Hm slide5fukushiisaCraigslist began as a local community newsletter in San Francisco but grew to become one of the most visited English websites, hosting classified ads across over 450 cities worldwide. It allows users to post classified ads in categories like housing, jobs, items for sale, services, and personals. As Craigslist's popularity expanded beyond its original local focus, it added additional city sites to its network. Today, it sees over 25 million new ads, 1.5 million job postings, and 30 million user visits per month across its global network of over 450 city-specific sites.
DerechosJlaf68Este poema narra la historia de la mujer a través de la historia de la humanidad, desde tiempos remotos hasta la actualidad. Describe cómo la mujer ha sido esclavizada, violada y oprimida por siglos, obligada a servir a los hombres sin tener autonomía sobre su propia vida. Finalmente, las mujeres se unen para reclamar su poder e igualdad, haciendo un llamado a construir un mundo sin distinciones de género donde ambos sexos trabajen juntos.
Introduction to DNAStacy BakerDNA contains the genetic code for all living things in the form of the four nucleotide bases adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. DNA is a double-stranded molecule where adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine. Genes located on chromosomes contain the DNA code for specific polypeptides, and this code is expressed through transcription of DNA into RNA and the subsequent translation of the RNA code at ribosomes to produce proteins.
Hm slide5fukushiisaCraigslist began as a local community newsletter in San Francisco but grew to become one of the most visited English websites, hosting classified ads across over 450 cities worldwide. It allows users to post classified ads in categories like housing, jobs, items for sale, services, and personals. As Craigslist's popularity expanded beyond its original local focus, it added additional city sites to its network. Today, it sees over 25 million new ads, 1.5 million job postings, and 30 million user visits per month across its global network of over 450 city-specific sites.
DerechosJlaf68Este poema narra la historia de la mujer a través de la historia de la humanidad, desde tiempos remotos hasta la actualidad. Describe cómo la mujer ha sido esclavizada, violada y oprimida por siglos, obligada a servir a los hombres sin tener autonomía sobre su propia vida. Finalmente, las mujeres se unen para reclamar su poder e igualdad, haciendo un llamado a construir un mundo sin distinciones de género donde ambos sexos trabajen juntos.
Introduction to DNAStacy BakerDNA contains the genetic code for all living things in the form of the four nucleotide bases adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. DNA is a double-stranded molecule where adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine. Genes located on chromosomes contain the DNA code for specific polypeptides, and this code is expressed through transcription of DNA into RNA and the subsequent translation of the RNA code at ribosomes to produce proteins.
DISTRIBUCIONES COMÚNMENTE USADASRoza MezaEste documento describe varias distribuciones de probabilidad comúnmente usadas en estadística. Introduce la distribución de Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, normal, gamma y t de Student. Explica cómo cada una se define, sus parámetros y cómo calcular la media y varianza. También proporciona ejemplos para ilustrar el uso de estas distribuciones.
Aloha 99's Fundraiser FlyerRuby's Diner KahuluiRuby's Diner located at Queen Ka'ahumanu Center in Maui will hold a fundraiser on March 15th from 7am to 10pm. 20% of all food and beverage sales when a flyer is presented will be donated to charity. Live music and booths from community groups will be available from 11am to 3pm at the Center Court. Take-out orders and purchases with gift cards do not qualify for the fundraiser but other discounts can be used. Flyers must be distributed before the event, not at the restaurant.
Con3 Jacks Fundraiser FlyerRuby's Diner KahuluiRuby's Diner will donate 20% of all food and beverage sales between 5-9pm on May 9th, 2013 to Con3 Jacks Las Vegas Youth Basketball Tournament, if customers present a flyer. Flyers must be distributed before the event, and cannot be distributed at the restaurant during the fundraiser. Purchases with gift cards will not qualify, and other discounts cannot be used.
001บรรยายครั้งที่ 1Kruun PdoThis document discusses communication models and methods used for teaching. It explains the SMCR model of communication which outlines the source, message, channel, and receiver. It also categorizes communication as verbal, nonverbal, interpersonal, or group-based. Specific nonverbal methods discussed include use of time, action, space, and objects. Electronic methods like email are also presented. The document provides an overview of key aspects of communication for instructional purposes.
Share Australia - The Seven Most Important SharePoint Success FactorsRichard HarbridgeThe document discusses seven factors for SharePoint success. It begins by emphasizing the importance of understanding requirements, limitations of the software, and accurate effort/schedule estimation to avoid poor outcomes. It stresses achieving buy-in from IT services and decision makers by mapping needs to technology benefits and communicating how SharePoint can add business value over time. The document also recommends prioritizing solutions, setting realistic expectations about the timeline, determining ROI through various analyses, and implementing governance through cross-functional teams to guide operations, development and support.
Area, Perimeter And VolumejustjobellThis document defines and provides examples of area, perimeter, and volume. It explains that:
- Area is measured in square units (cm2) and represents the number of squares that fit inside a 2D shape.
- Perimeter is the distance around a shape and is measured in linear units (cm). It provides examples of calculating perimeters of rectangles and triangles.
- Volume is measured in cubic units (cm3) and represents the number of cubes that fit inside a 3D shape. It gives examples of calculating volumes of cubes and cuboids.
The document concludes with practice problems for the reader to calculate areas, perimeters, and volumes of various shapes.
1 2-2 grammarwrhstrevinoEste documento explica cómo decir la hora en español. Indica que para preguntar la hora se dice "¿Qué hora es?" y al decir la hora se usa el verbo "ser". Explica cómo usar "es", "son", "y", "menos", y "media" para indicar los minutos. Finalmente, incluye ejercicios de práctica para decir la hora en español.