This document provides instructions for a final project in Spanish class where students must create an infographic and paragraph describing their personality and free time activities. The infographic must include: a title with the student's name, a pie chart of adjectives describing their personality, graphs of how time is spent on school days and weekends, and other pictures. The paragraph must be written in Spanish using past, present and personal vocabulary without translation tools. Students will be graded on comprehensibility, language control and vocabulary, engagement of audience, organization, and completion of requirements.
This document describes a 100KW grid-connected solar roof top plant installed on the roof of an administrative building in RKDF University, Bhopal, India. The plant consists of 339 solar panels that generate an average of 500kWh per day and 1.5 lakh units annually. Excess power is exported to the local grid through a net metering system. Performance data from May and June 2015 show daily generation ranging from 255kWh to 550kWh depending on weather conditions. The roof top plant provides clean energy, reduces the university's energy costs, and supports the local power grid.
The document describes the Davy OneHundred Portfolio, a 100% capital protected global equity portfolio offered by Davy Private Clients. The portfolio provides exposure to the performance of equity market indices over five years while guaranteeing return of 100% of invested capital. Investors receive 95% participation in any gains in a basket of four indices and full return of capital if the basket declines or is flat. The portfolio has a 3% upfront commission fee and is subject to credit and liquidity risks.
This one sentence document contains a name, topic, date, and random string of characters. It provides no meaningful information that can be summarized.
This document summarizes a preliminary task evaluation for Nathan, Jon, and Arran. It identifies several continuity errors between shots where details like hand position and clothing changed. It also notes that additional continuity errors occurred due to separate days of filming. Positives included learning how to use cameras for a stable tracking shot and different shot types. Classmates provided feedback that the tracking shot was too long without enough action.
Greeting from Inspace Technologies!
We take pleasure in sending the Feb edition of our Newsletter - Connect, which focuses exclusively on the accomplishments, events, happenings, awards / recognitions of Inspace community of Customers and Vendors. As always this magazine would serve as a forum for sharing organizational good news amongst our client/vendor network. We foresee much benefits in such networking and believe in continued success on this newsletter. We would continue to work towards improving the content regularly.
We have moved our site to Our previous conference materials can still be accessed at the original site. The welcome message informs visitors that the site has been moved to a new location while still providing access to past conference materials.
Building Data Literacy Among Middle School Administrators and Teachers
Data literacy is an essential trait for middle school administrators and teachers to possess. In this session, the Research and Accountability Team from Durham Public Schools will discuss how it has expanded its focus on Data-to-Action to building data literacy amongst its middle school administrators and teachers during 2013-14.
J. Brent Cooper, Terri Mozingo & Karin Beckett Durham Public Schools - Durham, NC
This document discusses strategies implemented at Brogden and Carrington Middle Schools in Durham, North Carolina to improve the transition to 6th grade. Brogden utilized parent surveys to gather feedback and involve parents in leading school tours. Carrington implemented a summer bridge program to acclimate students to the larger middle school setting and collect diagnostic data. Both schools analyzed student performance data to identify at-risk students and inform intervention programs. The schools shared lessons learned and next steps, which included continuing and expanding on successful programs and strategies.
Closing the Gap With STEM Education: Why, What, and How
Participants will learn why there is a growing need for STEM education in the United States, what STEM education is, how STEM education at the middle school level contributes to closing the gap, and how to successfully plan and implement a middle school program.
Ken Verburg Project Lead the Way - Lexington, SC
Keeping the Faith: Conversations to Advance the Middle School Concept with Integrity
Many educators continue to provide authentic middle school programs and practices - even when faced with budgetary challenges and public misperceptions. Presenters will share suggestions for articulating and advocating the middle school concept. Using presentation software, audience participants will engage in discussing these issues in an open forum.
Presenters: Bob Houghton, Howard Coleman, Kathleen Roney, Laurie Ramirez & Dave Strahan-Appalachian State University, UNC-Wilmington, & Western Carolina University
What is Your Students Writing Telling You?
Join DPI ELA consultants in an interactive session that explores what exemplary 6-8 student writing aligned to the CCSS looks like in ELA classrooms. Participants will look at student writing samples across the three types of writing: argument/opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative writing and identify techniques aligned to the Standards.
Presenter: Anna Frost - NC Department of Public Instruction - Raleigh, NC
Developmentally Appropriate Practices to Support the Young Adolescent
How do you foster academic growth for students in the middle? Developmentally appropriate practices are critical at all levels for student learning and engagement. Refocusing on the middle school model aligns instructional practices with the unique developmental needs of students ages 11 through 15. Teaming, Advisory, and Content Integration enable teachers to leverage the talents of adolescents. This collaboration strengthens teacher leadership, builds student-teacher relationships, and fosters critical conversations around teaching and learning.
Presenters: Patterson Denise & Stephanie Dischiavi - Northview Middle School - Hickory, NC
Reading Challenge: Engage Your Readers Through Technology
Engaging students in meaningful independent reading is often a daunting task. This session will share a reading challenge that uses technology to motivate students to read and respond to their reading. Discussion boards, digital book talks, and multimedia projects are utilized to enhance, inspire, and empower students in this challenge.
Presenter: Erica Preswood - University School - Johnson City, TN
Seminars and Inquiry-based Learning in an Autonomous Learning Environment
Collaboration is essential for developing 21st century skills. This presentation will be an interactive discussion of the logistics of integrating Inquiry-based Learning across the curriculum, using seminars to engage all learners, and the value of collaboration with all subject area teachers. The presenters will reflect on classroom successes and challenges.
Presenters: Liz Everett & Seth Stephens - CW Stanford Middle School - Hillsborough, NC
The document outlines NC Write & Durham Public Schools' district-wide literacy initiative to improve student writing skills across curricular areas by incorporating the 5 pillars of literacy, 5 strands of the Common Core, and 21st century skills into classroom instruction. It details action steps for the initiative, including providing online writing tools for practice and feedback, writing prompts, graphic organizers, scoring rubrics, and professional development training for teachers in writing instruction. The goal is for students to effectively communicate through writing to be prepared for college and careers.
Teaching Middle... A Spiritual Practice
Teaching is profound, personal, and complex- almost a spiritual practice. Using that metaphor, perhaps we can draw on inner resources which will allow us to remain balanced and compassionate even on our most difficult days. This presentation will not espouse any specific religious tenets but gently look at philosophical underpinnings common to all.
Presenter: Ann Mary Roberts - Radford University - Radford, VA
Different Families Different Dances: Children of Alcoholics in the Classroom
When you live in a family where a parent has an addiction you learn ways of coping to help the family and get your needs met. Sometimes those strategies are counterproductive in the classroom. Participants will learn about Children of Alcoholics and strategies to help students be more successful in school.
Presenter: Ann Mary Roberts - Radford University - Radford, VA
Including Inclusion: Sharing the Classroom for Student Success
This session will offer comic relief to the many challenges of inclusion; while providing practical strategies for creating a successful inclusion classroom. Teachers will explore various inclusion models and ways to effectively communicate, plan and organize for students success. PREREQUISITE: Sense of humor and love for Middle-Scholars is required.
Presenters: Angela Monell & Shakera Wilson - Porter Ridge Middle School - Indian Trail, NC
Portrait of a 21st Century Student
What adjectives would you use to describe a 21st century student? If you are interested in helping students ask deeper questions, collaborate effectively and produce quality projects, this session is for you. We will explore resources and strategies that develop those much need skills for future academic and professional success.
Presenter: Cheryl Ellis - Zaner-Bloser Publishing - Franklin, TN
Is Google DRIVE-ing you Crazy?
From Google Docs to Google Presentations to Google Sites, Google provides more than a search engine and G-Mail accounts. Learn about the many functions and applications of Google Drive that will take you one step closer to the 21st century classroom. Bring a laptop and a G-Mail account and get ready to DRIVE through Google!!!
Presenters: Monica Martin, Heather Martin, & Lynn Potter-Caldwell County Schools-Lenoir, NC
Engaging Students in the Common Core through SAS Curriculum Pathways
Are you intimidated by the increasing push to use technology in your classroom? This session will dive into SAS Curriculum Pathways, a free resource, where you can create effective, interactive lessons that engage students to meet Common Core standards. You will walk away with a 21st Century tool and resources for immediate use in your classroom.
Presenters: Julie Stern & Katie Hutchison - East Cary Middle School - Cary, NC
New Interactive Career and College Planning Activities for Middle School
This new set of 21 online activities (7 per grade) includes guided exercises, readings, inventories, videos, and games to help students learn about themselves and options for their future. Please join us to see activities, student work products, and to consider how these free activities from can fit into your school plan.
Presenters: Mark Wiles & Lisa Sommerfeldt - University of North Carolina General Administration - Greensboro, NC
SAS Curriculum Pathways is an online collection of over 1,200 interactive resources aligned to the Common Core standards for middle and high school students. It engages students with tools like interactive lessons, audio tutorials, web lessons, and apps. Teachers can search resources by standard or subject to integrate them into their lessons. The resources allow for differentiation, collaboration, and feedback to support student learning.
Mentor Text: What It Is and How to Use It Effectively
Mentor texts are a valuable way to allow students to integrate literature and student writing. Participants will be exposed to a variety of reading material, helpful texts, and student samples to help with the understanding of what mentor text is and how best it can be used. Participants will also participate in writing exercises that can translate into a positive classroom experience.
Presenter: Melanie Dalton - Alexander Graham Middle School - Charlotte, NC
Give Your Students a Voice With Interactive Notebooks
Interactive Notebooks will change the way your students organize their thoughts, show creativity and express their knowledge of a subject. Using Interactive Notebooks, your students will have a significant decrease in lost papers and a more personalized education. Though this session is directed towards Science, Interactive Notebooks are easily adaptable for other subjects.
Presenter: Catie DiVito - Broad Creek Middle School - Newport, NC
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We have moved our site to Our previous conference materials can still be accessed at the original site. The welcome message informs visitors that the site has been moved to a new location while still providing access to past conference materials.
Building Data Literacy Among Middle School Administrators and Teachers
Data literacy is an essential trait for middle school administrators and teachers to possess. In this session, the Research and Accountability Team from Durham Public Schools will discuss how it has expanded its focus on Data-to-Action to building data literacy amongst its middle school administrators and teachers during 2013-14.
J. Brent Cooper, Terri Mozingo & Karin Beckett Durham Public Schools - Durham, NC
This document discusses strategies implemented at Brogden and Carrington Middle Schools in Durham, North Carolina to improve the transition to 6th grade. Brogden utilized parent surveys to gather feedback and involve parents in leading school tours. Carrington implemented a summer bridge program to acclimate students to the larger middle school setting and collect diagnostic data. Both schools analyzed student performance data to identify at-risk students and inform intervention programs. The schools shared lessons learned and next steps, which included continuing and expanding on successful programs and strategies.
Closing the Gap With STEM Education: Why, What, and How
Participants will learn why there is a growing need for STEM education in the United States, what STEM education is, how STEM education at the middle school level contributes to closing the gap, and how to successfully plan and implement a middle school program.
Ken Verburg Project Lead the Way - Lexington, SC
Keeping the Faith: Conversations to Advance the Middle School Concept with Integrity
Many educators continue to provide authentic middle school programs and practices - even when faced with budgetary challenges and public misperceptions. Presenters will share suggestions for articulating and advocating the middle school concept. Using presentation software, audience participants will engage in discussing these issues in an open forum.
Presenters: Bob Houghton, Howard Coleman, Kathleen Roney, Laurie Ramirez & Dave Strahan-Appalachian State University, UNC-Wilmington, & Western Carolina University
What is Your Students Writing Telling You?
Join DPI ELA consultants in an interactive session that explores what exemplary 6-8 student writing aligned to the CCSS looks like in ELA classrooms. Participants will look at student writing samples across the three types of writing: argument/opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative writing and identify techniques aligned to the Standards.
Presenter: Anna Frost - NC Department of Public Instruction - Raleigh, NC
Developmentally Appropriate Practices to Support the Young Adolescent
How do you foster academic growth for students in the middle? Developmentally appropriate practices are critical at all levels for student learning and engagement. Refocusing on the middle school model aligns instructional practices with the unique developmental needs of students ages 11 through 15. Teaming, Advisory, and Content Integration enable teachers to leverage the talents of adolescents. This collaboration strengthens teacher leadership, builds student-teacher relationships, and fosters critical conversations around teaching and learning.
Presenters: Patterson Denise & Stephanie Dischiavi - Northview Middle School - Hickory, NC
Reading Challenge: Engage Your Readers Through Technology
Engaging students in meaningful independent reading is often a daunting task. This session will share a reading challenge that uses technology to motivate students to read and respond to their reading. Discussion boards, digital book talks, and multimedia projects are utilized to enhance, inspire, and empower students in this challenge.
Presenter: Erica Preswood - University School - Johnson City, TN
Seminars and Inquiry-based Learning in an Autonomous Learning Environment
Collaboration is essential for developing 21st century skills. This presentation will be an interactive discussion of the logistics of integrating Inquiry-based Learning across the curriculum, using seminars to engage all learners, and the value of collaboration with all subject area teachers. The presenters will reflect on classroom successes and challenges.
Presenters: Liz Everett & Seth Stephens - CW Stanford Middle School - Hillsborough, NC
The document outlines NC Write & Durham Public Schools' district-wide literacy initiative to improve student writing skills across curricular areas by incorporating the 5 pillars of literacy, 5 strands of the Common Core, and 21st century skills into classroom instruction. It details action steps for the initiative, including providing online writing tools for practice and feedback, writing prompts, graphic organizers, scoring rubrics, and professional development training for teachers in writing instruction. The goal is for students to effectively communicate through writing to be prepared for college and careers.
Teaching Middle... A Spiritual Practice
Teaching is profound, personal, and complex- almost a spiritual practice. Using that metaphor, perhaps we can draw on inner resources which will allow us to remain balanced and compassionate even on our most difficult days. This presentation will not espouse any specific religious tenets but gently look at philosophical underpinnings common to all.
Presenter: Ann Mary Roberts - Radford University - Radford, VA
Different Families Different Dances: Children of Alcoholics in the Classroom
When you live in a family where a parent has an addiction you learn ways of coping to help the family and get your needs met. Sometimes those strategies are counterproductive in the classroom. Participants will learn about Children of Alcoholics and strategies to help students be more successful in school.
Presenter: Ann Mary Roberts - Radford University - Radford, VA
Including Inclusion: Sharing the Classroom for Student Success
This session will offer comic relief to the many challenges of inclusion; while providing practical strategies for creating a successful inclusion classroom. Teachers will explore various inclusion models and ways to effectively communicate, plan and organize for students success. PREREQUISITE: Sense of humor and love for Middle-Scholars is required.
Presenters: Angela Monell & Shakera Wilson - Porter Ridge Middle School - Indian Trail, NC
Portrait of a 21st Century Student
What adjectives would you use to describe a 21st century student? If you are interested in helping students ask deeper questions, collaborate effectively and produce quality projects, this session is for you. We will explore resources and strategies that develop those much need skills for future academic and professional success.
Presenter: Cheryl Ellis - Zaner-Bloser Publishing - Franklin, TN
Is Google DRIVE-ing you Crazy?
From Google Docs to Google Presentations to Google Sites, Google provides more than a search engine and G-Mail accounts. Learn about the many functions and applications of Google Drive that will take you one step closer to the 21st century classroom. Bring a laptop and a G-Mail account and get ready to DRIVE through Google!!!
Presenters: Monica Martin, Heather Martin, & Lynn Potter-Caldwell County Schools-Lenoir, NC
Engaging Students in the Common Core through SAS Curriculum Pathways
Are you intimidated by the increasing push to use technology in your classroom? This session will dive into SAS Curriculum Pathways, a free resource, where you can create effective, interactive lessons that engage students to meet Common Core standards. You will walk away with a 21st Century tool and resources for immediate use in your classroom.
Presenters: Julie Stern & Katie Hutchison - East Cary Middle School - Cary, NC
New Interactive Career and College Planning Activities for Middle School
This new set of 21 online activities (7 per grade) includes guided exercises, readings, inventories, videos, and games to help students learn about themselves and options for their future. Please join us to see activities, student work products, and to consider how these free activities from can fit into your school plan.
Presenters: Mark Wiles & Lisa Sommerfeldt - University of North Carolina General Administration - Greensboro, NC
SAS Curriculum Pathways is an online collection of over 1,200 interactive resources aligned to the Common Core standards for middle and high school students. It engages students with tools like interactive lessons, audio tutorials, web lessons, and apps. Teachers can search resources by standard or subject to integrate them into their lessons. The resources allow for differentiation, collaboration, and feedback to support student learning.
Mentor Text: What It Is and How to Use It Effectively
Mentor texts are a valuable way to allow students to integrate literature and student writing. Participants will be exposed to a variety of reading material, helpful texts, and student samples to help with the understanding of what mentor text is and how best it can be used. Participants will also participate in writing exercises that can translate into a positive classroom experience.
Presenter: Melanie Dalton - Alexander Graham Middle School - Charlotte, NC
Give Your Students a Voice With Interactive Notebooks
Interactive Notebooks will change the way your students organize their thoughts, show creativity and express their knowledge of a subject. Using Interactive Notebooks, your students will have a significant decrease in lost papers and a more personalized education. Though this session is directed towards Science, Interactive Notebooks are easily adaptable for other subjects.
Presenter: Catie DiVito - Broad Creek Middle School - Newport, NC