Sales Avademy Yasen Nikolov 7 Days Personal power (Bulgarian language)Teodora Ivanovasell better, be more successful, satisfied
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Manager's certificateMirko ScardoniMirko Scardoni applied for the renewal of his Manager's Certificate under section 224 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. The Alcohol Licensing Inspector and Police had no objections to renewing the certificate. There was also no information to suggest Mirko Scardoni had inappropriately managed the sale and supply of alcohol. As a result, the Auckland District Licensing Committee granted Mirko Scardoni a renewed Manager's Certificate for another three years.
La devoción de un puebloBestalde Descubriendo HistoriasThis short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ݺߣShare by stating it provides inspiration and allows users to get started making their own presentations. It encourages the reader to create presentations on the Haiku Deck platform hosted on ݺߣShare.
Стратегический проектZhannaPСтратегический проект «Развитие водоисточников, водоподготовительных и водоочистных сооружений»Значение схем водоснабжения и водоотведения МО «город Екатеринбург» в стратегическом развитии города
практический опыт автоматизации процессов управления производственными актива...ZhannaPпрактический опыт автоматизации процессов управления производственными активами в энергетике
best pinless calling cardallenscott959Best pinless international calling card services at Payless2Call. With pinless recharge no need to enter a new PIN for calling directly you will make International call.
Katherine 1kattheriinserratoLa película sigue a Lucy, una mujer estadounidense que vive en Taiwán. Es engañada por su novio para transportar una misteriosa droga en su abdomen para unos mafiosos coreanos. Tras ser golpeada, la droga se libera en su cuerpo y le otorga habilidades cerebrales sobrehumanas. Lucy utiliza sus nuevos poderes para detener a los mafiosos y descubrir los límites del potencial humano.
Que as estrelas façam de uma noite um diaOrleando OliveiraThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by simply clicking the "GET STARTED" prompt. In just one sentence, it pitches presentation creation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare's platform.
APE_IM_Article_AppliedOptics_Vol47_No29_Oct10_2008_AsPublishedRainer WilhelmThis document describes a dual-wavelength low-coherence instantaneous phase-shifting interferometer developed to measure the shape of a segmented mirror with 61 hexagonal segments with subnanometer precision. The interferometer measures the piston (translation along the optical axis) and tip/tilt angles of each segment relative to the central segment. It achieves a piston precision of 0.48 nm rms and a tip/tilt precision of 74 nrad rms. The instrument serves as a reference sensor for controlling the shape of the segmented mirror in closed-loop operation and for evaluating the performance of other phasing cameras being tested.
RESUME_-nk_nayak_1_ (1)Nabakishore NayakNaba Kishore Nayak has over 21 years of experience in quality management and quality control roles. He currently works as a lab in-charge for Himanshu Apparels in Gurgaon, where he performs fabric quality inspection, process quality control, and ensures quality standards are met. Previously, he held roles such as Senior QA for various export companies where he performed tasks like incoming material inspection, process inspection, internal quality control, and maintained quality from raw materials to final packing. He has experience working with many international buyers and brands. Naba Kishore holds a B.Com degree from Utkal University in Odisha and is proficient in Hindi, English, Oriya, Bangla,
StressNurse ReviewDotOrgThe document discusses stress, defining it as a condition where a person responds to changes that exceed their adaptive abilities. Stress can be caused by internal or external stressors. Hans Selye proposed two models of stress adaptation: the general adaptation syndrome and local adaptation syndrome. The general adaptation syndrome describes the body's overall response to stress in three stages - alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. The local adaptation syndrome describes localized responses like wound healing. Stress can produce physiological, psychological, cognitive, and verbal-motor manifestations in the body.
Hogan leader focus-overview-bgBorislav IgnatovТази презентация представя на Български език, Интрумента на Hogan Assessment Systems. От видеото ще разберете за шест Лидерски стила, които изграждат модела, Скалите от въпросниците за ценности и личностни характеристики, които определят всеки един от стиловете, кое е характерно за всеки един от тези стилове, както и Съвети за развитие на лидерите на базата на доклада.
La devoción de un puebloBestalde Descubriendo HistoriasThis short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ݺߣShare by stating it provides inspiration and allows users to get started making their own presentations. It encourages the reader to create presentations on the Haiku Deck platform hosted on ݺߣShare.
Стратегический проектZhannaPСтратегический проект «Развитие водоисточников, водоподготовительных и водоочистных сооружений»Значение схем водоснабжения и водоотведения МО «город Екатеринбург» в стратегическом развитии города
практический опыт автоматизации процессов управления производственными актива...ZhannaPпрактический опыт автоматизации процессов управления производственными активами в энергетике
best pinless calling cardallenscott959Best pinless international calling card services at Payless2Call. With pinless recharge no need to enter a new PIN for calling directly you will make International call.
Katherine 1kattheriinserratoLa película sigue a Lucy, una mujer estadounidense que vive en Taiwán. Es engañada por su novio para transportar una misteriosa droga en su abdomen para unos mafiosos coreanos. Tras ser golpeada, la droga se libera en su cuerpo y le otorga habilidades cerebrales sobrehumanas. Lucy utiliza sus nuevos poderes para detener a los mafiosos y descubrir los límites del potencial humano.
Que as estrelas façam de uma noite um diaOrleando OliveiraThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by simply clicking the "GET STARTED" prompt. In just one sentence, it pitches presentation creation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare's platform.
APE_IM_Article_AppliedOptics_Vol47_No29_Oct10_2008_AsPublishedRainer WilhelmThis document describes a dual-wavelength low-coherence instantaneous phase-shifting interferometer developed to measure the shape of a segmented mirror with 61 hexagonal segments with subnanometer precision. The interferometer measures the piston (translation along the optical axis) and tip/tilt angles of each segment relative to the central segment. It achieves a piston precision of 0.48 nm rms and a tip/tilt precision of 74 nrad rms. The instrument serves as a reference sensor for controlling the shape of the segmented mirror in closed-loop operation and for evaluating the performance of other phasing cameras being tested.
RESUME_-nk_nayak_1_ (1)Nabakishore NayakNaba Kishore Nayak has over 21 years of experience in quality management and quality control roles. He currently works as a lab in-charge for Himanshu Apparels in Gurgaon, where he performs fabric quality inspection, process quality control, and ensures quality standards are met. Previously, he held roles such as Senior QA for various export companies where he performed tasks like incoming material inspection, process inspection, internal quality control, and maintained quality from raw materials to final packing. He has experience working with many international buyers and brands. Naba Kishore holds a B.Com degree from Utkal University in Odisha and is proficient in Hindi, English, Oriya, Bangla,
StressNurse ReviewDotOrgThe document discusses stress, defining it as a condition where a person responds to changes that exceed their adaptive abilities. Stress can be caused by internal or external stressors. Hans Selye proposed two models of stress adaptation: the general adaptation syndrome and local adaptation syndrome. The general adaptation syndrome describes the body's overall response to stress in three stages - alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. The local adaptation syndrome describes localized responses like wound healing. Stress can produce physiological, psychological, cognitive, and verbal-motor manifestations in the body.
Hogan leader focus-overview-bgBorislav IgnatovТази презентация представя на Български език, Интрумента на Hogan Assessment Systems. От видеото ще разберете за шест Лидерски стила, които изграждат модела, Скалите от въпросниците за ценности и личностни характеристики, които определят всеки един от стиловете, кое е характерно за всеки един от тези стилове, както и Съвети за развитие на лидерите на базата на доклада.
Leader Focus - Представяне на Модела и Доклада на Български езикBorislav IgnatovТази презентация представя на Български език, Модела и доклада Leader Focus на Hogan Assessment Systems. От видеото ще разберете за шест Лидерски стила, които изграждат модела, Скалите от въпросниците за ценности и личностни характеристики, които определят всеки един от стиловете, кое е характерно за всеки един от тези стилове, както и Съвети за развитие на лидерите на базата на доклада.
ДЕТСКИ КУРС НА МАРКОВ КОЛЕЖ. Работилница за самопознание и себеизграждане.Yasen NikolovТеми: добри и лоши навици, мотивация, самоинициатива.
Цели и ценности.
Емоции, справяне в конфликни ситуации.
2. Класическите грешки на
традиционното управление (Covey)
• Управлявам другите, преди да мога
ефективно да управлявам себе си.
• Управлявам другите, вместо да ги оставя да
се самоуправляват.
4. Ефективно самоуправление
• Проактивност - език и кръгове на влияние и
• Визия - личен принос, всеки да формулира
• Реализация - матрицата на времето.
5. “Агент на промяната”
• Да обединим хората с твърдост и увереност
около ясна визия и ценности
• Отворена комуникация, отговорност,
• Личен пример и авторитет