Calden i 2014.pptMarcos A. Radonic1. Executivesummary
Company Description:
Fideicomiso “Caldén I” is an Argentinean REIT registered with the sole purpose of developing a private thermal spa condominium. All funding comes from direct investment in a specific apartment or fractional product.
All funds enter into a situation of absolute security. No authority can access any assets belonging to a REIT. An Argentinean REIT is a “Legal Safe”.
Our product consists in a premium property geared to relax & health tourism.
22 apartments, private terraces and private parking, complete with a local gourmet coffee store –Café Martinez-, a private Thalassotherapy Spa –Mar De Vida, Thalasso Spa- and two thermal pools, one with fresh water and the other one with hypersaline highly mineralized water, both under a premium retractable UV filtering clear roof . Our spa will be the first in Argentina to undertake the certification program from the “Universidad Complutense de Madrid”, program of medical hydrology.
2. MarketAnalysis
Our Market
The town of Carhué is located 300 miles from Buenos Aires and lies on the shores of a unique hypersaline lake, known as “Lago Epecuén”. This lake is similar in all characteristics to the world famous “Dead Sea”.
From the time of the “Mapuche Indians” it was known for the healing properties of its muds and waters. For that reason a great resort town “Villa Epecuén” grew to accommodate up to 7000 travelers, in search of health and relax at the salty shores of the lake.
The beach resort of “Villa Epecuén” was a suburb 2 miles away from the city of Carhué, also at the shores of the lake.
In 1985 due to the unfinished construction of an overflow relief channel, “Canal Ameghino” coupled with unexpected unseasonal rains, a great flood overtook the lake and “Villa Epecuén”. The flood never affected the city of Carhué because Even do all construction was finished that same year; it was too late for Epecuén. For 26 years the lake and its waters remained under a layer of fresh water. During 2012 the mineral concentration and salinity returned to its original levels. Now is the time to rebuild.
Up to 1985 “Villa Epecuén” attracted over 100.000 tourists per year.
In order to provide transportation from Buenos Aires to the lake, a dedicated railway line was built. At that time Argentina had a population of 28,000,000, today’s number is 40,000,000, 30% increase in population.
The Dead Sea attracts over 2,000,000 tourists per year roughly one million flock to the Israeli shore and another million to the Jordanian shore.
Western Europe provides 75% of that volume. Given the unstable political situation of the Middle East, our product becomes a very viable alternative.
The total price of a weekly tourist package from Madrid to the Dead Sea averages on € 1,500 Euro (U$S 1,900). For a similar price we will provide a safer more exotic destination with the same type of “Spa Treatments”.
Report of event simulator played by test panelMOVEWoensdag 4 maart vloog Vera Kurpershoek vanuit MOVE naar Innsbruck om aanwezig te zijn bij de testfase van de ‘Event Simulator’. Een uitwerking van het EventCanvas in de vorm van een toolcase. De initiatiefnemers van het EventCanvas hebben deze toolcase ontworpen voor facilitators die het EventCanvas onder de knie hebben en door middel van dit hulpmiddel nieuwsgierigen het Canvas leren gebruiken en samen met teams en klanten events te ontwerpen. Als lid van de ‘inner circle‘ en een van de eersten die het EventCanvas implementeert in de dagelijkse eventdesign, was de field feedback van Vera Kurpershoek -en met haar nog een aantal anderen- heel waardevol. Een goede stap in de professionalisering van de event branche! MOVE is enthousiast en vereerd betrokken te zijn bij de ontwikkelingen van de Event Simulator en het begint al te kriebelen om deze te gebruiken. We keep u posted!
Zambian mining fund - Invest in Zambia Joe BealeThe Zambian Mining Fund aims to invest in small-scale mining companies in Zambia to improve productivity and employment. It will provide capital and technical expertise and plans to invest $20 million. Initial investments include a mining equipment company, an amethyst mining aggregator, and an emerald mining project. The fund seeks to improve efficiency and skills in small-scale mining areas that have remained largely untapped. It aims to generate returns for both local Zambian and international investors. Risks are mitigated through due diligence and diversifying investments across subsectors and regions.
Presentatie Victor Neyndorff MOVEMOVEThis document outlines six steps to create more ROI (return on investment) from events. It discusses how focusing on ROI can increase creativity and value. The key steps are to focus on behavior change among participants by asking questions about what participants should do differently after the event. This will influence participants to take actions that add value for stakeholders at the lowest possible price. The document also discusses measuring learning and impact through techniques like measuring levels of success. The overall message is that focusing on ROI will increase the effectiveness and value of events.
Offre livre blancStéphane DUBOURDIEUComment la création de contenu éditorial peut-il aider les entreprises à cibler des prospects qualifiés et à générer du chiffres d'affaires ?
Condominium Calden, First Premium Thermal BuildingMarcos A. RadonicInvest in an alternative project with guaranteed income. 22 upscale apartments built according to the highest quality construction standards. Chose between one or two bedrooms. The building will also have two heated pools (one fresh water, one with hyper-saline waters from Lake Epecuén), cafe/restaurant, garage, private thermal terraces with hyper-saline water supply and other amenities such as solarium, multi-purpose area with grills and Spa services including Thallaso-therapy and hydrotherapy treatments.
SureshSuresh BabuThis document provides an overview of biodiversity, including its definition, types, distribution, benefits, threats, and conservation. It discusses how biodiversity represents the variety of life on Earth and is vital to sustaining human life. The three types of biodiversity are genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. While biodiversity is threatened by habitat loss and other human impacts, conservation efforts aim to protect biodiversity through protected areas, restoration, and environmental policies.
Eventex move roi victor neyndorffMOVEKeynote speaker Victor Neyndorff tijdens Eventex congres als ervaringsdeskundige op het gebied van de return on investment on events. Victor geeft inzicht in ROI en maakt het publiek enthousiast over de methodologie.
Condominium calden pdfMarcos A. RadonicThermal Spa Condominium located in the City of Carhué, Buenos Aires, Argentina on the shores of Lake Epecuén
Lake Epecuén has the same medicinal and healing properties found in the internationally renowned Dead Sea; but unlike its Middle Eastern counterpart, the Epecuén has a much higher alkalinity and the colloidal nutrients that populate its waters are much richer, as they come from the very fertile land of the Argentinean Pampa, and not from the desert.
Condominium Calden, First Premium Thermal Building 2Marcos A. RadonicDESCRIPTIVE NOTES
Located in the city of Carhué 100 yards from it’s main square in the corner formed by the intersection of two large arteries such as Boulevard Pellegrini and Boulevard 25 de Mayo.
The project consists in two separate towers to provide direct sunlight to all condos. All of our finishes are high-end. The building offers a quaint restaurant, private parking, private terraces and "amenities" such as, heated swimming pool, solarium, multipurpose room with grill.
• The EAST TOWER, located on the corner, has a restaurant at the ground floor, condominiums on the second and third floors, and a fourth floor of accessible private terraces.
• On the ground floor, are the pedestrian and vehicular entrance at Pellegini Boulevard. • All units located on the first and second floor have the best views, light and visuals.
• All units have spacious balconies and separate laundry room. • All units are accessible by staircase and a hi-tech low noise hydraulic elevator system.
• The WEST TOWER has it’s pedestrian access from Boulevard 25 de Mayo. All uses and characteristics are equal to the ones at the East tower. The west Tower counts a Multipurpose room at ground level, complete with grill and private restroom, available to all homeowners.
• On the ground floor, at the perimeter you will find the parking sector accessible from Boulevard Pellegrini. All circulation exits at the automatic gate on Boulevard 25 de Mayo.
• All terraces are for private use allocated to the condominium below. Its use is limited to activities that do not distort the visual and environmental characteristics of the whole. Recreational Area at pool and sundeck located between both buildings has controlled access.
Perception and production of complex bowing movements in violin performanceschoondwThis document discusses coordination of complex bowing movements in violin performance. A study examined perception and production of bowing patterns involving bow changes and string crossings. A coordination model was proposed using two parameters: relative phase between bowing directions and normalized string crossing range. A perception experiment found violinists preferred a phase difference with string crossings timed earlier than bow changes. A motion capture study of violinists found their bowing coordination agreed with perceptual preferences, though individual differences existed. The coordination model provided insight into complex bowing gestures in violin performance.
The lagoon houseMarcos A. RadonicThis wonderful property is located in a privileged location The only boating community in the San Juan metro area. One of the few properties with lagoon front view, allowing you to enjoy endless waterways and mangroves. The space of the property is very versatile and comfortable.; while facilitating the interaction of its inhabitants with each other and taking advantage of the elements of light, space and water framing the atmosphere of this wonderful house.
This wonderful property is located in a privileged location The only boating community in the San Juan metro area. One of the few properties with lagoon front view, allowing you to enjoy endless waterways and mangroves. The space of the property is very versatile and comfortable.; while facilitating the interaction of its inhabitants with each other and taking advantage of the elements of light, space and water framing the atmosphere of this wonderful house.
Esta maravillosa casa tiene una localización privilegeada en cuanto a su posición y a los canales hacia las lagunas de Boca de Cangrejos. No tiene vecinos frente a su terraza posterior, permitiendo disfrutar de una vista infinita del canal de agua y manglares.<br><br>El diseño de espacio de la propiedad es muy versatil y cómodo; siempre facilitando la interacción de sus habitantes entre si y sacando provecho a los elementos de luz, espacio y agua que enmarcan el ambiente de ésta maravillosa casa.
Using collaboration to build enhanced employee engagementEnsystPresentations from a breakfast briefing on 21 June 2013 organised by Ensyst and Microsoft - How Enhanced Employee Engagement can Drive Competitive Advantage
Tugas midgerrytanjungThis document provides tips for learning English using media. It discusses how to learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, speaking, listening, writing and reading skills through media. Specific tips mentioned include using mind maps, sentence examples, computer assisted language learning programs, videos for pronunciation and speaking practice, and reading passages.
Eventex move roi victor neyndorffMOVEKeynote speaker Victor Neyndorff tijdens Eventex congres als ervaringsdeskundige op het gebied van de return on investment on events. Victor geeft inzicht in ROI en maakt het publiek enthousiast over de methodologie.
Condominium calden pdfMarcos A. RadonicThermal Spa Condominium located in the City of Carhué, Buenos Aires, Argentina on the shores of Lake Epecuén
Lake Epecuén has the same medicinal and healing properties found in the internationally renowned Dead Sea; but unlike its Middle Eastern counterpart, the Epecuén has a much higher alkalinity and the colloidal nutrients that populate its waters are much richer, as they come from the very fertile land of the Argentinean Pampa, and not from the desert.
Condominium Calden, First Premium Thermal Building 2Marcos A. RadonicDESCRIPTIVE NOTES
Located in the city of Carhué 100 yards from it’s main square in the corner formed by the intersection of two large arteries such as Boulevard Pellegrini and Boulevard 25 de Mayo.
The project consists in two separate towers to provide direct sunlight to all condos. All of our finishes are high-end. The building offers a quaint restaurant, private parking, private terraces and "amenities" such as, heated swimming pool, solarium, multipurpose room with grill.
• The EAST TOWER, located on the corner, has a restaurant at the ground floor, condominiums on the second and third floors, and a fourth floor of accessible private terraces.
• On the ground floor, are the pedestrian and vehicular entrance at Pellegini Boulevard. • All units located on the first and second floor have the best views, light and visuals.
• All units have spacious balconies and separate laundry room. • All units are accessible by staircase and a hi-tech low noise hydraulic elevator system.
• The WEST TOWER has it’s pedestrian access from Boulevard 25 de Mayo. All uses and characteristics are equal to the ones at the East tower. The west Tower counts a Multipurpose room at ground level, complete with grill and private restroom, available to all homeowners.
• On the ground floor, at the perimeter you will find the parking sector accessible from Boulevard Pellegrini. All circulation exits at the automatic gate on Boulevard 25 de Mayo.
• All terraces are for private use allocated to the condominium below. Its use is limited to activities that do not distort the visual and environmental characteristics of the whole. Recreational Area at pool and sundeck located between both buildings has controlled access.
Perception and production of complex bowing movements in violin performanceschoondwThis document discusses coordination of complex bowing movements in violin performance. A study examined perception and production of bowing patterns involving bow changes and string crossings. A coordination model was proposed using two parameters: relative phase between bowing directions and normalized string crossing range. A perception experiment found violinists preferred a phase difference with string crossings timed earlier than bow changes. A motion capture study of violinists found their bowing coordination agreed with perceptual preferences, though individual differences existed. The coordination model provided insight into complex bowing gestures in violin performance.
The lagoon houseMarcos A. RadonicThis wonderful property is located in a privileged location The only boating community in the San Juan metro area. One of the few properties with lagoon front view, allowing you to enjoy endless waterways and mangroves. The space of the property is very versatile and comfortable.; while facilitating the interaction of its inhabitants with each other and taking advantage of the elements of light, space and water framing the atmosphere of this wonderful house.
This wonderful property is located in a privileged location The only boating community in the San Juan metro area. One of the few properties with lagoon front view, allowing you to enjoy endless waterways and mangroves. The space of the property is very versatile and comfortable.; while facilitating the interaction of its inhabitants with each other and taking advantage of the elements of light, space and water framing the atmosphere of this wonderful house.
Esta maravillosa casa tiene una localización privilegeada en cuanto a su posición y a los canales hacia las lagunas de Boca de Cangrejos. No tiene vecinos frente a su terraza posterior, permitiendo disfrutar de una vista infinita del canal de agua y manglares.<br><br>El diseño de espacio de la propiedad es muy versatil y cómodo; siempre facilitando la interacción de sus habitantes entre si y sacando provecho a los elementos de luz, espacio y agua que enmarcan el ambiente de ésta maravillosa casa.
Using collaboration to build enhanced employee engagementEnsystPresentations from a breakfast briefing on 21 June 2013 organised by Ensyst and Microsoft - How Enhanced Employee Engagement can Drive Competitive Advantage
Tugas midgerrytanjungThis document provides tips for learning English using media. It discusses how to learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, speaking, listening, writing and reading skills through media. Specific tips mentioned include using mind maps, sentence examples, computer assisted language learning programs, videos for pronunciation and speaking practice, and reading passages.