This document discusses the potential benefits of the 2012 London Olympics for young people in the UK. It explores why London was chosen to host the Olympics and how the Olympics could inspire more youth participation in sports. While the Olympics aims to benefit youth, there are also concerns about the rising costs of hosting the games and how public funds are being used that could otherwise support other youth programs and charities. Students will analyze statements about the Olympics' impact on youth and discuss in a homework assignment whether and how the Olympics may affect young people in Britain both positively and negatively.
This document discusses the potential benefits of the 2012 London Olympics for young people in the UK. It explores why London was chosen to host the Olympics and how the Olympics could inspire more youth participation in sports. While the Olympics aims to benefit youth, there are also concerns about the rising costs of hosting the games and how public funds are being used that could otherwise support other youth programs and charities. Students will analyze statements about the Olympics' impact on youth and discuss in a homework assignment whether and how the Olympics may affect young people in Britain both positively and negatively.
El documento describe c¨®mo el autor se ha sentido conectado a personas de todo el mundo a trav¨¦s de mensajes electr¨®nicos y redes sociales, a pesar de la distancia f¨ªsica. Estas "amistades virtuales" le han tra¨ªdo optimismo, apoyo y consuelo en momentos dif¨ªciles. El autor valora especialmente los mensajes que contienen poemas, m¨²sica, humor y fotos que expresan afecto genuino.
Este documento presenta un sistema de control de proyectos desarrollado por Interesa Consultores que permite medir costos y tiempos de proyectos a trav¨¦s de la asignaci¨®n de horas, generaci¨®n de informes y seguimiento del presupuesto y avance de hitos. El sistema ofrece configuraci¨®n inicial, administraci¨®n de proyectos, registro de horas, informes detallados y funcionalidades personalizables.