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The One MinuteThe One Minute
Julie BeardJulie Beard
One Minute Goal Setting:One Minute Goal Setting:
 80/20 Rule: 80% of your really80/20 Rule: 80% of your really
important results will come fromimportant results will come from
20% of your goals.20% of your goals.
 One minute goal setting is aOne minute goal setting is a
philosophy of no surprises-philosophy of no surprises-
everyone knows what iseveryone knows what is
expected from the beginning.expected from the beginning.
One Minute Praising:One Minute Praising:
 Always be open about anAlways be open about an
employees performance.employees performance.
 Praise immediately.Praise immediately.
 Try and let the employee feelTry and let the employee feel
how good you feel about theirhow good you feel about their
 Make contact, it ensures youMake contact, it ensures you
care and want them to prospercare and want them to prosper
Secret to an EffectiveSecret to an Effective
Manager: One MinuteManager: One Minute
 Reprimanding immediately enables anReprimanding immediately enables an
understanding of responsibilities and howunderstanding of responsibilities and how
to complete them correctly.to complete them correctly.
 Always reprimand only their action andAlways reprimand only their action and
remember to let them know they areremember to let them know they are
appreciated. It was the performance youappreciated. It was the performance you
did not like.did not like.
 Reprimand and Reassurance go hand inReprimand and Reassurance go hand in
hand and are equally important.hand and are equally important.
 Never leave the latter out, it can ultimatelyNever leave the latter out, it can ultimately
result in your employees disliking you andresult in your employees disliking you and
they may attribute mistakes to being worththey may attribute mistakes to being worth
Why One Minute Goal SettingWhy One Minute Goal Setting
 As a manager, you have 3 options toAs a manager, you have 3 options to
choose from:choose from:
 You can hire a winner-though theyYou can hire a winner-though they
are hard to find and cost moneyare hard to find and cost money
 If you cant hire a winner, hire oneIf you cant hire a winner, hire one
who has the potential to become awho has the potential to become a
winner-and train them systematicallywinner-and train them systematically
to become a winner or.to become a winner or.
Why One Minute PraisingWhy One Minute Praising
 It is effectiveIt is effective
 Praising is done every timePraising is done every time
something right is donesomething right is done
 Always try to create a situationAlways try to create a situation
in which you can give a onein which you can give a one
minute praisingminute praising
 Praising= less turnoverPraising= less turnover
Why One Minute ReprimandsWhy One Minute Reprimands
 Feedback on a reprimand isFeedback on a reprimand is
immediate-it helps enhance futureimmediate-it helps enhance future
 The subordinate hears theThe subordinate hears the
feedback-handling one behavior at afeedback-handling one behavior at a
time seems more fair and clear totime seems more fair and clear to
 The behavior is the only thing that isThe behavior is the only thing that is
reprimanded-not the value of thereprimanded-not the value of the
person themselvesperson themselves

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1 minute manager

  • 1. The One MinuteThe One Minute ManagerManager By:By: Julie BeardJulie Beard
  • 2. One Minute Goal Setting:One Minute Goal Setting: 80/20 Rule: 80% of your really80/20 Rule: 80% of your really important results will come fromimportant results will come from 20% of your goals.20% of your goals. One minute goal setting is aOne minute goal setting is a philosophy of no surprises-philosophy of no surprises- everyone knows what iseveryone knows what is expected from the beginning.expected from the beginning.
  • 3. One Minute Praising:One Minute Praising: Always be open about anAlways be open about an employees performance.employees performance. Praise immediately.Praise immediately. Try and let the employee feelTry and let the employee feel how good you feel about theirhow good you feel about their performance.performance. Make contact, it ensures youMake contact, it ensures you care and want them to prospercare and want them to prosper
  • 4. 33rdrd Secret to an EffectiveSecret to an Effective Manager: One MinuteManager: One Minute Reprimands:Reprimands: Reprimanding immediately enables anReprimanding immediately enables an understanding of responsibilities and howunderstanding of responsibilities and how to complete them correctly.to complete them correctly. Always reprimand only their action andAlways reprimand only their action and remember to let them know they areremember to let them know they are appreciated. It was the performance youappreciated. It was the performance you did not like.did not like. Reprimand and Reassurance go hand inReprimand and Reassurance go hand in hand and are equally important.hand and are equally important. Never leave the latter out, it can ultimatelyNever leave the latter out, it can ultimately result in your employees disliking you andresult in your employees disliking you and they may attribute mistakes to being worththey may attribute mistakes to being worth less.less.
  • 5. Why One Minute Goal SettingWhy One Minute Goal Setting Works..Works.. As a manager, you have 3 options toAs a manager, you have 3 options to choose from:choose from: You can hire a winner-though theyYou can hire a winner-though they are hard to find and cost moneyare hard to find and cost money If you cant hire a winner, hire oneIf you cant hire a winner, hire one who has the potential to become awho has the potential to become a winner-and train them systematicallywinner-and train them systematically to become a winner or.to become a winner or. PRAYPRAY
  • 6. Why One Minute PraisingWhy One Minute Praising Works..Works.. It is effectiveIt is effective Praising is done every timePraising is done every time something right is donesomething right is done Always try to create a situationAlways try to create a situation in which you can give a onein which you can give a one minute praisingminute praising Praising= less turnoverPraising= less turnover
  • 7. Why One Minute ReprimandsWhy One Minute Reprimands Work..Work.. Feedback on a reprimand isFeedback on a reprimand is immediate-it helps enhance futureimmediate-it helps enhance future behaviorsbehaviors The subordinate hears theThe subordinate hears the feedback-handling one behavior at afeedback-handling one behavior at a time seems more fair and clear totime seems more fair and clear to themthem The behavior is the only thing that isThe behavior is the only thing that is reprimanded-not the value of thereprimanded-not the value of the person themselvesperson themselves