Ratiosrozz4605The document discusses ratios and using a pizza example to teach ratios to fourth grade students. It aims to help students understand the concept of ratios and be able to solve basic ratio problems. The example shows that if 2 slices are taken from an 8 slice pizza, the ratio of slices left (6) to the original total (8) is written as 6/8 or 3/4. The amount taken (2 slices) has a ratio of 2/8 or 1/4.
Elearning module draftmvhiThe document discusses proper dental care from childhood through adulthood. It notes that people are born with 20 baby teeth which are replaced by 32 permanent adult teeth starting around age 6. Good dental hygiene including brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, limiting sugary snacks, and regular dental checkups is important to prevent cavities and gum disease and allow teeth to last a lifetime.
River CruisingMailClassifiedThis document summarizes the results of a survey about perceptions of river cruises. It finds that mail readers take more holidays and are more likely to consider river cruises than the general UK population. When considering river cruises, mail readers ranked route, price, and included extras as most important. The document suggests targeting mail readers with river cruise advertising that emphasizes these factors to encourage them to spend more.
CPE, un éducateur scolaire? par Eric Siré, académie de VersaillesGabrielle LamotteLes CPE au coeur de l'action éducative pour la réussite des élèves
Colloque SNES du 5 mai 2010
Ratiosrozz4605The document discusses ratios and using a pizza example to teach ratios to fourth grade students. It aims to help students understand the concept of ratios and be able to solve basic ratio problems. The example shows that if 2 slices are taken from an 8 slice pizza, the ratio of slices left (6) to the original total (8) is written as 6/8 or 3/4. The amount taken (2 slices) has a ratio of 2/8 or 1/4.
Stolen indian land (1)MindfudgerieThe document discusses how Aboriginal land in Australia was stolen by Europeans in the 19th century through deception, coercion, and force. The Europeans tricked the Aboriginal peoples out of their land so it could be sold for profit, gaining money, land, and power. Posters were used to misrepresent that the Aboriginal peoples had left voluntarily, when in reality their culture and rights were being destroyed as they lost their homes and land. The document expresses that this mistreatment of the Aboriginal peoples was wrong and that their land should rightfully be returned.
Etsy API hackNY Spring 2011Justin ShecklerThe Etsy API allows developers access to Etsy's marketplace of 500,000 sellers and 8.5 million handmade listings through RESTful APIs using JSON and OAuth. The API provides features for searching listings by color, keyword, and location, getting personalized recommendations, accessing sales data, creating and editing listings, and getting real-time updates. Developers can sign up on the Etsy developer website and Etsy can help promote applications built using the API.
Elearning module draftmvhiThe document discusses proper dental care from childhood through adulthood. It notes that people are born with 20 baby teeth which are replaced by 32 permanent adult teeth starting around age 6. Good dental hygiene including brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, limiting sugary snacks, and regular dental checkups is important to prevent cavities and gum disease and allow teeth to last a lifetime.
River CruisingMailClassifiedThis document summarizes the results of a survey about perceptions of river cruises. It finds that mail readers take more holidays and are more likely to consider river cruises than the general UK population. When considering river cruises, mail readers ranked route, price, and included extras as most important. The document suggests targeting mail readers with river cruise advertising that emphasizes these factors to encourage them to spend more.
CPE, un éducateur scolaire? par Eric Siré, académie de VersaillesGabrielle LamotteLes CPE au coeur de l'action éducative pour la réussite des élèves
Colloque SNES du 5 mai 2010
Ratiosrozz4605The document discusses ratios and using a pizza example to teach ratios to fourth grade students. It aims to help students understand the concept of ratios and be able to solve basic ratio problems. The example shows that if 2 slices are taken from an 8 slice pizza, the ratio of slices left (6) to the original total (8) is written as 6/8 or 3/4. The amount taken (2 slices) has a ratio of 2/8 or 1/4.
Stolen indian land (1)MindfudgerieThe document discusses how Aboriginal land in Australia was stolen by Europeans in the 19th century through deception, coercion, and force. The Europeans tricked the Aboriginal peoples out of their land so it could be sold for profit, gaining money, land, and power. Posters were used to misrepresent that the Aboriginal peoples had left voluntarily, when in reality their culture and rights were being destroyed as they lost their homes and land. The document expresses that this mistreatment of the Aboriginal peoples was wrong and that their land should rightfully be returned.
Etsy API hackNY Spring 2011Justin ShecklerThe Etsy API allows developers access to Etsy's marketplace of 500,000 sellers and 8.5 million handmade listings through RESTful APIs using JSON and OAuth. The API provides features for searching listings by color, keyword, and location, getting personalized recommendations, accessing sales data, creating and editing listings, and getting real-time updates. Developers can sign up on the Etsy developer website and Etsy can help promote applications built using the API.
2. Сегодня мы узнаем:Как устроен лифт для кораблей;В чем секрет фонтана Петра I;Почему одинаков уровень морей и океанов;Как правильно выбрать чайник в магазине.
3. КВВЧто мы знаем.1. Как можно рассчитать гидростатическое давление?2. Сравните давления в сосудах. Будет ли переливаться жидкость из сосуда в сосуд, если открыть кран?3. До каких пор вода будет переливаться?
6. Что произойдет,если в сообщающиеся сосуды налить две несмешивающиеся жидкости разной плотности?При равенстве давлений высотастолба жидкости с большей плотностью будет меньше высоты столба жидкости сменьшей плотностью.Докажите это, используя закон Паскаля и определение гидростатического давления.Проверим ваш результат
7. 1=2,1=11, p2=gρ2h2 ,gρ1h1=gρ2h2, т.е h1:h2=ρ2:ρ1.Высоты столбов разнородных жидкостей в сообщающихся сосудах обратно пропорциональны их плотностям
9. Каскады падающей воды,фонтаны, украшают многие города.А действуют фонтаныблагодаря законусообщающихсясосудов.Ташкент, площадь «Дружбы»Фонтаны ПетродворцаТбилиси, парк «Победы»
10. Римлянам был неизвестен закон сообщающихся сосудов. Для снабжения населения водой они возводили много-километровые акведуки, водопроводы, доставлявшиеводу из горных источников.
13. Всем спасибо за работу.Домашнее задание: Обязательное: изучить ξ 39. Дополнительное: подумайте, как можно было бы наиболее простыми средствами устроить фонтан где-нибудь в парке или во дворе,начертите схему такого устройства и объясните его действие.