Easter is celebrated annually between March 22nd and April 25th. The name Easter may originate from the pagan goddess Eostre who was worshipped in Northern Europe. Different Christian traditions celebrate Easter with exclamations like "Christ is risen!" held in various languages. The week leading up to Easter Sunday is known as Holy Week or Strastnaya week and includes Palm Sunday, Holy Monday through Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Easter is also celebrated with symbols like decorated eggs, rabbits or chickens, trees and flowers. Special Easter foods include hot cross buns. Easter activities involve egg rolling, knocking eggs together, and egg and spoon races.
2. History of Easter
We celebrate Easter on any Sunday
from March 22nd to April 25th . This
year we’ll celebrate Easter on the 24th
of April, too.
The name Easter seems to come
Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring
worshipped in Northern Europe long
before the advent of Christianity.
3. Easter
Воскрес! Christ is
– risen! – Христос
Воистину Indeed, He is чĕрĕлнĕ! –
Воскрес! risen! Чăн
4. Special
Holy Strastnaya Мăнкун
week week
Palm Sunday - Holy Monday –
Holy Tuesday-Holy Wednesday
– Maundy (Holy) Thursday-
Good Friday – Easter Sunday
6. Tsivilisk Bogoroditsky
Мiraculous image of
the Blessed Virgin
of Tikhvin is the
main shrine of the
According to the
legend it was
written in 1675 by
the priest’s son
Ephraim Vasiliev.
In the monastery's
chronicle there are
some evidentiary
materials of
marvelous healings
by this holy icon.
15. Hot Cross
Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns.
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
Give them to your daughters
Give them to your sons.
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross bus.
18. With best wishes to you for a
wonderful Easter!
Thank you for the eggs you bring
At Easter time to welcome spring.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter
19. Easter
Rolling Knocking eggs
Eggs together
Eggs and spoon
20. Eggs and spoon race
• Each team stands in single file behind the starting
line and opposite their respective baskets, set in the
ground about 5 yards away.
• At the whistle, the first player in each line,
balancing an egg on a spoon, races around his
team's basket, then back to transfer the egg onto a
spoon held by the next teammate. The recipient
races to the basket, and the first runner hands his
spoon to the third person.
• The race continues until one team finishes the
course. Anyone who drops an egg must run to the
starting line for another before