This document contains an agenda for a meeting on mobile for web and communications. The agenda includes discussions on augmented reality apps, making websites mobile friendly, using social media platforms like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp for business, generating user-generated content, and opportunities in maps, tourism, education and more through mobile apps. Key benefits of mobile apps over websites that will be covered are better personalization, ease of sending notifications, utilizing device features, offline functionality, and new branding experiences for users.
11. 3. Mobile friendly social
Images / posts
that were designed
as flyers / print ads
12. #1 Mobile Apps Offer Better Personalisation
#2 Ease of Sending Notifications
#3 Making Use of Mobile Device Features
#4 Ability to Work Offline
#5 Freedom in Designing
#6 New Branding Experience
#7 Users Spend More Time on Apps
#8 New Stream of Conversions
#9 Brand Presence
#10 Apps Can Work Faster Than Websites
4. Your app: what & how