Industrial Internet - Business Revolution programme presentationTekes Programmes and CampaignsThe Industrial Internet programme by Tekes aims to encourage Finnish companies to renew their business models through new technologies. It will provide €100 million in funding over 5 years to networks combining ICT and other industries. This supports competitiveness by creating new business partnerships and models. Examples show potential for optimizing waste removal and ship operations through sensors and data analysis. However, Finland still lags in industrial ICT usage, so international cooperation is needed to develop areas like big data analytics and innovative business models leveraging new technologies. The objectives are opening new multidisciplinary networks, extracting value from meaningful data, and supporting business growth through digital transformation.
Black sedan servicerubyadolfDreamTeamDrive (DTD) is evolving the way the world moves, city by city – drive by drive. We seamlessly connect riders to drivers through mobile apps to make cities more accessible, open up more possibilities for riders and create more business for our drivers.
buzz_csr_report_15Siân DennisThis CSR report from Buzzacott summarizes their corporate social responsibility efforts from 2014-2015 and outlines plans for 2015-2016. In 2014-2015, Buzzacott employees volunteered over 1,000 hours, exceeding their target. They plan to increase volunteering opportunities and make it easier for all employees to participate. The report also describes Buzzacott's charitable activities like fundraising, grant making, and supported organizations. It highlights individual fundraisers and volunteers to showcase involvement across the company.
My trip to clare by jeremiahMsreilly5thThe author woke up early and took buses from Dublin to Galway and then to Ballyvaughan for a school trip to visit Aillwee Caves and see birds of prey. While heavy rain prevented visiting the Cliffs of Moher as planned, the group had lunch at McDonald's and played arcade games at Supermac's before taking the bus home.
Companiile care utilizeaza senior erp au aplicat cu succes cota de tva 9%Senior SoftwareSenior Software anunta trecerea cu succes a companiilor care utilizeaza SeniorERP la noua cota de TVA 9%, aplicabila de la 1 iunie pentru produsele alimentare. Reprezentantii echipei de suport au gestionat eficient solicitarile provenite din partea clientilor, in cele 5 zile de la intrarea in vigoare a legii nefiind semnalata nicio problema.
#PJLRenseignement - Ni pigeons ni espionsJean Baptiste FavreAperçu technique à propos des "boîtes noires" du #PJLRenseignement
- quoi
- où
- comment s'en protéger
CompTIA A+ ce certificate_PMG-01.20.2016Philip GreeleyThis document is a CompTIA certification for Philip M Greeley that was issued on January 20, 2016 and expires on January 20, 2019. It contains a verification code that can be used to validate the certification online at a CompTIA website.
برنامج الملتقى الجهوي الأول للسلامة الطرقية بالصحراءCNPACفي إطار التوجهات العامة لمشروع برنامج عمل اللجنة برسم سنة 2015 الذي جعل من التعاون مع مكونات المجتمع المدني محورا من محاوره الرئيسية، وعلى إثر نجاح الدورة التكوينية الأولى في مجال السلامة الطرقية المنظمة يومي 16 و17 ماي 2015 ببوزنيقة، تنظم اللجنة الوطنية للوقاية من حوادث السير، بشراكة مع مع شبكة وحدة وتواصل لجمعيات السلامة الطرقية بالصحراء، الملتقى الجهوي الأول للسلامة الطرقية بالصحراء يومي الجمعة والسبت 05 و 6 يونيو 2015 بالعيون.
ويستهدف هذا الملتقى الجهوي تكوين وتدعيم القدرات فيما يتعلق بتدبير وتنشيط المشاريع الهادفة إلى توعية مستعملي الطريق والحث على ضرورة تبني سلوك إيجابي داخل الفضاء الطرقي.
من أجل مواكبة والرفع من نجاعة الأنشطة المبرمجة من أجل التربية والتحسيس في مجال السلامة الطرقية.
Trabalho do tcc pronto empresa claro 2Eduardo LemosO documento apresenta um projeto para melhorar o programa de logística reversa pós-consumo da empresa Claro S.A., propondo agregar valor aos celulares inutilizados e melhorar o processo. Ele descreve os objetivos gerais e específicos do projeto, faz uma fundamentação teórica sobre logística e logística reversa, contextualiza a empresa Claro e apresenta uma análise de dados sobre descarte de celulares no Brasil e recomendações para o programa.
Bosque aantoniocruzdosarEl resumen describe lugares mencionados en el libro, incluyendo:
1) Varias localidades de Galicia como A Coruña, Cambre, Cecebre y Santiago de Compostela.
2) Otras partes de España como Madrid y provincias como León y Zamora.
3) Lugares en el extranjero como Buenos Aires, Argentina, Roma, Italia y La Habana, Cuba.
Industrial Internet - Business Revolution programme presentationTekes Programmes and CampaignsThe Industrial Internet programme by Tekes aims to encourage Finnish companies to renew their business models through new technologies. It will provide €100 million in funding over 5 years to networks combining ICT and other industries. This supports competitiveness by creating new business partnerships and models. Examples show potential for optimizing waste removal and ship operations through sensors and data analysis. However, Finland still lags in industrial ICT usage, so international cooperation is needed to develop areas like big data analytics and innovative business models leveraging new technologies. The objectives are opening new multidisciplinary networks, extracting value from meaningful data, and supporting business growth through digital transformation.
Black sedan servicerubyadolfDreamTeamDrive (DTD) is evolving the way the world moves, city by city – drive by drive. We seamlessly connect riders to drivers through mobile apps to make cities more accessible, open up more possibilities for riders and create more business for our drivers.
buzz_csr_report_15Siân DennisThis CSR report from Buzzacott summarizes their corporate social responsibility efforts from 2014-2015 and outlines plans for 2015-2016. In 2014-2015, Buzzacott employees volunteered over 1,000 hours, exceeding their target. They plan to increase volunteering opportunities and make it easier for all employees to participate. The report also describes Buzzacott's charitable activities like fundraising, grant making, and supported organizations. It highlights individual fundraisers and volunteers to showcase involvement across the company.
My trip to clare by jeremiahMsreilly5thThe author woke up early and took buses from Dublin to Galway and then to Ballyvaughan for a school trip to visit Aillwee Caves and see birds of prey. While heavy rain prevented visiting the Cliffs of Moher as planned, the group had lunch at McDonald's and played arcade games at Supermac's before taking the bus home.
Companiile care utilizeaza senior erp au aplicat cu succes cota de tva 9%Senior SoftwareSenior Software anunta trecerea cu succes a companiilor care utilizeaza SeniorERP la noua cota de TVA 9%, aplicabila de la 1 iunie pentru produsele alimentare. Reprezentantii echipei de suport au gestionat eficient solicitarile provenite din partea clientilor, in cele 5 zile de la intrarea in vigoare a legii nefiind semnalata nicio problema.
#PJLRenseignement - Ni pigeons ni espionsJean Baptiste FavreAperçu technique à propos des "boîtes noires" du #PJLRenseignement
- quoi
- où
- comment s'en protéger
CompTIA A+ ce certificate_PMG-01.20.2016Philip GreeleyThis document is a CompTIA certification for Philip M Greeley that was issued on January 20, 2016 and expires on January 20, 2019. It contains a verification code that can be used to validate the certification online at a CompTIA website.
برنامج الملتقى الجهوي الأول للسلامة الطرقية بالصحراءCNPACفي إطار التوجهات العامة لمشروع برنامج عمل اللجنة برسم سنة 2015 الذي جعل من التعاون مع مكونات المجتمع المدني محورا من محاوره الرئيسية، وعلى إثر نجاح الدورة التكوينية الأولى في مجال السلامة الطرقية المنظمة يومي 16 و17 ماي 2015 ببوزنيقة، تنظم اللجنة الوطنية للوقاية من حوادث السير، بشراكة مع مع شبكة وحدة وتواصل لجمعيات السلامة الطرقية بالصحراء، الملتقى الجهوي الأول للسلامة الطرقية بالصحراء يومي الجمعة والسبت 05 و 6 يونيو 2015 بالعيون.
ويستهدف هذا الملتقى الجهوي تكوين وتدعيم القدرات فيما يتعلق بتدبير وتنشيط المشاريع الهادفة إلى توعية مستعملي الطريق والحث على ضرورة تبني سلوك إيجابي داخل الفضاء الطرقي.
من أجل مواكبة والرفع من نجاعة الأنشطة المبرمجة من أجل التربية والتحسيس في مجال السلامة الطرقية.
Trabalho do tcc pronto empresa claro 2Eduardo LemosO documento apresenta um projeto para melhorar o programa de logística reversa pós-consumo da empresa Claro S.A., propondo agregar valor aos celulares inutilizados e melhorar o processo. Ele descreve os objetivos gerais e específicos do projeto, faz uma fundamentação teórica sobre logística e logística reversa, contextualiza a empresa Claro e apresenta uma análise de dados sobre descarte de celulares no Brasil e recomendações para o programa.
Bosque aantoniocruzdosarEl resumen describe lugares mencionados en el libro, incluyendo:
1) Varias localidades de Galicia como A Coruña, Cambre, Cecebre y Santiago de Compostela.
2) Otras partes de España como Madrid y provincias como León y Zamora.
3) Lugares en el extranjero como Buenos Aires, Argentina, Roma, Italia y La Habana, Cuba.
Ashish MotghareAshish MotghareAshish Motghare is seeking a challenging career in human resources with long term goals of attaining a high position. He has an MBA in HR and Finance with over 10 years of experience in recruitment, employee relations, and administration. His current role is an Associate MIS at Future Supply Chain Solutions where he manages recruitment, onboarding, payroll, leave records, attendance, and the employee database. He has strong technical skills in MS Office, Tally, and the internet.
2447-L - Programa sest-senat de promoção e educação para a saúde - Alcoolismo...bibliotecasaudeO alcoolismo é a dependência do indivíduo ao álcool, considerado doença pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. O uso constante, descontrolado e progressivo de bebidas alcoólicas pode comprometer seriamente o bom funcionamento do organismo.
1. 30.05. Випускний вечір.
Білицька загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №10
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Цього дня наша школа у сяйві квітів, святкового вбрання, добрих і
щирих посмішок зібралася усією родиною на традиційне свято
«Випускний вечір»... Скільки в ньому спогадів, мрій, сподівань,
радості і смутку, світлої печалі..
2. Сьогодні пролунав прощальний вальс для наших випускників.
Світанкова зоря покликала їх у незвідані далі, різнобарв'я життя,
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