The document outlines the daily lesson plan and activities for a science class. It includes converting between metric units as a warm up activity. Students then participate in a "metric master quiz" and "probe activity" to check for misconceptions. The agenda notes that the class will discuss what will be on the upcoming quiz, which includes parts of the scientific method, types of observations, making procedures, and metric conversions. An exit quiz in metric conversions is given before students can leave class.
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09.22 D5 More Metric
1. Day 5: Sept 22/23 Objective: SWBAT probe misconceptions SWBAT practice metric conversions Homework: Study for quiz next class Warm-up: Convert the following 45 mL = ____ L 6.2 km = ____ cm
2. Warm up 45 mL = ____ L three to left 0.045 6.2 km = ____ cm five to right 620,000
3. Agenda Probe activity Whats on the quiz? Metric Game again Exit quiz on metric conversions
4. Are you a metric master? Clean sheet of paper Seven minutes to finish five problems Skip lines Show work!!! NO TALKING (talking = cheating)
5. Metric Master Quiz 382 mL = ____ L 2.2 dm = _____ mm 4.5 m = _____ cm 0.67 L = _____ mL 303 g = _____ kg
6. Metric Master 382 mL = 0.382 L 2.2 dm = 220 mm 4.5 m = 4,500 cm 0.67 L = 670 mL 303 g = 0.303 kg
7. Probe Activity pg 23 Quickwrite Three minutes Keep writing the whole time! Topic: Describe what you see and try to explain what you see.
8. Whats on the quiz? Add this to bottom of pg 23 Parts of the scientific method Types of observations Making a procedure Science safety Metric conversions