • 17. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities of Andalusia E.g.: Seville Underground (1) Object: j Project and Construction Supply of trains and installations Maintenance Operation Characteristics of Civil Works: 19 km long (9 km subterraneous and 10 km on surface) 2,6 km of viaducts 23 stations (9 on surface), and garages Investment: Infrastructure: 443,2 million Trains: 54,0 million December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 17
  • 18. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities of Andalusia E.g.: Seville Underground (2) Granting Authority: Consejer鱈a de Obras P炭blicas y g y j Transportes de la Junta of Andaluc鱈a TUZ 5,00 (Regional Authority of Andalusia) RUSVEL 9,03 Dragados 27,83 27 83 Concessionaire: Guadalmetro d l CAF 9,79 Tressam 10,00 Date of award: June 2003 GEA 10 52 10,52 Sacyr 27,83 y , Period of Concession: 35 years. In service from summer 2006 Present situation: under construction Financing: Capital: 86,0 million Participatory Loan: 6,4 million Grant: Operation Loan from the EIB: 126 0 million 126,0 260 0 million 260,0 December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 18
  • 19. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities of Andalusia E.g.: Seville Underground (3) Diagram of relationships: g p Contribution to the tariff PPP REGIONAL Contract Concessionaire PUBLIC SPECIAL AUTHORITY Construction + Operation PURPOSE ENTITY Participatory Loan Initial I i i l contribution ib i Tariff Regional authority USERS BANKS Local Central Administrations Administration December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 19
  • 20. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities of Andalusia E.g.: Seville Underground (4) The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (I): () Risks borne by the private partner: Construction Demand (limited to 55% of the income during the initial years and to 80% afterwards) the majority of this risk is borne by the private partner in two different ways: tariffs and variable operating payments Operational and maintenance risks p This service of public transport must be operated according to social requirements defined by the Administration, but also attending to corporate criteria that allows cost reduction and efficiency criteria, December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 20
  • 21. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities of Andalusia E.g.: Seville Underground (5) The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (II): ( ) Sources of income for the private partner: Grant from the Regional Administration (33% of the investment in infrastructure and installations): 126 million Tariffs for users of the infrastructure Operating payments from the Administration (a significant part of them depending on traffic demand risk) Earnings from advertising, vending machines, shops December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 21
  • 22. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of New Undergrounds in various cities of Andalusia E.g.: Seville Underground (6) Conclusion: The Regional Government of Andalusia is able to construct a new underground for its citizens, postponing two thirds of its payment and advancing the launching of the service The investment is not accounted as Public Debt according to the criteria of Eurostat: The private partner bears the construction risk, The private partner bears the availability risk (in the way that if the infrastructure is not available, users cannot use it), and h i f i il bl i) d The private partner bears the demand risk (although it is limited, the majority of the risk is on the private s side) privates December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 22
  • 23. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways High- E.g.: High-Speed Railway Figueras-Perpignan (1) Object: Project, construction, operation and maintenance of the I t th International S ti Figueras-Perpignan of th N ti l Section Fi P i f the New Hi h S High-Speed d Railway between Spain and France Characteristics of Civil Works: Double track line: 44,4 km (19,8 km in Spain and 24,6 in France) Single track lines connecting at Perpignan: two of 2,9 and 4,6 km Double tunnel of 8,3 km; Two false tunnels of 180 and 190 m 9 viaducts (5 in Spain): 2.240 m 14 railway bridges and 11 highway bridges 9 underpasses Extreme security and environmental conditions December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 23
  • 24. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways High- E.g.: High-Speed Railway Figueras-Perpignan (2) Granting Authorities: Ministerio de Fomento (Spain) and Minist竪re d l i Mi i t竪 de lquipement, des Transports et du Logement t d T t td L t (France) ACS 24,9 Concessionaire: TP FERRO Eiffage 50,0 (bilateral equilibrium) Dragados Concesio- nes 25,1 Date of award: February 2004 Period of Concession: 50 years -including 5 for construction- P Present situation: under construction; closing the financing t it ti d t ti l i th fi i December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 24
  • 25. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways High- E.g.: High-Speed Railway Figueras-Perpignan (3) Investment: Construction 952,0 million Others 169 5 million 169,5 TOTAL 1.121,5 million Financing: Shareholders: Capital: 51,4 million 105,0 million Participatory Loan: 53,6 million Grant: Direct: 515,9 million 576 6 million 576,6 Financing: 60 7 million 60,7 Senior Debt: 439,9 million Re-financing: in 2015 g 25-year extra period y p Limited-recourse to sponsors For the whole amount of the remaining debt Adjusted to the real demand December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 25
  • 26. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways High- E.g.: High-Speed Railway Figueras-Perpignan (4) The Concession Contract. Peculiarities (I): Subject to the new French and Spanish Concessions Laws (2003) in their common aspects; its last interpretation is submitted to an Arbitration Court in Brussels Risks borne by the Concessionaire: Construction delay on the payment + severe penalties for delays (up to 22 million for 16 months) + loss of significant guarantees ( 60 million reducible to 30 million when financing is closed) Operation severe penalties for failures + loss of significant guarantees (up to 1,5 million) Availability if the infrastructure is not available: a) Operators do not pay any tariff, and also b) Operators penalize the Concessionaire tariff December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 26
  • 27. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways High- E.g.: Hi h S E d Railway Fi High-Speed R il Figueras-Perpignan (5) P i The Concession Contract. Peculiarities (II): Risks borne by the Concessionaire (cont ): cont. Demand (limited) the small limitation lies on the approved annual Canon Ceiling set to the Concessionaire for charging to Operators This Ceiling is referred to the previous years Ceiling, and depends on: Inflation (average of French and Spanish Inflations Indexes) A ratio defined in the Contract for each year A corrective ratio depending on traffic, only for years 4, 9 and 14 varying from 1,04 if the demand is a 20% lower than the foreseen one to 0,96 if it is a 20% greater Therefore th D Th f the Demand Ri k i borne by the Concessionaire (th d Risk is b b th C i i (the maximum mitigation is equal to 4% and it is for a demand loss equal or greater than 20%) Symmetric limitation Symmetric Risk and Venture of the Concessionaire December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 27
  • 28. PPPs for the Construction and Operation of High-Speed Railways High- E.g.: Hi h S E d Railway Fi High-Speed R il Figueras-Perpignan (6) P i Conclusion: Th French and Spanish Governments obtain a high-speed railway The F h dS i hG t bt i hi h d il connection paying a grant of 576,6 million (51% of the total Construction Cost) and transferring the remaining cost to Operators canon The whole investment is not accounted as Public Debt according to the criteria of Eurostat: The private partner bears the construction risk, The private partner bears the availability risk (in the way that if the infrastructure is not available, users cannot use it), and The private partner bears the demand risk (although it is limited, the majority of the risk is on the privates side) private s December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 28
  • 29. PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30 Madrid Calle 30 (1) Object: Rehabilitation, Operation and maintenance of the j p urban ring road of Madrid M-30 Characteristics of Civil Works: Total: 21 actions Construction of two by-passes, north and south Putting underground the most j i d d h jammed and diffi l zones d d difficult Adjustment of the main access interchanges Estimated Investment: 4.000 million Estimated social benefit (Univ. Polit辿cnica de Madrid): > 5.000 million December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 29
  • 30. PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30 Madrid Calle 30 (2) Entity Madrid Calle 30: mixed company with both municipal and private capital Duration of the Entity: 35 years with a buying and selling crossed option in year 20 Present situation: under construction the Entitys structure is under consideration consideration Structure under consideration: City Hall 80% Capital 80% Private P t P i t Partner 20% Equity 20% Subordinated Debt 20% Debt 80% % December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 30
  • 31. PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30 Madrid Calle 30 (3) Diagram of relationships: City Public Dividend Authority Operation and Capital Maintenance periodic M i i di Private Capital payments Partner Fee S b di t d D bt Subordinated Debt Dividend Interests and Repayment of the Constructors subordinated debt Payment for y Interests and Repayment of the debt the Work Banks Financing December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 31
  • 32. PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30 Madrid Calle 30 (4) The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (I): () System: Special Purpose Mixed Company Payments from the City Authority: Basic Component fixed Complementary Component variable according to availability and quality standards established in the Contract d lit t d d t bli h d i th C t t The amount of these payments is offered by the private partner for the 1st phase of the project p p j for next phases new investments the p economic-financial plan will be adjusted so as the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) does not vary after the rebalance of the economic- financial plan p December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 32
  • 33. PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30 Madrid Calle 30 (5) The PPP Contract. Peculiarities (II): The amount of these payments is offered by private bidders in a public tender market price is achieved p Risks borne by the Mixed Entity: Construction Availability payments for services depending on quality standards related to attention to emergencies, maintenance of g , several elements of the infrastructure, etc. Private Partner: operating expert for high-capacity highways p g p g p y g y December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 33
  • 34. PPPs for the Construction/Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Urban Highways E.g.: Rehabilitation of the M-30 Madrid Calle 30 (6) Conclusion: the model, under consideration, will try to achieve: y The City Hall of Madrid is able to rehabilitate the ring road M-30 for its users, postponing part of its payment and advancing the launching of the service The investment is under discussion. For not being accounted as Public Debt, according to the criteria of Eurostat: The private partner must bear the construction risk, and The private partner must bear the availability risk (dependence of payments on quality and volume standards) The question remains if the 20% of private capital is enough to bear the risk requirements mentioned by Eurostat q y December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 34
  • 35. TYPSA Engineering the Future TYPSA in Concessions and Services: TYPSA gathers experts capable of accomplishing every work included in the Concessional Process TYPSA has experience in: Traffic and planification studies Projects: modelling and financial evaluation Structured financing studies (BOT, BOOT, shadow tolls, Project Finance) D i and Construction Supervision Design d C t ti S i i TYPSA has capacity for participating from the beginning of the process, contributing a complete and multidisciplinary point of view December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 35
  • 36. TYPSA Engineering the Future TYPSA in Concessions and Services: TYPSA has, among its clients: Public Authorities (national and international): Technic-economical and financial feasibility studies Preparation of the Concession Tender Concessionaire companies/consortiums: Preparation of the Bid Technical assistance to the Project, Construction Supervision, Operation and Maintenance C t ti companies: Construction i Studies and Projects Financial Entities: technical consultancy in: Technical and economical feasibility Investment and Operation Costs Income Surveillance of investments: Construction Supervision Surveillance of operations December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 36
  • 37. Thank you very much for your attention Te綻ekk端r ederim Carlos Mart鱈nez Garc鱈a-Loygorri Project and Infrastructure Finance Division TYPSA Tel.: +34 917 227 300 Fax: +34 916 517 588 e-mail: cmartinez@typsa.es December 2004 PPPs The Spanish Experience 37