零壹科技「壹點通行銷同步雲」入選經濟部中小企業雲端運算推廣服務計畫,採用趨勢科技SafeSync技術,「壹點通行銷同步雲」讓大型企業安全地同步、分享與管理文件,提供一個不可或缺的私有雲,讓 IT 將四處分散的文件集中至一個控管的空間。有了「壹點通行銷同步雲」,IT 就能提升使用者的靈活性和便利性,不論使用者在辦公室內或者在路上都能傳送及存取大型文件
The rise of low-code platforms in recent years presents a paradigm shift that redefines how IT and business teams operate - transforming IT from being an internal service provider into an enabling function that empowers business teams to build their own technologies.
With the right strategies, structures and models, low-code tools are expected to unlock a new era of enterprise innovation. That being said, employing open-source technologies comes with security concerns - an interesting space where we expect best-in-class cybersecurity startups to emerge.
The CCP and a Violent Propaganda Program_David William MageeDavid Magee
This document discusses the development of a violent propaganda program by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1919 to 1939. It began with student uprisings and cartoons spreading anti-imperialist messages. Mao helped develop the program during his time leading propaganda efforts. The program matured during peasant uprisings in the 1920s, using mutually reinforcing violent propaganda like cartoons and actual violence. During the Sino-Japanese War, the CCP used propaganda highlighting Japanese atrocities along with guerrilla warfare to undermine Japanese control and morale. This violent propaganda program was a key part of the CCP's asymmetrical strategy against Japan, though it was not formally defined as such.
零壹科技「壹點通行銷同步雲」入選經濟部中小企業雲端運算推廣服務計畫,採用趨勢科技SafeSync技術,「壹點通行銷同步雲」讓大型企業安全地同步、分享與管理文件,提供一個不可或缺的私有雲,讓 IT 將四處分散的文件集中至一個控管的空間。有了「壹點通行銷同步雲」,IT 就能提升使用者的靈活性和便利性,不論使用者在辦公室內或者在路上都能傳送及存取大型文件
The rise of low-code platforms in recent years presents a paradigm shift that redefines how IT and business teams operate - transforming IT from being an internal service provider into an enabling function that empowers business teams to build their own technologies.
With the right strategies, structures and models, low-code tools are expected to unlock a new era of enterprise innovation. That being said, employing open-source technologies comes with security concerns - an interesting space where we expect best-in-class cybersecurity startups to emerge.
The CCP and a Violent Propaganda Program_David William MageeDavid Magee
This document discusses the development of a violent propaganda program by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1919 to 1939. It began with student uprisings and cartoons spreading anti-imperialist messages. Mao helped develop the program during his time leading propaganda efforts. The program matured during peasant uprisings in the 1920s, using mutually reinforcing violent propaganda like cartoons and actual violence. During the Sino-Japanese War, the CCP used propaganda highlighting Japanese atrocities along with guerrilla warfare to undermine Japanese control and morale. This violent propaganda program was a key part of the CCP's asymmetrical strategy against Japan, though it was not formally defined as such.
Counselors or Craigslist? Relationships Between Housing Search Resources and ...Michael Webb
This document summarizes research on how different housing search resources impact outcomes for households with Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV). It finds that households who used online search resources had slightly better objective housing outcomes according to measured indices, though most households reported similar satisfaction levels regardless of resources used. The document also notes that utilizing multiple search resources did not provide additional benefits. It concludes by discussing policy implications like improving internet access, and identifying questions for future research such as why counseling did not appear to provide benefits and how to better orient counseling services.
This document contains the answers to multiple choice and matching questions across 4 tasks. Task 1 has 3 short answer questions. Task 2 has ordered lists with single letter answers. Task 3 has 2 sets of matching questions with numbers or letters as answers. Task 4 has 2 short answer questions and a final matching question with letters as answers.
Este documento describe la música de la Edad Media en Europa. Resume las características de este período histórico y explica los diferentes tipos de canto gregoriano. También describe los instrumentos musicales, la notación musical, la música profana, los trovadores, juglares y goliardos. La música religiosa era lo más común y usaba diferentes estilos de canto, mientras que la música profana era más secular y alegre.
Engineers working on the Android platform often point out that Android is not Java and should be learned as a completely new language even by the most experienced Java programmers. That is why they avoided naming framework components using standard Java naming conventions and decided to use brand new names. We are introduced to Context, Activities, Cursors and more. We will look for parallels with Java world where possible and try to explain why all the differences are present and required.
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Improves the productivity by enabling managers to monitor the time & project utilization of each employee and the efficiency of their teams
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This document outlines the steps to add a candidate to the Bullhorn system. Candidates can be added either through the "Add a candidate" option on the home tab or by using the resume wizard and parsing a resume. When adding a candidate, their name, contact details, address, resume, and other information like categories, skills, and distribution lists must be provided.
O documento discute os tópicos de consumismo e destina??o de lixo. Apresenta as diferen?as entre consumo e consumismo excessivo, os impactos ambientais do consumismo e as principais formas de destina??o de lixo no Brasil, incluindo lix?es, aterros sanitários, compostagem e reciclagem.
3. past simple and past continuous bai tapTrang ?inh V?n
The document appears to be an English learning resource that provides exercises to practice simple past and past continuous tenses in English. It includes matching activities, fill-in-the-blank questions, and examples sentences to change between affirmative, negative and interrogative forms using various past tense verbs. The exercises are intended to help learners practice and improve their skills with basic English verb tenses.
Este documento fornece diretrizes para escrita de textos radiof?nicos, abordando estratégias como clareza, simplicidade e uso de imagens, além de normas técnico-gramaticais como pontua??o, vocabulário e frases curtas. Também discute aspectos formais como pauta, lauda e roteiro, com o objetivo de tornar o texto fluido e espont?neo para locu??o.
The document provides definitions for various vocabulary words related to topics like taxes, investments, meetings, and quality control. It then tests the reader by asking them to match each word with its definition. Some of the words defined include deadline, fill out, joint, owe, adjacent, disrupt, hamper, opt, bring up, lengthy, waste, desired, forecast, overall, yield, commitment, fund, long term, invest, wise, brand, enhance, and garment. The reader is then provided the correct answers to check their work.
99ATS is a web-based applicant tracking, social recruiting, and vendor management system that aims to streamline the recruitment process. It allows users to manage resumes, candidates, hiring managers, and vendors. Key features include candidate management, job management, resume parsing, reporting, and vendor information system. 99ATS claims to address common gaps in recruitment like time spent searching for candidates, duplication of work, and lack of reporting. It offers solutions like resume parsing, powerful search, and vendor management system. The document demonstrates screenshots of the modules for vendor management, job management, resume sourcing, screening and shortlisting, interview management, and offer management. It encourages scheduling a demo to see the full capabilities of 99ATS.
Islamic Ethics : Character building personal strengthNaimAlmashoori
Personal strength is achieved through self-examination and having clear principles not easily influenced by external factors. A personally strong person has faith in God and follows six principles: faith, angels, leadership, learning, vision, and being well-organized. The document outlines five actions to build personal strength, beginning with establishing a mission statement focused on devotion to God alone. It also discusses building character through daily prayers, which train affirmation, emotional/spiritual intelligence, and positive experiences through repetition of prayers five times daily.
ChinaNetCloud Online Lecture: Fight Against External Attacks From Different L...ChinaNetCloud
Internet makes the world brand-new, but it also put the system safety in danger— security problems such as DDOS attacks, data theft, and BotNet always bothering IT operations teams. How can we defend ourselves from these types of attack? By implementing four layers of security protection: network, system, code, and operation maintenance.
On July 5, Wang Han, senior architect of ChinaNetCloud shared our view points about “How to resist external attacks” with dozens of audience through webinar.
The document discusses VXLAN BGP EVPN based multi-pod, multi-fabric, and multi-site network architectures. It provides an overview of the evolution from single-pod/fabric deployments to more complex multi-site designs. Key concepts covered include hierarchical overlay domains, isolated underlay domains, and border gateways used to interconnect sites while maintaining underlay isolation.
OVN is an open source virtual network solution for Open vSwitch that provides logical L2 and L3 networking, including logical switches, routers, security groups, and multiple tunneling protocols. It is designed to scale to thousands of hypervisors and VMs, improve performance over existing plugins, and integrate with OpenStack and other cloud management systems through its databases and daemons. OVN aims to become the default virtual network solution in OpenStack Neutron by replacing the existing OVS plugin.
08 sdn system intelligence short public beijing sdn conference - 130828Mason Mei
This document discusses software defined networking (SDN) and IBM's SDN strategy. It introduces IBM's SDN Virtual Environment (SDN-VE) platform, which uses Distributed Overlay Virtual Ethernet (DOVE) technology to virtualize the physical network and provide automated connectivity for virtual workloads. SDN-VE integrates with OpenStack and IBM's SmartCloud solutions. It also discusses how SDN can address client requirements through dynamic virtual system provisioning, workload-aware networking, and simplified scalability of servers, storage and networks.
The OpenFlow Conformance Test Program is currently under development and facing several barriers. Key elements like the test specification and reference test code are being developed but are behind schedule. Testing for the 1.3 specification currently lacks funding. Barriers include a lack of contributions from volunteers as testing increases in complexity, and an unsustainable business model. Possible steps to address these issues include catching development up, increasing visibility of the program, and developing a long-term strategic vision and viable business model with funding from ONF members and other interested parties.
This document discusses cloud data center network architectures and how to scale them using Arista switches. It describes the limitations of legacy data center designs and introduces the cloud networking model. The cloud networking model with Arista switches provides benefits like lower latency, no oversubscription between racks, and the ability to scale to hundreds of racks. The document then discusses how to scale the network using layer 2, layer 3, and VXLAN designs from thousands to over a million nodes. It provides examples of scaling the number of leaf and spine switches to achieve greater node counts in a non-blocking two-tier design.
This document discusses how Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be used to build scalable game infrastructure. It recommends using AWS services like Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, CloudFront, Auto Scaling, ElastiCache and DynamoDB to allow games to automatically scale capacity based on player demand. It also discusses global deployment across AWS regions and using VPC networking and placement groups to optimize game server performance.
Atf 3 q15-8 - introducing macro-segementationMason Mei
This document introduces Arista's Macro-Segmentation technology. It defines micro-segmentation as fine-grained security policies within a virtual switch, while macro-segmentation inserts services between workgroups in the physical network. Arista's solution utilizes CloudVision to automate security service insertion across physical and virtual networks in a coordinated way, providing security for east-west traffic without proprietary requirements. It scales out firewall deployment rather than requiring larger centralized devices.
This document announces dates for technical forums to be held in various European and African cities from June through December. It thanks attendees for joining and encourages inviting colleagues to the spring events. Dates are provided for London, Stockholm, Paris, Frankfurt, Zurich, Johannesburg, CapeTown, Milan, Utrecht and Madrid, with dates still to be confirmed for Warsaw, Moscow and Dublin.
Atf 3 q15-7 - delivering cloud scale workflow automation control and visibili...Mason Mei
1. CloudVision Portal provides cloud scale workflow automation and control/visibility through Arista EOS devices, workflow automation services, and the CloudVision framework including management/monitoring tools, orchestrators, and overlay controllers using open RESTful APIs.
2. CloudVision Portal is provided as an OVA virtual appliance running on a CENTOS Linux platform with Apache Hadoop, HBase database, Hazelcast in-memory database, and Zookeeper, and an Apache Tomcat HTML 5 front-end for a highly extensible user interface.
3. CloudVision provides bootstrap automation through zero touch provisioning, configuration automation using containers to define roles and customize taxonomy for groups of switches and configlets, and operations visibility
Atf 3 q15-4 - scaling the the software driven cloud networkMason Mei
This document discusses network virtualization and the Arista CloudVision eXchange (CVX) platform. It provides 3 key points:
1. Network virtualization using VXLAN allows for any-to-any Layer 2 connectivity across Layer 3 subnets, enabling VM mobility. The CVX platform provides automation of VXLAN deployment without a controller.
2. CVX acts as a single point of integration and provisioning for the physical network. It aggregates network state from EOS switches and presents it to controllers through open APIs. This provides visibility, simplifies provisioning, and improves scalability of controller integration.
3. CVX services include providing the physical topology database, distributing VXLAN configuration
Atf 3 q15-6 - solutions for scaling the cloud computing network infrastructureMason Mei
This document discusses using Arista networking solutions to scale cloud computing networks. It presents two use cases: 1) using OpenStack with the ML2 plugin for network virtualization, and 2) using an SDN controller with OVSDB for network abstraction. For use case 1, it demonstrates how CloudVision Exchange integrates with OpenStack Neutron to provide network automation, visibility, and improved scaling through VXLAN hardware VTEPs and an L3 ECMP fabric. For use case 2, it shows how CloudVision Exchange abstracts the network topology to allow adding bare metal servers and VXLAN gateways through an SDN controller using OVSDB.
Atf 3 q15-5 - streamlining and automating virtual network controlMason Mei
The document discusses streamlining and automating virtual network control. It presents several options for deploying and managing VXLAN including:
- Manually configuring VTEP flood lists, which is suitable for small scale solutions but difficult to manage at scale.
- Using CloudVision (CVX) alone to provide a centralized database and automate flood list population, allowing for more scalable intra-DC solutions.
- Integrating CVX with third-party controllers like NSX and OpenStack to distribute MAC learning between software and hardware VTEPs in large data centers.
The document demonstrates how CVX builds a physical topology view from individual switch LLDP data and how it can automate the V
Atf 3 q15-3 - transitioning to an automatedMason Mei
CloudVision provides a network-wide control point for real-time provisioning and orchestration across Arista's EOS platforms. It offers turnkey workflow automation, network services, and integration with third party controllers. CloudVision extends Arista's EOS platforms to enable software-driven cloud networking through network-wide visibility, automation of operations, and open APIs for partners.
The document provides an overview of Arista's technical forum on hardware and software updates for autumn 2015. It discusses new operational features in EOS 4.15 including a bug portal and transfer of information portal. It also covers how cloud servers and storage are driving adoption of 25GbE and 50GbE to maximize throughput and efficiency. The document summarizes Arista's role in standardizing 25GbE and describes their portfolio of switches that support flexible 25GbE, 50GbE and 100GbE speeds including the new 7320X series.