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Grado 10-1                               Carpeta
                                              Evidencias Blog mantenimientoproductivo
                                                   Comentario Blog proceso
                                                                     Ser y convivir
COD APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES                   10% 10% 20% 15% 15% 5% 25% 100%
    1 ALVAREZ TARAZONA ANDERSON ALFREDO    10 70 10 100           80 80       60    56.0
    2 ARENAS FLOREZ MICHAEL                10 10 10         10    10 60       40    20.0
    3 BARON JAIMES MONICA ALEXANDRA        10 100 50 100          80 100 100        78.0
    4 BELTRAN COLMENARES SERGIO FABIAN     10 10 10         10    90 60       60    37.0
    5 BONILLA AYALA JUAN SEBASTIAN         60 10 10 100           10 40       40    37.5
    6 CAMPOS ANAYA TATIANA                                                            0.0
    7 CARVAJAL BANDERAS CELENE            100 10 50         10    10 100      72    47.0
    8 CASTELLANOS LEON JULIAN DAVID        10 10 10         10    70 60       80    39.0
    9 CORDERO GOMEZ LIDIER FABIAN          60 100 90 100          80 80       92    88.0
  10 CORREA MOSQUERA JEISON ALEXIS         10 10 10         10    10 60       70    27.5
  11 CRISTANCHO AYALA HEIDY SHIRLEY        10 70 90 100           80 60       80    76.0
  12 DIAZ DIAZ GEORGE HEMETH               60 10 10 100           10 80       80    49.5
  13 DORIA FUENTES LEONILDA MARIA          10 90 10 100           10 80       80    52.5
  14 DURAN BONILLA JEIVER                  10 10 10         10    70 40       40    28.0
  15 FLOREZ CALA YULEYSY CAROLINA          10 100 50 100          80 80       88    74.0
  16 FLOREZ FIGUEROA EDGAR EDUARDO         60 10 10         70    70 100      80    55.0
  17 GOMEZ MENDEZ MAYRA ALEJANDRA          10 80 100 100 100 100              92    87.0
  18 HINE RUEDA PAOLA ANDREA               10 100 10 100          10 100      88    56.5
  19 JAIMES JONATAN                                                                   0.0
  20 LAMUS ORJUELA JOHANN ALEXIS           70 80 20 100           80 80       80    70.0
  21 LIEVANO COVOS JHON FREDDY                                                        0.0
  22 LOPEZ JHONATHAN EDUARDO               10 10 10         10    10 40       40    19.0
  23 MARIO CELIS JUAN DAVID               60 10 10         70    70 100      80    55.0
  24 MENDEZ MEDINA JUDY ANGELICA           10 10 10         10    10 40       68    26.0
  25 OJEDA WILFER FERNEY                                                              0.0
  26 ORDUZ GUEVARA RICHARD HODMAN          10 10 10         50    70 80       80    46.0
  27 OREJARENA HERNANDEZ YENIFER          100 70 100 100          80 80       80    88.0
  28 ORTIZ GUSMAN ANDERSON ALFONSO         60 10 90         50    70 80       80    67.0
  29 ORTIZ ORTEGA STHEPHANY FERNANDA       10 90 90 100           80 60       60    73.0
  30 OSORIO CACERES DIEGO RENE            100 10 10 100           10 60       72    50.5
  31 PEALOZA APARICIO JUAN ALBERTO       100 100 10 100          10 80       80    62.5
  32 PEREZ ARDILA JOSE LEONARDO            10 10 50         50    70 80       80    54.0
  33 PINILLA SILVA JHON FREDY              10 10 10         10    10 80       40    21.0
  34 PORRAS CARREO BRYAN                  10 10 10         10    70 60       72    37.0
  35 PULIDO OLAGO DIANA LIZETH             10 10 10 100           10 60       92    46.5
  36 QUINTERO DIAZ CARLOS ALEXIS           10 10 10         10    10 40       40    19.0
  37 RAMIREZ FLOREZ CARLOS ANDRES          10 10 10         10    70 80       80    40.0
  38 RAMIREZ VESGA FANY                   100 100 50 100          10 100      80    71.5
  39 RANGEL DIAZ JOHANA KARLIN             10 10 10         10    90 80       40    33.0
  40 ROJAS SORO WILMER                     10 10 10         10    10 80       60    26.0
  41 RONDON SOTO ANYIE VANESA              10 80 90 100 100 100               80    82.0
  42 SAENZ TAVERA JOSE DE JESUS            10 10 10         10    70 100      60    36.0
43 SANCHEZ RUEDA MARGARITA           10   10   10    10    10 40    68   26.0
44 VILLAMIZAR DAVILA INES CAROLINA   10   80   50   100   100 100   70   71.5
45 VILLAMIZAR VILLAMARIN ALEXANDER                                        0.0
10 1

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  • 1. COLEGIO TECNICO MICROEMPRESARIAL "EL CARMEN" Floridablanca Grado 10-1 Carpeta Evidencias Blog mantenimientoproductivo Comentario Blog proceso Ser y convivir Definitiva COD APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES 10% 10% 20% 15% 15% 5% 25% 100% 1 ALVAREZ TARAZONA ANDERSON ALFREDO 10 70 10 100 80 80 60 56.0 2 ARENAS FLOREZ MICHAEL 10 10 10 10 10 60 40 20.0 3 BARON JAIMES MONICA ALEXANDRA 10 100 50 100 80 100 100 78.0 4 BELTRAN COLMENARES SERGIO FABIAN 10 10 10 10 90 60 60 37.0 5 BONILLA AYALA JUAN SEBASTIAN 60 10 10 100 10 40 40 37.5 6 CAMPOS ANAYA TATIANA 0.0 7 CARVAJAL BANDERAS CELENE 100 10 50 10 10 100 72 47.0 8 CASTELLANOS LEON JULIAN DAVID 10 10 10 10 70 60 80 39.0 9 CORDERO GOMEZ LIDIER FABIAN 60 100 90 100 80 80 92 88.0 10 CORREA MOSQUERA JEISON ALEXIS 10 10 10 10 10 60 70 27.5 11 CRISTANCHO AYALA HEIDY SHIRLEY 10 70 90 100 80 60 80 76.0 12 DIAZ DIAZ GEORGE HEMETH 60 10 10 100 10 80 80 49.5 13 DORIA FUENTES LEONILDA MARIA 10 90 10 100 10 80 80 52.5 14 DURAN BONILLA JEIVER 10 10 10 10 70 40 40 28.0 15 FLOREZ CALA YULEYSY CAROLINA 10 100 50 100 80 80 88 74.0 16 FLOREZ FIGUEROA EDGAR EDUARDO 60 10 10 70 70 100 80 55.0 17 GOMEZ MENDEZ MAYRA ALEJANDRA 10 80 100 100 100 100 92 87.0 18 HINE RUEDA PAOLA ANDREA 10 100 10 100 10 100 88 56.5 19 JAIMES JONATAN 0.0 20 LAMUS ORJUELA JOHANN ALEXIS 70 80 20 100 80 80 80 70.0 21 LIEVANO COVOS JHON FREDDY 0.0 22 LOPEZ JHONATHAN EDUARDO 10 10 10 10 10 40 40 19.0 23 MARIO CELIS JUAN DAVID 60 10 10 70 70 100 80 55.0 24 MENDEZ MEDINA JUDY ANGELICA 10 10 10 10 10 40 68 26.0 25 OJEDA WILFER FERNEY 0.0 26 ORDUZ GUEVARA RICHARD HODMAN 10 10 10 50 70 80 80 46.0 27 OREJARENA HERNANDEZ YENIFER 100 70 100 100 80 80 80 88.0 28 ORTIZ GUSMAN ANDERSON ALFONSO 60 10 90 50 70 80 80 67.0 29 ORTIZ ORTEGA STHEPHANY FERNANDA 10 90 90 100 80 60 60 73.0 30 OSORIO CACERES DIEGO RENE 100 10 10 100 10 60 72 50.5 31 PEALOZA APARICIO JUAN ALBERTO 100 100 10 100 10 80 80 62.5 32 PEREZ ARDILA JOSE LEONARDO 10 10 50 50 70 80 80 54.0 33 PINILLA SILVA JHON FREDY 10 10 10 10 10 80 40 21.0 34 PORRAS CARREO BRYAN 10 10 10 10 70 60 72 37.0 35 PULIDO OLAGO DIANA LIZETH 10 10 10 100 10 60 92 46.5 36 QUINTERO DIAZ CARLOS ALEXIS 10 10 10 10 10 40 40 19.0 37 RAMIREZ FLOREZ CARLOS ANDRES 10 10 10 10 70 80 80 40.0 38 RAMIREZ VESGA FANY 100 100 50 100 10 100 80 71.5 39 RANGEL DIAZ JOHANA KARLIN 10 10 10 10 90 80 40 33.0 40 ROJAS SORO WILMER 10 10 10 10 10 80 60 26.0 41 RONDON SOTO ANYIE VANESA 10 80 90 100 100 100 80 82.0 42 SAENZ TAVERA JOSE DE JESUS 10 10 10 10 70 100 60 36.0
  • 2. 43 SANCHEZ RUEDA MARGARITA 10 10 10 10 10 40 68 26.0 44 VILLAMIZAR DAVILA INES CAROLINA 10 80 50 100 100 100 70 71.5 45 VILLAMIZAR VILLAMARIN ALEXANDER 0.0