DFI TECH Products Overview June 2014 Patrick Swinton nTelithings.comPatrick SwintonThis document provides an overview of off-the-shelf media engine and computing systems for digital signage and other applications. It describes 26 different systems that vary in size, processor, graphics capabilities, expansion options, and other features. The systems range from compact 1U rackmount and fanless devices to industrial panels, multi-function systems, and all-in-one touchscreen computers.
The Book of the Prophet Habakkuk-Khmer.pdfFilipino Tracts and Literature Society Inc.The Book of Habakkuk is the eighth book of the 12 minor prophets of the Bible. It is attributed to the prophet Habakkuk, and was probably composed in the late 7th century BC. The original text was written in the Hebrew language.
Khmer - Testament of Asher.pdfFilipino Tracts and Literature Society Inc.Asher, the tenth son of Jacob and Zilpah. An explanation of dual personality. The first Jekyll and Hyde story. For a statement of the Law of Compensation that Emerson would have enjoyed, see Verse 27.
Khmer - Tobit.pdfFilipino Tracts and Literature Society Inc.The Book of Tobit, also known as the Book of Tobias, is a 3rd or early 2nd century BC Jewish work describing how God tests the faithful, responds to prayers, and protects the covenant community.
5. government should learn more experiences of violent evictionUniversity of Battambang (UBB)Government should learn more experiences of violent eviction
30 year of Hun SenVeha ThmeyThis document provides a summary of Hun Sen's 30-year tenure as Prime Minister of Cambodia, highlighting serious human rights violations during his time in power including: extrajudicial killings of hundreds of opposition figures, journalists, and activists; torture; arbitrary arrests; censorship; and intimidation of citizens. It describes Hun Sen's role as a Khmer Rouge commander in the 1970s where crimes against humanity were committed, his establishment of a forced labor program and repression of dissidents in the 1980s as Prime Minister, and his unleashing of death squads in the 1990s. The document also discusses Hun Sen's obstruction of justice for Khmer Rouge crimes and his subversion of democratic elections, resulting in Cambodia reverting
How to romanize khmer by sean masavang សរសេរអក្សរខ្មែរជាអក្សរឡាតាំងVeha ThmeyThis document provides information about romanization systems for the Khmer language:
1. It discusses the United Nations recommended romanization system from 1972 and its usage.
2. It describes the development of a new romanization system by Cambodia's Ministry of Land Management and Urban Planning in the 1990s, which does not use diacritical marks.
3. Tables are provided showing the romanization of Khmer consonants, vowels, and rules for writing combinations of consonants and vowels.
Statement of dr. so naro, former personal aid to pm hun senVeha ThmeyThis 3 sentence summary provides the key details from the document:
The document discusses the appointment of Hun Sen as Prime Minister of Cambodia in 2013 for his third term, noting his leadership of the Cambodian People's Party which has been in power for over 30 years. It outlines some of the social and economic challenges facing Cambodia, and Hun Sen's efforts to address issues like poverty reduction, education improvements, and increasing foreign investment in the country. The summary concludes by mentioning Hun Sen's continuing dominance of Cambodian politics as he seeks to maintain his grip on power.
Statement no 2 of dr so naro the prevention of sam rainsy from participating ...Veha ThmeyThe document summarizes key events related to human rights in Cambodia between 2006 and 2013. It discusses tensions between the Cambodian government and human rights groups over issues like land disputes, freedom of expression, and political participation. It notes investigations and arrests of human rights activists by authorities during this period. Overall it provides a concise overview of human rights challenges in Cambodia in the years leading up to the 2013 national election.
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Similar to 05 សួនសេរីរដ្ឋាsuon serey ratha 27jan official (17)
The Book of the Prophet Habakkuk-Khmer.pdfFilipino Tracts and Literature Society Inc.The Book of Habakkuk is the eighth book of the 12 minor prophets of the Bible. It is attributed to the prophet Habakkuk, and was probably composed in the late 7th century BC. The original text was written in the Hebrew language.
Khmer - Testament of Asher.pdfFilipino Tracts and Literature Society Inc.Asher, the tenth son of Jacob and Zilpah. An explanation of dual personality. The first Jekyll and Hyde story. For a statement of the Law of Compensation that Emerson would have enjoyed, see Verse 27.
Khmer - Tobit.pdfFilipino Tracts and Literature Society Inc.The Book of Tobit, also known as the Book of Tobias, is a 3rd or early 2nd century BC Jewish work describing how God tests the faithful, responds to prayers, and protects the covenant community.
5. government should learn more experiences of violent evictionUniversity of Battambang (UBB)Government should learn more experiences of violent eviction
30 year of Hun SenVeha ThmeyThis document provides a summary of Hun Sen's 30-year tenure as Prime Minister of Cambodia, highlighting serious human rights violations during his time in power including: extrajudicial killings of hundreds of opposition figures, journalists, and activists; torture; arbitrary arrests; censorship; and intimidation of citizens. It describes Hun Sen's role as a Khmer Rouge commander in the 1970s where crimes against humanity were committed, his establishment of a forced labor program and repression of dissidents in the 1980s as Prime Minister, and his unleashing of death squads in the 1990s. The document also discusses Hun Sen's obstruction of justice for Khmer Rouge crimes and his subversion of democratic elections, resulting in Cambodia reverting
How to romanize khmer by sean masavang សរសេរអក្សរខ្មែរជាអក្សរឡាតាំងVeha ThmeyThis document provides information about romanization systems for the Khmer language:
1. It discusses the United Nations recommended romanization system from 1972 and its usage.
2. It describes the development of a new romanization system by Cambodia's Ministry of Land Management and Urban Planning in the 1990s, which does not use diacritical marks.
3. Tables are provided showing the romanization of Khmer consonants, vowels, and rules for writing combinations of consonants and vowels.
Statement of dr. so naro, former personal aid to pm hun senVeha ThmeyThis 3 sentence summary provides the key details from the document:
The document discusses the appointment of Hun Sen as Prime Minister of Cambodia in 2013 for his third term, noting his leadership of the Cambodian People's Party which has been in power for over 30 years. It outlines some of the social and economic challenges facing Cambodia, and Hun Sen's efforts to address issues like poverty reduction, education improvements, and increasing foreign investment in the country. The summary concludes by mentioning Hun Sen's continuing dominance of Cambodian politics as he seeks to maintain his grip on power.
Statement no 2 of dr so naro the prevention of sam rainsy from participating ...Veha ThmeyThe document summarizes key events related to human rights in Cambodia between 2006 and 2013. It discusses tensions between the Cambodian government and human rights groups over issues like land disputes, freedom of expression, and political participation. It notes investigations and arrests of human rights activists by authorities during this period. Overall it provides a concise overview of human rights challenges in Cambodia in the years leading up to the 2013 national election.
Hen pov 3 page admitVeha ThmeyThe document summarizes events related to the Cambodian-Thai border dispute from 2006 to 1997. It discusses tensions over ownership of land near the Preah Vihear temple and skirmishes between Cambodian and Thai troops. It also describes negotiations between the two countries, including Cambodia agreeing to withdraw troops after Thailand filed a lawsuit at the International Court of Justice in 2011 over ownership of the disputed territory.
02ȟលយួជតVeha ThmeyThis document provides an overview of Cambodia's forest sector and efforts to reform forest governance and management. Key points include:
1. Cambodia has taken steps to reform its forest sector through policies promoting community forestry, protected areas, and sustainable forest management.
2. Challenges remain such as illegal logging and land concessions that threaten forests and livelihoods.
3. Future reforms focus on increasing transparency and participation, strengthening law enforcement, promoting reduced impact logging, and developing alternative livelihoods for dependent communities.
04រឹសគល់នៃ៧មករា the root of 7 januaryVeha ThmeyThe document provides an introduction to the history and geography of Cambodia. It states that Cambodia has a population of over 16 million people and covers an area of 181,035 square kilometers. The capital and largest city is Phnom Penh, with a population of over 4.5 million people. It notes that Cambodia has a long history and rich culture but also experienced turmoil in the late 20th century during the Khmer Rouge regime and civil war. The document provides background on the establishment of Cambodia's borders in the 19th century and gives a brief overview of its government structures and economic development since gaining independence in 1953.
10. Anonymous said...
Who else will break away from Soun Sery Ratha the stinggy mounth. He
is a one finger politician. He knows only pointing one finger at other...
but he never think that four fingers pointing to himself.
ha ..ha...
From WA
1:42 PM
Anonymous said...
ចំស េះ ប្កុម្រដ្ិវតាន៍ ផ្កា ឈូក, ប្កុម្ខ្មមរមាច ស់ស្សុក និង
សូម្ប្រយ័តនកុំសជឿប្កុម្អាកតសួន សសរីរដ្ឋា អាសម្សប្គ្នេះសនេះសអាយសសាេះ។
សប្ េះអាកតសាយ សារ៉ត អាសម្រកសុីទុចចរិតសៅ Cranston RI , អាយួនគ្ីម្ ធឺ
ម្ (KIM THOMAS) និោយខ្មមរដ្ូចយួនសប្ចៀង សៅ WA, State,
និង អាសជើងខ្កក (ដ្ំសណើ រខ្កអក) កាលទំខ្ពក សដ្កសុីលុយឆ្ាួត
រូ សជឿន ភនំសំសៅ
ប្រពនធផ្សិតរាី រាីផ្សិតប្រពនធ សៅ South Phila, PA វាបានឡូឡាថា :
ICC កាលអាចម្៍ខ្ឆ្ាខ្ន ឈរ់សដ្ើរសបាកប្បាស់ខ្មមរសទៀតសៅ !
មានលុយរ៉ុនាម នចង់សៅ ICC សនាេះសរើមានសមាជិក
សុទធខ្តអនកសដ្កសុីលុយឆ្ាួត និង អនកប្រម្ឹកស្សវឹងមួរ
13. រណឌិ តទំងឡាយ ឈរ់សជឿតាម្អាសួន សសរីរដ្ឋា និងថ្ដ្សជើងវាសៅ អាសកមង
មាន ក់សនេះជាសម្សប្គ្នេះថាន ក់ខ្វល ំងណាស់៕
យួនមាន កយសសាល ក១ឃ្លល ថា :
<< រណឌិ តខ្មមរ១០ ម្ិនបានយួនឡរ់១ >>
ពីខ្មមរអូស្ដសាត លី
2:15 PM
Anonymous said...
To ar-5:57 pm your message was post more than a mounth. Since,Mr
Soun Sirey-routha have not yet go ICC now Mr Sourn Sireyrortha was
seat down and wait AR-Hun sen at ICC ....so you thinks your Message
can fool khmer like me ?
I am repeat Mr Soun Sireyrortha not go any where he was waiting AR-
Hun Sen at ICC why don't you go icc to see him why you trying to use
your message at KI for? IT make no sence at all me and my friend was
laught at you and YOU ARE IS AR-CHOY-MRAY YOUN ...khmer learn a
lot..you can not make khmer figh with khmer any more believe me if you
brave go to ICC to see Mr Sourn sireyroutha that the best way will you ??
2:35 PM
Anonymous said...
សនេះជាសរឿងនសោបាយររស់អាខ្ឆ្ាយួនេុន ខ្សនខ្ដ្លយក ដ្ំរីស្សុក ទក់ដ្ំរី
ពួករណឌិ តរណឌិ តសុទធខ្តចាញ់សបាកអាសួន សសរីរដ្ឋា ទំងអស់។ អាសនេះវានាំ
អនកសសនហាជាតិឲយចូលអនាទ ក់CPP នរណាគ្នំប្ទវា នរណាឧរតថម្ភវា នរណា
14. សៅជិតវា ម្ិនយូរសទ វានឹងរយការណ៍ សៅCPPឲយចារ់ដ្ឋក់គ្ុកម្ិនខ្វន។
អាសារ៉ត់ សាយ សៅរ៉ូតអាយឡិន និង អារូ សជឿនសៅេវុីឡា ក៏ជាសម្សប្គ្នេះ
ថាន ក់ខ្វល ំងណាស់ខ្ដ្រ សប្ េះពួកវាជាអនកគ្នំប្ទអាសួន សសរីរដ្ឋា តាំងពីណាពីណី
ម្ក ដ្ល់សពវថ្ថ្ៃ។
រណឌិ តទំងឡាយ ឈរ់សជឿតាម្អាសួន សសរីរដ្ឋា និងថ្ដ្សជើងវាសៅ អាសកមង
មាន ក់សនេះជាសម្សប្គ្នេះថាន ក់ខ្វល ំងណាស់៕
យួនមាន កយសសាល ក១ឃ្លល ថា :
<< រណឌិ តខ្មមរ១០ ម្ិនបានយួនឡរ់១ >>
ពីខ្មមរអូស្ដសាត លី
2:38 PM
Anonymous said...
To ar-5:57 pm your message was post more than a mounth. Since,Mr
Soun Sirey-routha have not yet go ICC now Mr Sourn Sireyrortha was
seat down and wait AR-Hun sen at ICC ....so you thinks your Message
can fool khmer like me ?
I am repeat Mr Soun Sireyrortha not go any where he was waiting AR-
Hun Sen at ICC why don't you go icc to see him why you trying to use
your message at KI for? IT make no sence at all me and my friend was
laught at you and YOU ARE IS AR-CHOY-MRAY YOUN ...khmer learn a
lot..you can not make khmer figh with khmer any more believe me if you
brave go to ICC to see Mr Sourn sireyroutha that the best way will
you ??or will not
Mr sourn was waiting at icc why don't any one who againt him go to see
him at ICC if you are not youn dog ? show khmer people now if you are
not YOUN DOG ....
From me Vancouver,bc.Canada
15. 2:48 PM
Anonymous said...
That's exactly what I want to say ! In Cambodia history , only Pol Pol
and dictator , YUON ' slaves are good at labeling each other . We don't
have many of this kind among young generation inside Cambodia . ឮសគ្
ប្បារ់ថាសៅអាសម្រិក សម្បូរណ៍ ខ្មមរប្កេម្ សប្ េះពួកសគ្បានរត់សៅជាយខ្ដ្ន
ភាគ្សប្ចើន ពួកសគ្បានកុេកអសនាត រសវសន៍
USA បានសិទធប្ជកសកាណ ដ្ំរូងម្ុំម្ិនសជឿ ដ្ល់សម្ើលស ើញសគ្ចូលចិតតម្ួល
រកា ច់ដ្ឋក់ផ្កល កសចាទគ្នន ម្ុំដ្ូចជាមានការ
សងស័យខ្ដ្រ ។ សកាតខ្តពួកចាស់កំរិលអស់េនឹង ម្ិនសចេះខ្វម ស់សកមង ជំនាន់
សប្កាយ ។
8:04 PM
Anonymous said...
អនកខ្ដ្លសៅសជឿងុរងុលនឹងអាឆ្ាួតរដ្ឋា គ្ឺជាម្នុសសខ្ដ្លម្ិនខ្ដ្លគ្ឹតគ្ូឫរវីរ
សពញចឹតតណាស់ខ្តម្តង។អនកសអរ់សសតច សអរ់េុនខ្សន អនកម្ិនចូលចឹតតអនក
នសោបាយរកសប្រឆ្ំង ឫពួកអនកឈរសម្ើលសពញចឹតតសតូកខ្តម្តង។រនតិចសទៀត
សទើរគ្នត់ដ្ឹងមលួន ចាំដ្ល់FBIសៅសៅសួរចសម្លើយសទើរសរើកខ្ភនកធំៗ។គ្នម នអនក
ណាមាន ក់យកទឹកដ្ីសរអាសធវើជាទីតាំងសភរវកម្មសឡើយ។
11:25 PM
16. Anonymous said...
ah lik pussee yourfather fuck yourmother then have a son like you don"t
help khmer but try to mother fucker one day you will see what going on
with you ah kanhchak HUN SEN
1:45 AM
Anonymous said...
kam kna tov veuy ban ke tha va po klang na lor meul nas men te!
3:02 AM
Anonymous said...
ចំស េះ ប្កុម្រដ្ិវតាន៍ ផ្កា ឈូក, ប្កុម្ខ្មមរមាច ស់ស្សុក និង
សូម្ប្រយ័តនកុំសជឿប្កុម្អាកតសួន សសរីរដ្ឋា អាសម្សប្គ្នេះសនេះសអាយសសាេះ។
សប្ េះអាកតសាយ សារ៉ត អាសម្រកសុីទុចចរិតសៅ Cranston RI , អាយួនគ្ីម្ ធឺ
ម្ (KIM THOMAS) និោយខ្មមរដ្ូចយួនសប្ចៀង សៅ WA, State,
និង អាសជើងខ្កក (ដ្ំសណើ រខ្កអក) កាលទំខ្ពក សដ្កសុីលុយឆ្ាួត
រូ សជឿន ភនំសំសៅ
ប្រពនធផ្សិតរាី រាីផ្សិតប្រពនធ សៅ South Phila, PA វាបានឡូឡាថា :
ICC កាលអាចម្៍ខ្ឆ្ាខ្ន ឈរ់សដ្ើរសបាកប្បាស់ខ្មមរសទៀតសៅ !
17. មានលុយរ៉ុនាម នចង់សៅ ICC សនាេះសរើមានសមាជិក
សុទធខ្តអនកសដ្កសុីលុយឆ្ាួត និង អនកប្រម្ឹកស្សវឹងមួរ
អញ្ច ឹងសនាេះប្រយ័តនរដ្ាដ្ឹងកាត់លុយអស់គ្នម នអីប្ចំសៅ។
ពនលឺ អាទិតា
4:35 AM
Anonymous said...
2:48 PM
Ah Khmer nov Vancouver,bc.Canada,
Me know your head every clearly.
Me used to hear the samething from KKK name Prak Serey vuth ,
Sleeping and eating at Pagada in Lynn,MA , Phila,PA , Campton,NJ by
saying to kk Khmer Krom that he will collect money at lease
150,000 USD, to sue yuon and have yuon give the land back to khmer
krom, until today I see nothing happening from yuon nor khmer krom
activities in srok yuon. and I have not heard any more word from Prak
Serey Vuth...is that something...?
I say all of you just a Motherfucker big and Fatherfucker liar...don't you
4:52 AM
Anonymous said...
11:25PM, What you are trying to say mother fucker, I couldn't
understand what you mean ass h....
5:06 AM