The document discusses Rachel's Challenge, a school improvement program based on the life of Rachel Scott who was killed at Columbine High School. The program teaches kindness and compassion through five steps to create safe, caring learning environments. Rachel's father and stepmother started the nonprofit after realizing her writings about making the world better resonated with many students. More than 21 million people have been impacted by Rachel's message of reaching out to those who are different. The program has also received reports that it has prevented suicides.
Voici la présentation de l'application Valoo. Une appli pour revendre facilement vos biens !
Etude Repères Agroparistech en salle immersive (mars 2017)Fran?ois Abiven
Repères et AgroParisTech s’associent pour travailler sur la contextualisation de la dégustation. Des bières sans alcool testées dans 2 ambiances discothèque et plage gr?ce à The Lab in the Bag, une salle immersive poly-sensorielle innovante crée par Repères !
Résultats enquête de satisfaction clients repères 2015Fran?ois Abiven
La démarche qualité ISO de Repères intègre une interrogation de nos clients sur leur satisfaction.
Nous avons le plaisir de partager ces résultats.
OWASP Top10 IoT - CLUSIR Infornord Décembre 2014Sébastien GIORIA
The document discusses OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) and its mission to secure applications. It introduces the OWASP IoT Top 10 risks, which identifies the most critical security risks in Internet of Things environments. The top risks include insecure web interfaces, authentication and authorization issues, lack of transport encryption, and privacy concerns. The presentation provides an overview of each risk and recommends solutions and tools to help address the vulnerabilities.
Les 100 développeurs Fran?ais qui comptentXavier Biseul