Este documento describe un curso sobre problemticas de adolescentes y adicciones que se llevar a cabo a travs de una red social cerrada. El curso constar de seis clases de 80 minutos impartidas por la profesora Sara Adriana Romano y tendr como objetivos que los estudiantes utilicen las redes sociales con fines educativos, aprovechen las aplicaciones disponibles y produzcan contenido multimedia.
Este documento describe un curso sobre problemticas de adolescentes y adicciones que se llevar a cabo a travs de una red social cerrada. El curso constar de seis clases de 80 minutos impartidas por la profesora Sara Adriana Romano y tendr como objetivos que los estudiantes utilicen las redes sociales con fines educativos, aprovechen las aplicaciones disponibles y produzcan contenido multimedia.
The document provides guidance for redesigning the CMS website. It outlines that the current website is disorganized and needs a coherent revision. The designer must dig through missing and odd links to create a logical flow. They have freedom in deciding what content stays or is modified, but should incorporate the new logo and color scheme provided. The goal is to design a site that is organized, updated, responsive and makes a strong statement through an original vision.
An audit was conducted of the Golden LEAF Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center (BTEC) facility at North Carolina State University on March 27, 2015. The audit included a review of standard operating procedures, executed records, and a tour of the facility. Major observations from the audit included a lack of material control and labeling, as well as a lack of space. Items were found misplaced or unlabeled in the warehouse and clean rooms. Corrective actions proposed included checklists to ensure proper labeling and placement of materials, as well as finding more space for staging areas.
Some thoughts on promotion, marketing and revenue generation for people build...Eamonn Carey
This is a presentation I gave at Mobily's Developer Day in Riyadh on the 5th of October 2013. In it, I look at how to promote your app, how to go out and find users and how to potentially generate revenues.
Hopefully it's useful - if you have any questions, all my contact info is on the final slide.
Dcouvrez la lettre mensuelle d'ALIMSO de mars 2015 : l'association des Lecteurs, Internautes et Mobinautes du journal Sud Ouest (
Au sommaire :
L'dito de Marcel Desvergne, Prsident d'ALIMSO.
Rencontre avec Marie Cardinaud, responsable ditoriale des ditions Sud Ouest.
Annonce des prochains vnements.
Plus d'infos sur et sur le blog du modrateur de Sud-Ouest :
Este documento presenta resmenes breves de herramientas de desarrollo de software como JUnit, Selenium, Subversion, Hudson y Maven. JUnit es una herramienta para realizar pruebas unitarias en Java. Selenium sirve para automatizar pruebas en navegadores web. Subversion es un sistema de control de versiones centralizado. Hudson es una herramienta de integracin continua. Finalmente, Maven ayuda a gestionar dependencias, compartir cdigo y estandarizar proyectos Java.
Q magazine targets 16-19 year olds interested in current music genres like R&B, urban, and hip-hop. It provides reviews of new music releases, films, concerts and television, using a star rating system. Much of the magazine is devoted to interviews with popular artists and compiling lists about music. The audience reads Q for entertainment and to stay up-to-date on their favorite artists.
From MTR to City University Creative Media CentreHaggen So
From Kowloon Tong MTR station, follow signs through Festival Walk and turn left until reaching City University. Go inside the main entrance, turn right and go up, then forward to double check the sign. Continue inside, going up floors and following signs until reaching the Creative Media Centre across a bridge after many stairs.
Dokumen tersebut membahas beberapa pendekatan manajemen kelas, yaitu pendekatan otoriter, intimidatif, permisif, buku masak, dan instruksional. Setiap pendekatan memiliki kelemahan dan kelebihan tertentu dalam penerapannya di kelas, seperti pendekatan otoriter yang kurang fleksibel namun mendorong disiplin, sedangkan permisif memberikan kebebasan berlebih tanpa kontrol. Pendekatan yang paling baik diterapkan harus
Exploiting Linked Open Data as Background Knowledge in Data MiningHeiko Paulheim
The document summarizes an approach to exploiting linked open data as background knowledge in data mining tasks. It describes using LOD to generate additional features for machine learning algorithms from entity names in datasets. Experiments show this approach can improve results for classification tasks. Applications discussed include classifying events from Wikipedia and tweets by leveraging background knowledge from DBpedia to prevent overfitting. The document also proposes using LOD to help explain statistics by enriching datasets and analyzing correlations.
Enabling Scientific Workflows on FermiCloud using OpenNebulaNETWAYS
Fermilab operates a large particle physics lab and generates large amounts of data. The FermiCloud project was created to provide cloud computing resources for Fermilab's scientific programs. FermiCloud uses OpenNebula to manage virtual machines on a fault-tolerant infrastructure split between two buildings. The goals of FermiCloud are to support scientific workflows through an IaaS cloud with high availability.
Dcouvrez la lettre mensuelle d'ALIMSO de mars 2015 : l'association des Lecteurs, Internautes et Mobinautes du journal Sud Ouest (
Au sommaire :
L'dito de Marcel Desvergne, Prsident d'ALIMSO.
Rencontre avec Marie Cardinaud, responsable ditoriale des ditions Sud Ouest.
Annonce des prochains vnements.
Plus d'infos sur et sur le blog du modrateur de Sud-Ouest :
Este documento presenta resmenes breves de herramientas de desarrollo de software como JUnit, Selenium, Subversion, Hudson y Maven. JUnit es una herramienta para realizar pruebas unitarias en Java. Selenium sirve para automatizar pruebas en navegadores web. Subversion es un sistema de control de versiones centralizado. Hudson es una herramienta de integracin continua. Finalmente, Maven ayuda a gestionar dependencias, compartir cdigo y estandarizar proyectos Java.
Q magazine targets 16-19 year olds interested in current music genres like R&B, urban, and hip-hop. It provides reviews of new music releases, films, concerts and television, using a star rating system. Much of the magazine is devoted to interviews with popular artists and compiling lists about music. The audience reads Q for entertainment and to stay up-to-date on their favorite artists.
From MTR to City University Creative Media CentreHaggen So
From Kowloon Tong MTR station, follow signs through Festival Walk and turn left until reaching City University. Go inside the main entrance, turn right and go up, then forward to double check the sign. Continue inside, going up floors and following signs until reaching the Creative Media Centre across a bridge after many stairs.
Dokumen tersebut membahas beberapa pendekatan manajemen kelas, yaitu pendekatan otoriter, intimidatif, permisif, buku masak, dan instruksional. Setiap pendekatan memiliki kelemahan dan kelebihan tertentu dalam penerapannya di kelas, seperti pendekatan otoriter yang kurang fleksibel namun mendorong disiplin, sedangkan permisif memberikan kebebasan berlebih tanpa kontrol. Pendekatan yang paling baik diterapkan harus
Exploiting Linked Open Data as Background Knowledge in Data MiningHeiko Paulheim
The document summarizes an approach to exploiting linked open data as background knowledge in data mining tasks. It describes using LOD to generate additional features for machine learning algorithms from entity names in datasets. Experiments show this approach can improve results for classification tasks. Applications discussed include classifying events from Wikipedia and tweets by leveraging background knowledge from DBpedia to prevent overfitting. The document also proposes using LOD to help explain statistics by enriching datasets and analyzing correlations.
Enabling Scientific Workflows on FermiCloud using OpenNebulaNETWAYS
Fermilab operates a large particle physics lab and generates large amounts of data. The FermiCloud project was created to provide cloud computing resources for Fermilab's scientific programs. FermiCloud uses OpenNebula to manage virtual machines on a fault-tolerant infrastructure split between two buildings. The goals of FermiCloud are to support scientific workflows through an IaaS cloud with high availability.