Michael B. Bomar
Incompatible growth near military facilities can threaten our national defense. Learn what types of development can conflict with military training. Explore the challenges of conducting multi-jurisdictional studies to promote appropriate land uses, around military facilities. Panelists will discuss lessons learned during the course of a Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) of four counties
and three cities for the Avon Park Air Force Range, and close coordination with conservation groups. Strategies to develop support from the community and public officials for measures such as transfer of development rights to buffer the public from
the impacts of necessary military activities will be discussed.
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9/9 FRI 4:15 | Avon Park AFR: Joint Land Use Study 2
45. MILITARY INFLUENCE PLANNING AREAS (MIPAs)MIPA-I:Focused on addressing compatibility issues in a three mile buffer zone around the perimeter of the Range and those areas where a moderate risk of blast noise complaints occur. It also includes a portion of low level flight training areas and areas where night vision training is conducted. MIPA-Is are focused on limiting density, object height, and nighttime light encroachment. The designation of MIPA-Is are not recommended for all jurisdictions participating in this study.
46. MIPA-II: Identified to address compatibility issues related to blast noise, low level flight training and areas where night vision training is conducted. MIPA-IIs are focused on limiting density, object height, and nighttime light encroachment. MIPA-II designations are not recommended for all jurisdictions participating in this study.
47. MIPA-III: Related to Areas of low risk of blast noise complaints, the presence of civilian aircraft operations and this areas general proximity to MIPAs I and II. The distance beyond the Range boundary for MIPA-IIIs vary but the MIPA-III areas generally exist in the low level of blast noise risk areas outside MIPAs I and II.