The document lists the cast and crew for a short film including Niels Kortsmit as a sleeping student, Dennis de Vries as the teacher, and Matthijs Nooijens and Rick den Ridder as classmates. Rens Lauwers directed and photographed the film, while Sander Noordholland de Jong wrote the script.
This document discusses different business structures for startups, including for-profit and non-profit options. It notes that companies no longer have to choose between for-profit and non-profit status, as there are now hybrid options like B-Corps and social enterprises. Both non-profits and for-profits require funding to sustain and grow, and the document reviews various funding sources for each model. It emphasizes starting with customer discovery and getting outside of the building to understand user needs before determining the best legal structure and path forward.
El documento explica conceptos básicos sobre la divisibilidad en matemáticas como múltiplos, divisores, criterios de divisibilidad, números primos y compuestos, descomposición de números en factores primos, el máximo común divisor (MCD) y el mÃnimo común múltiplo (MCM).
A Pedagogia e didática de Allan KardecEder Freyre
This document discusses different business structures for startups, including for-profit and non-profit options. It notes that companies no longer have to choose between for-profit and non-profit status, as there are now hybrid options like B-Corps and social enterprises. Both non-profits and for-profits require funding to sustain and grow, and the document reviews various funding sources for each model. It emphasizes starting with customer discovery and getting outside of the building to understand user needs before determining the best legal structure and path forward.
El documento explica conceptos básicos sobre la divisibilidad en matemáticas como múltiplos, divisores, criterios de divisibilidad, números primos y compuestos, descomposición de números en factores primos, el máximo común divisor (MCD) y el mÃnimo común múltiplo (MCM).
A Pedagogia e didática de Allan KardecEder Freyre
Ontwerpwedstrijd "In het verleden ligt het heden'.
Werkstukken voor deze wedstrijd, uitgeschreven t.g.v. de 350e verjaardag van de Vrede van Munster, gemaakt door leerlingen van de KSE te Etten-Leur in 1998
o.l.v. Carmen Klomp en Sjaak Jansen