SAGE Publications Case StudyColin TurnerSAGE Publications Ltd is an academic publisher that employs over 1,000 people worldwide. As the company grew rapidly, its HR and payroll processes became more complex and time-consuming. SAGE implemented SnowdropKCS HR and payroll software from Sage to streamline processes, automate tasks, and generate reports more quickly. This reduced the administrative burden on the payroll team by over two hours per day, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives. The software also helped SAGE successfully transition to new UK payroll reporting requirements with minimal disruption.
SAGE Publications Case StudyColin TurnerSAGE Publications Ltd is an academic publisher that employs over 1,000 people worldwide. As the company grew rapidly, its HR and payroll processes became more complex and time-consuming. SAGE implemented SnowdropKCS HR and payroll software from Sage to streamline processes, automate tasks, and generate reports more quickly. This reduced the administrative burden on the payroll team by over two hours per day, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives. The software also helped SAGE successfully transition to new UK payroll reporting requirements with minimal disruption.
(ISM312) SMB Panel—Using The Cloud to Achieve Business AgilityAmazon Web ServicesThe cloud levels the playing field. Organizations of all sizes can access and affordably use the latest technology to deliver on their corporate missions. Join AWS Premier Consulting Partner Cloudnexa and a panel of IT executives to learn how and why their organizations use the cloud to deliver on their corporate technology objectives. Hear about the architectural challenges they faced, cloud implementation strategies they considered and used, IT barriers they overcame, and how their cloud deployments evolved with their organizations. You’ll also have an opportunity to join in the discussion.
Electroserv E482 leafletJason McIntoshThe document describes the E482 controller from Electroserv, which is suitable for a range of industrial applications. It has features like PID control, timer functions, inputs/outputs and communication protocols. The summary discusses how the E482 can be used to control batch operations in ovens/kilns, plastic extrusion processes, and chillers for plastic equipment to improve productivity, quality and reliability. Its precise control and programmability allow it to consolidate functions and replace multiple devices.
Island peak climbingTrekkingin NepalinfoIsland Peak (6,189m/20,305ft) is one of the main climbing peaks in the Everest Region with an impressive and highly glaciated West Face that rises from the Lhotse Glacier.Island peak /Imja Tse situated at less than 10 kilometer away from the Mt. Everest in Himalayas. It is located on top of the Chukung glacier ...
Making the most of your primary school librarytritaoThis document provides tools and information to help plan and improve primary school libraries. It includes advice from organizations like Booktrust, The Reading Agency, and the School Library Association. It also offers tips for what makes a successful library, such as strong leadership, an allocated budget, and qualified library staff. The goal is to give all children the opportunity to enjoy reading by making the most of school library resources.
Cloud versus On PremiseCo-Operative SystemsThis workshop document discusses the considerations and key decision points for organizations choosing between on-premise and cloud infrastructure models. It outlines the main differences between on-premise, where the organization owns and manages its own hardware and software, and cloud, where resources are delivered via the internet. The document provides questions organizations should ask to understand technical requirements, security, costs, skills needs, and how each option aligns with business drivers. The overall message is there is no single right answer and most organizations end up with a hybrid model to get the best of both approaches.
Chicago picassoAaron Lawler, PhDThe document discusses Pablo Picasso's sculpture The Chicago Picasso located in Chicago's Daley Plaza. The 50 foot sculpture, donated by Picasso, depicts a French woman he sketched in the 1950s and challenges the viewer's perception as different angles of her face can be seen from circling around it. The document also discusses how cubism, of which Picasso was a pioneer, experiments with depicting multiple dimensions and perspectives simultaneously in a way that more closely resembles how human vision works compared to traditional two-dimensional renderings.
Understanding Cloud Strategies: On premise, Cloud, and the Hybrid ApproachAlithyaUHS, a large hospital management company, has deployed Oracle's Hyperion Planning, PBCS, HFM, SDM and FDMEE applications both on-premises and in the cloud to improve financial reporting and planning. They migrated from an on-premises Hyperion system to a hybrid cloud/on-premises environment using PBCS in the cloud with HFM, SDM and FDMEE on-premises. Their goals are to further enhance PBCS and leverage FDMEE for data integration and synchronization between PBCS and HFM.
1. Свято «Осінь чарівниця»
Нині осінь на чарує, неповторна, чарівна
Різні барви нам дарує, і дивує нас вона.
10.11.2015 року в дитячому садку «Оленка» відбулося свято «Осінь чарівниця» в II
молодшій, середній та старшій групах. Вихователі Палена Р.В., Куніцина А.М.,
Павлоградська Л.І., Худобіна І.А.,Хомич О.С. підготували та провели свято «Осінь
Яскраве вбрання, пісні, ігри, приказки, вірші розповідали про осінню красу, а веселі
таночки не дозволяли журитися. Свято осені залишиться приємним спогадом в житті
дружньої родини нашого дитячого садка.