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1 PURPOSE & APPLICATION                                                                        3.2.2 The correlation factors between test welds and production
    1.1 This procedure establishes the minimum requirements for                                      welds shall be based on the following essential variables
        qualification, certification, and re-certification of personnel who               Welding process
        perform welding operations at MTI.                                                Base metal composition group
    1.2 This procedure applies to all personnel involved in the management                Base metal thickness
        and performance of welding. This includes personnel assigned and                  Welding position
        utilized in training, qualification, and certification as well as those           Base metal form, sheet or tube
        actually performing welding operations.                                           Type of weld, groove or fillet
    1.3 This procedure meets, as a minimum, the requirements of AWS                       Other welding conditions
        D17.1:2001, Specification for Fusion Welding for Aerospace                         3.3 Certification
        Applications                                                                           3.3.1 Initial Certification
                                                                                          Successful completion of welder qualification tests shall
2 RESPONSIBILITIES                                                                                           be valid justification for issuance of certification for a
    2.1 The Quality Director                                                                                 period of two years from the date qualification test results
        2.1.1 Approves all welding personnel                                                                 are received.
        2.1.2 Issues welding stamps                                                            3.3.2 Extended Certification
    2.2 The Operations Director                                                           Qualification of a process may be extended indefinitely
        2.2.1 Approves all welding personnel                                                                 provided an auditable record is maintained from the date
        2.2.2 Recommends welding personnel to the Quality Director for                                       of initial qualification that verifies the welder has used the
              issuance of welding stamps                                                                     process within a six month period to weld applications
    2.3 The Production Manager                                                                               normally welded by the certified individual.
        2.3.1 Coordinates welding personnel qualification and certification.                   3.3.3 Disqualification
                                                                                          Revocation of welder certification shall result under any
                                                                                                             of the following conditions.
3 PROCEDURE                                                                                    The welder has not performed the qualification
    3.1 Physical Requirements                                                                                        tests successfully within the previous two years and
        3.1.1 Vision Requirements                                                                                    a record has not been maintained as required in
   Welders shall have vision acuity of 20/30 or better in                                           paragraph 3.3.2.
                    either eye, and shall be able to read the Jaeger No. 2                     The record required by paragraph 3.3.2 has not
                    Eye Chart at 16in. Natural or corrected vision may be                                            been maintained.
                    used to achieve eye test requirements.                                     The physical requirements of paragraph 3.1 are
   Vision shall be tested al least every two years.                                                 not maintained
    3.2 Qualification Requirements                                                             There is a specific reason to question the ability of
        3.2.1 Welders shall demonstrate their skill by producing acceptable                                          the welder to meet the requirements for qualification
              test welds per the requirements of paragraph 3.3. Test welds                 3.4 Test Records
              are not required for those welds that will not be required in
              production welding.

Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel                            |1|                                                                         Date Printed
MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01                                                Expires 1 day after printing
                                                                                                                                                             Dec 9, 2006
3.4.1 Weld Qualification Test Record MQ-04-42-01-01 will be used to                        3.5.6 Other Welding Conditions
              document each test weld and will be maintained in the                           In addition to the welding process, base metal
              employees training record.                                                                     composition, base metal thickness, welding position,
    3.5 Testing Requirements                                                                                  base metal form, and type of weld other welding
        3.5.1 Welding Process                                                                                 conditions are listed in Table 2.
   A test weld made with a given process of Table 1
                   qualifies only that welding process.                                                                                     Table 2
                                                                                                                         Other Welding Conditions Qualified by Test Weld
                                   Table 1                                                                               Backing                      Groove Weld                      Current
                           Fusion Welding Process                                                                                                                                      Type

        Process                             Abbreviation                               Test Weld                With         Without   Single   Double     Complete       Partial     AC DC
        Oxyfuel welding                     (OFW)                                                                                                         Penetration   Penetration
                                                                                       With Backing                  X
        Shielded metal arc welding          (SMAW)                                     Without Backing               X          X
        Gas tungsten arc welding            (GTAW)                                     Single Welded
                                                                                                                                         X         X
        Gas metal arc welding               (GMAW)                                     Groove Weld
        Flux cored arc welding              (FCAW)                                     Double Welded
                                                                                       Groove Weld
        Plasma arc welding                  (PAW)
                                                                                                                                                              X             X
                                                                                       Penetration Weld
        3.5.2 Base Metals                                                              Partial
   A test weld made in a base metal included in one of the            Penetration Weld
                                                                                       AC Welding                                                                                     X
                   base metal groups of Table 4.2, AWS D17 qualifies only              DC Welding                                                                                           X
                   that metal group.                                                   Note:
                                                                                       (1) Applicable only to GTAW
        3.5.3 Base Metal Thickness
   A test weld with a base metal thickness of t shall qualify
                   welds with a thickness range of 0.67t to 4t, except when                        3.5.7 Test Welds
                   the test weld thickness is equal to or greater than 1in.,                  One test weld shall be required for each combination of
                   the qualification range is 0.67t to unlimited.                                             welding conditions.
   Qualification for sheet or tube fillet welds in material                  Groove test weld in sheet per Figure 5.
                   0.063 thickness (sheet or tube wall) or less requires a                   Fillet test weld in sheet per Figure 6.
                   fillet weld test. A groove weld test cannot be used to                     Groove test weld in tube per Figure 7.
                   qualify fillet welds in this thickness range.                              Fillet test weld in tube per Figure 8.
        3.5.4 Welding Position                                                                     3.5.8 Inspection and Examination Requirements
   The welding positions qualified by a given test weld                      Visual
                   position, in Table 2, are denoted by an X in the table.                      Test welds will be inspected and accepted or
                   The welding positions are designated, identified, and                                             rejected in accordance with MQ-04-42-02-00, the
                   illustrated in Figures 1-4.                                                                       criteria for Class A welds, except 1/2in. discard may
        3.5.5 Base Metal Form and Weld Type                                                                          be taken at the ends of groove and fillet weld
   The base metal forms and weld types qualified by a                                               coupons in sheet or plate.
                   given test weld, to be found at the left of Table 3, are                       Shall be accomplished in the as welded condition.
                   denoted by an X in the table.                                            Metallographic Examination

Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel                            |2|                                                                                        Date Printed
MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01                                                Expires 1 day after printing
                                                                                                                                                                            Dec 9, 2006 Metallographic examination shall be used in place
                         of radiographic examination for fillet welds.
       Blanks shall be removed in accordance with
                         Figures 9 and 10 for fillet welds in sheet or tube.
       When the base metal thickness is .063, sections
                         of specimen marked M shall be allowed lack of                                                   9-Dec 2006
                         root fusion not to exceed .1 times the actual throat         Document Custodian                   Date
                         (see Figure 11A).
       All fillet test welds >.063 shall exhibit complete
                         root fusion on both cross section surfaces of
                         specimen marked M (see Figure 11B).                                                             9-Dec 2006
       All other acceptance criteria for MQ-04-42-02-00,           Quality Director                     Date
                         Class A welds apply.

4 REVISION HISTORY  Authored by Travis Mcilnay, approved 4                                                                9-Dec 2006
    December 2006.                                                                    President or Vice President          Date
    4.1 Added reference to inspection procedure MQ-04-42-02-00.
        Authored by Travis Mcilnay, approved 9 December 2006.

Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel                           |3|                                                     Date Printed
MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01                                               Expires 1 day after printing
                                                                                                                                        Dec 9, 2006
Table 3
           Welding Position, Base Metal Form, and Base Metal Qualified by Test Weld(3)
Test Weld                                           Qualified Position
                                    Sheet                                      Tube
                           Groove             Fillet(1)             Groove(2)        Fillet(1)
Form Weld            1G 2G 3G 4G 1F 2F 3F 4F 1G 2G 5G 6G 1F 2F 4F                                                               5F
                1G X                     X    X               X                    X
                2G X      X              X    X               X     X              X
Sheet Groove
                3G X           X         X    X     X         X                    X
                4G X                X    X    X         X     X                    X
                1F                       X                                         X
                2F                       X    X                                    X X
Sheet    Fillet
                3F                       X    X     X                              X
                4F                       X    X         X                          X X     X
                1G X                     X    X               X                    X X
                2G X      X              X    X               X     X              X X
Tube Groove
                5G X           X    X    X          X   X     X          X         X       X                                    X
                6G X      X    X    X    X    X     X   X     X     X    X    X    X X     X                                    X
                1F                       X                                         X
                2F                       X    X                                    X X
Tube     Fillet
                4F                       X    X         X                          X X     X
                5F                       X    X     X   X                          X X     X                                    X
    (1)   A groove weld does not qualify for fillet wilds in base metal 0.063 thickness
    (2)   A sheet test weld qualifies for tube weld 1 in OD or greater.
    (3)   Welding position, base metal form, and base metal qualified by test weld. Use of heat sinks or backing is optional.
          However, qualification using heat sinks or backing does not qualify for welding without heat sinks or backing.

                                                                                                                                     Figure 1

Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel                                            |4|                                            Date Printed
MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01                                                                Expires 1 day after printing
                                                                                                                                                Dec 9, 2006
Figure 2                             Figure 3                  Figure 4

Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel               |5|                           Date Printed
MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01                                   Expires 1 day after printing
                                                                                                  Dec 9, 2006
Figure 7

                  Figure 5

                                                        Figure 6

                                                                                                 Figure 8

Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel                      |6|                              Date Printed
MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01                                          Expires 1 day after printing
                                                                                                            Dec 9, 2006
Figure 9                                                    Figure 10

                                                                                       Figure 11B
                        Figure 11A
Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel               |7|                                  Date Printed
MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01                                   Expires 1 day after printing
                                                                                                         Dec 9, 2006

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  • 1. QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR WELDING PERSONNEL 1 PURPOSE & APPLICATION 3.2.2 The correlation factors between test welds and production 1.1 This procedure establishes the minimum requirements for welds shall be based on the following essential variables qualification, certification, and re-certification of personnel who Welding process perform welding operations at MTI. Base metal composition group 1.2 This procedure applies to all personnel involved in the management Base metal thickness and performance of welding. This includes personnel assigned and Welding position utilized in training, qualification, and certification as well as those Base metal form, sheet or tube actually performing welding operations. Type of weld, groove or fillet 1.3 This procedure meets, as a minimum, the requirements of AWS Other welding conditions D17.1:2001, Specification for Fusion Welding for Aerospace 3.3 Certification Applications 3.3.1 Initial Certification Successful completion of welder qualification tests shall 2 RESPONSIBILITIES be valid justification for issuance of certification for a 2.1 The Quality Director period of two years from the date qualification test results 2.1.1 Approves all welding personnel are received. 2.1.2 Issues welding stamps 3.3.2 Extended Certification 2.2 The Operations Director Qualification of a process may be extended indefinitely 2.2.1 Approves all welding personnel provided an auditable record is maintained from the date 2.2.2 Recommends welding personnel to the Quality Director for of initial qualification that verifies the welder has used the issuance of welding stamps process within a six month period to weld applications 2.3 The Production Manager normally welded by the certified individual. 2.3.1 Coordinates welding personnel qualification and certification. 3.3.3 Disqualification Revocation of welder certification shall result under any of the following conditions. 3 PROCEDURE The welder has not performed the qualification 3.1 Physical Requirements tests successfully within the previous two years and 3.1.1 Vision Requirements a record has not been maintained as required in Welders shall have vision acuity of 20/30 or better in paragraph 3.3.2. either eye, and shall be able to read the Jaeger No. 2 The record required by paragraph 3.3.2 has not Eye Chart at 16in. Natural or corrected vision may be been maintained. used to achieve eye test requirements. The physical requirements of paragraph 3.1 are Vision shall be tested al least every two years. not maintained 3.2 Qualification Requirements There is a specific reason to question the ability of 3.2.1 Welders shall demonstrate their skill by producing acceptable the welder to meet the requirements for qualification test welds per the requirements of paragraph 3.3. Test welds 3.4 Test Records are not required for those welds that will not be required in production welding. Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel |1| Date Printed MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01 Expires 1 day after printing Dec 9, 2006
  • 2. 3.4.1 Weld Qualification Test Record MQ-04-42-01-01 will be used to 3.5.6 Other Welding Conditions document each test weld and will be maintained in the In addition to the welding process, base metal employees training record. composition, base metal thickness, welding position, 3.5 Testing Requirements base metal form, and type of weld other welding 3.5.1 Welding Process conditions are listed in Table 2. A test weld made with a given process of Table 1 qualifies only that welding process. Table 2 Other Welding Conditions Qualified by Test Weld Qualified Table 1 Backing Groove Weld Current Fusion Welding Process Type (1) Process Abbreviation Test Weld With Without Single Double Complete Partial AC DC Oxyfuel welding (OFW) Penetration Penetration With Backing X Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) Without Backing X X Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) Single Welded X X Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) Groove Weld Flux cored arc welding (FCAW) Double Welded X Groove Weld Plasma arc welding (PAW) Complete X X Penetration Weld 3.5.2 Base Metals Partial X A test weld made in a base metal included in one of the Penetration Weld AC Welding X base metal groups of Table 4.2, AWS D17 qualifies only DC Welding X that metal group. Note: (1) Applicable only to GTAW 3.5.3 Base Metal Thickness A test weld with a base metal thickness of t shall qualify welds with a thickness range of 0.67t to 4t, except when 3.5.7 Test Welds the test weld thickness is equal to or greater than 1in., One test weld shall be required for each combination of the qualification range is 0.67t to unlimited. welding conditions. Qualification for sheet or tube fillet welds in material Groove test weld in sheet per Figure 5. 0.063 thickness (sheet or tube wall) or less requires a Fillet test weld in sheet per Figure 6. fillet weld test. A groove weld test cannot be used to Groove test weld in tube per Figure 7. qualify fillet welds in this thickness range. Fillet test weld in tube per Figure 8. 3.5.4 Welding Position 3.5.8 Inspection and Examination Requirements The welding positions qualified by a given test weld Visual position, in Table 2, are denoted by an X in the table. Test welds will be inspected and accepted or The welding positions are designated, identified, and rejected in accordance with MQ-04-42-02-00, the illustrated in Figures 1-4. criteria for Class A welds, except 1/2in. discard may 3.5.5 Base Metal Form and Weld Type be taken at the ends of groove and fillet weld The base metal forms and weld types qualified by a coupons in sheet or plate. given test weld, to be found at the left of Table 3, are Shall be accomplished in the as welded condition. denoted by an X in the table. Metallographic Examination Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel |2| Date Printed MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01 Expires 1 day after printing Dec 9, 2006
  • 3. Metallographic examination shall be used in place of radiographic examination for fillet welds. Blanks shall be removed in accordance with Approvals Figures 9 and 10 for fillet welds in sheet or tube. When the base metal thickness is .063, sections of specimen marked M shall be allowed lack of 9-Dec 2006 root fusion not to exceed .1 times the actual throat Document Custodian Date (see Figure 11A). All fillet test welds >.063 shall exhibit complete root fusion on both cross section surfaces of specimen marked M (see Figure 11B). 9-Dec 2006 All other acceptance criteria for MQ-04-42-02-00, Quality Director Date Class A welds apply. 4 REVISION HISTORY Authored by Travis Mcilnay, approved 4 9-Dec 2006 December 2006. President or Vice President Date 4.1 Added reference to inspection procedure MQ-04-42-02-00. Authored by Travis Mcilnay, approved 9 December 2006. Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel |3| Date Printed MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01 Expires 1 day after printing Dec 9, 2006
  • 4. Table 3 Welding Position, Base Metal Form, and Base Metal Qualified by Test Weld(3) Test Weld Qualified Position Sheet Tube Position Groove Fillet(1) Groove(2) Fillet(1) Form Weld 1G 2G 3G 4G 1F 2F 3F 4F 1G 2G 5G 6G 1F 2F 4F 5F Type 1G X X X X X 2G X X X X X X X Sheet Groove 3G X X X X X X X 4G X X X X X X X 1F X X 2F X X X X Sheet Fillet 3F X X X X 4F X X X X X X 1G X X X X X X 2G X X X X X X X X Tube Groove 5G X X X X X X X X X X X 6G X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1F X X 2F X X X X Tube Fillet 4F X X X X X X 5F X X X X X X X X Notes: (1) A groove weld does not qualify for fillet wilds in base metal 0.063 thickness (2) A sheet test weld qualifies for tube weld 1 in OD or greater. (3) Welding position, base metal form, and base metal qualified by test weld. Use of heat sinks or backing is optional. However, qualification using heat sinks or backing does not qualify for welding without heat sinks or backing. Figure 1 Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel |4| Date Printed MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01 Expires 1 day after printing Dec 9, 2006
  • 5. Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel |5| Date Printed MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01 Expires 1 day after printing Dec 9, 2006
  • 6. Figure 7 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 8 Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel |6| Date Printed MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01 Expires 1 day after printing Dec 9, 2006
  • 7. Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11B Figure 11A Qualification and Certification for Welding Personnel |7| Date Printed MQ-04-42-01-00 rev 01 Expires 1 day after printing Dec 9, 2006