CIOs Embrace Digital Transformation in ChinaKelvin Yeung
It’s clear that digital transformation has reached every aspect of our life, with India and China among the countries in the region seeing the most significant impact.
Social Action and Art Education: A Curriculum for Changepiqahamin
The document discusses a curriculum for art education that focuses on social action and change. It proposes using art as a means for students to explore social issues, take a stand on causes, and enact change in their community. The goal is to move beyond individual expression to empower students to affect positive change through collaborative and socially engaged art projects.
CALMing the High Cost of Educational Resources: How CSUSM is Creating Alterna...Carmen Mitchell
Presented at the Digital Initiatives Symposium at the University of San Diego in April 2014.
Co-presenter, Barbara Taylor, Instructional Developer, Cal State San Marcos
The cost of a college education continues to rise, outpacing inflation and median income growth in the last decade. As a result, students are piling on debt and recent graduates are struggling under the weight of loans they wouldn't have needed 10 to 20 years ago.
The Cougars Affordable Learning Materials Project (CALM) is part of the CSU Affordable Learning Solutions initiative started in 2010. CALM aims to aid faculty in replacing costly textbooks with lower cost alternatives by using high-quality open educational resources (OER), library resources, digital or customized textbooks, and/or faculty-authored materials.
Forms are three-dimensional geometric figures like spheres, cubes and cylinders that are found throughout nature. Many natural phenomena exhibit forms, from raindrops and snowflakes to tree trunks, shells, and animal horns that display spherical, cylindrical and conical shapes. Observing forms in nature can provide inspiration for artists.
CALMing the Cost of Textbooks: How to Create Affordable Learning Materials on...Carmen Mitchell
This document provides information on how to create Affordable Learning Materials (CALM) on a college campus. It discusses starting a CALM program with funding from the Chancellor's Office, developing branding and a website, and piloting CALM in courses. It outlines reaching out to faculty through department meetings and developing partnerships across campus, including with the bookstore, library, and publishers. The program resulted in 40 courses being CALMed, with 32 faculty participating and an estimated total student cost savings of over $180,000. Student feedback was very positive, with most finding the free resources easy to access and of high quality.
Gave Dingen Doen (GDD) Breda - Pitch Vincent over VoxVoteeBay for Business
Het leven van een starter in een startup is al niet eenvoudig. Je had of hebt een idee en wil het tot uitvoering brengen. Je vertelt het aan je inner circle, en met de feedback doe je iets, of (nog) niets.
Durven je beste vrienden te zeggen: It sucks! Dit rammelt en dat rammelt... Waardeloos, ik zou er niet mee verder gaan..... Meestal niet, en dan? Mediocre (mediocrity/mediocriteit ) doorgaan met een gammel en middelmatig product of dienst.
Hoe gaaf zou het niet zijn als je ten overstaan van een volledig willekeurig (OK, lokaal verbonden) publiek je idee kan vertellen (pitchen) aan een groep mensen, en dat jij na 5 minuten aan het woord, er 115 minuten over jouw verhaal wordt meegedacht en gesproken. Dit concept heet Gave Dingen Doen, en ik was op 1 april met VoxVote de pitcher van de avond, op een mooie dinsdag tijdens het WK2014 in Brazili? in Coffee Lounge bar Inspire te Breda was ik de pitcher van de avond. "Bedenk zo veel mogelijk gave, onverwachte, extreme, rare toepassingen voor VoxVote". Dat was mijn stelling aan het einde van de introductie.
El documento presenta una introducción al uso del color en el arte. Explica que todo color es luz percibida y que Isaac Newton fue pionero en el estudio de los colores. Define los colores primarios, secundarios, de transición y neutros, y describe cómo el color puede comunicar volumen, relieve y forma tridimensional como en un bulto redondo.
Reconceptualizing the Role of Creativity in Art Education Theory and Practicepiqahamin
The document discusses the need to reconceptualize the role of creativity in art education theory and practice. It argues that creativity should be reframed from an individual gift to a social and cultural process. Encouraging creative thinking skills in students and fostering creative learning environments would better serve students and the goals of art education.
Using art in pre-registration nurse educationpiqahamin
1) The document evaluates the inclusion of art-related education in a health promotion course for nursing students from 2001-2005. It describes how art was positively evaluated by most students as increasing awareness of healthcare environments and promoting empathy.
2) It then describes a specific project where students provided input to introduce art into a clinical skills laboratory.
3) The document provides an example of how art can be used in nursing education to encourage empathy and discusses its potential benefits.
Audience Response System - guest lecture NHTV Breda, The Netherlands 2014 Mar...eBay for Business
Live mobile voting during guest lecture 'revenue models' presented by Vincent van Witteloostuyn, VoxVote founder. All students in the audience were asked to bring their own device.(BYOD) and vote on 5 questions. The presentation is part of the beta launch campaign in the Netherlands,
Maintenance and calibration of laser Doppler probes and pressure cuffsPerimed
The aim of this document is to summarize the basic
maintenance requirements for laser Doppler probes and
pressure cuffs used for pressure measurements.
The document provides information on electrode maintenance for the PeriFlux 6000 tcpO2 device. It discusses the need to remembrane electrodes weekly or when exposed to infection to remove built-up silver oxide. The remembraning procedure involves removing the old membrane and O-rings, cleaning the electrode face, adding electrolyte solution, and inserting the electrode into a new membrane and O-rings. Electrodes can be cleaned with specified water-based disinfectants and should be stored capped with contact liquid when not in use.
GoFFish is a scalable software framework for storing large graphs and executing graph analytics across a computing cluster. It consists of GoFS for distributed graph storage and partitioning and Gopher for programming abstractions. The researchers implemented two storage formats in GoFFish - temporal and subgraph binning - and evaluated them on a road network graph using vertex count and connected components algorithms. They found the temporal format performed better for vertex count while subgraph binning was better for connected components.
Rethinking art education for older adults: An ethnographic study of the Unive...piqahamin
This dissertation examines art education for older adults through an ethnographic study of the British University of the Third Age (U3A). The author spent five months with one local U3A group, studying its art and craft programs through participant observation, interviews, and document review. The study compares the U3A approach, where older adults share knowledge and expertise with each other, to the assumptions and language used in the American literature on older adult art education. Key differences are found around concepts of teaching and learning, expertise, and the social benefits of art. The study aims to provide alternatives for conceptualizing older adult art education and implications for rethinking foundations, roles, and directions in the field.
The document provides a disclaimer stating that the information is intended for general information only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. It also notes that Perimed retains the right to change specifications without notice and prohibits commercial use of the document's content without permission. The document appears to provide instructions for calibrating a PeriFlux 6000 device and interpreting results from tcpO2 monitoring.
The young man pleaded with his maiden for her love, but she said he must prove his love by bringing his mother's heart to her. He did so without hesitation, taking his mother's heart though it pained him. As he returned to his maiden, he fell in the rain still clutching the heart. Hearing his mother's heart speak to him, he was reminded of her great love for him despite what he had done. This shows how forgiving and strong a mother's love can be for her son.
See how adoption and investment trends in Big Data & Analytics, Cloud, Mobile, Social have grown in China since 2012.
这是“技术趋势”系列的第四次调研。为了掌握公司运用大数据与分析、云、移动以及社交技术的最新情况,IBM 应用洞察中心 (Center for Applied Insights) 在 2014 年对 13 个国家或地区中 15 个行业的 1,447 位决策者开展了一项调研
这份调研报告对 112 家中国公司的受访者进行了深入分析和研究
Social Action and Art Education: A Curriculum for Changepiqahamin
The document discusses a curriculum for art education that focuses on social action and change. It proposes using art as a means for students to explore social issues, take a stand on causes, and enact change in their community. The goal is to move beyond individual expression to empower students to affect positive change through collaborative and socially engaged art projects.
CALMing the High Cost of Educational Resources: How CSUSM is Creating Alterna...Carmen Mitchell
Presented at the Digital Initiatives Symposium at the University of San Diego in April 2014.
Co-presenter, Barbara Taylor, Instructional Developer, Cal State San Marcos
The cost of a college education continues to rise, outpacing inflation and median income growth in the last decade. As a result, students are piling on debt and recent graduates are struggling under the weight of loans they wouldn't have needed 10 to 20 years ago.
The Cougars Affordable Learning Materials Project (CALM) is part of the CSU Affordable Learning Solutions initiative started in 2010. CALM aims to aid faculty in replacing costly textbooks with lower cost alternatives by using high-quality open educational resources (OER), library resources, digital or customized textbooks, and/or faculty-authored materials.
Forms are three-dimensional geometric figures like spheres, cubes and cylinders that are found throughout nature. Many natural phenomena exhibit forms, from raindrops and snowflakes to tree trunks, shells, and animal horns that display spherical, cylindrical and conical shapes. Observing forms in nature can provide inspiration for artists.
CALMing the Cost of Textbooks: How to Create Affordable Learning Materials on...Carmen Mitchell
This document provides information on how to create Affordable Learning Materials (CALM) on a college campus. It discusses starting a CALM program with funding from the Chancellor's Office, developing branding and a website, and piloting CALM in courses. It outlines reaching out to faculty through department meetings and developing partnerships across campus, including with the bookstore, library, and publishers. The program resulted in 40 courses being CALMed, with 32 faculty participating and an estimated total student cost savings of over $180,000. Student feedback was very positive, with most finding the free resources easy to access and of high quality.
Gave Dingen Doen (GDD) Breda - Pitch Vincent over VoxVoteeBay for Business
Het leven van een starter in een startup is al niet eenvoudig. Je had of hebt een idee en wil het tot uitvoering brengen. Je vertelt het aan je inner circle, en met de feedback doe je iets, of (nog) niets.
Durven je beste vrienden te zeggen: It sucks! Dit rammelt en dat rammelt... Waardeloos, ik zou er niet mee verder gaan..... Meestal niet, en dan? Mediocre (mediocrity/mediocriteit ) doorgaan met een gammel en middelmatig product of dienst.
Hoe gaaf zou het niet zijn als je ten overstaan van een volledig willekeurig (OK, lokaal verbonden) publiek je idee kan vertellen (pitchen) aan een groep mensen, en dat jij na 5 minuten aan het woord, er 115 minuten over jouw verhaal wordt meegedacht en gesproken. Dit concept heet Gave Dingen Doen, en ik was op 1 april met VoxVote de pitcher van de avond, op een mooie dinsdag tijdens het WK2014 in Brazili? in Coffee Lounge bar Inspire te Breda was ik de pitcher van de avond. "Bedenk zo veel mogelijk gave, onverwachte, extreme, rare toepassingen voor VoxVote". Dat was mijn stelling aan het einde van de introductie.
El documento presenta una introducción al uso del color en el arte. Explica que todo color es luz percibida y que Isaac Newton fue pionero en el estudio de los colores. Define los colores primarios, secundarios, de transición y neutros, y describe cómo el color puede comunicar volumen, relieve y forma tridimensional como en un bulto redondo.
Reconceptualizing the Role of Creativity in Art Education Theory and Practicepiqahamin
The document discusses the need to reconceptualize the role of creativity in art education theory and practice. It argues that creativity should be reframed from an individual gift to a social and cultural process. Encouraging creative thinking skills in students and fostering creative learning environments would better serve students and the goals of art education.
Using art in pre-registration nurse educationpiqahamin
1) The document evaluates the inclusion of art-related education in a health promotion course for nursing students from 2001-2005. It describes how art was positively evaluated by most students as increasing awareness of healthcare environments and promoting empathy.
2) It then describes a specific project where students provided input to introduce art into a clinical skills laboratory.
3) The document provides an example of how art can be used in nursing education to encourage empathy and discusses its potential benefits.
Audience Response System - guest lecture NHTV Breda, The Netherlands 2014 Mar...eBay for Business
Live mobile voting during guest lecture 'revenue models' presented by Vincent van Witteloostuyn, VoxVote founder. All students in the audience were asked to bring their own device.(BYOD) and vote on 5 questions. The presentation is part of the beta launch campaign in the Netherlands,
Maintenance and calibration of laser Doppler probes and pressure cuffsPerimed
The aim of this document is to summarize the basic
maintenance requirements for laser Doppler probes and
pressure cuffs used for pressure measurements.
The document provides information on electrode maintenance for the PeriFlux 6000 tcpO2 device. It discusses the need to remembrane electrodes weekly or when exposed to infection to remove built-up silver oxide. The remembraning procedure involves removing the old membrane and O-rings, cleaning the electrode face, adding electrolyte solution, and inserting the electrode into a new membrane and O-rings. Electrodes can be cleaned with specified water-based disinfectants and should be stored capped with contact liquid when not in use.
GoFFish is a scalable software framework for storing large graphs and executing graph analytics across a computing cluster. It consists of GoFS for distributed graph storage and partitioning and Gopher for programming abstractions. The researchers implemented two storage formats in GoFFish - temporal and subgraph binning - and evaluated them on a road network graph using vertex count and connected components algorithms. They found the temporal format performed better for vertex count while subgraph binning was better for connected components.
Rethinking art education for older adults: An ethnographic study of the Unive...piqahamin
This dissertation examines art education for older adults through an ethnographic study of the British University of the Third Age (U3A). The author spent five months with one local U3A group, studying its art and craft programs through participant observation, interviews, and document review. The study compares the U3A approach, where older adults share knowledge and expertise with each other, to the assumptions and language used in the American literature on older adult art education. Key differences are found around concepts of teaching and learning, expertise, and the social benefits of art. The study aims to provide alternatives for conceptualizing older adult art education and implications for rethinking foundations, roles, and directions in the field.
The document provides a disclaimer stating that the information is intended for general information only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. It also notes that Perimed retains the right to change specifications without notice and prohibits commercial use of the document's content without permission. The document appears to provide instructions for calibrating a PeriFlux 6000 device and interpreting results from tcpO2 monitoring.
The young man pleaded with his maiden for her love, but she said he must prove his love by bringing his mother's heart to her. He did so without hesitation, taking his mother's heart though it pained him. As he returned to his maiden, he fell in the rain still clutching the heart. Hearing his mother's heart speak to him, he was reminded of her great love for him despite what he had done. This shows how forgiving and strong a mother's love can be for her son.
See how adoption and investment trends in Big Data & Analytics, Cloud, Mobile, Social have grown in China since 2012.
这是“技术趋势”系列的第四次调研。为了掌握公司运用大数据与分析、云、移动以及社交技术的最新情况,IBM 应用洞察中心 (Center for Applied Insights) 在 2014 年对 13 个国家或地区中 15 个行业的 1,447 位决策者开展了一项调研
这份调研报告对 112 家中国公司的受访者进行了深入分析和研究
How Enterprises Leverage Data to Overcome Business Challenges During CoronavirusDenodo
Watch full webinar here:
Coronavirus is spreading all over the world and has big impact on all the industries. How to acquire latest virus information from different countries and regions in real time to help organizations strategically plan and take actions accordingly and timely becomes very important.
Attend this webinar to learn:
- How business department acquires trustworthy data, gain deeper insights and fasten decision making
- How IT easily supports dynamic business requirements in real time
MyHouse雲端平台是以『雲端技術』為基礎提供SaaS(Software as a Service軟體即服務) 的社區物業管理平台解決方案,解決業者無法負擔系統軟硬體成本的問題,藉由雲端彈性、低成本的優勢,達成以社區管理服務本體的競爭力,並以保全業的knowhow,提供管委會營運標準規範的雲端平台,讓您的社區管理服務無所不在,生活品質更提昇。
3. 办公世界正在改变
根据美国 IT World 2013 年市场调查告:
60% 的公司正在考虑采用或已经采用BYOD
BYOD: Bring Your Own Device/自带移动设备
IT World 2013 BYOD Survey