Организация работы по обучению дошкольников практическим навыкам безопасно...virtualtaganrogОрганизация работы
по обучению дошкольников
практическим навыкам
безопасного поведения на дорогах
Дневник отряда ЮДИП "юные пешеходы"kendziЗадачи отряда ЮПИД:
изучение правил безопасного поведения на дорогах;
овладение специальной дорожной терминологией;
ознакомление с методами и формами пропаганды безопасного дорожного движения;
формирование и развитие навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах;
формирование умения предвидеть опасные ситуации на дороге, избегать их, принимать грамотные решения в соответствии с ситуацией;
развитие организаторских способностей и общей культуры личности;
социализация личности ребенка через включение его в различные виды социальных отношений в общении, игре, творческой деятельности;
объединение детей на основе овладения знаниями и навыками безопасного поведения на дорогах.
Детско-родительский проект "Безопасный маршрут в школу"kendziЦель проекта:
сохранить жизнь и здоровье детей, способствовать формированию
осознанного поведения в дорожно-транспортных ситуациях.
Задачи проекта:
повысить безопасность движения ребенка в школу и обратно;
обучить ребенка ориентироваться в дорожных ситуациях на пути движения по маршруту «дом-школа-дом»;
обучить родителей, принимающих участие в составлении "маршрута", ориентироваться в дорожной обстановке и предотвращать дорожные опасности.
Акция "безопасная дорога в детский сад"kendziЦелями и задачами Акции являются:
Совершенствование форм и методов работы ДОУ по предупреждению детского дорожно-транспортного травматизма с воспитанниками;
Развитие учебно-материальной базы ДОУ по безопасности дорожного движения;
Внедрение инновационных форм и методов работы с воспитанниками, родителями по данной проблеме;
Повышение роли комиссии «За безопасность движения» в системе работы по предупреждению детского дорожно-транспортного травматизма в ДОУ;
Создание и ведение паспорта дорожной безопасности.
Lesson3 ppt (p2)citifinlitThe document discusses the differences between needs and wants. It provides examples of items that are considered needs like shelter, water, and items required to survive. Wants are described as things that are not essential for survival but provide enjoyment, like entertainment items. The rest of the document presents hypothetical survival scenarios and lists items available for purchase to meet needs using a limited budget. This teaches the importance of prioritizing essential needs over wants in emergency situations.
Your Kids and Money: Providing parents with instructions on how to create res...Ellen AmbroseThis document introduces an organization called "Your Kids and Money" that provides content, classes, coaching and guides to help parents teach their children to be financially responsible. It emphasizes that financial literacy is important for children to learn at home from their parents in order to be prepared for independent adulthood. The document suggests several ways that financial advisors and other businesses can partner with or promote Your Kids and Money content to clients and employees as a valuable resource on parenting and personal finance topics. It provides an overview of the types of content offered as well as contact information.
Дневник отряда ЮДИП "юные пешеходы"kendziЗадачи отряда ЮПИД:
изучение правил безопасного поведения на дорогах;
овладение специальной дорожной терминологией;
ознакомление с методами и формами пропаганды безопасного дорожного движения;
формирование и развитие навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах;
формирование умения предвидеть опасные ситуации на дороге, избегать их, принимать грамотные решения в соответствии с ситуацией;
развитие организаторских способностей и общей культуры личности;
социализация личности ребенка через включение его в различные виды социальных отношений в общении, игре, творческой деятельности;
объединение детей на основе овладения знаниями и навыками безопасного поведения на дорогах.
Детско-родительский проект "Безопасный маршрут в школу"kendziЦель проекта:
сохранить жизнь и здоровье детей, способствовать формированию
осознанного поведения в дорожно-транспортных ситуациях.
Задачи проекта:
повысить безопасность движения ребенка в школу и обратно;
обучить ребенка ориентироваться в дорожных ситуациях на пути движения по маршруту «дом-школа-дом»;
обучить родителей, принимающих участие в составлении "маршрута", ориентироваться в дорожной обстановке и предотвращать дорожные опасности.
Акция "безопасная дорога в детский сад"kendziЦелями и задачами Акции являются:
Совершенствование форм и методов работы ДОУ по предупреждению детского дорожно-транспортного травматизма с воспитанниками;
Развитие учебно-материальной базы ДОУ по безопасности дорожного движения;
Внедрение инновационных форм и методов работы с воспитанниками, родителями по данной проблеме;
Повышение роли комиссии «За безопасность движения» в системе работы по предупреждению детского дорожно-транспортного травматизма в ДОУ;
Создание и ведение паспорта дорожной безопасности.
Lesson3 ppt (p2)citifinlitThe document discusses the differences between needs and wants. It provides examples of items that are considered needs like shelter, water, and items required to survive. Wants are described as things that are not essential for survival but provide enjoyment, like entertainment items. The rest of the document presents hypothetical survival scenarios and lists items available for purchase to meet needs using a limited budget. This teaches the importance of prioritizing essential needs over wants in emergency situations.
Your Kids and Money: Providing parents with instructions on how to create res...Ellen AmbroseThis document introduces an organization called "Your Kids and Money" that provides content, classes, coaching and guides to help parents teach their children to be financially responsible. It emphasizes that financial literacy is important for children to learn at home from their parents in order to be prepared for independent adulthood. The document suggests several ways that financial advisors and other businesses can partner with or promote Your Kids and Money content to clients and employees as a valuable resource on parenting and personal finance topics. It provides an overview of the types of content offered as well as contact information.
YoBank - Gen Z banking strategy (WIP) - Zohdi RizviZohdi RizviThis document proposes a strategy for a mobile banking app called YoBank targeted at Gen Z users. It highlights gaps in existing retail banking experiences and youth expectations, which include a preference for convenience, instant access, and helpful, pleasant experiences. The proposed YoBank strategy focuses on instant signup, youth-friendly communication, contextual alerts and reminders, gamification of financial learning, and integration with other apps. Key features outlined for YoBank include basic accounts, payments, savings goals, alerts, games and a simple app map. The goal is to design a banking experience that solves youth problems and increases adoption among students and young professionals.
Digital Strategy in Banking: Thinking about the Customer Experience FirstFabio MittelstaedtSimple think is not enough anymore, you need to design think your new digital Bank. Re-invented services, different concepts and new business models. Rewired competition coming from digital garage start-ups from all over the world. And a completely reshaped customer experience in Banking designed from entrepreneurs and FinTech pioneers coming from all industries. All at remarkable speed. It’s safe to say that digital is disrupting banking, and not just unbundling products but building a new lifestyle and enhanced customer journey. So how can banks carry out the right digital strategy and an effective digital governance?
Banks should disrupt themselves and redefine their digital strategy for growth based on three imperatives for success:
1. Technology entrepreneur, to flex your platform with the mindset of a start-up;
2. Banking entrepreneur, to re-orient your business and drive an agile transformation;
3. Digital entrepreneur, to delight your customer with the perfect experience.
Mobile Apps Strategy SDNArnd BrugmanThis document discusses mobile apps and strategies for developing them. It covers the rise of mobile apps and app stores. It also addresses designing apps for both consumers and enterprises, ensuring a good user experience, and considering app architecture and how apps integrate with backend systems and services. The document emphasizes the importance of understanding user needs and developing apps using a process that involves defining, designing, developing, and deploying apps.
The Value of Savings Accounts for KidsStephen KoppekinThe document discusses the importance of starting a savings account for children to teach them the value of saving money from a young age. It recommends shopping around for banks and accounts that fit your needs, depositing money received from gifts into the account to demonstrate the act of saving, and using the interest earned to fund goals like college. Encouraging children to save for toys or clothes can make the process fun while imparting valuable financial skills.
Money Saving Strategies Workshop Presentation Dom Del BorrelloMore and more families are struggling with finances in WA, leading to increase stress. The workshop provided attendees with information and strategies on budgeting, refinancing, and saving money.
Lesson2 ppt (p3)citifinlitThe document outlines a role play scenario where a farmer has all the food in the world. A doctor and ballerina are hungry and ask the farmer for food. The farmer agrees to trade food for the doctor's medical services but refuses the ballerina's offer of entertainment since he has no need for it. Unsatisfied with bartering, the doctor suggests they find something they all agree on to exchange. The role play highlights the concepts of bartering and finding mutual agreements for exchange.
Youth of-next-genSudhir yadavThis presentation was made as a part of semester academics which describes the current and upcoming situation of next generation .
Lesson 4 ppt (p2)citifinlitResources are scarce and limited in supply, so we must use them wisely. Resources face the problem of scarcity and we do not have much of the resources available. We should tune in to managing our resources carefully due to their scarcity.
Lesson7 ppt (p1)citifinlitThe document distinguishes between needs and wants. It defines needs as things that are important for survival like shelter, clean water, nutritious food, medical care, and clean air. Wants are described as things that are not necessary for survival but provide enjoyment, like fun items. The document emphasizes prioritizing spending on needs over wants when making financial decisions.
Modeling your wealth to Your kids (1)Shaana D. RamosThis document describes a program called Life "SIM" that aims to teach children basic financial literacy skills at a young age through simulated work and business projects. It discusses introducing allowances tied to chores, teaching kids to save, spend and share portions of money, and setting savings goals. The program involves a day simulation where kids receive job assignments and time cards to understand basic concepts of work. The goal is to help kids develop entrepreneurial and financial skills at a young age to set them up for future success in managing money and potential business ventures.
A core content strategy process for a strong start csaSarah BeckleyA content strategy process methodology presented at the Content Strategy Applied conference in London, February 2017.
How to Create Strategic Value in the Current Environment | AOBA 2017Mercer CapitalIn this session originally presented at Bank Director's 2017 AOBA conference, Jay Wilson and Andy Gibbs of Mercer Capital, alongside Chris Nichols of CenterState Bank, examined how banks can utilize a hybrid approach and co-opt, partner with or acquire FinTech companies, wealth management and trust operations and insurance brokerages. By pairing traditional banking services with other financial services and means of delivery, banks can obtain more touch points for customer relationships, enhance revenue and ultimately improve the bank’s valuation.
Γιάννης Δοξαράς, Founder & CEO, WarplyStarttech Ventures1) Warply is a mobile marketing company that provides services like real-time audience targeting, campaign management, loyalty programs, and mobile payments.
2) They collect various types of customer data from multiple sources that can be used for audience targeting and personalization.
3) Warply emphasizes using emerging technologies like chatbots, artificial intelligence, and mobile experiences to improve the customer experience for banking and retail clients.
National ICT & Citizen Payments StrategyGuy HuntingtonReviews current government challenges in receiving and making citizen payments
Presents a way for governments to make more money every day by leveraging citizen identity and the phone
Stephen Cagnassola | Presenting few templates on financial literacy Stephen CagnassolaStephen Cagnassola explaining here few templates on financial literacy & basic strategies. Most people are thinking about growth in longevity in terms of an aging population’s burden on society. But we have the opportunity to look at it another way to reshape current models so that we live decades longer than our ancestors in a way that improves quality of life at all ages
Презентация по ПДД ruster_cРазвитие безопасности жизнедеятельности детей старшего дошкольного возраста с диагнозом ОНР в усвоении правил дорожного движения
1. Фотоотчёт по профилактике детского дорожного травматизма
в средней группе «Теремок».
В целях профилактики дорожно - транспортного травматизма в рамках
тематической недели «Внимание, дорога», посвящённой изучению правил
дорожного движения, проводились беседы, дидактические игры по ПДД, а
также были созданы условия по ознакомлению с понятиями «Перекрёсток»
и двустороннее движение, закреплялись правила пешеходного перехода и
сигналы регулировщика. Все эти мероприятия способствовали
формированию знаний правил дорожного движения у детей.
Машины едут на зелёный сигнал светофора.
2. Пешеходы идут на зелёный сигнал светофора.
Пешеходы идут на сигнал регулировщика.
3. Дети собирают дорожные знаки.
Дети играют в дидактическую игру «Дорожные знаки».
Дидактическая игра по ПДД.