Social Media Marketing can sometimes appear to be overwhelming. We all know we should be using it to grow our business but where do we start? Here are 10 things you can do today to embark on your journey to social media success!
This document summarizes the results of a survey about social media usage. The survey questioned 20 people aged 19-20 about their social media habits. It found that most respondents had joined multiple social networks and used them daily. Respondents reported using social media primarily to stay connected with friends and family, express opinions, and for entertainment. Facebook was the most preferred network. While social media was a common early activity upon starting their computer, respondents also expressed some privacy concerns about publicly sharing all photos online.
You have been at social media for a while now, its time to find out if you're ahead of the pack or lagging behind.
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The document provides 10 social media tips and secrets for non-profits, including investing in a good avatar, finding your Facebook voice, being nice and replying/retweeting on social media, mixing up content on Twitter, using third-party apps, using inspirational quotes and stats, launching a blog, utilizing LinkedIn groups, learning basic HTML, and being an early adopter of mobile web technologies.
The document discusses internet safety at school and home. It notes that 63% of parents have no internet filtering controls at home. It emphasizes that the internet can be a positive place for learning and socializing when parents provide protection and guidance to help children confidently manage any issues they encounter. The document provides some guidelines for parents to help keep children safe online, such as keeping anti-virus software updated and talking to children about what to do if bullied or worried about content.
Teens spend significant time online and face various risks, including cyberbullying, exposure to pornography, and interactions with online predators. Parents must monitor their children's technology use by knowing their passwords, installing filters and monitoring software, limiting phone and laptop access in bedrooms, and openly communicating about online behavior and potential dangers. Various apps and services exist to help parents keep their families safe online.
6 Healthy Habits of Social Media in the HomeAdam McLane
This document provides a parent's guide to understanding social media with 6 healthy habits:
1. The first principle is that while social media is new, connecting with others is not. The speed, searchability, and reach of social media are what's new.
2. The second principle is that there is no privacy on the internet - anything posted can be copied, searched, and shared.
3. The third principle is that people may act differently online than in person.
4. The fourth principle notes that where kids go online often determines what they do.
5. The fifth principle is that users are the product for social media companies collecting data.
6. The final principle encourages
Social media use is growing rapidly, especially among younger demographics. Over 400 million people actively use Facebook, spending an average of 55 minutes per day on the site. The number of tweets on Twitter has grown to over 10 billion. Mobile access to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter has tripled in the past year. Blogs have also grown significantly, with over 133 million blogs indexed on Technorati. While newspapers are declining in readership among younger generations, social media allows for new opportunities in web traffic, archived content, and breaking news dissemination. Authenticity, trust, listening, and engaging in conversations in real-time are important principles for effective social media use.
Facebook grew rapidly in its early days, reaching over 300 million users who spent 8 billion minutes daily on the platform. However, the document also notes some negatives of Facebook's growth, such as Syria banning it due to terrorism, users posting things they later regretted, and bullying or false identities on social networks being problems for many teens. The document also provides an example of Megan Meier, though does not provide details about her story.
Is your teen getting enough sleep? Most children in the U.S. aren't - and their phone may be to blame! Learn how smartphones affect our sleep, and how we can better balance digital device time and bed time.
The document discusses social media and its impact on teenagers. It notes that 78% of teens have cell phones and 81% use social networking sites. While social media provides benefits like connecting with others, it also poses dangers like the possibility of public rejection from negative feedback. The summary encourages setting family guidelines for appropriate technology use, engaging teens in meaningful discussions about internet safety, and modeling balanced technology habits.
This June for National Internet Safety Month, uKnowKids ( interviewed some of the leaders and experts in the Internet safety and security industry and asked them what was one important tip that they could share with parent's to help keep their children safe online. Find out what they have to say; it might be the best thing you do all day!
Employees are the most vulnerable asset to any organization. General IT training for employees should cover common cybersecurity threats like phishing emails, malware, weak passwords, removable media, unsafe internet habits, social engineering, and physical security risks. Training should teach employees how to identify these threats and the proper procedures to avoid them, such as using unique, strong passwords, vetting email attachments and websites, and protecting devices. Regular security awareness training and enforcement of policies like clean desk can help defend organizations against cyberattacks targeting employees.
Learn why retweets matter. What makes a tweet retweetable and how can how you can get more retweets. Presented by Dan Zarrella, a social media and viral marketing scientist who writes extensively about the science of viral marketing, memetics and social media. Dan currently works as a product owner at HubSpot and recently authored The Social Media Marketing Book.
The document provides tips for using HootSuite's on-the-go social media broadcasting capabilities, including creating hashtag streams, following Twitter lists, conducting geo-located searches, and integrating various social media and business applications like Instagram, YouTube, Salesforce, and Evernote. It lists several hashtags and Twitter lists related to education that could be followed, and notes some of the benefits of geo-located searches and app integrations for finding local networks, event meetups, and filtering search results.
Using Social Media to develop Your BusinessMatt Lingard
The document discusses using social media for business purposes. It outlines several social media platforms that can be used, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. It also discusses how social media can help with managing and raising a company's profile, communicating, building relationships, collaborating, and managing information. The document encourages businesses to think about how they currently use social media and how they could expand their use of these tools.
Mark Zuckerberg's vision for Facebook was to create a more open and transparent world by allowing people to freely share information and access information from others. However, some argue that increased openness and data collection could lead society towards increased surveillance if taken to an extreme. Facebook has faced security issues with hackers targeting users' data, so users must be aware of privacy settings to control what information is shared and with whom to avoid oversharing or embarrassment. While Facebook allows users to connect with others, it is ultimately a business that earns money through advertisements targeted using users' shared data and interests.
This document summarizes 10 apps that parents should be aware of their children using on mobile devices. It describes popular messaging and social media apps like Kik, Snapchat, and Instagram that could expose children to risks like sexting, cyberbullying, and interacting with strangers. The document warns that while these apps may seem harmless, features like anonymous posting and messaging or sharing photos that disappear enable dangerous behaviors. It advises parents to monitor their children's app usage, set clear rules, and educate them about staying safe online.
Teens Online: Keeping Your Child Safe From CyberbullyingTeenSafe
Cyberbullying is an epidemic among our youth, yet 90% of children who experience or witness cyberbullying will not tell an adult! Learn how you can protect your child in the digital age, and visit to learn more!
The document provides steps to evaluate the reliability of websites for research projects. It advises to check facts against other sources, look for consistency across multiple pages, and verify the credibility of the website author. Trustworthy sites are well-known, contain accurate information, and restrict editing. Less reliable sites allow open editing, have little content, or are biased. Computers are useful for research as they can quickly access information from different websites and multitask across open pages.
Being a child or teenager today is not easy, the rise of cyberbullying, teen suicide, self harm and eating disorders amongst young adults has hit alarming numbers. This talk is to create awareness of the different social media platforms that are out there. It includes tips and advice on how to help your child or teenager become aware of what they are doing online and educate parents on the world of social media.
The document discusses Facebook and both the pros and cons of using the social media platform. It notes that Facebook currently has over 800 million active users who interact over 900 million times per day. While Facebook allows users to stay connected with friends and family and learn about local events, it can also result in loss of privacy, addiction, and excessive time spent online at the cost of real-world interactions. The document encourages users to stay connected on Facebook without becoming obsessed.
Mike Schaffer gave a presentation on using social networking tools for career development. He discussed what social media is and isn't, the major social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. He covered six rules for using social media safely, such as maintaining privacy, avoiding rash posts, and protecting personal information. Schaffer also discussed how social media impacts job seekers, current employees, and employers when it comes to networking, online profiles, and company policies. The presentation provided guidance on leveraging social media effectively and avoiding potential pitfalls.
Ben, Kristen and I presented the basics of social media to the Shawnee Chamber of Commerce. These are our slides - the last bit includes images of how we're socializing news coverage in the Lawrence community.
When Should I Buy My Child A Smartphone (Or Tablet)?TeenSafe
This document provides guidelines for parents on introducing children to digital devices and smartphones. It recommends no access to electronic devices before age 2, as unstructured play and human interaction are important for brain development. It suggests following the "1-in-4 rule", where for every year a child ages they get 1 additional hour of screen time per day. It also notes risks of heavy media usage under age 2 including language development issues. The document provides age-based suggestions for access to tablets, smartphones, and cell phones, as well as tips on monitoring usage and having discussions about responsible online behavior.
How Online Predators Threaten Our ChildrenTeenSafe
Did you know that more than 500,000 sexual predators are online EVERY day? Learn how predators target and engage children, and what you can do if you think your child has been contacted by a predator.
Teens & Social Networks: New Realties and ThreatsSociallyActive
Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have created a new reality for teens where privacy is non-existent and they are being inundated with porn and illicit photos.
This presentation will help parents understand these threats in more detail.
BACKGROUND: Atherosclerosis and venous thromboembolism share similar pathophysiology based on common inflammatory mediators. The dose-related effect of statin therapy in venous thromboembolism remains controversial. This study investigated whether the use of antiplatelet therapy and statins decrease the occurrence of venous thromboembolism in patients with atherosclerosis.
METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study reviewing 1795 consecutive patients with athero- sclerosis admitted to a teaching hospital between 2005 and 2010. Patients who had been treated with anticoagulation therapy were excluded. Patients who either used statins for 2 months or never used them were allocated to the nonuser group.
RESULTS: The final analysis included 1100 patients. The overall incidence of venous thromboembolism was 9.7%. Among statin users, 6.3% (54/861) developed venous thromboembolism, compared with 22.2% (53/239) in the nonuser group (hazard ratio [HR] 0.24; P .001). After controlling for confounding factors, statin use was still associated with a lower risk of developing venous thromboembolism (HR 0.29; P .001). High-dose statin use (average 50.9 mg/day) (HR 0.25; P .001) lowered the risk of venous thromboembolism compared with standard-dose statins (average 22.2 mg/day) (HR 0.38; P .001). Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel decreased occurrence of venous thromboembolism (HR 0.19; P .001). Interestingly, combined statins and antiplatelet therapy further reduced the occurrence of venous thromboembolism (HR 0.16; P .001).
CONCLUSIONS: The use of statins and antiplatelet therapy is associated with a significant reduction in the occurrence of venous thromboembolism with a dose-related response of statins.
Published by Elsevier Inc. The American Journal of Medicine (2011) 124, 852-859
Este documento presenta un resumen de una prueba de lenguaje y comunicaci坦n para estudiantes de 2属 b叩sico. Incluye preguntas sobre un cuento llamado "El patito feo" y un poema titulado "El perro y el gato". Algunas de las preguntas piden que los estudiantes resuman partes del cuento, definan palabras, ordenen eventos y escriban un final alternativo para la historia. Tambi辿n incluye preguntas sobre el poema, como subrayar verbos y responder preguntas sobre la trama. Por 炭ltimo, p
Col enjoys spending time at the local jewellery store and bar where he works part-time jobs. He has made many friends in the area but also has one reluctant acquaintance. Col loves watching soccer, hanging out at the bar, and recovering by the pool after a night of drinking. He has become a fan of Turkish culture and tea. Overall, Col leads a happy life in the town.
Is your teen getting enough sleep? Most children in the U.S. aren't - and their phone may be to blame! Learn how smartphones affect our sleep, and how we can better balance digital device time and bed time.
The document discusses social media and its impact on teenagers. It notes that 78% of teens have cell phones and 81% use social networking sites. While social media provides benefits like connecting with others, it also poses dangers like the possibility of public rejection from negative feedback. The summary encourages setting family guidelines for appropriate technology use, engaging teens in meaningful discussions about internet safety, and modeling balanced technology habits.
This June for National Internet Safety Month, uKnowKids ( interviewed some of the leaders and experts in the Internet safety and security industry and asked them what was one important tip that they could share with parent's to help keep their children safe online. Find out what they have to say; it might be the best thing you do all day!
Employees are the most vulnerable asset to any organization. General IT training for employees should cover common cybersecurity threats like phishing emails, malware, weak passwords, removable media, unsafe internet habits, social engineering, and physical security risks. Training should teach employees how to identify these threats and the proper procedures to avoid them, such as using unique, strong passwords, vetting email attachments and websites, and protecting devices. Regular security awareness training and enforcement of policies like clean desk can help defend organizations against cyberattacks targeting employees.
Learn why retweets matter. What makes a tweet retweetable and how can how you can get more retweets. Presented by Dan Zarrella, a social media and viral marketing scientist who writes extensively about the science of viral marketing, memetics and social media. Dan currently works as a product owner at HubSpot and recently authored The Social Media Marketing Book.
The document provides tips for using HootSuite's on-the-go social media broadcasting capabilities, including creating hashtag streams, following Twitter lists, conducting geo-located searches, and integrating various social media and business applications like Instagram, YouTube, Salesforce, and Evernote. It lists several hashtags and Twitter lists related to education that could be followed, and notes some of the benefits of geo-located searches and app integrations for finding local networks, event meetups, and filtering search results.
Using Social Media to develop Your BusinessMatt Lingard
The document discusses using social media for business purposes. It outlines several social media platforms that can be used, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. It also discusses how social media can help with managing and raising a company's profile, communicating, building relationships, collaborating, and managing information. The document encourages businesses to think about how they currently use social media and how they could expand their use of these tools.
Mark Zuckerberg's vision for Facebook was to create a more open and transparent world by allowing people to freely share information and access information from others. However, some argue that increased openness and data collection could lead society towards increased surveillance if taken to an extreme. Facebook has faced security issues with hackers targeting users' data, so users must be aware of privacy settings to control what information is shared and with whom to avoid oversharing or embarrassment. While Facebook allows users to connect with others, it is ultimately a business that earns money through advertisements targeted using users' shared data and interests.
This document summarizes 10 apps that parents should be aware of their children using on mobile devices. It describes popular messaging and social media apps like Kik, Snapchat, and Instagram that could expose children to risks like sexting, cyberbullying, and interacting with strangers. The document warns that while these apps may seem harmless, features like anonymous posting and messaging or sharing photos that disappear enable dangerous behaviors. It advises parents to monitor their children's app usage, set clear rules, and educate them about staying safe online.
Teens Online: Keeping Your Child Safe From CyberbullyingTeenSafe
Cyberbullying is an epidemic among our youth, yet 90% of children who experience or witness cyberbullying will not tell an adult! Learn how you can protect your child in the digital age, and visit to learn more!
The document provides steps to evaluate the reliability of websites for research projects. It advises to check facts against other sources, look for consistency across multiple pages, and verify the credibility of the website author. Trustworthy sites are well-known, contain accurate information, and restrict editing. Less reliable sites allow open editing, have little content, or are biased. Computers are useful for research as they can quickly access information from different websites and multitask across open pages.
Being a child or teenager today is not easy, the rise of cyberbullying, teen suicide, self harm and eating disorders amongst young adults has hit alarming numbers. This talk is to create awareness of the different social media platforms that are out there. It includes tips and advice on how to help your child or teenager become aware of what they are doing online and educate parents on the world of social media.
The document discusses Facebook and both the pros and cons of using the social media platform. It notes that Facebook currently has over 800 million active users who interact over 900 million times per day. While Facebook allows users to stay connected with friends and family and learn about local events, it can also result in loss of privacy, addiction, and excessive time spent online at the cost of real-world interactions. The document encourages users to stay connected on Facebook without becoming obsessed.
Mike Schaffer gave a presentation on using social networking tools for career development. He discussed what social media is and isn't, the major social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. He covered six rules for using social media safely, such as maintaining privacy, avoiding rash posts, and protecting personal information. Schaffer also discussed how social media impacts job seekers, current employees, and employers when it comes to networking, online profiles, and company policies. The presentation provided guidance on leveraging social media effectively and avoiding potential pitfalls.
Ben, Kristen and I presented the basics of social media to the Shawnee Chamber of Commerce. These are our slides - the last bit includes images of how we're socializing news coverage in the Lawrence community.
When Should I Buy My Child A Smartphone (Or Tablet)?TeenSafe
This document provides guidelines for parents on introducing children to digital devices and smartphones. It recommends no access to electronic devices before age 2, as unstructured play and human interaction are important for brain development. It suggests following the "1-in-4 rule", where for every year a child ages they get 1 additional hour of screen time per day. It also notes risks of heavy media usage under age 2 including language development issues. The document provides age-based suggestions for access to tablets, smartphones, and cell phones, as well as tips on monitoring usage and having discussions about responsible online behavior.
How Online Predators Threaten Our ChildrenTeenSafe
Did you know that more than 500,000 sexual predators are online EVERY day? Learn how predators target and engage children, and what you can do if you think your child has been contacted by a predator.
Teens & Social Networks: New Realties and ThreatsSociallyActive
Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have created a new reality for teens where privacy is non-existent and they are being inundated with porn and illicit photos.
This presentation will help parents understand these threats in more detail.
BACKGROUND: Atherosclerosis and venous thromboembolism share similar pathophysiology based on common inflammatory mediators. The dose-related effect of statin therapy in venous thromboembolism remains controversial. This study investigated whether the use of antiplatelet therapy and statins decrease the occurrence of venous thromboembolism in patients with atherosclerosis.
METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study reviewing 1795 consecutive patients with athero- sclerosis admitted to a teaching hospital between 2005 and 2010. Patients who had been treated with anticoagulation therapy were excluded. Patients who either used statins for 2 months or never used them were allocated to the nonuser group.
RESULTS: The final analysis included 1100 patients. The overall incidence of venous thromboembolism was 9.7%. Among statin users, 6.3% (54/861) developed venous thromboembolism, compared with 22.2% (53/239) in the nonuser group (hazard ratio [HR] 0.24; P .001). After controlling for confounding factors, statin use was still associated with a lower risk of developing venous thromboembolism (HR 0.29; P .001). High-dose statin use (average 50.9 mg/day) (HR 0.25; P .001) lowered the risk of venous thromboembolism compared with standard-dose statins (average 22.2 mg/day) (HR 0.38; P .001). Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel decreased occurrence of venous thromboembolism (HR 0.19; P .001). Interestingly, combined statins and antiplatelet therapy further reduced the occurrence of venous thromboembolism (HR 0.16; P .001).
CONCLUSIONS: The use of statins and antiplatelet therapy is associated with a significant reduction in the occurrence of venous thromboembolism with a dose-related response of statins.
Published by Elsevier Inc. The American Journal of Medicine (2011) 124, 852-859
Este documento presenta un resumen de una prueba de lenguaje y comunicaci坦n para estudiantes de 2属 b叩sico. Incluye preguntas sobre un cuento llamado "El patito feo" y un poema titulado "El perro y el gato". Algunas de las preguntas piden que los estudiantes resuman partes del cuento, definan palabras, ordenen eventos y escriban un final alternativo para la historia. Tambi辿n incluye preguntas sobre el poema, como subrayar verbos y responder preguntas sobre la trama. Por 炭ltimo, p
Col enjoys spending time at the local jewellery store and bar where he works part-time jobs. He has made many friends in the area but also has one reluctant acquaintance. Col loves watching soccer, hanging out at the bar, and recovering by the pool after a night of drinking. He has become a fan of Turkish culture and tea. Overall, Col leads a happy life in the town.
The document summarizes observations from visits to 6 retail stores in Kingston, Jamaica. It describes the types of stores, their locations in downtown and uptown Kingston, exterior features like signs and doors, interior details such as lighting, tiles and product placement, uniform policies for employees, and strategies around customer flow and impulse purchases. Common themes across stores are noted, such as inviting entrances, calming color schemes, and placement of small portable items out of easy reach.
Vietnamese culture is influenced by its history and geography. The cuisine uses fresh vegetables and herbs with flavors that are sweet, spicy, sour, and fishy. Music varies between northern, central, and southern regions, and is impacted by Chinese traditions while also containing diverse folk styles. Literature includes myths, poems, and modern works reflecting Western influence since the 19th century.
Este documento presenta una evaluaci坦n de lectura sobre el libro "La caba単a del T鱈o Tom" dirigida a estudiantes de 6属 b叩sico. La evaluaci坦n contiene 12 preguntas sobre detalles del libro, afirmaciones verdaderas o falsas sobre los personajes y acontecimientos clave, y preguntas de desarrollo sobre la esclavitud y otros temas. El objetivo es medir la comprensi坦n lectora de los estudiantes sobre este texto narrativo cl叩sico.
The document provides a historical overview of pharmacy from ancient times to the present. It discusses five key periods: the Ancient Era from the beginning of time to 1600 AD, the Empiric Era from 1600 to 1940, the Industrialization Era from 1940 to 1970, the Patient Care Era from 1970 to present, and the current Biotechnology and genetic engineering horizon. During each period, knowledge of herbal remedies and medications progressed, manufacturing processes became more standardized and complex, and the focus shifted to patient-centered care and personalized genetic treatments.
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In todays competitive job market, having a strong LinkedIn presence is essential for both individuals and businesses. Whether youre looking to enhance your professional network, promote your brand, or connect with potential clients, buying LinkedIn accounts can be a strategic move. Purchasing pre-established accounts allows you to leverage existing connections and credibility, providing an instant boost to your online visibility.
When you buy LinkedIn accounts, you gain access to a platform with millions of professionals across various industries. This enables you to tap into new opportunities, engage with industry leaders, and showcase your expertise. Its an effective way to save time and effort in building a network from scratch.
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Are you struggling to create professional-looking visual content for your business or personal projects? In today's digital landscape, compelling visuals can make or break your online presence, but not everyone has the design skills or budget to hire professional creators. That's where BLYX Studio comes in - an innovative AI-powered platform that's changing the game for content creators everywhere.
Carnival Across The Globe: Social Media InsightsUNICEPTA
UNICEPTA analyzed the public discourse on social media throughout the year regarding various Carnival festivities across the globe. Which carnival generates the most engagement on social media? Which countries are in the focus of the public?
Carnival captivates millions worldwide, but which festivities spark the most engagement on social media? UNICEPTA analyzed global public discourse throughout the year to uncover which Carnival celebrations generate the highest buzz online. From Rio to Cologne, from Mardi Gras to Barranquilla - our data-driven insights reveal which countries dominate the conversation and how regional traditions shape engagement. Discover the key trends, cultural significance, and social media impact of the worlds most celebrated Carnivals.
Female Short Creators 120 - Zsolt NemethZsolt Nemeth
The 110 plus 10 most attractive ladies on YouTube or many social-media. List of 120 Hottest Women Bloggers in retrospect gallery to public browsing topics upscaling.
Amplifying Black Voices: The Power of Social Media Listening & Inclusive Mark...Jasper Colin
As Black History Month 2025 wraps up, social media has only scratched the surface of how different generations engage with Black culture, history, and representation.
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Read more:
4. Facebook
1.3 billion
people are
catching up
with friend and
More likely
city dwellers
news source
Used by
in business
B2B, succeed
in business
<age 50, used
as inspiration
18-29 female
skew but
males are on
there too,
visual story
Whats new?
#2: 10 things you can do right now to maximise your digital marketing success
#4: Strategic Considerations
There are so many digital marketing channels to choose from. It can be overwhelming and tiring just thinking about your options let alone choosing one that will help you meet your marketing objectives.
It can be a simple formula though.
Your first consideration is:
Where are your customers?
Where can you make the most impact?
Will you need to advertise to gain traction? Facebook advertising is really slick, LinkedIn Advertising is not so great if you are targeting regional geographic locations, advertising on Twitter and Instagram is still quite new and really only being used by large organisations at this point.
What are your objectives?
How will you use that channel to engage? If you have decided that Instagram is your channel, then where will you be sourcing your images.
Tip: Do one really well rather than 10 half heartedly
Best practice If you set up 6 channels dont just publish exactly the same content to each channel. Customise the content to that channel.
#5: Facebook locally - the largest active group on Facebook seems to be females aged between 35 and 44.
LinkedIn - in Port Macquarie and surrounds there are over 17,000 people on LinkedIn
#7: Strategic considerations
People often ask me how can I tell if my marketing is working? How do I know which channels to invest in and how much money to spend on each marketing activity.
This is what the most brilliant thing about digital marketing.
There are so many different metrics that you can measure your activity on.
Of course measurement and metrics will always relate to exactly what you set out to achieve. For example. If Im a business who has decided that as an organisation, we have an awesome team of experts who are terrifcly good at their job, they are experienced and they can achieve great results. But Ive condcuted and anectodotal research and word on the street is that while we know how fantastic our consultants are. Our clients dont.
We also know that a lot of our ideal clients are using LinkedIn. So we set ourselves the objective of increasing brand awareness and positioning ourselves as a brand and our team members as experts using LinkedIn.
We set our SMART goals (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, T) which include connections gained by each employee but more than that. We decide we are going to join some groups and publish some content as well.
So our measurement metrics are most likely going to be how many relevant connections are made by each employee on LinkedIn, how are those published posts doing on LinkedIn lets see A. how many people have viewed them (conveniently indicated by a little eyeball icon), how many people have liked, commented, shared etc.
We may have also decided to publish post as a company page on LinkedIn. If you set up a company page, you can use the advertising feature of LinkedIn and target youre the content that you post to people in a specific job function, in a specific metro city, that earn a particular salary level.
Another example, As a business Ive decided that Facebook is going to provide me with an opportunity to communicate with our customer in a highly targeted and cost effective manner as well as provide a forum for us to develop and strengthen our relationship with them.
My main objective in the first instance is to build a community.
Top tip. I very rarely run an advertising campaign that just acquires Facebook likes. What you will find is you can run a campaign that meets another objective such as collecting email addresses or increasing traffic to your website and just by running that advertising campaign, you are also letting your customer know that you have a Facebook page and community the page likes will often increase as this campaign is running.
Your measurements will be based on are you meeting your objective of gaining page likes, how many people are seeing your ad this is called reach, how many people have clicked on your website or how many email addresses have you managed to collect.
#9: Customise your story
Use tools such as to create a personalised image
Conduct a landscape analysis on whichever social media channel you have chosen to use and then think about how you can do it differently. How will you create breakthrough.
#11: Use thumb stopping images.
Humans process images 60,000 times faster in the brain than text
40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text.油
For Business to business and professional services this can definitely be a challenge. We dont have the luxury of posting gorgeous outfits, interior styling vignettes. We need to be creative. If you are like me and dont mind the odd dose of shameless self promotion put yourself in the picture. Give people a glimpse behind the scenes.
Tips: 1. Invest in a suite of exceptional photography. By using your own images you are reinforcing
2. Choose a single image instead of a collage
3. Always choose pictures you take over stock photography
#13: Hashtags explained:
They were developed for Twitter
Developed as a keyword search mechanism, they are used to promote global conversation. Type #cake into instagram to find cake decorating inspiration, type #socialmediamarketing into Twitter to view tweets containing useful information about social media marketing.
They are mainly used on Twitter and Instagram
And occassionaly you will see them used on Facebook. The search functionality on FB is not great so it doesnt work as well as on Instagram and twitter.
They are being widely used at the moment within event marketing. Such as today. We are able to track all of your social activity that has been generated today by use of the simple hashtag.
What not to do: Weird hashtags will be difficult for your community to remember.
#15: Publish a post on LinkedIn
Business to business
Youll need a personal LinkedIn profile.
Go to the Home page
Click on Publish a post
This will then sit on your personal profile and be placed in the newsfeed of your connections to view.
Professional services
This is how you can demonstrate your expertise.
A perfect example of creating helpful marketing
#17: A common query I am faced with regularly is from people trying to access update their business page from their Facebook App. Im not sure if anyone has epxerienced it here but often when you try and update a business page on your blue Facebook app the post, comment or like will appear that its coming from you personally as opposed to the business.
If this is the case. Head over to App Store and download the Pages App.
The Pages App was developed for mobile business page management. You can access analytics and limited Ads Manager etc.
Best of all is when you are on the Page you manage in Pages you will always be posting as that business.
Warning it can be restrictive with some functions.
If you are finding you do have limited functionality and you are unable to perform a task on either the blue Facebook app or the Pages App access Facebook from a desktop
#19: Did you know that when you start a discussion within a LinkedIn Group, that discussion gets emailed straight into the inboxes of every member of that group (unless they have opted out of group notifications)
So how do you contribute to Group discussions.
You need to have a LinkedIn personal profile
In the top search bar, start searching for industry keywords such as marketing, small business, accounting etc. and you should be presented with some options. One you can all start with on a local level is the Port Macquarie Small Business Network.
You will most likely need to request to join and then once you are a member, you can contribute by starting or joining a discussion.
Lets take our conversations online.
Youll find the Groups that you have joined under the Interests tab.
Top tips for Group discussions
Dont use this as a spamming ground. LinkedIn Groups allows you to initiate discussions with like-minded individuals as well as comment on discussions that others have made. There is plenty of opportunity to position yourself as an expert and network online if you like in these groups.
Two local groups you could start with are the Port Macquarie Small Business Network and the Hastings Business Womens Network. When trying to find groups, look for industry groups but also consider the groups that your clients might be a member of and request to join those groups as well.
#21: Firstly Id like to proceed this point with the fact that in order for you to gain traction on Facebook now, you absolutely need to factor Facebook advertising costs into your marketing budget.
There is so much I could talk about and share with you about Facebook Advertising. I love using it and have had a lot of success using this as a highly targeted and cost effective marketing tool both for my business as well as for my clients.
Today Ill focus on one important consideration for Facebook Advertising.
Facebook is a business, its a publically listed company its makes sense to charge businesses money if they plan to make money themselves from utilising the platform.
But more importantly than that. Facebook is one of the most popular websites in the world because people love to use it.. Mark Zuckerburg knows that if Facebook turns into a massive sales platform where brands are shoving their messages down peoples throats people will not use it.
He is 100% focused on maintaining a positive user experience at all times. In light of this he spends a lot of time guiding and enforcing brands to contribute to peoples Facebook community in a valuable way.
One of the things Facebook do to encourange businesses to contribute positively is by sending them little emails once in a while showing them best practice, sharing tips and so forth. One of the things that Facebook does to enforce that brands dont pollute newsfeeds with sales messages is they enforce a rule in advertising that your image that you use must only have 20% writing on it.
But we dont have to use images we can use graphics such as this one. This graphic passed the 20% rule
So here is an example of a graphic
Tip: To advertise on Facebook your images need to have less than 20% text. Facebook strives to provide an exceptional user experience. It discourages to pollute peoples news feed with sales messages that dont add any value to peoples lives.
Even when you are advertising tell your story
As advertisers we are trying to stop people in their tracks with engaging content not sales messages
#25: Social media is a two way conversation. We are opening up the lines of communication between our customers and our organisations. In doing so we gain a more in depth understanding of our customer which we can then use to service them better.
Most of the time well attract positive response and engagement with our channels but every now and again someone will use our Twitter or Facebook pages to air a grievance. And thats OK. This to me presents a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate the professionalism of your organisation.
Best practice. Address the feedback, apologise for the experience (if warranted) and then perhaps offer to take the conversation offline.
Things I try to avoid are:
Offering something for free to disappointed customers you can do this offline if you feel its appropriate. You certainly dont want to encourage opportunists!
Entering into an argument or being rude or abusive back
Trolls are different.
So what is a troll? Basically it is someone that is being abusive on your social media page. For exampleDragonfly example
All social media channels have really easy to access processes to deal with trolls.
Tip. On Facebook if you feel there is an abusive comment that tarnishes your environment Hide it dont delete it. Deleting comments is like a red rag to a bull. By hiding it the troll can still see it their friends can still see it but no-one else can.
Another point to note here is that you are legally responsible for all of the content on your Facebook page that means comments that other people make, posts that other people post