This document summarizes the One Table Two Chairs Cultural Exchange Project hosted by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts from June 10-28, 2013. It features collaborations between artist Danny Yung and over 100 other artists who have created 20-minute contemporary stage works using the traditional Chinese theater convention of "One Table Two Chairs" as a starting point. The document also provides background on the experimental theater company Zuni Icosahedron, founded in 1982, which has been invited to participate in the project. Zuni is recognized as one of the major professional arts companies in Hong Kong and has produced over 190 original multimedia performances internationally.
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1. 「一桌二椅」文化交流計劃
One Table Two Chairs
Cultural Exchange Project
院長推薦藝術大師計劃 Dean’s Master Artist Programme
香港演藝學院 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
10 – 28.6.2013
榮念曾 Danny Yung
19. 百年之孤寂10.0 – 文化大革命
One Hundred Years of Solitude 10.0 – Cultural Revolution
(2011香港 Hong Kong; 2012 新加坡 Singapore)
Zuni Icosahedron, founded in 1982, is a Hong Kong based international
experimental theatre company.
20. 從事多元戲劇藝術創作至今,原創劇場作品超過一百九十多齣…
Zuni has produced more then 190 original productions of alternative theatre and
multimedia performances...
百年之孤寂10.0 – 文化大革命
One Hundred Years of Solitude 10.0 – Cultural Revolution
(2011香港 Hong Kong; 2012 新加坡 Singapore)
21. 活躍於發展電子媒體及跨媒體等新類型藝術模式…
...and has been active in video, sound experimentation and installation arts…
百年之孤寂10.0 – 文化大革命
One Hundred Years of Solitude 10.0 – Cultural Revolution
(2011香港 Hong Kong; 2012 新加坡 Singapore)
22. 積極推動藝術教育、國際文化交流,主催藝術評論及文化政策研究等工作。
…as well as in areas of arts education, arts criticism, cultural policy research and
international cultural exchange.
審判卡伕卡之拍案驚奇 The Trial (1994香港 Hong Kong)
23. 獲邀前往演出及交流的城市遍及歐美亞洲三十多個城市。
Over the years, Zuni has been invited to more than 30 cities in Europe, Asia, and
America for cultural exchange and performances.
審判卡伕卡之拍案驚奇 The Trial (1994香港 Hong Kong)
24. 現為香港九個主要專業演藝團體之一…
Zuni is one of the nine major professional arts companies in Hong Kong...
審判卡伕卡之拍案驚奇 The Trial (1994香港 Hong Kong)
25. 也是香港最具代表性的國際實驗劇團。
and has established itself as a premiere experimental theatre locally and
香港二三事 Two or Three Things You Want to Know About Hong Kong
(1993,1995; 1994 布魯塞爾 Brussels; 1995 香港 Hong Kong)
26. 2009年起,進念成爲香港文化中心的場地伙伴團體,
Since 2009, Zuni becomes Hong Kong Cultural Centre’s venue partner, and
produces a series of theatre works and outreach education programmes.
香港二三事 Two or Three Things You Want to Know About Hong Kong
(1993,1995; 1994 布魯塞爾 Brussels; 1995 香港 Hong Kong)
27. 戲劇是一種現場的體驗。 Theatre is a “real time real space” experience.
香港二三事 Two or Three Things You Want to Know About Hong Kong
(1993,1995; 1994 布魯塞爾 Brussels; 1995 香港 Hong Kong)
32. 重拾失去的感覺和記憶,細說現實世界的善惡,尋找生活與生命的不同顏色。
regaining lost feelings and memories, recounting the good and bad of the world,
searching for various possibilities of living and life.
華嚴經 Hua-yen Sūtra (2007, 2008, 2013 香港 Hong Kong; 2008 台北 Taipei)
33. 這就是進念的戲劇,這就是戲劇REAL TIME REAL SPACE的力量。
This is Zuni Theatre; this is the power of real time, real space of theatre.
華嚴經 Hua-yen Sūtra (2007, 2008, 2013 香港 Hong Kong; 2008 台北 Taipei)
34. 先鋒是帶領軍隊探索前方的精英戰士。
Avant-gardes are elite warriors who lead the troops to explore the future.
荒山淚 Tears of Barren Hill
(2008 香港 Hong Kong; 2009 橫濱 Yokohama; 2009 鹿特丹 Rotterdamse; 2009 新加坡 Singapore)
35. 先鋒藝術則是一種對理想的追求,
Avant-garde art is a pursuit of ideal and
a mission to reinvent culture:
荒山淚 Tears of Barren Hill
(2008 香港 Hong Kong; 2009 橫濱 Yokohama;
2009 鹿特丹 Rotterdamse; 2009 新加坡 Singapore)
36. 審視過去、批判現狀、顛覆主流、引領思考、啟發想像…
to revisit the past, to criticize the present, to subvert the mainstream, to guide
thinking, to inspire imagination…
荒山淚 Tears of Barren Hill
(2008 香港 Hong Kong; 2009 橫濱 Yokohama; 2009 鹿特丹 Rotterdamse; 2009 新加坡 Singapore)
37. 以抵禦庸俗與膚淺的侵襲,創造具知性、人性與多元性的體驗。
…to resist the kitsch and the superficial, and to create experiences that reflect
intellectuality, humanity and diversity.
密斯.凡德羅的簡約建築 — 神在細節裡面 Looking for Mies – God is in the Details
(2009, 2011 香港 Hong Kong)
38. 先鋒藝術是一股建設性的革命力量,
Avant-garde art is of relative force of
constructive revolution which pushes
for social, political, and aesthetic
密斯.凡德羅的簡約建築 — 神在細節裡面
Looking for Mies – God is in the Details
(2009, 2011 香港 Hong Kong)
39. 它不是娛樂消費或政治宣傳,
It is neither entertainment consumption
nor political propaganda, nor is it purely
an artistic behaviour.
密斯.凡德羅的簡約建築 — 神在細節裡面
Looking for Mies – God is in the Details
(2009, 2011 香港 Hong Kong)
40. 它與社會互動,影響社會發展。
It interacts with the society and influences social development.
紫禁城遊記 A Tale of The Forbidden City
(2009, 2010, 2013 香港 Hong Kong; 2012 蘇州
41. 進念的先鋒藝術,尋找各種社會制度和藝術價值的框框…
Zuni’s avant-garde art looks for all boundaries in social systems and artistic valu…
紫禁城遊記 A Tale of The Forbidden City (2009, 2010, 2013 香港 Hong Kong; 2012 蘇州 Suzhou)
42. 挑戰各樣意識形態的底線,透過不同領域的實驗 —
…and challenges all sorts of ideological bottom lines; through
experimentations in different areas –
紫禁城遊記 A Tale of The Forbidden City (2009, 2010, 2013 香港 Hong Kong; 2012 蘇州 Suzhou)
46. 「是香港不可或缺的文化資產。」— 林懷民,雲門舞集創辦人及藝術總監
"…the essential cultural asset of Hong Kong." — Lin Hwai-min, Founder and
Artistic Director of Cloud Gate Dance Company
舞台姊妹 Stage Sisters (2010, 2012 香港 Hong Kong)