Introduction for Bitcoin. Original PaterMarkYang62
The document describes Bitcoin and proposes a solution to the double-spending problem in digital currency using a peer-to-peer network. It introduces a timestamp server that timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain. This chain records transactions in time order and proves that transactions occurred, forming an immutable record secured by proof-of-work. Nodes work to extend the chain by solving proof-of-work puzzles and earn new coins as an incentive to support the network. As long as honest nodes have more computing power than attackers, they will generate the longest chain and validate transactions.
Boost Reguar Expression Easy Guide for RegexMarkYang62
This document provides an overview and reference for Boost.Regex, a C++ regular expression library. It describes Boost.Regex's configuration options, building instructions, supported regular expression syntax including Perl, POSIX, and Unicode, and APIs for matching, searching, and replacing text. It also covers using Boost.Regex with non-standard string types like ICU and MFC strings.
The document provides an introduction to getting started with Arduino. It discusses that Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform that uses a microcontroller board and IDE. The Arduino philosophy is based on rapid prototyping through techniques like tinkering, patching, and circuit bending. It then covers the basic components of an Arduino project - sensors to detect environmental inputs, microcontrollers to run behavioral code, and actuators to trigger outputs. The document guides the reader through some initial exercises like blinking an LED to get familiar with the Arduino hardware and software.
Introduction for Bitcoin. Original PaterMarkYang62
The document describes Bitcoin and proposes a solution to the double-spending problem in digital currency using a peer-to-peer network. It introduces a timestamp server that timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain. This chain records transactions in time order and proves that transactions occurred, forming an immutable record secured by proof-of-work. Nodes work to extend the chain by solving proof-of-work puzzles and earn new coins as an incentive to support the network. As long as honest nodes have more computing power than attackers, they will generate the longest chain and validate transactions.
Boost Reguar Expression Easy Guide for RegexMarkYang62
This document provides an overview and reference for Boost.Regex, a C++ regular expression library. It describes Boost.Regex's configuration options, building instructions, supported regular expression syntax including Perl, POSIX, and Unicode, and APIs for matching, searching, and replacing text. It also covers using Boost.Regex with non-standard string types like ICU and MFC strings.
The document provides an introduction to getting started with Arduino. It discusses that Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform that uses a microcontroller board and IDE. The Arduino philosophy is based on rapid prototyping through techniques like tinkering, patching, and circuit bending. It then covers the basic components of an Arduino project - sensors to detect environmental inputs, microcontrollers to run behavioral code, and actuators to trigger outputs. The document guides the reader through some initial exercises like blinking an LED to get familiar with the Arduino hardware and software.