Value Chris Van AlsburgSarahDiggesLeonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath, regarded as one of the most diversely talented individuals to have ever lived. He made significant contributions to many fields, including painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. Some of his most famous works include the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
Illustration (Chapter 2)mrsjeff2uIllustration uses specific examples to support general points. A general statement presents a broad idea, while a specific example provides details to back it up. When writing an illustration paragraph, you should gather ideas and details to support your topic sentence, then create an outline before drafting. Revise your draft using a checklist, varying transitions between sentences, and proofread for errors.
Chapter 2kstivers1This document provides instruction on how to write an illustration paragraph. It defines illustration as using specific examples to support a general point. It outlines the steps to writing an illustration paragraph, including prewriting, planning, drafting, and revising. It includes examples of how to generate topic sentences and supporting details. It also provides practice questions to help understand the concepts of writing an illustration paragraph.
The little-princeFrank Yoza RodriguezThe story follows an aviator who meets a little prince from an asteroid. The prince tells the aviator about the other planets he visited, each inhabited by different eccentric individuals - a king, vain man, drunkard, businessman, lamplighter, and geographer. During his travels, the little prince falls in love with a flower on his asteroid and is confused by these feelings. He eventually arrives on Earth where he befriends a fox who teaches him about life before returning to the aviator, though it is implied the little prince may soon die.
Innobirds Media Design Webzine no.11Innobirds Media일러스트레이션은 보통 디자인에서는 일러스트라고 약칭합니다.
제 3자에게 무엇인가 전달하고자 하는 메시지를 내포한 그림으로, 단순한 감상이 아니라, 특정한 목적 즉, 정보전달의 목적을 가지고 있습니다. 정보전달을 위해서 내용이나 기능에서는 논리적인 객관성이 요구되며, 내용의 암시를 위해서는 작가의 개성적인 아이디어도 필요합니다. 겉으로만 멋지게 보여지고, 잘 그리는 것이 아니라 속으로 깊은 뜻을 담고, 전하고자 하는 메시지를 그림으로 표현해 내는 것으로 작가의 생각과 감정이 그림을 통해, 보는 사람에게 전달되어야 합니다.
[1인기업가 포럼] (1)최인호 - 라이크어브루스 브랜드연구소 @hongss매월 진행하는 1인기업가 회식날 진행하는 1인기업가 포럼 입니다.
이날 두명의 1인기업가 대표가 발표 했습니다.
1인기업가 사이트 -
1. 최인호 - 라이크어브루스 소개
라이크어블루스는 소규모 창업자를 위한 브랜드연구소입니다.
행사동영상 –
영상 촬영 및 편집은 나민규 실장님이 제공함.
제 6회 DGMIT UI&UX 컨퍼런스: 일러스트와 디자인dgmit2009This 3-page document from DGMIT discusses illustration design and includes illustrations with transparency. It contains a title, copyright notice, author and covers the following topics: 1) illustration design and 2) illustrations with transparency. It provides the company information for DGMIT including the address and contact details for their main office and research institution.
Illustration Module WorkbookJade DelaneyThis document provides an overview of a creative illustration module taken by students Jade Delaney and Emily Cooper. It includes:
- An introduction to the module's goals of developing illustration skills for advertising and gaining industry knowledge.
- Summaries of workshops the students attended on Photoshop, color theory, and receiving a creative brief to design healthy eating campaigns for youth.
- Details of initial brainstorming ideas for the brief, including turning children into slugs after eating junk food or having an explorer help them experiment with recipes.
- The given creative brief to address poor diets and health among youth ages 11-15 through a fun, cool, and aspirational illustrated campaign or product promoting healthy eating
IllustrationJulia JennerThe late 19th century was considered the Golden Age of Illustration. During this time, advances in printing technology allowed illustrations to be reproduced inexpensively in books and magazines. Many famous illustrators from this era such as N.C. Wyeth, Maxfield Parrish, and Howard Pyle helped popularize the genres of illustration and defined the stylistic conventions for each.
Part1 week1-what is illustrationAmeer S.This document provides an introduction to digital illustration. It defines illustration as visually communicating ideas by simplifying concepts. Illustration mixes concepts to convey complex ideas simply. The history of illustration is intertwined with literature, with artists commissioned to create images that explained texts for hundreds of years. In the industrial era, publishing houses replaced patrons and illustration flourished. A good illustration immediately connects with viewers emotionally and complements its subject. Graphic designers also serve as illustrators by visually simplifying and conveying information through their images.
Reported statements, commands and requestsGordana PopovićThis document discusses how to summarize reported speech in English. It provides examples of direct quotes and how they would be reported, noting that the tense and pronouns change. When reporting statements, an introductory verb like "said" is used in the past tense. Commands and requests are reported using "tell" and "ask" respectively, and the verb changes to the infinitive without tense change. Pronouns, possessive adjectives, adverbs of time and place are also changed when converting direct to reported speech in English.
Little prince presentationpjd24The Little Prince tells the story of a pilot who crashes in the Sahara Desert and meets a young boy called the Little Prince. The Little Prince relates his adventures traveling to different planets where he encounters various eccentric adult characters. Major themes in the story include the importance of relationships, learning to love from a distance, and the loss of childhood innocence.
Innobirds Media Design Webzine no.11Innobirds Media일러스트레이션은 보통 디자인에서는 일러스트라고 약칭합니다.
제 3자에게 무엇인가 전달하고자 하는 메시지를 내포한 그림으로, 단순한 감상이 아니라, 특정한 목적 즉, 정보전달의 목적을 가지고 있습니다. 정보전달을 위해서 내용이나 기능에서는 논리적인 객관성이 요구되며, 내용의 암시를 위해서는 작가의 개성적인 아이디어도 필요합니다. 겉으로만 멋지게 보여지고, 잘 그리는 것이 아니라 속으로 깊은 뜻을 담고, 전하고자 하는 메시지를 그림으로 표현해 내는 것으로 작가의 생각과 감정이 그림을 통해, 보는 사람에게 전달되어야 합니다.
[1인기업가 포럼] (1)최인호 - 라이크어브루스 브랜드연구소 @hongss매월 진행하는 1인기업가 회식날 진행하는 1인기업가 포럼 입니다.
이날 두명의 1인기업가 대표가 발표 했습니다.
1인기업가 사이트 -
1. 최인호 - 라이크어브루스 소개
라이크어블루스는 소규모 창업자를 위한 브랜드연구소입니다.
행사동영상 –
영상 촬영 및 편집은 나민규 실장님이 제공함.
제 6회 DGMIT UI&UX 컨퍼런스: 일러스트와 디자인dgmit2009This 3-page document from DGMIT discusses illustration design and includes illustrations with transparency. It contains a title, copyright notice, author and covers the following topics: 1) illustration design and 2) illustrations with transparency. It provides the company information for DGMIT including the address and contact details for their main office and research institution.
Illustration Module WorkbookJade DelaneyThis document provides an overview of a creative illustration module taken by students Jade Delaney and Emily Cooper. It includes:
- An introduction to the module's goals of developing illustration skills for advertising and gaining industry knowledge.
- Summaries of workshops the students attended on Photoshop, color theory, and receiving a creative brief to design healthy eating campaigns for youth.
- Details of initial brainstorming ideas for the brief, including turning children into slugs after eating junk food or having an explorer help them experiment with recipes.
- The given creative brief to address poor diets and health among youth ages 11-15 through a fun, cool, and aspirational illustrated campaign or product promoting healthy eating
IllustrationJulia JennerThe late 19th century was considered the Golden Age of Illustration. During this time, advances in printing technology allowed illustrations to be reproduced inexpensively in books and magazines. Many famous illustrators from this era such as N.C. Wyeth, Maxfield Parrish, and Howard Pyle helped popularize the genres of illustration and defined the stylistic conventions for each.
Part1 week1-what is illustrationAmeer S.This document provides an introduction to digital illustration. It defines illustration as visually communicating ideas by simplifying concepts. Illustration mixes concepts to convey complex ideas simply. The history of illustration is intertwined with literature, with artists commissioned to create images that explained texts for hundreds of years. In the industrial era, publishing houses replaced patrons and illustration flourished. A good illustration immediately connects with viewers emotionally and complements its subject. Graphic designers also serve as illustrators by visually simplifying and conveying information through their images.
Reported statements, commands and requestsGordana PopovićThis document discusses how to summarize reported speech in English. It provides examples of direct quotes and how they would be reported, noting that the tense and pronouns change. When reporting statements, an introductory verb like "said" is used in the past tense. Commands and requests are reported using "tell" and "ask" respectively, and the verb changes to the infinitive without tense change. Pronouns, possessive adjectives, adverbs of time and place are also changed when converting direct to reported speech in English.
Little prince presentationpjd24The Little Prince tells the story of a pilot who crashes in the Sahara Desert and meets a young boy called the Little Prince. The Little Prince relates his adventures traveling to different planets where he encounters various eccentric adult characters. Major themes in the story include the importance of relationships, learning to love from a distance, and the loss of childhood innocence.