This certificate recognizes that Niladri Bihari Nayak successfully completed the course "Becoming a Confident Trainer" on December 22nd, 2015, earning an overall score of 85%. The course consisted of several modules on topics such as how people learn, assessing student learning, and developing flexibility in training. Niladri Bihari Nayak's module scores ranged from 70% to 100%.
2. Certificate of Achievement
Niladri Bihari Nayak
December 22nd, 2015
Becoming a Confident Trainer
Final score: 85 %
Completed assessments
Module Score
Jumping in as a First-Time Trainer 90%
Our Brains at Work: How Do People Learn? 100%
Assessing: How to Tell if Students are Learning 70%
Developing Flexibility in Training 80%
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