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1. Underlyinghormonal imbalances-
underactivitycancause symptomsof
depressionandfatigue culminatinginME
and Fibromyalgiaif the otherpredisposing
symptoms (usuallytrauma) are present.
These are unlikelytoshowup onstandard
testsas theyare notspecificenoughto
pickup anythingotherthansevere
deficiency buttheystill cause terrible
problems.Youmaybe put on
was adrenal boosting andhavingyour
VitaminDlevels optimised.
2. Epigenetics:Genesare not destiny.The
awful practice of prophylacticdouble
mastectomyforbreastcancer (removal of
bothbreasts as a preventative if youhave
a familyhistoryof breastcancer) isa total
misunderstandingof the process.
withthe blueprintthatcounts.Genescan
be turnedon and off andotherwise
modifiedbythe environment. Changing
your lifestyleisthe ultimate preventative.
For instance,cancerisnot one disease but
manyand veryfeware strictlygenetic-
hence the magicbullet‘cure’isnever
likelytobe found.Instead,preventionis
key – understandingwhatcausesthe
bodyto turn on itself andhowtoswitchit
to go the otherway throughdiet,lifestyle,
etc – all of whichare termed‘epigenetic
3. Toxicity: We are bombardedbytoxic
chemicalseverydayinthe foodwe eat,
the waterwe drink andthe products we
(cleansing, epsomsaltbaths,infra-red
saunas,skinbrushingetc) are natural
wayswe can enhance ourdetoxification
ability(inthe liver).These oldpractices
are needednowmore thanevergiventhe
pharmaceutical biasof modernmedicine.
Some of these drugsactuallycause more
4. Gut dysbiosis(animbalancedgutflora) is
one of the prime causesof illness.Ourgut
isour firstline immune defence(itis
modifiedskinafterall) andthe standard
Westerndietovertime weakensand
destabilisesitsothatwe start to geta
whole hostof symptoms;indigestion,skin
infections,etc.The mostcommon
pathogeniscandida.Most doctorsstill do
not recognise thisasa problembutthere
isa simple testyoucando to check and
herbsthat will rebalance yourflora.
5. Inflammationcausedby an excess of
bloodstream(fromourprocessed diet) is
at the heartof most longtermchronic
disease (heartdisease,Alzheimer’s,
cancer, auto-immunedisease,etc).The
wayto reduce your risk(andsometimes
reverse the worsteffectsof the diseaseif
youalreadyhave it) isto change yourdiet
away fromprocessedfats and
carbohydratesandswitchto natural
whole foods.Supplementationwitha
more balancedrange of nutrientsmay
alsobe necessary.
6. Mindbody;we are bothmindand body.
The splitdefinedbyDescartes wasa
convenientideaatthe time buthas
.We know
now that treatingone withoutthe otheris
diseasescanbe healedbylookingatthe
subconsciousdrivers.We are amiracle of
7. Emotional Health;Subconscious
emotional traumaliesatthe heartof
much disease whichmayresultinPost-
Traumatic StressDisorder(PTSD) or
perhapsmore commonlypanicattacks,
that justsuppressesthe symptom(low
serotonin) withoutlookingatthe
underlyingcauses isnotgoingtosolve the
problem.Luckily,thereare manynew
(Emotional Freedomtechnique,Eye
Reprocessing(EMDR) andHypnotherapy
whichcan make a significantdifference to
healthandwellbeing. Theseissues are
bestlookedatas disordered
subconsiciousbeliefswhichare readby
the body.By engagingthe ‘thinkingbrain’
(withsensorystimulation) andthen
activatingthe emotionthe linkcanbe
altered– permanently!Youare thenfree
to live life withoutbeingencumbered
withold,destructive beliefs.Itcanbe life-
8. We are all highlydeficientinbasic
fish– no longerinfarmedfishinhigh
and VitaminD(fromsunlight –not
available duringOctober–April inthe
UK). These are notenoughto give usthe
fromVitaminC). Weedsoftencontain
some of the highestamountsof these so
by addingdandelion, nettles, goodking
henry,chickweed,etctoour saladsor
infusions(allorganicof course as they
grow locally) we cansave foodmilesand
our healthatthe same time.VitaminD
statusshouldbe checkedasoftenas
bloodsugarbut unfortunatelyisnot
commonas there isno profitto be
9. Osteoporosisisaverycommondisease
but drinkingmore milkisnotthe answer.
If you lookat countrieswithahighdairy
intake youwill findthatratesof
osteoporosisare higher!The bestsolution
isto reduce your saltintake (itcompetes
withcalciumuptake),andreduce your
consumptionof acidicfoods(of which
milkisone).Eatingmore alkalisingfoods
such as leafygreens(tryjuicingthemto
increase yourintake) andlemonjuice or
theyare acidstheyare treatedinthe
bodyas alkalising).Ohandlesscoffee (if
youcan’t cut it out completelythenmake
sure you balance itwithplentyof water
youdo try to avoid certaindrugslike the
bisphosphonates –these stopyourbody
breakingdownoldbone andincrease the
likelihoodof cancer.
10. You needtolookat what isgoingon in
your life whenyougethealthissues –to
show the linkbetweenoutside eventsand
illness. A naturopathicapproach*uses
natural medicine whichconsidersthe
‘ecology’of the personasbeingessential
increatingthe right(orwrong) conditions
for healthandwellness.If youare eating
poor qualityfood,thinkingtoxicthoughts
(I’museless, Inevergetanythingright,
etc) and workinginan environmentthatis
not supportingyou,thenillnessismuch
more likely.Healthrequiresworkingonall
these levelssimultaneously,isapro-
active and continual process(not
something forgottenandassumedwhen
youare not ‘ill’).
BMJ 2002;325:1433
Naturopathyisthe science,art,philosophy
and practice of analysis,treatmentand
preventionof illnesswithoutpharmaceutical
drugsor surgery.Naturopathyemphasisesthe
body’sinnate abilitytoheal andmaintain
10 Things you should
know about health
and your doctor never
told you
By Patricia Worby, MSc. ACMT,
07973 417312

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10 Things you should know about health

  • 1. 1. Underlyinghormonal imbalances- particularlythyroidandadrenal underactivitycancause symptomsof depressionandfatigue culminatinginME and Fibromyalgiaif the otherpredisposing symptoms (usuallytrauma) are present. These are unlikelytoshowup onstandard testsas theyare notspecificenoughto pickup anythingotherthansevere deficiency buttheystill cause terrible problems.Youmaybe put on antidepressantsandwhatyouneeded was adrenal boosting andhavingyour VitaminDlevels optimised. 2. Epigenetics:Genesare not destiny.The awful practice of prophylacticdouble mastectomyforbreastcancer (removal of bothbreasts as a preventative if youhave a familyhistoryof breastcancer) isa total misunderstandingof the process. Epigeneticsshowsusitiswhatyoudo withthe blueprintthatcounts.Genescan be turnedon and off andotherwise modifiedbythe environment. Changing your lifestyleisthe ultimate preventative. For instance,cancerisnot one disease but manyand veryfeware strictlygenetic- hence the magicbullet‘cure’isnever likelytobe found.Instead,preventionis key – understandingwhatcausesthe bodyto turn on itself andhowtoswitchit to go the otherway throughdiet,lifestyle, etc – all of whichare termed‘epigenetic modifiers’. 3. Toxicity: We are bombardedbytoxic chemicalseverydayinthe foodwe eat, the waterwe drink andthe products we use.Knowinghowtodetoxifyourselves (cleansing, epsomsaltbaths,infra-red saunas,skinbrushingetc) are natural wayswe can enhance ourdetoxification ability(inthe liver).These oldpractices are needednowmore thanevergiventhe pharmaceutical biasof modernmedicine. Some of these drugsactuallycause more toxicity! 4. Gut dysbiosis(animbalancedgutflora) is one of the prime causesof illness.Ourgut isour firstline immune defence(itis modifiedskinafterall) andthe standard Westerndietovertime weakensand destabilisesitsothatwe start to geta whole hostof symptoms;indigestion,skin rashes,fatigue,dizziness,fungal infections,etc.The mostcommon pathogeniscandida.Most doctorsstill do not recognise thisasa problembutthere isa simple testyoucando to check and herbsthat will rebalance yourflora. 5. Inflammationcausedby an excess of inflammatorychemicalsinthe bloodstream(fromourprocessed diet) is at the heartof most longtermchronic disease (heartdisease,Alzheimer’s, cancer, auto-immunedisease,etc).The wayto reduce your risk(andsometimes reverse the worsteffectsof the diseaseif youalreadyhave it) isto change yourdiet away fromprocessedfats and carbohydratesandswitchto natural whole foods.Supplementationwitha more balancedrange of nutrientsmay alsobe necessary. 6. Mindbody;we are bothmindand body. The splitdefinedbyDescartes wasa convenientideaatthe time buthas recentlybeendebunkedbyboth neuroscientistsanddoctorsi .We know now that treatingone withoutthe otheris prettypointless.Manyso-calledphysical diseasescanbe healedbylookingatthe subconsciousdrivers.We are amiracle of interconnectivity. 7. Emotional Health;Subconscious emotional traumaliesatthe heartof much disease whichmayresultinPost- Traumatic StressDisorder(PTSD) or perhapsmore commonlypanicattacks, anxietyanddepression.Anytreatment
  • 2. that justsuppressesthe symptom(low serotonin) withoutlookingatthe underlyingcauses isnotgoingtosolve the problem.Luckily,thereare manynew psycho-somatictechniquessuchasEFT (Emotional Freedomtechnique,Eye MovementDesensitisationand Reprocessing(EMDR) andHypnotherapy whichcan make a significantdifference to healthandwellbeing. Theseissues are bestlookedatas disordered subconsiciousbeliefswhichare readby the body.By engagingthe ‘thinkingbrain’ (withsensorystimulation) andthen activatingthe emotionthe linkcanbe altered– permanently!Youare thenfree to live life withoutbeingencumbered withold,destructive beliefs.Itcanbe life- changing. 8. We are all highlydeficientinbasic nutrients;particularlyomega-3fats(from fish– no longerinfarmedfishinhigh amounts),Magnesium,iodine,VitaminC and VitaminD(fromsunlight –not available duringOctober–April inthe UK). These are notenoughto give usthe obviousdeficiencydiseasese.g.scurvy fromVitaminC). Weedsoftencontain some of the highestamountsof these so by addingdandelion, nettles, goodking henry,chickweed,etctoour saladsor infusions(allorganicof course as they grow locally) we cansave foodmilesand our healthatthe same time.VitaminD statusshouldbe checkedasoftenas bloodsugarbut unfortunatelyisnot commonas there isno profitto be generatedfromVitaminD. 9. Osteoporosisisaverycommondisease but drinkingmore milkisnotthe answer. If you lookat countrieswithahighdairy intake youwill findthatratesof osteoporosisare higher!The bestsolution isto reduce your saltintake (itcompetes withcalciumuptake),andreduce your consumptionof acidicfoods(of which milkisone).Eatingmore alkalisingfoods such as leafygreens(tryjuicingthemto increase yourintake) andlemonjuice or cidervinegarinwater(oddlyeventhough theyare acidstheyare treatedinthe bodyas alkalising).Ohandlesscoffee (if youcan’t cut it out completelythenmake sure you balance itwithplentyof water whichhelpsneutralisesit).Andwhatever youdo try to avoid certaindrugslike the bisphosphonates –these stopyourbody breakingdownoldbone andincrease the likelihoodof cancer. 10. You needtolookat what isgoingon in your life whenyougethealthissues –to show the linkbetweenoutside eventsand illness. A naturopathicapproach*uses natural medicine whichconsidersthe ‘ecology’of the personasbeingessential increatingthe right(orwrong) conditions for healthandwellness.If youare eating poor qualityfood,thinkingtoxicthoughts (I’museless, Inevergetanythingright, etc) and workinginan environmentthatis not supportingyou,thenillnessismuch more likely.Healthrequiresworkingonall these levelssimultaneously,isapro- active and continual process(not something forgottenandassumedwhen youare not ‘ill’). i BMJ 2002;325:1433 Naturopathyisthe science,art,philosophy and practice of analysis,treatmentand preventionof illnesswithoutpharmaceutical drugsor surgery.Naturopathyemphasisesthe body’sinnate abilitytoheal andmaintain itself.
  • 3. 10 Things you should know about health and your doctor never told you By Patricia Worby, MSc. ACMT, PGDip 07973 417312