The document outlines 10 areas of opportunity for financial institutions in 2011 in light of changes in the market. It recommends that institutions 1) understand their current market and customer base, 2) acknowledge shifts in consumer mindsets post-recession, and 3) look outside the industry for inspiration on meeting evolving expectations. It also suggests defining a specific target market, differentiating strategically, joining online conversations, and adapting to changes rather than relying on old ways. The overall message is that financial institutions must understand changes in their environment and customers to succeed in 2011.
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1. taking areas of opportunity for financial institutions in 2011 JOE SULLIVAN| MARKET INSIGHTS 息 2011 Market Insights advantage of new market opportunities 10
2. 息 2011 Market Insights Restating the Obvious: THE WORLD HAS CHANGED so have your customers, your markets, your competition, your challenges, and your opportunities
14. 息 2010 Market Insights Consumer Expectations are Growing Brands are barely keeping up with consumer expectations now. Every day consumers adopt and devour the latest technologies and innovations, and hunger for more. Smarter marketers will identify and capitalize on unmet expectations. Those brands that understand where the strongest expectations exist will be the brands that survive - and prosper. From: 10 Branding and Marketing Trends for 2010 By: Robert Passikoff, President of Brand Keys
15. 息 2011 Market Insights And what you dont want. 5 Know what you want.
16. 息 2011 Market Insights Throughout your institution. 6 Institutionalize & internalize the concept of marketing.
17. 息 2009 Market Insights In a recession, everyone should be in marketing. Rosabeth Moss Kanter The Change Master Blog ,
18. 息 2011 Market Insights Pursue it aggressively. 7 Adopt a specific target market.
19. We are the bank/credit union for ___________. 息 2011 Market Insights
20. We are not the bank/credit union for ___________. 息 2011 Market Insights
21. 息 2011 Market Insights on a daily basis. 8 Focus on strategic differentiation.
23. 息 2011 Market Insights things are different now 10 Let go of old ways, behaviors, and expectations
24. 10 Areas of Opportunity Recap Know your market Acknowledge the post-recession consumer mindset Find inspiration from outside financial services Understand parity Know what you want Institutionalize & internalize the concept of marketing Adopt a specific target market Focus on strategic differentiation Join the conversation Let go of old ways, behaviors, and expectations
25. Thank You Contact: Joe Sullivan [email_address] 800-348-0220 or 312-961-0188 Twitter: @mi_sullivan