This document outlines the certification process and guidelines for becoming an Animal Massage and Care Provider (AMCP) through Innovative Pet Therapy (IPT). It provides an overview of the required study materials, reference texts, supplies, certification projects and archives that students must complete. It also lists the IPT policy guidelines regarding scope of practice, liability, teaching rights and state regulations that students must understand and agree to in order to participate in the AMCP certification program. The goal of the training is for students to gain hands-on experience with IPTouch techniques through 40 archived massage sessions on various animal species captured in photographs.
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1. ip touch introduction
1. IPTouch AMCP (Animal Massage & Care Provider) Secrets of an IPTouch AMCP & yes, you can adjust a snakeSmall Animal Based Animal will guide the order of this manuals use. 1The most amazing animal communication program in the universe! Animal Rescue Through EducationCanine, Equine, Bird, Wildlife & ALL In-Between. On Land Or In Water.www.AnimalMassageCare.comInnovative Pet Therapy Licensed, Insured, Animal Handlers PermitCopyright Library of Congress 1998Innovative Pet Therapy
2. 2STUDY ACTIVITY (SA): IPT AMCP Manual ChaptersSA: Optional AMCP Study ToolsPlace page numbers next to each chapter & tab your AMCP manual. 6. IPT Health Care Check Up____ Points of Importance____ IPTouch Anatomy Book____Certify: Cat Anatomy _____7. IPT PetAID____ Certify: PetAID_____8. IPTouch Begins____ IPTouch Archive Ideas____9. IPT TECHNIQUES____10. Animals Anatomical Doors & Hinges_ IPTouch Physiology___ Certify: Apply IPTouch!____11. Behavioral Communication ____ More IPT Study Activity Tools____ Spread the IPTouch Word!____ Certify: Your IPT Questions___ Graduation!____1. IPTouch Introduction____ IPTouch Certification Process____ IPTouch Policy Guidelines___ Certify: 40 Archives__2. Meet IPTouch____ IPTouch Safe & Ethical Awareness___ Beginning IPTouch Terminology___ IPTouch Functional Terminology____3. Animal Lore____Certify: Animal Totem___4. IPTouch C.A.R.E.____ Animal Differences____ Animal Body Speak____ Orderly Environment____5. Responses to IPT____ THEIR IPT Space____ IPTouch Conversations____Innovative Pet Therapy
3. Our IPT MissionThe greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated. Gandhi
11. Only have as many pets as you can take excellent care of. Animal Control Officer
12. You can't have a pet without a vet!I would like to thank my animal comrades that have lovingly allowed my IPTouch ANIMAL JOURNEY experiences to continue. A special thanks to the baby monkey that makes me sure animals have souls worth spending love on.Thanks to my family (both nonhuman and human), & UNLV for believing in the IPTouch AMCP project as much as I DO!! Also thank you to all participants that continue to help spread the IPT Word3Innovative Pet Therapy
13. Due to language differences, human perception and ego, hands-on work with Animal can be challenging. Injury to students can be a possibility.
14. IPT is not responsible for safety concerns during the IPTouch process.
15. ALL IPT programs support veterinary consultation if indicated. Your veterinarian should meet your pet before injury or illness manifests.
16. Review IPTouch Policy Guideline concepts for your state concerning animal handling protocols.
17. IPT Policy Guidelines are updated and participants should have a full understanding of IPTouch ethics, safety, precautions & scope of practice. These are posted on IPTs educational sites.
18. Proceeding with this course indicates you understand and accept IPTouch Policy Guidelines.
19. Class Rule: NO Sad Pet Stories Allowed!4IPTouch DisclosureInnovative Pet Therapy
20. How to enjoy the IPTouch courseDVD: Begin practicing IPTouch approaches RIGHT AWAY with your own pets. Practice with a stuffed animal as well. HAVE FUN!
21. Dont Rush: IPT suggests at least 1-2 hours of IPTouch activities every day. Enjoy EACH animal, each bit of IPT information, & Study Activities. You will now learn how much YOU can do FOR THEM through IPT.
22. Grading: is a Pass/Redo Format. Certification answers should be shared in conversational form.
23. Have your digital camera ready NOW: You will NEVER spend IPT time with Animal again without the enjoyment of picture taking! This is also the gateway to your IPT marketing.
24. IPT SITE IDEAS: Your Own Babies, Rescue Shelters, Stable Sites, Horse Parks, Friends, Dog Parks, Ferrell Cat Rescue, Veterinarian Offices, Pet Sitting, Grooming Arenas, Petting Zoos, ANY Animal In Captivity, Phone Book, Newspaper Want Ads, SURPRISE ME!!5Innovative Pet Therapy
33. The Illustrated Veterinary Guide by PinneyUse the Internet as well! You will also find other reference materials and Optional Study Activities (SA) for your animal care path throughout this manual.Innovative Pet Therapy
45. Optional: Your own laptop computer with internet abilities.Out of town participant needs may differ & support will be provided.7BASIC AMCP SUPPLIESInnovative Pet Therapy
46. CERTIFICATION AMCP 'Resume Portfolio Submissions.IPTouch Certification materials grading is Graduate AMCP or Redo.Activate student support web site. ( DesignatedAMCP R辿sum辿 Projects are submitted into your class file under MESSAGES here.Certify: Animal Totem Certify: Cat Anatomy Certify: PetAIDCertify: Apply IPTouch! Certify: Your IPT QuestionsInnovative Pet Therapy8Extensions will be evaluated on an individual basis with a possible additional fee for extended course completion, after which the full course willneed to be enjoyed again. HERE WE GO!
47. 940 IPT Session Archives WITH pet pictures. Submit this information in YOUR AMCP Meetup PHOTO fileDO NOT visit or IPT any Animals with outyour CAMERA.Cameras are needed for continued assessment as well as marketing materials such as brochures, web sites, posters, T-shirts, hats, business cards, IPT bragging rights & client gifts! IPT works for for Small:Canine, Pig,Goat Exotic: Cat, Bird,Rabbit, GuineaPig,Parrot Large: Horse, Cow, Llama,DeerInnovative Pet TherapyCERTIFY: 40 IPT Archives With Pet PhotosWatch the IPT DVD with your pet or stuffed animal & an anatomy picture. Take photos of front, side, back of other pets. Notice fur, paw positions, eyes, earsYou have now begun your IPTouch Archives! A minimum IPTouch session should soon become 30 minutes. 40 archives is NOT 40 animals. 3-5 or more sessions on one pet is the way to use IPTouch. IPTouch is NOT always touch. Keep the word C.A.R.E. in mind.
48. AMCP Study RhythmBegin from day ONE!IPTouch support web site. Read and use Calendar, Photos, Files, Message BoardBegin IPTouch technique memorization with hands-on practice with your OWN pets: 40 IPT session archives WITH pet pictures are required. AMCP R辿sum辿 Projects. Try completing one project per 5 archives.Begin Reading Studies: (Tab, highlight & take notes directly into text books).IPT AMCP Manual: HerzlichLEARN 2 chapters per week and then read again and again2. How to Draw Animals: Hamm Study pages 1-19(Introduction ToAnimal Drawings)3. Color Atlas of Small Animal Anatomy: McCracken 4. Animal Anatomy for Artists: Goldfinger Learn Introduction pgs.111(Introduction, Terminology, Basic Body Plan, Individual Muscles)Innovative Pet Therapy10
49. IPTouch Policy GuidelinesProtect the IPT PathUpdated changes will applyFull IPTouch Protocols Outlined at www.animalmassagecare.com11Innovative Pet Therapy
50. IPTouch Policy GuidelinesIPT is not responsible for individual state regulations concerning animal massage.Outside teaching of IPTouch AMCP materials and concepts is fully owned by IPTouch and may be considered illegal.Performing out of scope training protocols will void all IPT certification and liability insurance policies. IPT reserves the right to revoke and or suspend class participation and or certification privileges due to error or inappropriate behavior of said provider.IPT is not responsible for safety or medical issues that may occur during IPT participation. I understand that the information shared in no way takes the place of a veterinarians expertise or diagnostic skills. IPT AMCPs CANNOT council in nutritional or herbal concepts without veterinarian guidance and pre-patient assessment. Students are responsible for their own independent animal access for continued studies. I understand there is a NO REFUND policy once IPT has begun sending course supplies. I understand I am responsible for notifying IPT & community clients concerning my states legal requirements for animal massage protocols.Computerized instructor communication is required for continued AMCP activitiesFollowing AMCP graduation I understand I must have individual liability insurance and a separate company name to begin IPT practice for profit IPTouch in the community. Copying IPT materials for purposes other than self study is illegal & may facilitate a lawsuit against said party. Only certified AMCPs have access to logo use. I understand and accept protocols for AMCP IPT re-certification.IPTs goal is Animal Rescue through Educational Knowledge. I am solely responsible for all of my own individual course work.12Innovative Pet Therapy
51. AMCP Scope of Practice TerminologyTerms pertaining to community Pet Massage: Rescue sites, owners, groomers, pet sitters, agility, show & sporting pets, therapy pets. (Bonding and positive reinforcement mechanisms will create calm attentive pets).Massage: rubbing of body: a treatment that involves rubbing or kneading the muscles, either for medical or therapeutic purposes or simply as an aid to relaxation. Exercise: physical activity and movement, especially when intended to keep a person or animal fit and healthy. Handler: somebody who trains or manages a working animal, e.g. a police dog or a show dog. Animal Keeper: Taking care of them is hard work. Animal caretakers, sometimes called animal attendants or animal keepers, feed, water, groom, bathe, and exercise animals and clean, disinfect, and repair their cages. They also observe behavioral changes that could indicate illness or injury. Animal Trainer: Train animals that perform work, entertain or serve as companions. IPTouch does not perform Range of Motion or Stretching. We facilitate IPT Positional Elongation with pet permission.ALL IPTouch bodywork approaches are done with animal permission, without restraint and with owner homework. IPTouch does not allow nutritional or herbalistic counseling. 13Innovative Pet Therapy
52. NOT in the AMCP Scope of Practice Nevada State Practice of veterinary medicine defined. 1. To diagnose, treat, correct, change, relieve or prevent animal disease, deformity, defect, injury or other physical or mental conditions, including, but not limited to: (a) The prescription or the administration of any drug, medicine, biologic, apparatus, application, anesthetic or other therapeutic or diagnostic substance or technique; (b) The collection of embryos; (c) Testing for pregnancy or for correcting sterility or infertility; (d) Acupuncture; (e) Dentistry; (f ) Chiropractic procedures; (g) Surgery, including cosmetic surgery; or (h) Rendering advice or recommendation with regard to any of these.2. To represent, directly or indirectly, publicly or privately, an ability and willingness to do any act described in subsection 1.3. To use any title, words, abbreviation or letters in a manner or under circumstances which induce the belief that the person using them is qualified to do any act described in subsection 1, except if the person is a veterinarian.14Innovative Pet Therapy
53. Terms Pertaining to Veterinary RehabilitationPhysical Therapy: the treatment of injuries and physical conditions by a trained person under the supervision of a specialist in physical medicine. Soft Tissue Mobilization: Mobilization is a hands-on manual therapy designed to restore joint movement, power, and range of motion. The therapist gently coaxes joint motion by passive movement within or to the limit of a joint's normal range of motion. Manual Therapy: treatment of health ailments of various etiologies through 'hands-on', physical intervention. This form of physical treatment usually refers to hands-on techniques and includes soft tissue mobilization, various connective tissue techniques, Myofascial release, craniosacral techniques, mobilization of joints, joint manipulation, mobilization of neural tissue, visceral mobilization, strain and counter strain, and Integrative Manual Therapy. ROM: Range of Motion: facilitates joint alignment through passive motion in that joint's anatomical pattern.Stretching: transitive and intransitive verb to lengthen, widen, or extend something, or become lengthened, widened, or extended, especially by force. Modalities: medicine something used in the treatment of a disorder, e.g. surgery or chemotherapy. (Ultrasound, Estim ect) 15Innovative Pet Therapy
54. Pets IN Class Room ProtocolsShots up to date.Pets must be groomed, brushed & clean prior to class access. Dogs & Cats in AMCP classes must be spayed or neutered.An open topped exercise pen with a large blanket (as opposed to the carpet) is required for pets that attend classes. These private IPT areas need to be large enough for a human to sit comfortably inside with them. Pets must be safely on leashes ect. at all times when out of exercise pens.We cannot have water or food readily available on the floor. Class is short enough with enough breaks to share these needs outside, somewhat away from the building and walkways. Pets are only allowed in building 5. (Computer lab with pets is a no no).Potty time is away from the building (bring a poop bag!)ALL small species of pets are welcome, however if you feel your pet needs much of your attention, you may find it best to absorb lecture materials with a stuffed animal for the time being. (I myself have this issue. As you can see my own pets do not attend my classes when I teach).Pet greetings with other pets will need direct owner supervision.Pet owners must be on site with their own pets during class time.Out of town participants will be assisted in the above areas.16Innovative Pet Therapy