ПамятникиLina GasparianПамятники. Слайды для уроков русского языка - РКИ. Направление "Говорение". 9 класс. Рассказ о необычных памятниках современности.
Stage 1 Vocab sararobertson0806This document provides Latin vocabulary words and their English translations related to rooms in a Roman house or villa. It lists Latin terms for an atrium, dog, cook, bedroom, kitchen, garden, study, dining room, and street, along with the verb forms "is," "works," and "sits."
Shellfish futures bi oct 13progressive01This document summarizes a presentation given by Stuart Heggie on the Tasmanian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program (TSQAP). The key points are:
1) TSQAP operates under an interim structure including a management committee and interim manager while a review is conducted.
2) The team includes an interim manager, project officer, and two scientific officers who manage biotoxin monitoring and growing area classification.
3) An interim cost sharing model and biotoxin management plan are in place while longer term recommendations are developed.
4) Operational issues like audits, surveys, incident response, and communications are addressed along with strategic issues such as program structure and research.
Session 1 - Study Tips 1.1sgray2This document outlines learning outcomes and study tips for a module on supporting learning, teaching, and assessment. The module aims to develop knowledge and understanding of relevant theories, principles of assessment, and responsibilities in supporting learning. It also aims to develop subject-specific skills like critically analyzing learning environments and using appropriate assessment strategies. Finally, it aims to develop personal transferable skills like interpersonal skills, teamwork, and use of information technology in health practice. The document provides tips for getting started, including reviewing the module handbook, developing a plan and time management strategy, and using mind maps to organize content. It also provides guidance on writing essays, incorporating evidence and literature, and ensuring flow and proofreading.
Gh chapter 11btcshistoryAntebellum Georgia transitioned from one of the poorest states to the "Empire State of the South" due to the growth of cotton agriculture and slavery. King Cotton drove the economy as planters and yeoman farmers grew short-staple cotton. Most Georgians were farmers, while a small number of wealthy planters owned 20 or more slaves. Education was limited and often privatized. Religion was important but churches were divided on the issue of slavery. The cotton economy and institution of slavery shaped Antebellum life and society in Georgia.
Thalassemia and Stem cell transplantspa7181) HSCT can cure thalassemia in 75-90% of cases when using a matched related donor and 30-60% chance with a matched unrelated donor. Haploidentical donors may be a suitable alternative for patients who lack matched donors.
2) Preliminary results show haploidentical HSCT for thalassemia patients has comparable outcomes to matched related and unrelated donors, with 2-year overall survival of 92% and event-free survival of 88%.
3) Autologous HSCT with genetically modified stem cells shows promise for curing thalassemia and providing transfusion independence in early clinical trials, though more patients and longer follow up are still needed. Gene therapy may cure
Plato generationNuril anwarPlato generation
8000 0830 kian aan gap overviewspa718The GAP facilitates and administers MD Anderson's Sister Institution Network, the largest network of cancer centers collaborating on education, research, and patient care with the aim of reducing the global cancer burden. The network includes 26 sister institutions. Recent joint publications from the network include studies on PKM2, BRAF inhibition, gene transcription and tumorigenesis, TCR diversity after adoptive immunotherapy, and an international collaboration to harmonize quantitative EBV DNA assays for biomarker-guided trials in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
CourtsKVMarianoThe judiciary primarily adjudicates civil, criminal, and arbitration cases. Most systems have a hierarchical court structure, while some countries adhere to sharia law. The English common law tradition influences case law in the US. US law comes from constitutions, statutes, regulations, and precedent-setting cases. Key Supreme Court decisions established judicial review and expanded civil rights. The Warren, Burger, and Rehnquist Courts shifted the scope of individual liberties and criminal justice over time. The federal court system includes district, appeals, and Supreme Courts, which decide cases through written arguments and rulings that can be unanimous or include dissents. Judges are nominated by the president and approved by the Senate.
Idzie Grześ przez wieś, worek danych niesie.. Business Intelligence, a market...#e-biznes festiwalPrezentacja Mateusza Muryjasa na #e-biznes festiwal 2014 w Toruniu. Ogrom otaczających nas danych z dnia na dzień rośnie - pytanie, na ile potrafimy sobie z nimi radzić.
Atomic structorezahoor andlibThe document defines key subatomic particles that make up atoms:
- Electrons have a negative charge and orbit the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge and neutrons have no charge, both residing in the nucleus. The number of protons determines the element.
- Atoms consist of a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons. Protons and neutrons are called nucleons. Electrons participate in various interactions based on their properties as particles and waves.
- Protons have a positive charge while neutrons are neutral. The number of protons defines the element, while neutron number determines the isotope. Neutrons are necessary to bind protons via the strong nuclear force in atomic nuclei.
LNG Fuels 4pp Email (4)Larissa HirstThe LNG Fuels Summit is an annual conference that saw over 150 attendees from the small-mid scale LNG industry meet in 2015 to discuss the value chain of marine, road transportation, and industrial LNG applications. The 2016 summit will return on June 14-16 to drive collaboration between end users and the LNG supply chain. Key topics will include evaluating the benefits of converting to LNG use in ships, trucks, and off-grid industrial operations. The 2015 summit included end users from major LNG companies like Shell and Gazprom as well as logistics and engineering firms. Testimonials praised it as the best small-scale LNG conference.
споменици во македонија MagdeSuzana MladenovaV b одд. ОУ Свети Климент Охридски-Бутел, Скопје одд. наставник Сузана Младенова (изработки од моите ученици). Примена на ИКТ во секојдневни активности на часот, домашни задачи, проектни активности.
Circulatory system lovely2111The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart is a muscular pump made of cardiac muscle tissue composed of four chambers. It pumps blood through two circuits - the pulmonary circuit to the lungs and systemic circuit to the body. Blood vessels include arteries, veins, and capillaries. Blood contains plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The cardiovascular system is regulated through intrinsic factors like Starling's law of the heart and extrinsic neural and hormonal control.
Michael Durante Western Reserve 1Q05Michael DuranteThe document provides a quarterly report for the Western Reserve Hedged Equity fund (WRHE) for the first quarter of 2005. It summarizes the fund's performance compared to benchmarks like the S&P 500 and NASDAQ, discusses the manager's investment outlook and strategy, and provides examples of attractively valued companies in their portfolio. The manager believes quality growth stocks have become very inexpensive again and see opportunities in financial services companies, applying the "three yards and a cloud of dust" strategy of their Ohio State football coach role model to steadily execute their proven investment approach.
Aniversariantes de agosto reporteresboasaudeO documento lista os aniversariantes do mês de agosto na escola E.M.F. Boa Saúde, divididos entre funcionários, alunos de diferentes turmas do turno da manhã e professores, com as respectivas datas de aniversário de cada um.
Stage 1 Vocab sararobertson0806This document provides Latin vocabulary words and their English translations related to rooms in a Roman house or villa. It lists Latin terms for an atrium, dog, cook, bedroom, kitchen, garden, study, dining room, and street, along with the verb forms "is," "works," and "sits."
Shellfish futures bi oct 13progressive01This document summarizes a presentation given by Stuart Heggie on the Tasmanian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program (TSQAP). The key points are:
1) TSQAP operates under an interim structure including a management committee and interim manager while a review is conducted.
2) The team includes an interim manager, project officer, and two scientific officers who manage biotoxin monitoring and growing area classification.
3) An interim cost sharing model and biotoxin management plan are in place while longer term recommendations are developed.
4) Operational issues like audits, surveys, incident response, and communications are addressed along with strategic issues such as program structure and research.
Session 1 - Study Tips 1.1sgray2This document outlines learning outcomes and study tips for a module on supporting learning, teaching, and assessment. The module aims to develop knowledge and understanding of relevant theories, principles of assessment, and responsibilities in supporting learning. It also aims to develop subject-specific skills like critically analyzing learning environments and using appropriate assessment strategies. Finally, it aims to develop personal transferable skills like interpersonal skills, teamwork, and use of information technology in health practice. The document provides tips for getting started, including reviewing the module handbook, developing a plan and time management strategy, and using mind maps to organize content. It also provides guidance on writing essays, incorporating evidence and literature, and ensuring flow and proofreading.
Gh chapter 11btcshistoryAntebellum Georgia transitioned from one of the poorest states to the "Empire State of the South" due to the growth of cotton agriculture and slavery. King Cotton drove the economy as planters and yeoman farmers grew short-staple cotton. Most Georgians were farmers, while a small number of wealthy planters owned 20 or more slaves. Education was limited and often privatized. Religion was important but churches were divided on the issue of slavery. The cotton economy and institution of slavery shaped Antebellum life and society in Georgia.
Thalassemia and Stem cell transplantspa7181) HSCT can cure thalassemia in 75-90% of cases when using a matched related donor and 30-60% chance with a matched unrelated donor. Haploidentical donors may be a suitable alternative for patients who lack matched donors.
2) Preliminary results show haploidentical HSCT for thalassemia patients has comparable outcomes to matched related and unrelated donors, with 2-year overall survival of 92% and event-free survival of 88%.
3) Autologous HSCT with genetically modified stem cells shows promise for curing thalassemia and providing transfusion independence in early clinical trials, though more patients and longer follow up are still needed. Gene therapy may cure
Plato generationNuril anwarPlato generation
8000 0830 kian aan gap overviewspa718The GAP facilitates and administers MD Anderson's Sister Institution Network, the largest network of cancer centers collaborating on education, research, and patient care with the aim of reducing the global cancer burden. The network includes 26 sister institutions. Recent joint publications from the network include studies on PKM2, BRAF inhibition, gene transcription and tumorigenesis, TCR diversity after adoptive immunotherapy, and an international collaboration to harmonize quantitative EBV DNA assays for biomarker-guided trials in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
CourtsKVMarianoThe judiciary primarily adjudicates civil, criminal, and arbitration cases. Most systems have a hierarchical court structure, while some countries adhere to sharia law. The English common law tradition influences case law in the US. US law comes from constitutions, statutes, regulations, and precedent-setting cases. Key Supreme Court decisions established judicial review and expanded civil rights. The Warren, Burger, and Rehnquist Courts shifted the scope of individual liberties and criminal justice over time. The federal court system includes district, appeals, and Supreme Courts, which decide cases through written arguments and rulings that can be unanimous or include dissents. Judges are nominated by the president and approved by the Senate.
Idzie Grześ przez wieś, worek danych niesie.. Business Intelligence, a market...#e-biznes festiwalPrezentacja Mateusza Muryjasa na #e-biznes festiwal 2014 w Toruniu. Ogrom otaczających nas danych z dnia na dzień rośnie - pytanie, na ile potrafimy sobie z nimi radzić.
Atomic structorezahoor andlibThe document defines key subatomic particles that make up atoms:
- Electrons have a negative charge and orbit the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge and neutrons have no charge, both residing in the nucleus. The number of protons determines the element.
- Atoms consist of a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons. Protons and neutrons are called nucleons. Electrons participate in various interactions based on their properties as particles and waves.
- Protons have a positive charge while neutrons are neutral. The number of protons defines the element, while neutron number determines the isotope. Neutrons are necessary to bind protons via the strong nuclear force in atomic nuclei.
LNG Fuels 4pp Email (4)Larissa HirstThe LNG Fuels Summit is an annual conference that saw over 150 attendees from the small-mid scale LNG industry meet in 2015 to discuss the value chain of marine, road transportation, and industrial LNG applications. The 2016 summit will return on June 14-16 to drive collaboration between end users and the LNG supply chain. Key topics will include evaluating the benefits of converting to LNG use in ships, trucks, and off-grid industrial operations. The 2015 summit included end users from major LNG companies like Shell and Gazprom as well as logistics and engineering firms. Testimonials praised it as the best small-scale LNG conference.
споменици во македонија MagdeSuzana MladenovaV b одд. ОУ Свети Климент Охридски-Бутел, Скопје одд. наставник Сузана Младенова (изработки од моите ученици). Примена на ИКТ во секојдневни активности на часот, домашни задачи, проектни активности.
Circulatory system lovely2111The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart is a muscular pump made of cardiac muscle tissue composed of four chambers. It pumps blood through two circuits - the pulmonary circuit to the lungs and systemic circuit to the body. Blood vessels include arteries, veins, and capillaries. Blood contains plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The cardiovascular system is regulated through intrinsic factors like Starling's law of the heart and extrinsic neural and hormonal control.
Michael Durante Western Reserve 1Q05Michael DuranteThe document provides a quarterly report for the Western Reserve Hedged Equity fund (WRHE) for the first quarter of 2005. It summarizes the fund's performance compared to benchmarks like the S&P 500 and NASDAQ, discusses the manager's investment outlook and strategy, and provides examples of attractively valued companies in their portfolio. The manager believes quality growth stocks have become very inexpensive again and see opportunities in financial services companies, applying the "three yards and a cloud of dust" strategy of their Ohio State football coach role model to steadily execute their proven investment approach.
Aniversariantes de agosto reporteresboasaudeO documento lista os aniversariantes do mês de agosto na escola E.M.F. Boa Saúde, divididos entre funcionários, alunos de diferentes turmas do turno da manhã e professores, com as respectivas datas de aniversário de cada um.
16. ДомаДома
Потом мы приехали домой,Потом мы приехали домой,
месяц отдохнули и поехали кмесяц отдохнули и поехали к
бабушке. Вернулся я 25бабушке. Вернулся я 25
августа, приготовился к школеавгуста, приготовился к школе
и конец.и конец.