group presentation katrina cortez (final revision)Kc Cortez
Community forestry involves local communities playing a role in the management and use of nearby forest resources. It aims to provide economic, social, and environmental benefits to the community from local forests, whether public, private, or somewhere in between. Community forestry seeks to ensure local access to forest benefits and resources, as well as meaningful participation in decision making. It also focuses on conservation and restoration of forest resources to protect them for community use.
2013 04-29 american art collaborative lod meeting - washington dc - weblecmaj
The document discusses Lec Maj's presentation on linked open data, end-users, and applications at the American Art Collaborative Linked Open Data Meeting. It provides details on Maj's role at the Yale Center for British Art and the projects they have been working on to create linked open data including connecting data between the YCBA and other institutions like the British Museum. It also showcases some open applications that have been created using the YCBA linked open data like an ecard app and an exhibit objects app.
group presentation katrina cortez (final revision)Kc Cortez
Community forestry involves local communities playing a role in the management and use of nearby forest resources. It aims to provide economic, social, and environmental benefits to the community from local forests, whether public, private, or somewhere in between. Community forestry seeks to ensure local access to forest benefits and resources, as well as meaningful participation in decision making. It also focuses on conservation and restoration of forest resources to protect them for community use.
2013 04-29 american art collaborative lod meeting - washington dc - weblecmaj
The document discusses Lec Maj's presentation on linked open data, end-users, and applications at the American Art Collaborative Linked Open Data Meeting. It provides details on Maj's role at the Yale Center for British Art and the projects they have been working on to create linked open data including connecting data between the YCBA and other institutions like the British Museum. It also showcases some open applications that have been created using the YCBA linked open data like an ecard app and an exhibit objects app.
20. ? if, else は条件によって実行するコードが 1 行の場合は中括弧 {} を省略できる
if (条件式) /* 条件式を満たす場合に実行される */
else /* 条件式を満たさない場合に実行される */
? つまり、 else if は次を省略して記述したもの
if (条件 A) {
// A
} else {
if (条件 B) {
// B
} else {
// C
21. ? HTML に書き込む
/* JavaScript のコード */
? HTML に読み込む
<script src=/slideshow/08-23773748/23773748/"file.js"></script>