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CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.1
Doctor of Philosophy Aug. 2013 - May 2018 (Expected)
Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health Program
Master of Science in Public Health Aug. 2011 - May 2013
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Baltimore, MD, USA
Concentration: Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Certificate in Risk Sciences and Public Policy
Bachelor of Medicine Sep. 2006 - Jul. 2011
Peking University, Beijing, China
Specialty: Preventive Medicine
Prize, Student Poster Competition, International Society of Exposure Science ($500)
Duke University Graduate Student Fellowship ($81,683)
Duke University Graduate Student Fellowship ($79,826)
JHSPH David Leslie Swift Fund in Environmental Health Science (Offered but declined)
JHSPH Environmental Health Engineering Student Development Fund (Offered but declined)
Place, JHSPH Environmental Health Departmental Poster Competition ($50)
JHSPH Master Tuition Scholarship ($33,228)
American Industrial Hygiene Liberty Mutual Scholarship ($6000)
The 3M Industrial Hygiene Scholarship ($5000)
American Public Health Association Jim Keogh Scholarship ($300)
2008 - 2011
2011 ETS TOEFL Scholarship for China ($1500)
Scholarship for Outstanding Medical Students of Peking University (Top 10%)
Outstanding Clinical Intern of Peking University Ninth Hospital
Penta-A Volunteer of the 29th
Olympic Games (Top 10%)
UL project (Fund code: 383-8254)
Principle Investigator (PI): Mike Bergin, PhD
Co-PIs: Zhen Li, MD, Feng Li, MD, Jamie Schauer, PhD, MBA, Junfeng Zhang, PhD,
BOX 90328
Durham, NC 27708
443-838-7482  xc59@duke.edu
CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.2
Primary Researcher & Project Lead Jun. 2015 - Present
The Impact of Air Filtration Intervention on Asthmatic Children in China
 Designed a 2x2 randomized crossover study among asthmatic children to examine the
potential health benefit of bedroom-based air filtration intervention
 Formulated a panel of biomarkers that are minimally invasive and easily compliant for
evaluation of health outcomes in pediatric study subjects
 Designed screening questionnaire, symptom and medication diary and time activity card
 Composed IRB application and consent form in both English and Chinese
 Coordinated collaborators in civil engineering, respiratory medicine, pediatrics and
biostatistics on the technical details of the study
Primary Researcher & Project Lead Jun. 2015 - Present
Effect of Short-term Portable Air Purifier Use on Occupant Health Indicators
 Identified the time points for the evaluation of cardiopulmonary outcomes among healthy
adults after overnight indoor filtration utilizing a crossover study design
 Designed inclusion and exclusion criteria, questionnaires for screening, baseline and follow-up
as well as time/activity card
 Composed Institutional Review Board (IRB) application in both English and Chinese
 Interviewed and recruited seven research staff locally and led a team of 12 people
 Assessed cardiovascular outcomes and respiratory inflammation during 16 clinical visits
 Screened 88 potential participants and successfully recruited 71 subjects
 Constructed cellphone app-based real-time communication platform with all study subjects
 Oversaw the collection, unique numbering and storage of urine, plasma and serum specimen,
concluding with a BioBank of 3,340 samples
 In charge of instrument shipping, consumable purchasing, study subject and research staff
compensation and managing a total research budget of 56,153 RMB
 Led statistical analysis using mixed-effects models and performed data visualization using
 Initiated and completed registration at ClinicialTrial.gov (NCT02736487)
Research Assistant Jan. 2014 - Present
Comparison of Free and Total Malondialdehyde (MDA) as a Biomarker of Oxidative Stress
 Performed MDA quantification with TBA method using HPLC (with fluorescence detector)
 Developed protocol for total MDA measurement in exhaled breath condensate (EBC)
 Compared the correlation between free and total MDA in different biological media including
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, EBC, serum, urine and cell culture supernatant
 Awarded 1st
place in the student poster competition at ISES 2014 conference
CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.3
Research Assistant Feb. 2014  Mar 2015
Effect of Disease Status on the Variability of Cardio-Respiratory Response to Traffic Exhaust
Exposure: the Oxford Street II Study
 Identified outliers and missing values for 186 variables using STATA and performed 181 data
cleaning actions based on feedback from clinicians at the Royal Brompton Hospital
 Analyzed cardiovascular and respiratory responses among healthy, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) individuals during and after a two-
hour walk at Oxford Street (with traffic exhaust) and Hyde Park (free of traffic exhaust) using
ANOVA and linear mixed-effect models
Primary Researcher Jan. 2014  Present
Toxicity of Diesel Exhaust from Combustion of Diesel Spiked with Nano-Ceria Additive
 Investigated how different dose of nano-ceria additive in diesel modify the toxicity of diesel
exhaust particles through impacting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and cerium content
 Quantified morphology abnormality, mortality as well as nrf2 and ahr2 pathway gene
expression after early life exposure among zebrafish embryos
Research Assistant Sep. 2013  Dec. 2013
Woodsmoke Particle Exposure and Susceptibility to Secondary H1N1 Influenza Infection
 Designed experiment to explore woodsmoke particle dose, exposure duration and time point
of phenotyping
 Performed bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), cytospin cell spread, hematoxylin and eosin staining,
BAL cell differential count and protein concentration measurement
 Conducted statistical analysis using t- test and one-way ANOVA
Research Assistant Jun. 2012  May 2013
Evaluation of Inhalation Exposure to Engineered Nanoparticles
 Built a glovebox and assessed exposure to nanoparticles in consumer spray aerosols utilizing
scanning mobility particle sizer, aerodynamic particle sizer and analysis of filter-based samples
by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
 Awarded 2nd
place in JHSPH Departmental Poster Competition
Teaching Assistant Feb. 2013  May 2013
Class 182.614.01 Industrial Hygiene Laboratory
Class 182.625.01 Principles of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
 Set up air monitoring instruments for lab sessions and explained equipment mechanism and
experimental procedures to facilitate the hands-on experience of students
 Initiated discussions, answered questions and graded lab reports
CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.4
Lab Assistant Nov. 2012  May 2013
Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke
 Formulate protocol for measurement of cotinine level in blood, urine and hair using gas
chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
 Conducted personal sampling of particulate matter, nicotine and CO in three hookah bars
Research Assistant Aug. 2012  May 2013
The Use of Zebrafish in Assessing Developmental Toxicity in Humans: A Systematic Review of
Diagnostic Test Accuracy
 Formulated protocol for the application of diagnostic test accuracy review in toxicology
 Initiated discussions among Zebrafish Working Group members (formed by experts in
academia and industry from USA, Europe and Canada)
Research Assistant Feb. 2011 - Jun. 2011
Health Effect of Nano-TiO2 Tracheal Instillation and Oral Gavage on Mice and Rats
 Performed daily oral gavage of nano-TiO2 suspension on 48 rats for two weeks
 Dissected and weighed the lungs, heart, liver, spleen and kidneys of 110 rats
 Utilized SPSS in data analysis to investigate the effect of nano-TiO2 tracheal instillation on
oxidative stress and lipid metabolism of ApoE knockout mice
Leading Researcher Jul. 2010 - Aug. 2011
Evaluation of Two Cell Viability Assays
 Designed experiments to examine possible interactions between carbon nanotubes and
Coomassie Blue
 Conducted following-up experiments to examine whether the interaction is dose-dependent
and completed data analysis
Leading Researcher Jul. 2009 - Nov. 2010
A Cross-sectional Study at the Foundry, Welding and Radiation Departments of a Factory
 Collected airborne particles on polyvinyl chloride filters and analyzed the mass concentration
and the size distribution of the airborne particles
 Designed and carried out questionnaires on usage of personal protective equipment and
subjective symptoms
 Collected pulmonary function test results. Analyzed data and completed research report
Student Representative Sep. 2014  Present
Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) Student Council, Duke University, Durham, USA
CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.5
 Initiated discussions on the mission and strategic planning of DGHI among other
representatives of graduate and undergraduate students
 Designed the Mentoring Plus program for students interested in Global Health and solicited
preliminary feedback from focused group discussions with undergraduates
Student Representative and International House Liaison Sep. 2013  Sep.2014
The Graduate Student and Professional Council, Duke University, Durham, USA
 Represent the student body of the Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health PhD
Program in university-wide discussion and decision-making
 Facilitating the communication and interaction between international graduate students and
the International House at Duke University
 Planned and implemented orientation for 300+ international students in 2014 and 2015
Stressbusters Coordinator Jul. 2012 - May 2013
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA
 Responsible for fund raising, volunteer training, collaboration with other student groups and
event publicity
 Managed volunteers and carried out regular events twice a month, during which volunteers
give free 5-minute backrubs to students, staff and faculty of the school
Class President Sep. 2008 - Aug. 2009
Undergraduate Class 2011 in Preventive Medicine, Peking University, China
 Worked together with class council in carrying out various activities
 Commented by classmates as devoting, detail-oriented and hard-working
Student Ambassador Aug. 2012 - May 2013
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
 Provided detailed answers to email inquiries on academic life and career development
opportunities at JHSPH
 Featured online through Student Affairs Office website as one of the student ambassadors of
the school
SOURCE Volunteer April 2012
Johns Hopkins University Student Outreach Research Center
 Participated in community work in Amazing Grace Lutheran Church (Baltimore, MD) including
weeding the backyard garden and cleaning neighborhood streets on Tri-school Day of Service
Team Member Nov. 2009  Jun. 2011
Community based Health Promotion
CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.6
 Recruited 50 volunteers and promoted knowledge on rabies, toxoplasmosis and pet
vaccination among 647 local residents in Beijing
 Designed a game-based health promotion procedure, 2 questionnaires and 13 leaflets
Volunteer Mar. 2008  Sep. 2008
The 29th
Olympic Games, the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, China Athletics Open,
IAAF Race Walking Challenge and 2008 China Marathon Open
 Assisted journalists in the Mixed Zone of National Stadium
 Responsible for updating and decorating the notice board
Cui X, Chung MK, Fang L, Xiang J, Day D, Li F, Mo J, Ohman-Strickland P, Sundell J, Weschler C,
Zhang Y; Zhang J. Air pollution and cardiopulmonary health: Effects of short-term indoor air
quality intervention with portable air purifier. (In preparation)
Cui X, Osterberg J, Gong J, Chung KF, Zhang J, Di Giulio R. Toxicity of Diesel Exhaust Particles with
Nano-Ceria Fuel Additive in Zebrafish (In preparation)
Cui X, Gong J, Seiffert J, Tetley T, Baker W, Chung KF, Zhang J. Comparison of Free and Total
Malondialdehyde as a Biomarker of Oxidative Damage (In preparation)
Wang Y, Chen Z, Ba T, Pu J, Cui X, Jia G. Effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on antioxidant function and
element content of liver and kidney tissues in young and adult rats. Journal of Peking University
(Health Sciences). 2014 Jun;46 (3): 395-399
Chen T, Nie H, Gao X, Yang J, Pu J, Chen Z, Cui X, Wang Y, Wang H, Jia G. Epithelial-mesenchymal
transition involved in pulmonary fibrosis induced by multi-walled carbon nanotubes via TGF-
beta/Smad signaling pathway. Toxicology Letters. 2014 Apr 21;226(2):150-62
Wang Y, Ba T, Chen Z, Pu J, Cui X, Nie H, Wang H, Jia G. Effect of titanium dioxide nanoparticles
on hemogram in rats with gastric ulcer. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2012; 46 (8):
Wang X, Guo J, Chen T, Nie H, Wang H, Zang J, Cui X, Jia G. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
induce apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway and scavenger receptor. Toxicology In Vitro. 2012
Song Y, Zhang J, Yu S, Wang T, Cui X, Du X, Jia G. Effects of chronic chromium (VI) exposure on
blood element homeostasis: an epidemiological study. Metallomics. 2012 May;4(5):463-72
CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.7
Cui X, Chung MK, Fang L, Xiang J, Day D, Li F, Mo J, Ohman-Strickland P, Sundell J, Weschler C,
Zhang Y; Zhang J. Air pollution and cardiopulmonary health: Effects of short-term indoor air
quality intervention with portable air purifier. International Society for Environmental
Epidemiology 2016 Annual Conference, Sep 1-4, Rome, Italy, 2016 (Oral Presentation)
Cui X, Gong J, Zhang J. Oxidative Stress Biomarkers. Duke University Bass Connections in Global
Health, Mar 27, Durham, USA, 2014 (Oral Presentation)
Cui X, Seiffert J, Gong J, Chang Y, Tetley T, Chung KF, Zhang J. Comparison of free and total
malondialdehyde as a biomarker of oxidative stress. International Society of Exposure Science
Annual Conference, Oct 12-14, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2014 (Poster Presentation, awarded
1st prize)
Cui X, Osterberg J, Gong J, Zhang L, Chung KF, Zhang J, Di Giulio R. Toxicity of diesel exhaust
particles with nano-ceria fuel additive in zebrafish. International Society of Exposure Science 24th
Annual Meeting, Oct 12-14, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2014 (Oral Presentation)
Cui X, Rule A, Breysse P. Size characterization of particles in consumer spray aerosols. Johns
Hopkins University Environmental Health Departmental Research Retreat & poster competition,
Jan 18, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2013 (Poster Presentation, awarded 2nd
International Society of Exposure Science, 2013 to present
International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, 2015 to present
Society of Toxicology, 2013 to present
American Industrial Hygiene Association, 2012 to present
Language: Mandarin, English
Computer: R, SAS, STATA, SPSS, EpiData, Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Clinical Internship at Peking University Ninth Hospital, Beijing, China (Feb. 2009 - Jun. 2010)
 Completed medical training in internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics,
family medicine and infectious disease
 Completed a 6-month fulltime rotation: mastered basic clinical skills, completed case reports
and assisted surgeries
Regulatory Affairs Training Program Jun. 2015  Jul. 2015
Duke Translational Medicine Institute (DTMI)
CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.8
 Attended lectures and completed exercise cases on Investigational New Drug (IND) content
and format, criteria for IND exemption, FDA meetings and communications, IND review
process, IND maintenance and drug master files
 Learned about medical device regulations and Investigational Device Exemption (IDE)
 Completed training sessions on institutional review board (IRB) application
Certification: Certificate in Risk Sciences and Public Policy (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health), 2013

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090916 CV

  • 1. CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.1 EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy Aug. 2013 - May 2018 (Expected) Duke University, Durham, NC, USA Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health Program Master of Science in Public Health Aug. 2011 - May 2013 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Baltimore, MD, USA Concentration: Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Certificate in Risk Sciences and Public Policy Bachelor of Medicine Sep. 2006 - Jul. 2011 Peking University, Beijing, China Specialty: Preventive Medicine HONORS AND AWARDS 2014 1st Prize, Student Poster Competition, International Society of Exposure Science ($500) Duke University Graduate Student Fellowship ($81,683) 2013 Duke University Graduate Student Fellowship ($79,826) JHSPH David Leslie Swift Fund in Environmental Health Science (Offered but declined) JHSPH Environmental Health Engineering Student Development Fund (Offered but declined) 2nd Place, JHSPH Environmental Health Departmental Poster Competition ($50) 2012 JHSPH Master Tuition Scholarship ($33,228) American Industrial Hygiene Liberty Mutual Scholarship ($6000) The 3M Industrial Hygiene Scholarship ($5000) American Public Health Association Jim Keogh Scholarship ($300) 2008 - 2011 2011 ETS TOEFL Scholarship for China ($1500) Scholarship for Outstanding Medical Students of Peking University (Top 10%) Outstanding Clinical Intern of Peking University Ninth Hospital Penta-A Volunteer of the 29th Olympic Games (Top 10%) CURRENT FUNDING SUPPORT UL project (Fund code: 383-8254) Principle Investigator (PI): Mike Bergin, PhD Co-PIs: Zhen Li, MD, Feng Li, MD, Jamie Schauer, PhD, MBA, Junfeng Zhang, PhD, XIAOXING CUI BOX 90328 Durham, NC 27708 443-838-7482 xc59@duke.edu
  • 2. CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.2 RESEARCH AND WORK EXPERIENCE DUKE UNIVERSITY, DURHAM, NC Primary Researcher & Project Lead Jun. 2015 - Present The Impact of Air Filtration Intervention on Asthmatic Children in China Designed a 2x2 randomized crossover study among asthmatic children to examine the potential health benefit of bedroom-based air filtration intervention Formulated a panel of biomarkers that are minimally invasive and easily compliant for evaluation of health outcomes in pediatric study subjects Designed screening questionnaire, symptom and medication diary and time activity card Composed IRB application and consent form in both English and Chinese Coordinated collaborators in civil engineering, respiratory medicine, pediatrics and biostatistics on the technical details of the study Primary Researcher & Project Lead Jun. 2015 - Present Effect of Short-term Portable Air Purifier Use on Occupant Health Indicators Identified the time points for the evaluation of cardiopulmonary outcomes among healthy adults after overnight indoor filtration utilizing a crossover study design Designed inclusion and exclusion criteria, questionnaires for screening, baseline and follow-up as well as time/activity card Composed Institutional Review Board (IRB) application in both English and Chinese Interviewed and recruited seven research staff locally and led a team of 12 people Assessed cardiovascular outcomes and respiratory inflammation during 16 clinical visits Screened 88 potential participants and successfully recruited 71 subjects Constructed cellphone app-based real-time communication platform with all study subjects Oversaw the collection, unique numbering and storage of urine, plasma and serum specimen, concluding with a BioBank of 3,340 samples In charge of instrument shipping, consumable purchasing, study subject and research staff compensation and managing a total research budget of 56,153 RMB Led statistical analysis using mixed-effects models and performed data visualization using RStudio Initiated and completed registration at ClinicialTrial.gov (NCT02736487) Research Assistant Jan. 2014 - Present Comparison of Free and Total Malondialdehyde (MDA) as a Biomarker of Oxidative Stress Performed MDA quantification with TBA method using HPLC (with fluorescence detector) Developed protocol for total MDA measurement in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) Compared the correlation between free and total MDA in different biological media including bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, EBC, serum, urine and cell culture supernatant Awarded 1st place in the student poster competition at ISES 2014 conference
  • 3. CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.3 Research Assistant Feb. 2014 Mar 2015 Effect of Disease Status on the Variability of Cardio-Respiratory Response to Traffic Exhaust Exposure: the Oxford Street II Study Identified outliers and missing values for 186 variables using STATA and performed 181 data cleaning actions based on feedback from clinicians at the Royal Brompton Hospital Analyzed cardiovascular and respiratory responses among healthy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) individuals during and after a two- hour walk at Oxford Street (with traffic exhaust) and Hyde Park (free of traffic exhaust) using ANOVA and linear mixed-effect models Primary Researcher Jan. 2014 Present Toxicity of Diesel Exhaust from Combustion of Diesel Spiked with Nano-Ceria Additive Investigated how different dose of nano-ceria additive in diesel modify the toxicity of diesel exhaust particles through impacting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and cerium content Quantified morphology abnormality, mortality as well as nrf2 and ahr2 pathway gene expression after early life exposure among zebrafish embryos Research Assistant Sep. 2013 Dec. 2013 Woodsmoke Particle Exposure and Susceptibility to Secondary H1N1 Influenza Infection Designed experiment to explore woodsmoke particle dose, exposure duration and time point of phenotyping Performed bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), cytospin cell spread, hematoxylin and eosin staining, BAL cell differential count and protein concentration measurement Conducted statistical analysis using t- test and one-way ANOVA JOHNS HOPKINS BLOOMBERG SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, BALTIMORE, USA Research Assistant Jun. 2012 May 2013 Evaluation of Inhalation Exposure to Engineered Nanoparticles Built a glovebox and assessed exposure to nanoparticles in consumer spray aerosols utilizing scanning mobility particle sizer, aerodynamic particle sizer and analysis of filter-based samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Awarded 2nd place in JHSPH Departmental Poster Competition Teaching Assistant Feb. 2013 May 2013 Class 182.614.01 Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Class 182.625.01 Principles of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Set up air monitoring instruments for lab sessions and explained equipment mechanism and experimental procedures to facilitate the hands-on experience of students Initiated discussions, answered questions and graded lab reports
  • 4. CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.4 Lab Assistant Nov. 2012 May 2013 Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Formulate protocol for measurement of cotinine level in blood, urine and hair using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) Conducted personal sampling of particulate matter, nicotine and CO in three hookah bars Research Assistant Aug. 2012 May 2013 The Use of Zebrafish in Assessing Developmental Toxicity in Humans: A Systematic Review of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Formulated protocol for the application of diagnostic test accuracy review in toxicology Initiated discussions among Zebrafish Working Group members (formed by experts in academia and industry from USA, Europe and Canada) PEKING UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, BEIJING, CHINA Research Assistant Feb. 2011 - Jun. 2011 Health Effect of Nano-TiO2 Tracheal Instillation and Oral Gavage on Mice and Rats Performed daily oral gavage of nano-TiO2 suspension on 48 rats for two weeks Dissected and weighed the lungs, heart, liver, spleen and kidneys of 110 rats Utilized SPSS in data analysis to investigate the effect of nano-TiO2 tracheal instillation on oxidative stress and lipid metabolism of ApoE knockout mice Leading Researcher Jul. 2010 - Aug. 2011 Evaluation of Two Cell Viability Assays Designed experiments to examine possible interactions between carbon nanotubes and Coomassie Blue Conducted following-up experiments to examine whether the interaction is dose-dependent and completed data analysis Leading Researcher Jul. 2009 - Nov. 2010 A Cross-sectional Study at the Foundry, Welding and Radiation Departments of a Factory Collected airborne particles on polyvinyl chloride filters and analyzed the mass concentration and the size distribution of the airborne particles Designed and carried out questionnaires on usage of personal protective equipment and subjective symptoms Collected pulmonary function test results. Analyzed data and completed research report LEADERSHIP Student Representative Sep. 2014 Present Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) Student Council, Duke University, Durham, USA
  • 5. CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.5 Initiated discussions on the mission and strategic planning of DGHI among other representatives of graduate and undergraduate students Designed the Mentoring Plus program for students interested in Global Health and solicited preliminary feedback from focused group discussions with undergraduates Student Representative and International House Liaison Sep. 2013 Sep.2014 The Graduate Student and Professional Council, Duke University, Durham, USA Represent the student body of the Integrated Toxicology and Environmental Health PhD Program in university-wide discussion and decision-making Facilitating the communication and interaction between international graduate students and the International House at Duke University Planned and implemented orientation for 300+ international students in 2014 and 2015 Stressbusters Coordinator Jul. 2012 - May 2013 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA Responsible for fund raising, volunteer training, collaboration with other student groups and event publicity Managed volunteers and carried out regular events twice a month, during which volunteers give free 5-minute backrubs to students, staff and faculty of the school Class President Sep. 2008 - Aug. 2009 Undergraduate Class 2011 in Preventive Medicine, Peking University, China Worked together with class council in carrying out various activities Commented by classmates as devoting, detail-oriented and hard-working COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTEER SERVICE Student Ambassador Aug. 2012 - May 2013 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Provided detailed answers to email inquiries on academic life and career development opportunities at JHSPH Featured online through Student Affairs Office website as one of the student ambassadors of the school SOURCE Volunteer April 2012 Johns Hopkins University Student Outreach Research Center Participated in community work in Amazing Grace Lutheran Church (Baltimore, MD) including weeding the backyard garden and cleaning neighborhood streets on Tri-school Day of Service Team Member Nov. 2009 Jun. 2011 Community based Health Promotion
  • 6. CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.6 Recruited 50 volunteers and promoted knowledge on rabies, toxoplasmosis and pet vaccination among 647 local residents in Beijing Designed a game-based health promotion procedure, 2 questionnaires and 13 leaflets Volunteer Mar. 2008 Sep. 2008 The 29th Olympic Games, the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, China Athletics Open, IAAF Race Walking Challenge and 2008 China Marathon Open Assisted journalists in the Mixed Zone of National Stadium Responsible for updating and decorating the notice board PUBLICATIONS Cui X, Chung MK, Fang L, Xiang J, Day D, Li F, Mo J, Ohman-Strickland P, Sundell J, Weschler C, Zhang Y; Zhang J. Air pollution and cardiopulmonary health: Effects of short-term indoor air quality intervention with portable air purifier. (In preparation) Cui X, Osterberg J, Gong J, Chung KF, Zhang J, Di Giulio R. Toxicity of Diesel Exhaust Particles with Nano-Ceria Fuel Additive in Zebrafish (In preparation) Cui X, Gong J, Seiffert J, Tetley T, Baker W, Chung KF, Zhang J. Comparison of Free and Total Malondialdehyde as a Biomarker of Oxidative Damage (In preparation) Wang Y, Chen Z, Ba T, Pu J, Cui X, Jia G. Effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on antioxidant function and element content of liver and kidney tissues in young and adult rats. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences). 2014 Jun;46 (3): 395-399 Chen T, Nie H, Gao X, Yang J, Pu J, Chen Z, Cui X, Wang Y, Wang H, Jia G. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition involved in pulmonary fibrosis induced by multi-walled carbon nanotubes via TGF- beta/Smad signaling pathway. Toxicology Letters. 2014 Apr 21;226(2):150-62 Wang Y, Ba T, Chen Z, Pu J, Cui X, Nie H, Wang H, Jia G. Effect of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on hemogram in rats with gastric ulcer. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2012; 46 (8): 740-744 Wang X, Guo J, Chen T, Nie H, Wang H, Zang J, Cui X, Jia G. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes induce apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway and scavenger receptor. Toxicology In Vitro. 2012 Sep;26(6):799-806 Song Y, Zhang J, Yu S, Wang T, Cui X, Du X, Jia G. Effects of chronic chromium (VI) exposure on blood element homeostasis: an epidemiological study. Metallomics. 2012 May;4(5):463-72 PRESENTATIONS AND INVITED TALKS
  • 7. CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.7 Cui X, Chung MK, Fang L, Xiang J, Day D, Li F, Mo J, Ohman-Strickland P, Sundell J, Weschler C, Zhang Y; Zhang J. Air pollution and cardiopulmonary health: Effects of short-term indoor air quality intervention with portable air purifier. International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 2016 Annual Conference, Sep 1-4, Rome, Italy, 2016 (Oral Presentation) Cui X, Gong J, Zhang J. Oxidative Stress Biomarkers. Duke University Bass Connections in Global Health, Mar 27, Durham, USA, 2014 (Oral Presentation) Cui X, Seiffert J, Gong J, Chang Y, Tetley T, Chung KF, Zhang J. Comparison of free and total malondialdehyde as a biomarker of oxidative stress. International Society of Exposure Science 24th Annual Conference, Oct 12-14, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2014 (Poster Presentation, awarded 1st prize) Cui X, Osterberg J, Gong J, Zhang L, Chung KF, Zhang J, Di Giulio R. Toxicity of diesel exhaust particles with nano-ceria fuel additive in zebrafish. International Society of Exposure Science 24th Annual Meeting, Oct 12-14, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 2014 (Oral Presentation) Cui X, Rule A, Breysse P. Size characterization of particles in consumer spray aerosols. Johns Hopkins University Environmental Health Departmental Research Retreat & poster competition, Jan 18, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2013 (Poster Presentation, awarded 2nd place) MEMBERSHIP International Society of Exposure Science, 2013 to present International Society of Environmental Epidemiology, 2015 to present Society of Toxicology, 2013 to present American Industrial Hygiene Association, 2012 to present SKILLS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Language: Mandarin, English Computer: R, SAS, STATA, SPSS, EpiData, Word, Excel, PowerPoint Training: Clinical Internship at Peking University Ninth Hospital, Beijing, China (Feb. 2009 - Jun. 2010) Completed medical training in internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, family medicine and infectious disease Completed a 6-month fulltime rotation: mastered basic clinical skills, completed case reports and assisted surgeries Regulatory Affairs Training Program Jun. 2015 Jul. 2015 Duke Translational Medicine Institute (DTMI)
  • 8. CV of Xiaoxing Cui, pg.8 Attended lectures and completed exercise cases on Investigational New Drug (IND) content and format, criteria for IND exemption, FDA meetings and communications, IND review process, IND maintenance and drug master files Learned about medical device regulations and Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) Completed training sessions on institutional review board (IRB) application Certification: Certificate in Risk Sciences and Public Policy (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health), 2013