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Volume 9, Issue 1  Winter 2017
Genevieves Update
It was a busy 2016! Our volunteers worked 6,860 shifts and contributed 24,599 hours. That translates to an in-
kind contribution of approximately $427,530. You, our volunteers, put in so much time and effort throughout the
year, and especially during the busy summer season! From Victoria Day to Labour Day, you were there every
weekend, assisting us in so many capacities, making sure our events ran smoothly and patrons enjoyed their
visit to our 10-acre site. Could we do it without our amazing volunteers? Absolutely not! We thank you for all your
contributions, and we count on your support as we start a new year.
This year marks the 150th
anniversary of Canada. We can look forward to a year of exciting events as we
celebrate the wide spectrum of music, dance and activities produced by Canadians from all regions of the
country and from diverse backgrounds, whether they be Indigenous or more recent arrivals. This diversity that
characterizes our country and our city is well reflected in the members of our volunteer team.
The Volunteer Programme, which is entering its 34th
year, has grown from strength to strength. We owe this to
the volunteer committees who have worked closely and tirelessly with Dorothy and me. All committee members
deserve my most grateful thanks as they come to the end of their term of office after an amazing two years. We
could not have filled the large volunteer requests each weekend in the summer and at IFOA without the
assistance of the Recruitment and Training Sub-committee, under the leadership of Karen Sinotte and her
dedicated teamJanice Romaldi, Larry Lewis, Anna Fleury and Marta Ryborz. The creative team of the
Newsletter Sub-committee overseen by Sean McCluskey is composed of Lynn Allen, Pauline Beverley, Kevin
Catalig, Christine Dang, Lidia Jarmasz, Scott Uminga and Tom Bilenkey, who coordinated the team of Event
Photographers. Last, but certainly not least, the Social Activities Sub-committee, headed by Kate Szacun-
Shimizu and her hardworking teamKitty Jones, Elinna Quan, Garth Lawrence and Ann-Marie McGregor
made sure everyone enjoyed the refreshments at every volunteer meeting and had a great time and a delicious
dinner at the volunteer year-end party, all with an incredibly low budget.
Please remember to mark the following date on your calendar: THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH
. This will be our
VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION PARTY. Give us the opportunity to wine and dine you, as we honour and
celebrate your contributions to Harbourfront Centre!
Thank you, and we look forward to working with you this year!
Genevieve Peng
Volunteer Coordinator
A Year in Review
2016 Volunteer Statistics 2
Festival Highlights
Thoughts on IFOA 4
Reelworld Film Festival 5
Day of the Dead 6
Volunteer Winterfest Party 7
Mark Your Calendar! 8
Volunteer Opportunities 9Volunteer Meeting, January 21, 2017
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2016 Volunteer Statistics
Total Volunteer Hours 2015  2016
Total Volunteer Hours by Department
Total Volunteer Shifts by Department
Total Volunteer Shifts 2015  2016
harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 3
2016 Volunteer Statistics
Bilenkey, Tom
Begg, Philip
Sinotte, Karen
Allen, Lynn
Romaldi, Janice
Peter, Buelah
Lawrence, Garth
Fleury, Anna
Allen, Margaret
Howlett, Jennifer
Wright, Dorothy
Crispin, Helen
MacArthur, Sharon
McCluskey, Sean
Osbaldeston, Anne
Jones, Kitty
Quan, Elinna
Wilkinson, Sybil
Michael, Valya
Szacun-shimizu, Kate
Jarmasz, Lidia
Bryant, Michael
Yu, Ricky
Beverley, Pauline
Kelly, Paula
Kanev, Youli
Uminga, Scott
Brennan, Joyce
Saeedpour, Saina
Gonzales, Karin
Lewis, Larry
Wu, Maria
Chadha, Chitsimran
Ebbs, Bobsie
Samuel, Jesica
McGregor, Ann-Marie
Lobb, George
Goodridge, Yolanda
Chiu, Carissa
Greschuk, Anne
Kyonka, Spencer
Ehirim, Ejikeme
Exner, Nell
Fleming, Elnora
Wu, Teresa
Goldenberg, Susan
Hugo, Anna
Pless, Emily
Catalig, Kevin
Walker, Vanessa
Jeji, Kenny
Neblett, Pamela
Dias-Martyn, Pam
Shore, Edie
Tai, Amy
Wu, Emily
Kawabata, Sharon
Chiu, Betty
Elias, Viktor
Taki, Haruka
Kaur, Harmanpreet
Chawla, Alka
Dang, Christine
Shi, Cheng Kai
Sacks, Ethel
Staples, Ilona
Haney, Moyra
Laplanche, Anne-Gaelle
Mbondo, Hermine
Starkman, Susan
Himal, Terry
Chawla, Ashok
Miemiec, Sigrid
Lee, Edward
Ukas, Catherine
Yu, Hyeri
Kim, Chris
Rodriguez, Stefano
Huang, Lili
Chengyang, Eric
Chawla, Parul
Zhana, Carrie
De Vera, Geneva
Trikha, Tiffany
Pulciani, Tina
Yang, Xiaolu
Pogorielova, Valeri
Zhu, Katherine
He, Jing
Gupta, Uma
Wong, Annabelle
De Guzman, Reese
Gill, Hana
Kehm, Carol
Rivers, Angela
Sorias, Florence
Over 200 Hours
101  200 Hours
60 100 Hours
Thank you to everyone for all your help in making 2016 a success!
harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 4
Festival Highlights
Thoughts on IFOA 2016
By Pauline Beverley
Torontos festival of words and ideas, of
writers and readers. This is how Geoffrey E.
Taylor, director of the 37th
edition of the
International Festival of Authors (IFOA),
described the event in the Festival Guide. And
indeed it was. I thoroughly enjoyed every
aspect of the festival.
Geoffrey also paid tribute to volunteers for
their help and dedication, because without
their commitment a festival of this magnitude
would not be possible. And volunteers were
there and everywhere. Amongst them were
Team Leaders who gave invaluable support at
IFOA between October 2030, 2016. Although
their main focus was coordinating team
members and being prepared to perform any
role if the need arose, they also took time to
explore the activities.
In Freda Leungs words, my role as Team
Leader was made easy, as I was fortunate to
work with a group of wonderful people who
have a lot of volunteer and life experience.
Since I was new to this role, it was important
for me to be humble and to learn from others
who are more familiar with this event. She
added that, having recognised the importance
of communication, before each event, I would
talk with each team member and made sure
everyone was familiar with his/her role. Also,
at the end of each shift, I always expressed
my appreciation to all team members.
Another Team Leader, Harmanpreet Kaur,
agreed with Freda. But also said, I had a lot
of fun interacting with the authors, guests and
volunteers. Not being much of a dedicated
reader myself, I was surprised by the amount
of interest I developed in attending all the
events. I was in awe to see how the authors
were so passionate about their work that their
love for their work reflected from every word
that they spoke when asked about their
There is no doubt that IFOA is a much-
anticipated event, and I am sure volunteers
are looking forward to the 38th
edition, just like
I am!
Larry and Anne-Gaelle at the Support and Info Table Book assistantsHuishan, Jessica, and Ree Chen
harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 5
Festival Highlights
Reelworld Film Festival
By Lidia Jarmasz
Harbourfront Centre welcomed the Reelworld
Film Festival for the first time this past
October. Though this was the 16th
edition of
the festival, it was the first time it was held
outside of theatres in Markham and
Scarborough! Reelworld presented narrative
and documentary films, as well as virtual
reality and gaming activities, that explored
social problems such as racism, migration,
war, and genetically modified foods.
This was not your average socially conscious
film festival, however: viewers were invited not
only to reflect upon the stories they had just
seen, but also to take action. The Marilyn
Brewer Community Space was transformed
into the Conversation Room, where patrons
were encouraged to both discuss the issues
raised in the films and get involved with
various relevant organizations.
A small group of Harbourfront Centre
volunteers worked alongside the large team of
volunteers recruited by Reelworld, directing
visitors around the site. It was quite exciting to
be involved in such an engaging and
innovative festival!
harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 6
Festival Highlights
Day of the Dead
By Scott Uminga
Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a
three-day celebration where we celebrate the
lives of those who have passed. Although
traditions of honouring our loved ones are part
of many cultures, Dia de los Muertos is
particularly striking in that it involves festivities
and colour.
I knew about this Mexican holiday before, but I
first learned about just how colourful and joyful
it was from the animated film The Book of Life.
I also remember seeing the skulls (calaveras)
run out last year at Harbourfront Centre, which
was not a surprise because of their popularity
and how fun they were to make. I was really
excited to help make them. These smaller
sugar skulls made for children to decorate
were to be brought home or left for display,
though the Wunderkabinett Collective,
formed by Elizabeth Jackson Hall and Steve
Loretta, created different-sized calaveras
made from over sixty tons of sugar.
These skulls, made of sugar and decorated
with colourful icing, are often made for children
or as offerings to be placed on ofrendas, or
altars of objects including photos, religious
objects, the deceased person's favorite foods
and objects, candles, and perhaps even a
wash basin, soap, and a towel. These
ofrendas are constructed to be welcoming and
to encourage loved ones to visit.
At each Day of the Dead at Harbourfront
Centre, there are real ofrendas. This year,
they were dedicated to a variety of departed
Mexican artists, as well as to people important
to Mexican history, such as Nezahualcoyotl:
the philosopher king of Texcoco (14021472),
and singer-songwriters Joan Sebastian (1951
2015) and Juan Gabriel (19502016).
Beautiful ofrenda The kids are getting creative crafting some cool skulls with Scott
harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 7
Winterfest Party
Mingling before Dinner
Human Christmas Tree Contest
Dressing Santa Contest
Burst the Balloon Contest
The Social Committee serves dinner
Domenic, Sophia, Lilian and Lili enjoying dinner
George leads the singing
harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 8
Mark Your Calendar!
Toronto Storytelling Festival
April 2
The 2017 Toronto Storytelling Festival culminates in a day
of family storytelling at Harbourfront Centre, featuring a
teddy bear picnic, riddle contests, folktales told by
refugees and performances by storytellers from across
Canada, Norway, England and the USA.
February 3-4, 10-11
With so many great events, weve expanded Kuumba
over two weekends! This year, we explore the themes
currently affecting our global community including Black
Lives Matter, Womens Empowerment and The Invisible
Majority. We also focus on womens voices by
showcasing musicians, filmmakers and artists who bring
attention to the stories of women of colour in Canada.
February 20
This Family Day we celebrate our northern winter
landscape, its mighty expanse, ever changing terrain, and
those that call the tundra home. Come down to the lake,
have a skate and immerse yourself and your family in the
intersection of nature, science and contemporary art.
There will be art-making, performance and interactive
activities designed to send our imaginations north with the
whole family.
2017 Volunteer Meeting/Event Schedule
Thursday, April 27
Event: Volunteer Recognition Event
Location: Brigantine Room
Saturday, June 10
Event: Summer Festivals Presentation
Location: Miss Lous Room
Saturday, September 16
Event: IFOA Presentation &Training
Location: Miss Lous Room
Saturday, December 2
Event: Year End Party
Location: Lakeside Terrace
harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 9
Volunteer Opportunities
NEWSLETTER TEAM: Genevieve Peng (Advisor/Editor), Sean McCluskey (Coordinator/Layout Designer), Lidia Jarmasz (Editor/Writer), Lynn Allen (Writer),
Christine Dang (Layout Designer), Scott Uminga (Writer), Pauline Beverley (Writer), Kevin Catalig (Writer) Ruchi Shah (Layout Assistant)
Photos courtesy of: Tom Bilenkey, George Lobb, Ricky Yu, Holmes Pasiminio, Anne Greschuk & Stefano Rodriguez
The Power Plant
At the volunteer meeting on January 21, Brittany Holliss, Visitor and Volunteer Services Coordinator of The
Power Plant, outlined volunteer opportunities at this contemporary art gallery. Shifts may not be available on
the online sign-up page, so if you are interested in helping out at events such as the ones below, you can
contact Brittany at bholliss@thepowerplant.org.
Power Kids
Free arts workshops for children ages 7  12 begin with a tour of the gallery and conclude with an art activity,
inspired by the ideas behind the current exhibition.
Power Youth
The Power Youth outreach program connects local contemporary artists-in-residence with youth in priority
neighbourhoods providing them with the opportunity to gain skills in creativity, communication and
Power Ball
As The Power Plant's major annual fundraiser, Power Ball has set the standard as one of the most influential
and vibrant art galas in Toronto. Attracting a sophisticated Whos Who of guests, the party brings together the
worlds of fashion, film, media, finance, advertising, music and the visual arts.
Opening Party
The Power Plant celebrates the launch of each new season with a free Opening Party. Be among the first to
experience the exhibitions with a crowd of artists, art enthusiasts and the Toronto cultural

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Kristen Larson

1. Volunteer E-Newsletter_Winter 2017

  • 1. harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 1 Volume 9, Issue 1 Winter 2017 Genevieve Genevieves Update It was a busy 2016! Our volunteers worked 6,860 shifts and contributed 24,599 hours. That translates to an in- kind contribution of approximately $427,530. You, our volunteers, put in so much time and effort throughout the year, and especially during the busy summer season! From Victoria Day to Labour Day, you were there every weekend, assisting us in so many capacities, making sure our events ran smoothly and patrons enjoyed their visit to our 10-acre site. Could we do it without our amazing volunteers? Absolutely not! We thank you for all your contributions, and we count on your support as we start a new year. This year marks the 150th anniversary of Canada. We can look forward to a year of exciting events as we celebrate the wide spectrum of music, dance and activities produced by Canadians from all regions of the country and from diverse backgrounds, whether they be Indigenous or more recent arrivals. This diversity that characterizes our country and our city is well reflected in the members of our volunteer team. The Volunteer Programme, which is entering its 34th year, has grown from strength to strength. We owe this to the volunteer committees who have worked closely and tirelessly with Dorothy and me. All committee members deserve my most grateful thanks as they come to the end of their term of office after an amazing two years. We could not have filled the large volunteer requests each weekend in the summer and at IFOA without the assistance of the Recruitment and Training Sub-committee, under the leadership of Karen Sinotte and her dedicated teamJanice Romaldi, Larry Lewis, Anna Fleury and Marta Ryborz. The creative team of the Newsletter Sub-committee overseen by Sean McCluskey is composed of Lynn Allen, Pauline Beverley, Kevin Catalig, Christine Dang, Lidia Jarmasz, Scott Uminga and Tom Bilenkey, who coordinated the team of Event Photographers. Last, but certainly not least, the Social Activities Sub-committee, headed by Kate Szacun- Shimizu and her hardworking teamKitty Jones, Elinna Quan, Garth Lawrence and Ann-Marie McGregor made sure everyone enjoyed the refreshments at every volunteer meeting and had a great time and a delicious dinner at the volunteer year-end party, all with an incredibly low budget. Please remember to mark the following date on your calendar: THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH . This will be our VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION PARTY. Give us the opportunity to wine and dine you, as we honour and celebrate your contributions to Harbourfront Centre! Thank you, and we look forward to working with you this year! Genevieve Peng Volunteer Coordinator A Year in Review 2016 Volunteer Statistics 2 Festival Highlights Thoughts on IFOA 4 Reelworld Film Festival 5 Day of the Dead 6 Volunteer Winterfest Party 7 Mark Your Calendar! 8 Volunteer Opportunities 9Volunteer Meeting, January 21, 2017 Content
  • 2. harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 2 2016 Volunteer Statistics Total Volunteer Hours 2015 2016 Total Volunteer Hours by Department Total Volunteer Shifts by Department Total Volunteer Shifts 2015 2016
  • 3. harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 3 2016 Volunteer Statistics Bilenkey, Tom Begg, Philip Sinotte, Karen Allen, Lynn Romaldi, Janice Peter, Buelah Lawrence, Garth Fleury, Anna Allen, Margaret Howlett, Jennifer Wright, Dorothy Crispin, Helen MacArthur, Sharon McCluskey, Sean Osbaldeston, Anne Jones, Kitty Quan, Elinna Wilkinson, Sybil Michael, Valya Szacun-shimizu, Kate Jarmasz, Lidia Bryant, Michael Yu, Ricky Beverley, Pauline Kelly, Paula Kanev, Youli Uminga, Scott Brennan, Joyce Saeedpour, Saina Gonzales, Karin Lewis, Larry Wu, Maria Chadha, Chitsimran Ebbs, Bobsie Samuel, Jesica McGregor, Ann-Marie Lobb, George Goodridge, Yolanda Chiu, Carissa Greschuk, Anne Kyonka, Spencer Ehirim, Ejikeme Exner, Nell Fleming, Elnora Wu, Teresa Goldenberg, Susan Hugo, Anna Pless, Emily Catalig, Kevin Walker, Vanessa Jeji, Kenny Neblett, Pamela Dias-Martyn, Pam Shore, Edie Tai, Amy Wu, Emily Kawabata, Sharon Chiu, Betty Elias, Viktor Taki, Haruka Kaur, Harmanpreet Chawla, Alka Dang, Christine Shi, Cheng Kai Sacks, Ethel Staples, Ilona Haney, Moyra Laplanche, Anne-Gaelle Mbondo, Hermine Starkman, Susan Himal, Terry Chawla, Ashok Miemiec, Sigrid Lee, Edward Ukas, Catherine Yu, Hyeri Kim, Chris Rodriguez, Stefano Huang, Lili Chengyang, Eric Chawla, Parul Zhana, Carrie De Vera, Geneva Trikha, Tiffany Pulciani, Tina Yang, Xiaolu Pogorielova, Valeri Zhu, Katherine He, Jing Gupta, Uma Wong, Annabelle De Guzman, Reese Gill, Hana Kehm, Carol Rivers, Angela Sorias, Florence Over 200 Hours 101 200 Hours 60 100 Hours Thank you to everyone for all your help in making 2016 a success!
  • 4. harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 4 Festival Highlights Thoughts on IFOA 2016 By Pauline Beverley Torontos festival of words and ideas, of writers and readers. This is how Geoffrey E. Taylor, director of the 37th edition of the International Festival of Authors (IFOA), described the event in the Festival Guide. And indeed it was. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the festival. Geoffrey also paid tribute to volunteers for their help and dedication, because without their commitment a festival of this magnitude would not be possible. And volunteers were there and everywhere. Amongst them were Team Leaders who gave invaluable support at IFOA between October 2030, 2016. Although their main focus was coordinating team members and being prepared to perform any role if the need arose, they also took time to explore the activities. In Freda Leungs words, my role as Team Leader was made easy, as I was fortunate to work with a group of wonderful people who have a lot of volunteer and life experience. Since I was new to this role, it was important for me to be humble and to learn from others who are more familiar with this event. She added that, having recognised the importance of communication, before each event, I would talk with each team member and made sure everyone was familiar with his/her role. Also, at the end of each shift, I always expressed my appreciation to all team members. Another Team Leader, Harmanpreet Kaur, agreed with Freda. But also said, I had a lot of fun interacting with the authors, guests and volunteers. Not being much of a dedicated reader myself, I was surprised by the amount of interest I developed in attending all the events. I was in awe to see how the authors were so passionate about their work that their love for their work reflected from every word that they spoke when asked about their books. There is no doubt that IFOA is a much- anticipated event, and I am sure volunteers are looking forward to the 38th edition, just like I am! Larry and Anne-Gaelle at the Support and Info Table Book assistantsHuishan, Jessica, and Ree Chen
  • 5. harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 5 Festival Highlights Reelworld Film Festival By Lidia Jarmasz Harbourfront Centre welcomed the Reelworld Film Festival for the first time this past October. Though this was the 16th edition of the festival, it was the first time it was held outside of theatres in Markham and Scarborough! Reelworld presented narrative and documentary films, as well as virtual reality and gaming activities, that explored social problems such as racism, migration, war, and genetically modified foods. This was not your average socially conscious film festival, however: viewers were invited not only to reflect upon the stories they had just seen, but also to take action. The Marilyn Brewer Community Space was transformed into the Conversation Room, where patrons were encouraged to both discuss the issues raised in the films and get involved with various relevant organizations. A small group of Harbourfront Centre volunteers worked alongside the large team of volunteers recruited by Reelworld, directing visitors around the site. It was quite exciting to be involved in such an engaging and innovative festival!
  • 6. harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 6 Festival Highlights Day of the Dead By Scott Uminga Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a three-day celebration where we celebrate the lives of those who have passed. Although traditions of honouring our loved ones are part of many cultures, Dia de los Muertos is particularly striking in that it involves festivities and colour. I knew about this Mexican holiday before, but I first learned about just how colourful and joyful it was from the animated film The Book of Life. I also remember seeing the skulls (calaveras) run out last year at Harbourfront Centre, which was not a surprise because of their popularity and how fun they were to make. I was really excited to help make them. These smaller sugar skulls made for children to decorate were to be brought home or left for display, though the Wunderkabinett Collective, formed by Elizabeth Jackson Hall and Steve Loretta, created different-sized calaveras made from over sixty tons of sugar. These skulls, made of sugar and decorated with colourful icing, are often made for children or as offerings to be placed on ofrendas, or altars of objects including photos, religious objects, the deceased person's favorite foods and objects, candles, and perhaps even a wash basin, soap, and a towel. These ofrendas are constructed to be welcoming and to encourage loved ones to visit. At each Day of the Dead at Harbourfront Centre, there are real ofrendas. This year, they were dedicated to a variety of departed Mexican artists, as well as to people important to Mexican history, such as Nezahualcoyotl: the philosopher king of Texcoco (14021472), and singer-songwriters Joan Sebastian (1951 2015) and Juan Gabriel (19502016). Beautiful ofrenda The kids are getting creative crafting some cool skulls with Scott
  • 7. harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 7 Winterfest Party Caption Mingling before Dinner Human Christmas Tree Contest Dressing Santa Contest Burst the Balloon Contest The Social Committee serves dinner Caption Domenic, Sophia, Lilian and Lili enjoying dinner George leads the singing
  • 8. harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 8 Mark Your Calendar! Toronto Storytelling Festival April 2 The 2017 Toronto Storytelling Festival culminates in a day of family storytelling at Harbourfront Centre, featuring a teddy bear picnic, riddle contests, folktales told by refugees and performances by storytellers from across Canada, Norway, England and the USA. Kuumba February 3-4, 10-11 With so many great events, weve expanded Kuumba over two weekends! This year, we explore the themes currently affecting our global community including Black Lives Matter, Womens Empowerment and The Invisible Majority. We also focus on womens voices by showcasing musicians, filmmakers and artists who bring attention to the stories of women of colour in Canada. HarbourKIDS: NORTH February 20 This Family Day we celebrate our northern winter landscape, its mighty expanse, ever changing terrain, and those that call the tundra home. Come down to the lake, have a skate and immerse yourself and your family in the intersection of nature, science and contemporary art. There will be art-making, performance and interactive activities designed to send our imaginations north with the whole family. 2017 Volunteer Meeting/Event Schedule Thursday, April 27 Event: Volunteer Recognition Event Location: Brigantine Room Saturday, June 10 Event: Summer Festivals Presentation Location: Miss Lous Room Saturday, September 16 Event: IFOA Presentation &Training Location: Miss Lous Room Saturday, December 2 Event: Year End Party Location: Lakeside Terrace
  • 9. harbourfrontcentre.com | 416 952 3625 | 9 Volunteer Opportunities NEWSLETTER TEAM: Genevieve Peng (Advisor/Editor), Sean McCluskey (Coordinator/Layout Designer), Lidia Jarmasz (Editor/Writer), Lynn Allen (Writer), Christine Dang (Layout Designer), Scott Uminga (Writer), Pauline Beverley (Writer), Kevin Catalig (Writer) Ruchi Shah (Layout Assistant) Photos courtesy of: Tom Bilenkey, George Lobb, Ricky Yu, Holmes Pasiminio, Anne Greschuk & Stefano Rodriguez The Power Plant At the volunteer meeting on January 21, Brittany Holliss, Visitor and Volunteer Services Coordinator of The Power Plant, outlined volunteer opportunities at this contemporary art gallery. Shifts may not be available on the online sign-up page, so if you are interested in helping out at events such as the ones below, you can contact Brittany at bholliss@thepowerplant.org. Power Kids Free arts workshops for children ages 7 12 begin with a tour of the gallery and conclude with an art activity, inspired by the ideas behind the current exhibition. Power Youth The Power Youth outreach program connects local contemporary artists-in-residence with youth in priority neighbourhoods providing them with the opportunity to gain skills in creativity, communication and collaboration. Power Ball As The Power Plant's major annual fundraiser, Power Ball has set the standard as one of the most influential and vibrant art galas in Toronto. Attracting a sophisticated Whos Who of guests, the party brings together the worlds of fashion, film, media, finance, advertising, music and the visual arts. Opening Party The Power Plant celebrates the launch of each new season with a free Opening Party. Be among the first to experience the exhibitions with a crowd of artists, art enthusiasts and the Toronto cultural community.