El documento presenta Silverlight, una plataforma de desarrollo para crear aplicaciones web interactivas. Permite funciones multimedia y un modelo de programación similar a .NET. Aunque Microsoft promovió Silverlight, ahora apuesta por HTML5 y reducirá su promoción, aceptando que HTML5 es el futuro estándar para el desarrollo web.
Introducción a Silverlight 1 y Silverlight 2Eduard Llovet
Introducción a Silveright 1 & 2, con muchos ejemplos de aplicaciones existentes, roadmap de silverlight, ventajas y diferenciación respecto a Flash / Flex, herramientas de dise?o y desarrollo, etc...
Web Development in a Web Anywhere World: Then and NowJames Gagliardi
This document compares web development technologies and trends from 2000 to 2010. It outlines that in 2000, development focused on HTML, JavaScript and browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer, while by 2010 additional technologies like CSS, AJAX, JSON, PHP and mobile/touch platforms had emerged. Screen resolutions increased significantly over the decade. The mobile web also advanced from basic phones to smartphones. Microtransactions and social apps were also noted as 2010 trends.
- Silverlight is a browser plugin that allows for rich interactive applications and media experiences across browsers and operating systems.
- It uses XAML and .NET languages like C# for development, providing a familiar environment for building rich GUI applications.
- A demo showed how Silverlight can be used to build interactive experiences like photo editors and financial charts that run across platforms.
Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are web applications that have features of desktop applications like transferring processing to the client but keeping data on the server. They run in browsers without installation, provide platform independence at low cost. Major RIA frameworks include AJAX, Java applets, Adobe Flex, JavaFX, and Microsoft Silverlight.
Printed circuit boards pcb manufacturer link listgrace cheng
The document appears to be a list of URLs from the website http://www.raypcb.com related to printed circuit boards (PCBs). The URLs cover a wide range of topics on PCB manufacturing processes, materials, defects troubleshooting, design, and more. The document provides an overview of the breadth of information available on the raypcb.com website pertaining to printed circuit boards.
IT market overview national & wisconsinTodd Nilson
The IT job market is strong with over 4 million jobs and an average salary of $70,000. Hot skills in demand include cloud computing, mobile applications, social media, and analytics. Locally, network systems and data communications jobs are in high demand. The top skills for 2011 include cloud computing, software programming, virtualization, security, and networking according to various analysts.
Printed circuit boards pcb manufacturer link listgrace cheng
The document appears to be a list of URLs from the website raypcb.com that relate to various topics in printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing and design. There are over 200 URLs listed covering a wide range of topics including PCB materials, fabrication processes, defects, testing, and more. The document provides an overview of the breadth of information available on the raypcb.com website pertaining to printed circuit boards.
El documento presenta Silverlight, una plataforma de desarrollo para crear aplicaciones web interactivas. Permite funciones multimedia y un modelo de programación similar a .NET. Aunque Microsoft promovió Silverlight, ahora apuesta por HTML5 y reducirá su promoción, aceptando que HTML5 es el futuro estándar para el desarrollo web.
Introducción a Silverlight 1 y Silverlight 2Eduard Llovet
Introducción a Silveright 1 & 2, con muchos ejemplos de aplicaciones existentes, roadmap de silverlight, ventajas y diferenciación respecto a Flash / Flex, herramientas de dise?o y desarrollo, etc...
Web Development in a Web Anywhere World: Then and NowJames Gagliardi
This document compares web development technologies and trends from 2000 to 2010. It outlines that in 2000, development focused on HTML, JavaScript and browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer, while by 2010 additional technologies like CSS, AJAX, JSON, PHP and mobile/touch platforms had emerged. Screen resolutions increased significantly over the decade. The mobile web also advanced from basic phones to smartphones. Microtransactions and social apps were also noted as 2010 trends.
- Silverlight is a browser plugin that allows for rich interactive applications and media experiences across browsers and operating systems.
- It uses XAML and .NET languages like C# for development, providing a familiar environment for building rich GUI applications.
- A demo showed how Silverlight can be used to build interactive experiences like photo editors and financial charts that run across platforms.
Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are web applications that have features of desktop applications like transferring processing to the client but keeping data on the server. They run in browsers without installation, provide platform independence at low cost. Major RIA frameworks include AJAX, Java applets, Adobe Flex, JavaFX, and Microsoft Silverlight.
Printed circuit boards pcb manufacturer link listgrace cheng
The document appears to be a list of URLs from the website http://www.raypcb.com related to printed circuit boards (PCBs). The URLs cover a wide range of topics on PCB manufacturing processes, materials, defects troubleshooting, design, and more. The document provides an overview of the breadth of information available on the raypcb.com website pertaining to printed circuit boards.
IT market overview national & wisconsinTodd Nilson
The IT job market is strong with over 4 million jobs and an average salary of $70,000. Hot skills in demand include cloud computing, mobile applications, social media, and analytics. Locally, network systems and data communications jobs are in high demand. The top skills for 2011 include cloud computing, software programming, virtualization, security, and networking according to various analysts.
Printed circuit boards pcb manufacturer link listgrace cheng
The document appears to be a list of URLs from the website raypcb.com that relate to various topics in printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing and design. There are over 200 URLs listed covering a wide range of topics including PCB materials, fabrication processes, defects, testing, and more. The document provides an overview of the breadth of information available on the raypcb.com website pertaining to printed circuit boards.