Mauritius is a paradise for deep sea fishing for various species of fish and sharks. Large fish like blue marlin can be found in Mauritius waters from November to April. The ocean is 70 meters deep just one kilometer from the coast. Mauritius holds several world fishing records, including for mako shark, blue shark, bonito, and yellowfin tuna. The most prestigious deep sea fishing competition is the annual Marlin World Cup hosted in December.
eTailing India 3rd Annual Expo Event - Presentation by Ian Jindal (Internet r...eTailing India
This document summarizes Ian Jindal's presentation on connecting with connected customers based on insights from the InternetRetailing Top500 multichannel retailers conference in 2015. Some of the key points discussed include the importance of mobile and delivering on promises like delivery windows. It also discusses using digital technologies in-store and the need for seamless customer experiences across channels. The presentation emphasizes that excellent customer service is critical for sustainable retail success.
Government allows 100% fdi in other financial services by nbf cseTailing India
The government has allowed 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in other financial services carried out by non-banking finance companies (NBFCs), continuing with the liberalization of the overseas investments regime.
eTailing India Workshop - Retail Track- IBM Presentation eTailing India
This document discusses how cloud computing is enabling transformation across various industries like banking, healthcare, and retail. It notes that cloud is at the center of forces like data, mobile, connected things, and social that are driving this change. The document then provides examples of how cloud computing from IBM SoftLayer can address business needs like workload migration, scalability, and security. It highlights SoftLayer's flexibility, performance, and automation. Finally, the document shares two customer stories where SoftLayer infrastructure helped provide the scalability, uptime, and support needed for high-traffic online services.
Why Technology Company Should Partner With eTailing India?eTailing India
Expand your business at India's Flagship eCommerce, Retail
& Mobile Conference & Exhibition
Network with 3000+ qualified eCommerce & retail business
Increase your productivity and ROI by meeting the decision
Maximize your brand exposure using our platform
Build your sales funnel with effective leads
80% of the attendees report finding new solution providers
is The reason to attend eTailing India
Maini : Warehousing & inventory logistics the backbone of e-retail ecosystemeTailing India
Warehousing solutions for the retail and e-commerce industry are discussed. Efficient warehouses can help online retailers economically deliver products by solving key issues. The document outlines the operation flow in e-retail and lists problems that warehouses can address such as storage capacity, inventory management, stock identification, and increased throughput. Solutions proposed include flexible infrastructure, optimized storage division, automated systems, RFID technologies, and very high bay warehouses to improve inventory management and order fulfillment.
Kumar Rajgopalan : Indian Retail in a multi-channel worldeTailing India
The document discusses the changing retail landscape in India as consumers and retailers adapt to multi-channel shopping. A survey found that consumers are increasingly shopping online for convenience and a wider selection of products. Retailers recognize that multi-channel experiences and good customer service are priorities for 2014. While brick-and-mortar stores see higher online sales and lower return rates compared to online-only retailers, all retailers must find ways to cope with showrooming effects. Lessons from more mature markets like the UK suggest that online sales can be increased by building on consumer trust and creating endless aisles of products, while retaining quick checkout and instant gratification aspects of physical stores.
New channel distributions unlock retail indiaeTailing India
New retail channels are neutralizing the traditional advantage that distribution offered and are providing opportunities for innovative brands to emerge.
Learn the Role of Big Data in Retail IndustryeTailing India
In an effort to compete with eCommerce, retailers are increasingly turning to big data and in-store analytics to better understand whats going on in their stores. Today, in our 2nd part of Retail Week Series, we talk about the importance of Big Data Analytics in a Retail business. It would be of immense help to all retailers, eCommerce firms, technology players and budding entrepreneurs in ingraining fundamentals and modern strategies of running a successful Retail business.
This document provides information about football clubs and stadium advertising opportunities in Portugal. It details the top three clubs - Benfica, Sporting Lisbon, and Porto FC, including their home cities and stadiums. Each club has a history of domestic and international success. The document proposes a commercial offer of advertising during 6 home games on electronic LED boards for 64,900 per club.
Bringing HR and payroll inhouse the new roll of HRMSSociusPartner
This document summarizes and promotes the benefits of Sage HRMS, a human resources management software. It states that Excel spreadsheets are unreliable for HR needs and that Sage HRMS provides features like reporting, security, customization, self-service, and payroll processing. The document then lists Sage HRMS' core and extended solutions and promotes its recruiting, onboarding, time and attendance, training, and workflow management capabilities. It concludes by inviting the reader to see a demonstration of Sage HRMS in action.
The document provides details on the design choices made for a magazine cover and contents page. Key points include:
- The cover image takes up 80% of the space and shows the subject in a medium shot to follow conventions while also showing some of her outfit.
- The magazine name is slightly covered by the image to look like a recognizable magazine.
- Subheadings around the cover provide information on the magazine's content in different shapes and fonts.
- Colors and fonts are limited to 3 types to not be overcomplicated but still eye-catching.
- The contents page includes a range of artist images in different shots to familiarize readers with the music genres covered.
Iliada, de Homer.
[...]mprejurarea pe care o semnalm explic pentru ce 樽n cele mai vechi monumente ale literaturii greceti, care sunt poemele epice Iliada i Odysseia, amintirea unor evenimente petrecute 樽n mileniul al II-lea sau detalii 樽n legtur cu modul de trai al unor popula釘ii anterioare venirii dorienilor struie cu o vivacitate neobinuit. Mult vreme aceast particularitate a fost socotit ca o dovad a ne樽ntrecutei fantezii a poetului sau a poe釘ilor crora li se atribuia paternitatea celor dou opere de art. Astzi, dup
aproape un veac de explorare arheologic a bazinului egeean; dup lumina proiectat asupra principalelor episoade ale epopeei de descoperirile din Troia i Mycene, din Creta i Pylos, 樽ndoial nu poate fi asupra faptului c alturi de peripe釘ii create de imagina釘ia unui artist excep釘ional; alturi de trsturi 樽mprumuta te propriei vremi a poetului, sensibil posterioar evenimentelor c但ntate 樽n Iliada i Odysseia dinuie ecouri ale vie釘ii desfurate
樽n bazinul egeean 樽n epoca de 樽nflorire a civiliza釘iei myceniene.
C但nt, zei釘, m但nia ce-aprinse pe-Ahil Peleianul,
Patima crud ce-Aheilor mii de amaruri aduse;
Suflete multe viteze trimise pe lumea cealalt,
Trupul fc但ndu-le hran la c但ni i la feluri de psri
i 樽mplinit fu voia lui Zeus, de c但nd Agamemnon,
Craiul nscut din Atreu, i dumnezeiescul Ahile
S-au dezbinat dup cearta ce fuse-ntre d但nii iscat.
Care fu zeul ce-i puse pe ei s s-apuce de sfad?
Fiul lui Zeus i-al Letei, Apolon. n ciuda-i pe craiul,
Molim grea rsp但ndise i oastea-i pornise s piar,
Pentru c-Atrid cutezase pe preotul Hrises s-nfrunte,
C但nd cuviosul veni la corbii, 樽n tabr-ahee,
Ca s-i rscumpere fata cu-o mare mul釘ime de daruri.
C但rja de aur 釘in但nd cu podoabe de sfinte cordele,
Daru-nchinat lui Apolon, de-Ahei se ruga deopotriv,
Dar mai cu seam de-Atrizi, cele dou mai mari cpetenii:
Voi, cpetenii Atrizi i Ahei cu frumoase pulpare,
Fie ca zeii-ntrona釘i 樽n Olimp la rzboi s v-ajute
Troia uor s lua釘i i cu bine s-ajunge釘i acas!
Ci-napoia釘i-mi copila robit, primind aste daruri,
Dac v teme釘i de fiul lui Zeus, de-arcaul Apolon.
Asta vorbi, i cu to釘ii strigau, 樽nvoindu-se-Aheii
S-aib ruine de preot, primindu-i m但ndre釘ea de daruri.
Nu i-a plcut lui Atrid Agamemnon 樽ndemnul acesta,
i l-a respins fr mil pe preot cu aspr porunc:
3. Caracteristici geografice
Orientul antic este un teritoriu imens cuprins
樽ntre Marea Mediteran i Oceanul Pacific
Este leagnul unor mari civiliza釘ii ale omenirii
relieful este foarte variat
Strbtut de mari fluvii( Nil, Eufrat, Indus,
Gange, Fluviul Galben)
Pe vile acestor fluvii au aprut primele
4. Oamenii au devenit sedentari
Au construit sisteme de iriga釘ie
Au exploatat resursele naturale
Au 樽ntemeiat primele orae
5. Ocupa釘iile oamenilor
Comer釘ul- trocul
Secolul VII 樽. Hr 樽n regiunea Lidia au aprut
primele monede
Transportul pe uscat- drumul mtsii
- pe fluvii i mri cu corbii
7. Mesopotamienii
Mesopotamia - este situat 樽ntre fluviile Tigru i
A fost locuit de mai multe popoare: sumerieni,
akkadieni, asirieni, babilonieni, chaldeeni
Este o regiune foarte fertil 樽n care s-a dezvoltat
agricultura i sistemele de iriga釘ii
Mesopotamia i valea Nilului alctuiesc semiluna
Aici au aprut primele orae din lume(Ur, Uruk)
13. Evreii
n Palestina a aprut prima religie monoteist
din istoria omenirii, apar釘in但nd vechilor evrei
Au migrat din Palestina 樽n Egipt unde
faraonul Ramses II i-a transformat 樽n sclavi
1200 樽.Hr. Moise i-a condus din Egipt spre
S-au aezat 樽n Palestina devenind agricultori
i comercian釘i
14. Moise sculptat de Michelangelo
Din cunotin ele voastre de la religie釘 , cine a fost Moise ?
15. Fenicienii- au fost printre cei mai mari
negustori i navigatori ai antichit釘ii
Au inventat alfabetul
Mezii i perii- locuiau 樽n Pod. Iran i au creat
un imperiu imens Imperiul Persan
Indienii- sunt un amestec se mai multe
popoare care s-au aezat pe valea Indusului
Chinezii- fac parte din r但ndul popoarelor
mongolice i au creat o civiliza釘ie de excep釘ie
18. Egiptul s-a format pe valea Nilului
Datorit revrsrii apelor fluviului pm但ntul
era fertilizat cu m但l roditor
Egiptenii cultivau : cereale, in, papirus,
legume, vi釘 de vie
Creteau: oi, vaci, porci
Egiptul devine unul din marii productori
agricoli ai antichit釘ii i centrul unei strlucite