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Active Health Foundation

       Points of the Tuina Sequence
       By James OSullivan C.Ac. (China)

james@active-health.org                    www.active-health.org
The Neck Stretch
 Position flat hand under neck, Centre of palm (P-08)
   should be directly under (Du-16)

james@active-health.org                      www.active-health.org
 In the depression between
   the upper portion of m.
   and m. trapezius, on the
   same level with Du-16

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
 Midway between Du 14
  and the acromion, at
  the highest point of
  the shoulder.

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  Midway between the
   junction of the 1st. and
   2nd metacarpal bones
   and the margin of the

  Clears pathogenic Factors

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  Lu-05 is located in the
    transverse cubital
    crease, on the radial
    side of the biceps
    muscle tendon. The
    point is located with
    the elbow slightly

james@active-health.org             www.active-health.org
  When elbow is flexed
   point is in the
   depression at the
   lateral end of the
   transverse cubital
   crease, midway
   between Lu-05 and
   lateral epicondyle of
   the humerus.

james@active-health.org            www.active-health.org
  Directly below the
    anterior border of the
    acromion, on the
    upper portion of the
    m. deltoideus, where a
    depression is formed
    when the arm is

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  Posterior and inferior to
    the acromion, in the
    depression about 1 cun
    posterior to LI-15,
    when the arm is

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  At the medial end of the
    transverse cubital
    crease when the elbow
    is flexed. or midpoint
    between P3 and
    medial epicondyle of

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  On the sole, in the
    depression when the
    foot is in plantar
    flexion, approx. at the
    junction of the anterior
    third and posterior two
    thirds of the sole.

james@active-health.org          www.active-health.org
  In the depression
     between the medial
     malleolus and the
     tendo calcaneus, at the
     level with the tip of the
     medial malleolus.

james@active-health.org            www.active-health.org
  On the medial and
    proximal to the 1st.
    joint at the junction of
    the red and white skin.

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  In the depression distal
     and inferior to the base
     of the 1st. metatarsal
     bone. 1 cun posterior
     to Sp3, at the junction
     of the red and white

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  On the dorsum of the
    foot, in the depression
    distal to the junction of
    the first and second
    metatarsal bones.

james@active-health.org            www.active-health.org
  In the depression of the
     lower border of the
     medial malleolus, or 1
     cun below the medial

james@active-health.org          www.active-health.org
  3 cun above the tip of the
     medial malleolus, near
     the posterior border of
     the Tibia.
  The tip of the medial
     malleolus to the
     popliteal crease is 15

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  In the depression on the
     inferior border of the
     medial condyle of the
     Tibia at the posterior
     border of the Tibia.

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  Below the knee, 3 cun
    inferior to Dubi ST-35,
    one fingerbreadth
    lateral to the anterior
    crest of the tibia.

  Strengthens Qi or Total
     Energy in the body

james@active-health.org             www.active-health.org
  In the depression
     anterior and inferior to
     the small head of the
     fibula. 2 cun inferior to
     the knee

james@active-health.org            www.active-health.org
  2 cun above the medial
     epicondyle of the
     femur, at the
     protuberance of the m.
     vastus medialis.

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  3 cun inferior to the

james@active-health.org            www.active-health.org
  1.5 cun inferior to the

james@active-health.org              www.active-health.org
  2 cun lateral to the centre
     of the umbilicus.

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  4 cun lateral to the centre
     of the umbilicus, on
     the lateral side of m.
     rectus abdominis.

james@active-health.org           www.active-health.org
  4 cun superior to the

james@active-health.org            www.active-health.org
  4 cun above the
     umbilicus, 2 cun lateral
     to Ren 12.


james@active-health.org                  www.active-health.org
Testing you
 It is advised to test yourself on these images as
    they will be used to test your written point
    location proficiency in class.

 Practical point location will be based on these
   points plus the other points advised in class.

james@active-health.org                  www.active-health.org

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1 A00 A Points Of Sequence

  • 1. Active Health Foundation Points of the Tuina Sequence By James OSullivan C.Ac. (China) james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 2. The Neck Stretch Position flat hand under neck, Centre of palm (P-08) should be directly under (Du-16) james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 3. GB-20 In the depression between the upper portion of m. sternocleidomastoideus and m. trapezius, on the same level with Du-16 james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 4. GB-21 Midway between Du 14 and the acromion, at the highest point of the shoulder. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 5. LI-04 Midway between the junction of the 1st. and 2nd metacarpal bones and the margin of the web. Clears pathogenic Factors james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 6. Lu-05 Lu-05 is located in the transverse cubital crease, on the radial side of the biceps muscle tendon. The point is located with the elbow slightly flexed. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 7. LI-11 When elbow is flexed point is in the depression at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease, midway between Lu-05 and lateral epicondyle of the humerus. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 8. LI-15 Directly below the anterior border of the acromion, on the upper portion of the m. deltoideus, where a depression is formed when the arm is abducted. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 9. SJ-14 Posterior and inferior to the acromion, in the depression about 1 cun posterior to LI-15, when the arm is abducted. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 10. Ht-03 At the medial end of the transverse cubital crease when the elbow is flexed. or midpoint between P3 and medial epicondyle of humerus. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 11. K-01 On the sole, in the depression when the foot is in plantar flexion, approx. at the junction of the anterior third and posterior two thirds of the sole. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 12. K-03 In the depression between the medial malleolus and the tendo calcaneus, at the level with the tip of the medial malleolus. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 13. Sp-03 On the medial and proximal to the 1st. Metatarso-phalangeal joint at the junction of the red and white skin. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 14. Sp-04 In the depression distal and inferior to the base of the 1st. metatarsal bone. 1 cun posterior to Sp3, at the junction of the red and white skin. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 15. Liv-03 On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 16. K-06 In the depression of the lower border of the medial malleolus, or 1 cun below the medial malleolus. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 17. Sp-06 3 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus, near the posterior border of the Tibia. The tip of the medial malleolus to the popliteal crease is 15 cun james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 18. Sp-09 In the depression on the inferior border of the medial condyle of the Tibia at the posterior border of the Tibia. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 19. St-36 Below the knee, 3 cun inferior to Dubi ST-35, one fingerbreadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia. Strengthens Qi or Total Energy in the body james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 20. GB-34 In the depression anterior and inferior to the small head of the fibula. 2 cun inferior to the knee james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 21. Sp-10 2 cun above the medial epicondyle of the femur, at the protuberance of the m. vastus medialis. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 22. Ren-04 3 cun inferior to the umbilicus. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 23. Ren-06 1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 24. St-25 2 cun lateral to the centre of the umbilicus. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 25. Sp-15 4 cun lateral to the centre of the umbilicus, on the lateral side of m. rectus abdominis. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 26. Ren-12 4 cun superior to the umbilicus. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 27. St-21 4 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Ren 12. Ren-12 james@active-health.org www.active-health.org
  • 28. Testing you It is advised to test yourself on these images as they will be used to test your written point location proficiency in class. Practical point location will be based on these points plus the other points advised in class. james@active-health.org www.active-health.org