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Project Construction Management
Inception to Completion
Thomas J Fakner, CCM
Senior Project Manager
Swinerton Management & ConsultingSMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 The Basics of Project Construction
Management  Inception to Completion
 Leadership  The impacts on effective
and efficient project deliveries
 Risk  The inherent White Elephant of
our profession; How do we mitigate?
 Relationships - The significance of
building and the consequences of
tarnishing them!
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
Program Management;
The principle of professional construction management
practices applied to a capital improvement program of one
or more project types with multiple location sites focused on
key elements of the process that include Governance,
Umbrella Management, Financial Management/Controls,
MIS Global Infrastructure, and Planning on Multiple Levels
and with Competing Goals.
Project Management;
The use of integrated Phases of and procedures applied to
a project site and the multiple construction types associated
with delivering the project from inception to completion.
Construction Management;
The use of defined sub systems within the integrative
delivery process utilizing the SOPs and technical
competencies to deliver projects.
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
(Common Threads)
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 Project Elements (3 Legged Stool Theory)
 Contractual (Legal)
 The 5 C of PPC Management
 Project Phases
 Business Development/Marketing
 Program / Planning
 Pre-Design / Design
 Execution (Construction)
 Activation / Occupancy
 Post Construction / Warranty
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 Project Processes
 Initiating (Marketing/Programming)
 Planning (Acquisitions/Professional Services)
 Controlling (Guiding)
 Precedence of Documents
1. Code
2. Specifications
3. Submittals
4. Shop Drawings
5. Structural
6. MEP
7. Architectural
 Project Schedules
 Look Ahead
 Schedule Maintenance Review
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 Construction Management Plan
 Project Description / Documents
 Project Directory and Organizational Chart
 Roles and Responsibilities
 Protocol; Policy; Procedure;
 Risk Plan
 Design Management Plan
 Cost Management Plan
 Schedule Management Approach
 Procurement Plan
 Quality Management Approach
 Communications Plan
 Site Mobilization and Utilization Plan
 Transition Plan
 Site Specific Safety Plan
 Closeout Approach
 Infectious Disease Control Plan
 Medical Equipment Plan
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 Project Controls
 RFI Process and Log
 Schedule Maintenance Review (SMR)
 Submittal Process and Log
 Issues Log
 Communications Procedures and Log
 Conversation Record
 Payment Application Process / Log
 Invoice Process / Log
 Change Modification Process / Log
 Inspection Request Procedure / Log
 Email management using the practice of
Inbox Zero technique
 Quality starts day one and involves
information categorizing and document
 The MIS - aids in Verbal, Written,
Electronic, and Visual (white board)
 To Be Successful
 Take Ownership
 Clarity in your Work Product
 Be Consistent
 Trust / Verify
 Build and Maintain Relationships
 Closeout Phase Components
 Begins when the Project starts
 Consolidation of Project files
 As-Build Documents
 Beneficial Occupancy
 Testing and Inspection Affidavits
 Warranty Management transfer
 Final permits
 Claims Resolution
 Project Audit
 Closeout Post Mortems
 Final Acceptance
 Business Development and Marketing
 Reliance on Dependent and Independent
 Client Assessment
 Organization  Culture
 Type of Organization  top down / bottom
 Financial Stability
 Resource Skill Sets
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 Key Characteristics of Leadership
 Ability to build, nurture, manage relationships
 Ability to resolve conflict
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 What is Leadership? Varied Translations!
 The ability to interpret human behavior for the
purpose of channel the strengths while shoring
the weaknesses of the individual to energize the
Team to successfully deliver the project(s).
 The ability to understand a projects integrating
process nuisances' and the impacting outcomes.
 The ability to realize individuals when positioned
to succeed will deliver the metrics of success.
 The ability to institute a culture of flexibility as the
delivery process absorbs and adapts to project
change conditions.
 The ability to unite the Team with focus toward a
common objective..
 The ability to keep purpose, goals, and approach
relevant and meaningful.
 Directive Style vs. Delegative Approach
 Successful Organizations
 Balance Leadership; Training; Equipment;
 Teaming must rely on the ability of the Leader to
create a culture from multiple cultures
 Leaders Care
 Leaders Engage
 Leaders Initiate
 Leaders Collaborate
 Leaders Mentor
 Leaders Achieve
 Lack of Leadership has a profound affect on the
cost, schedule, and quality of the project
 Solid Leadership establishes an environment for
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 Risk Management: Assessing and identifying under all
circumstances the level of exposure and risk to the Owner and
Project throughout the life cycle of the Project.
 Key Statements Concerning Risk Allocation
 Identify, Quantify, Analysis
 Understand your Owners ability to burden the Risk and be
positioned to manage it
 All Risk should be allocated to create a better working relationship
 Implementation of Risk allocation - CM must assign Risk to the
party most suitable to control and burden that Risk.
 The CM is responsible to immediately release written
recommendations to minimize or eliminate the identified Risk.
 It is in the Owners best interest to accept the Risk when no other
Party can control the Risk or burden the cost
 Mitigation of Risk / Issues by educating followed by facilitation of
the chosen mitigating measure(s)
 Consider the use of a Risk Register to facilitate recognition of risk
 Dispute Resolution involves mitigating issues using the techniques of
Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation. Typically the Party will Deny, Delay,
then Sue. Establish yourself as an Authoritative Figure. Build trust and
confidence of yourself within those in dispute to better negotiate
settlements avoiding impacts to the project.
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 Establish By Espousing
 Key Statements
 Delivering a Project under budget and on time are
still important deciding factors but ground has
been gained by building and maintaining
 Relationships are building blocks for all
Community organizing activities.
 Be perceived a someone to contributes rather
than takes
 Lost relationships is a loss of assets,
opportunities, and allies
 Relationship loss can have a market rippling
impact detrimental to growing business and
attracting skilled and experienced resources
SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
 Why Build and Maintain Relationships
 Gives meaning and richness to work and our lives
 Grow our Community to increase our connection
within the market
 Build a circle of Allies
Project - ESUHSD Santa Teresa High School Building
100 Replacement HVAC Unit A-2:
Description  Building 100 on the campus is home to
the Library and Photography Classroom/Lab. Space
conditioning was poor to non existent. Objective
Replace In Like Kind a 5ton HVAC Multi Zone Unit.
How long of a process in time do you believe it
took to delivery and closeout this project?
What is your Approach and Methodology to
develop and delivery this project?
Inception to Completion PRACTICAL APPLICATION
SLVHS 2016 April 15
SLVHS 2016 April 15
Inception to Completion PRACTICAL APPLICATION
 What are your questions?
 Email me a tfakner@swinerton.com

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062016 Introduction to Project Management_Final TFakner

  • 1. Project Construction Management INTRODUCTION / REFERENCE Inception to Completion Thomas J Fakner, CCM Senior Project Manager Swinerton Management & ConsultingSMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 3. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The Basics of Project Construction Management Inception to Completion Leadership The impacts on effective and efficient project deliveries Risk The inherent White Elephant of our profession; How do we mitigate? Relationships - The significance of building and the consequences of tarnishing them! SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 4. BASICS (Definitions) Program Management; The principle of professional construction management practices applied to a capital improvement program of one or more project types with multiple location sites focused on key elements of the process that include Governance, Umbrella Management, Financial Management/Controls, MIS Global Infrastructure, and Planning on Multiple Levels and with Competing Goals. Project Management; The use of integrated Phases of and procedures applied to a project site and the multiple construction types associated with delivering the project from inception to completion. Construction Management; The use of defined sub systems within the integrative delivery process utilizing the SOPs and technical competencies to deliver projects. SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 5. Leadership Relationships Risk Contracts Scope Cost Time Quality Sustainability Safety STANDARDS OF PRACTICE (Common Threads) SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 6. TYPES OF PROJECTS SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 7. Project Elements (3 Legged Stool Theory) Contractual (Legal) Administrative Technical The 5 C of PPC Management Communication Cooperation Consistency Completeness Compatibility Project Phases Business Development/Marketing Program / Planning Pre-Design / Design Pre-Construction Procurement Execution (Construction) Activation / Occupancy Closeout Post Construction / Warranty BASICS SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 8. BASICS Project Processes Initiating (Marketing/Programming) Planning (Acquisitions/Professional Services) Designing Executing Monitoring Controlling (Guiding) Closing Precedence of Documents 1. Code 2. Specifications 3. Submittals 4. Shop Drawings 5. Structural 6. MEP 7. Architectural Project Schedules Preliminary Baseline Progress Look Ahead Recovery Schedule Maintenance Review SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20 Construction Management Plan Project Description / Documents Project Directory and Organizational Chart Roles and Responsibilities Protocol; Policy; Procedure; MIS Risk Plan Design Management Plan Cost Management Plan Schedule Management Approach Procurement Plan Quality Management Approach Communications Plan Site Mobilization and Utilization Plan Transition Plan Site Specific Safety Plan Closeout Approach Infectious Disease Control Plan Medical Equipment Plan
  • 9. TYPES OF PROJECTS SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 10. Project Controls RFI Process and Log Schedule Maintenance Review (SMR) Submittal Process and Log Issues Log Communications Procedures and Log Conversation Record Payment Application Process / Log Invoice Process / Log Change Modification Process / Log Inspection Request Procedure / Log Email management using the practice of Inbox Zero technique Quality starts day one and involves information categorizing and document control The MIS - aids in Verbal, Written, Electronic, and Visual (white board) communications To Be Successful Take Ownership Clarity in your Work Product Be Consistent Trust / Verify Build and Maintain Relationships BASICS Closeout Phase Components Begins when the Project starts Consolidation of Project files As-Build Documents Beneficial Occupancy Completion Testing and Inspection Affidavits Warranty Management transfer Final permits Commissioning O&Ms Claims Resolution Project Audit Closeout Post Mortems Occupancy Final Acceptance Business Development and Marketing Reliance on Dependent and Independent Variables Client Assessment Organization Culture Type of Organization top down / bottom up Financial Stability Resource Skill Sets History SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 11. Key Characteristics of Leadership Motivator Communicator Ability to build, nurture, manage relationships Ability to resolve conflict LEADERSHIP SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 12. What is Leadership? Varied Translations! The ability to interpret human behavior for the purpose of channel the strengths while shoring the weaknesses of the individual to energize the Team to successfully deliver the project(s). The ability to understand a projects integrating process nuisances' and the impacting outcomes. The ability to realize individuals when positioned to succeed will deliver the metrics of success. The ability to institute a culture of flexibility as the delivery process absorbs and adapts to project change conditions. The ability to unite the Team with focus toward a common objective.. The ability to keep purpose, goals, and approach relevant and meaningful. Directive Style vs. Delegative Approach Successful Organizations Balance Leadership; Training; Equipment; Communications Teaming must rely on the ability of the Leader to create a culture from multiple cultures Significance Leaders Care Leaders Engage Leaders Initiate Leaders Collaborate Leaders Mentor Leaders Achieve Lack of Leadership has a profound affect on the cost, schedule, and quality of the project Solid Leadership establishes an environment for success LEADERSHIP SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 13. RISK Definition Risk Management: Assessing and identifying under all circumstances the level of exposure and risk to the Owner and Project throughout the life cycle of the Project. Key Statements Concerning Risk Allocation Identify, Quantify, Analysis Understand your Owners ability to burden the Risk and be positioned to manage it All Risk should be allocated to create a better working relationship Implementation of Risk allocation - CM must assign Risk to the party most suitable to control and burden that Risk. The CM is responsible to immediately release written recommendations to minimize or eliminate the identified Risk. It is in the Owners best interest to accept the Risk when no other Party can control the Risk or burden the cost Mitigation of Risk / Issues by educating followed by facilitation of the chosen mitigating measure(s) Consider the use of a Risk Register to facilitate recognition of risk Dispute Resolution involves mitigating issues using the techniques of Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation. Typically the Party will Deny, Delay, then Sue. Establish yourself as an Authoritative Figure. Build trust and confidence of yourself within those in dispute to better negotiate settlements avoiding impacts to the project. SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20
  • 14. RELATIONSHIPS Establish By Espousing Trust Confidence Dependability Reliability Responsibility Respect Key Statements Delivering a Project under budget and on time are still important deciding factors but ground has been gained by building and maintaining Relationships. Relationships are building blocks for all Community organizing activities. Be perceived a someone to contributes rather than takes Lost relationships is a loss of assets, opportunities, and allies Relationship loss can have a market rippling impact detrimental to growing business and attracting skilled and experienced resources SMC Co-Learning 2016 June 20 Why Build and Maintain Relationships Gives meaning and richness to work and our lives Grow our Community to increase our connection within the market Build a circle of Allies
  • 15. PROJECT EXAMPLE No 01 Project - ESUHSD Santa Teresa High School Building 100 Replacement HVAC Unit A-2: Description Building 100 on the campus is home to the Library and Photography Classroom/Lab. Space conditioning was poor to non existent. Objective Replace In Like Kind a 5ton HVAC Multi Zone Unit. How long of a process in time do you believe it took to delivery and closeout this project? What is your Approach and Methodology to develop and delivery this project? Inception to Completion PRACTICAL APPLICATION SLVHS 2016 April 15
  • 16. SLVHS 2016 April 15 Inception to Completion PRACTICAL APPLICATION
  • 17. What are your questions? Email me a tfakner@swinerton.com QUESTIONS for ANSWERS (Q&A)