Secure World Expo Washington DC Conference Cybersecurity by Rod Beckstrom, Director, National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) cyber security
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Secure World Expo DC, Rod Beckstrom, Director of the NCSC, National Cybersecurity Center, DHS, Department of Homeland Secuirty
1. Black Hat New Dimensions Of Cybersecurity Rod Beckstrom Director [email_address]
2. Black Hat WIRED New Dimensions Of Cybersecurity Rod Beckstrom Director [email_address]
17. NCSC ROLES Joint venture of DHS/DNI/DOD/DOJ HSC/NSC Connecting six key network operation centers Information sharing and situational awareness Foster collaboration across Federal government Report on State of the Network to White House
25. Correlation of Losses Correlations of losses due to IP failure ( L IP ) are trending towards 1.0 n
26. Info Sharing Incentives information wants to be free but Stovepipe perception information is power Incentives against disclosure OSINT/SIGINT/HUMINT Benefits of collaboration and network effect
27. Economics of Networks Cyber Diplomacy/Game Theory Cloud Computing Cyber-kinetic Wars Cyber quarantines Secure ISPs New Dimensions