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Preliminary Task
Nathan, Jon and Arran
Continuity Error
Continuity Error
Continuity Error
As you can see from the circles drawn upon the
pictures, there is a small continuity error within
it where my pen swaps between my right and
left hand between shots. This was spotted by us
in editing and we will work extremely hard to
not allow things like this to happen in the final
More Continuity Errors
More Continuity Errors
More Continuity Errors
As you can see our lapses in judgment were not
limited to one mistake. The sleeves and top
button being adjusted, as well as a small
difference in lighting, all occurred due to
separate days of filming. We hope to put in a
system to prevent this in our final task.
What Went Well?
Tracking shot
? The print screen in the slide above shows us in
the middle of our tracking shot. By doing this
we learnt lots about using the cameras stably
and free hand. We also learnt a greater variety
of shots.
What Went Well?
Establishing Shot and Fade
The opening had an establishing shot of the
school and a fade in from black. We discussed
this with our group and everyone agreed the
fade worked far better than a hard entrance in.
The establishing shot was used as a part of our
feedback process and many agreed that it was a
good choice of opening and set up the rest of
the clip well.
Feedback by classmates
? Tracking shot-
Many people we talked to about the production
said that while the tracking shot was impressive,
it was too long and became a dull shot due to
lack of action and it basically all being the same
action occurring on the screen.

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  • 4. Continuity Error As you can see from the circles drawn upon the pictures, there is a small continuity error within it where my pen swaps between my right and left hand between shots. This was spotted by us in editing and we will work extremely hard to not allow things like this to happen in the final task.
  • 7. More Continuity Errors As you can see our lapses in judgment were not limited to one mistake. The sleeves and top button being adjusted, as well as a small difference in lighting, all occurred due to separate days of filming. We hope to put in a system to prevent this in our final task.
  • 9. Tracking shot ? The print screen in the slide above shows us in the middle of our tracking shot. By doing this we learnt lots about using the cameras stably and free hand. We also learnt a greater variety of shots.
  • 11. Establishing Shot and Fade The opening had an establishing shot of the school and a fade in from black. We discussed this with our group and everyone agreed the fade worked far better than a hard entrance in. The establishing shot was used as a part of our feedback process and many agreed that it was a good choice of opening and set up the rest of the clip well.
  • 12. Feedback by classmates ? Tracking shot- Many people we talked to about the production said that while the tracking shot was impressive, it was too long and became a dull shot due to lack of action and it basically all being the same action occurring on the screen.