Evaluation Question 1 – In what way does your media product use, develop or c...AlliicceeeThis document discusses how the author's double page media product uses conventions of real media products. It contains the writer and photographer credits at the bottom, images with a similar tone to others in the magazine, a bold masthead with the band name, subheadings providing information, consistent color schemes and background textures throughout the magazine, and an interview excerpt featuring the magazine's logo in bold within the text. The author aimed to match conventions from their style model magazine.
#1NLab14: Re-Defining Why You LeadOne NorthOne North brought in Alycia Sutor from Akina to dive into leadership in the workplace, how everyone can lead and how best to go about it.
From the 2014 Experience Lab: Reimagine Marketing. To watch a video of the presentation, visit http://bit.ly/1HFWCQx.
Facebook forcing hand v110 LouderAfter much speculation, Facebook confirmed its plans to remove the disable comments option on most Facebook fan pages. This policy will be immediately applicable to all existing Facebook pages and will be applied retroactively applied to all existing pages by August 15th. Pending a review, only Facebook pages that are focused on a specific prescription medication may continue with the comments option disabled.
Ostensibly this means that companies that have been using Facebook as a one-way broadcast tool are going to be presented with a clear choice: Either find a way to embrace and benefit from two-way dialogue with your Facebook fans, or remove Facebook from your marketing mix entirely. This will force regulated health companies to examine not only the risk and benefits of Facebook, but of two-way social communication overall. There is no correct choice here.
While a Facebook page is not right for every pharmaceutical campaign, we do believe that for most, the benefits far outweigh the risks and could help usher in a new era of pharmaceutical marketing.
What busy people say about lifehttps://aiimsbhubaneswar.nic.in/1. A job is just one part of life and not the entire picture, as it only shows a cropped view and does not define one's whole life.
2. True wealth comes from time spent with family and friends, not material possessions or career accomplishments, as family should be prioritized over staying late at work.
3. People often overestimate the amount of free time they have and should make the most of the present instead of constantly being busy, as time passes quickly.
Thesis presentationSebastian HellmannThis document summarizes a research project aiming to formalize text for machines in a transparent, efficient, and web-compatible way. It introduces the areas of scientific focus, including defining contexts and strings as URIs, formalizing this in OWL, and implications for natural language processing frameworks. The goal is for the representation to be understandable by machines and support tasks like ambiguity resolution. The evaluation plan involves comparing expressivity and performance to other models, and measuring developer adoption through a mailing list. The work seeks to reduce the "semantic gap" between data and questions by clarifying structural and representational issues.
1. 보증보험 종류
1. 계약시 – 이행(계약) 보증보험
채무자(보험계약자)가 계약에서 정한 채무를 이행하지 아니함으로써 계약보증금이
채권자(피보험자)에게 몰수 또는 귀속되는 사유가 발생하였을 경우 채권자가
입게되는 손해를 보상
보증기간 : 계약체결일로부터 계약기간 말일까지
2. 종료시 – 이행(하자) 보증보험
계약이행이 완료되어 준공검사 또는 검수가 끝난후, 하자보증기간 중에 발생하는 하자에
대하여 채무자(보험계약자)가 하자보수요청을 받고도 이를 이행하지 아니함으로써 채권
자(피보험자)가 입게되는 손해를 보상
보증기간 : 증권기재 계약의 준공검사 또는 물품검수를 필한 날로부터 하자보수 책임이
종료되는 날까지
3. 계약금 – 이행(선급금) 보증보험
선금급(전도금) 또는 전도자재가 지급되는각종계약에서 채무자(보험계약자)가 선금급 등
을 지급받고 계약을 이행하지 아니할 경우, 지급된 선금급(전도금) 또는 전도자재에 대하
여 채권자 (피보험자)가 입게되는 손해를 보상
보증기간 : 증권기재 계약의 체결일로부터 이행(지급)기일의 말일
다만 관계법령, 피보험자의 회계 및 계약사무처리규정, 또는 주계약서등에
가산기간에 대한 규정이 별도로 있는 경우에는 가산기간의 말일까지
4. 판매대금 – 이행(판매대금) 보증보험
각종 물품매매계약에서 물품대금 지급채무를 지는 채무자(보험계약자)가 계약에서 정한
대금지급채무를 이행하지 아니함으로써 채권자(피보험자)가 입게되는 손해를 보상
보증기간 : 증권기재 계약의 체결일로부터 이행(지급)기일의 말일
다만 관계법령, 피보험자의 회계 및 계약사무처리규정, 또는 주계약서등에
가산기간에 대한 규정이 별도로 있는 경우에는 가산기간의 말일까지
5. 기타 – 이행(지급) 보증보험
기타 각종 계약에서 정한 채무를 채무자(보험계약자)가 이행하지 아니할 경우 채권자(피
보험자)가 입게되는 손해를 보상