When you enter the professional world, you will realize that communication skills are extremely important for personal accomplishment and a successful career. While educational institutions place special emphasis on students’ communication skills development, writing skills are equally important. These skills enable you to communicate efficiently in an official environment via correspondence, persuade potential customers, and win business.
Eclipses solaresWualfred TorresUn eclipse solar ocurre cuando la Luna pasa entre la Tierra y el Sol, bloqueando parcial o totalmente la luz del Sol. Existen tres tipos principales de eclipses solares: eclipses totales, anulares y parciales. Los eclipses han tenido importancia histórica para el desarrollo científico al permitir el descubrimiento del período Saros y mejorar la comprensión de distancias astronómicas. Para observar un eclipse de forma segura se deben usar gafas especialmente diseñadas o proyectar la imagen a través
12 Effective Strategies to Improve Your Essay Writing Skills | Future Educati...Future Education MagazineHere are 12 tricks to boosting essay writing skills: 1. Understand the Assignment 2. Plan Your Time 3. Research Thoroughly 4. Develop a Strong Thesis Statement 5. Create an Outline
Join Business Writing Skills Training and Write clearTonexAlmost all business activities are planned, intentionally, executed and analyzed in written form.
These forms include reports, report summaries, letters, memos and e-mails, and any documents related to business facts. Mutually they are a paper repertoire, recording the proposals, activities and results of numerous business transactions.
4 main types of business writing include:
Description: This writing form provides readers with the information they need to follow the new process at work.
Informational: This type of writing provides readers with reference information and can be used to make decisions in the organization.
Persuasive: Professionals use persuasive writing to attract readers to make specific decisions.
Transactional: Employees use this type of text in daily business communication to share information or get specific responses from colleagues or customers.
Like leadership, most of the people don't have innate writing skills. However, when communicating with others about contracts, recommendations, or other matters involving rock bottom line, having good business writing skills could also be different.
Unfortunately, within the business world, messy emails, incorrectly formatted reports, and rigid, unfriendly content often become the norm.
Writing is a process consisting of several interrelated steps:
Review and Revision
For constructive business writing skills:
Know the audience
Clearly state the purpose
Use concise language
Keeping writingfreed fromerrors
Use active voice
Well organized ideas
State facts rather than opinions
Show confidence
Use simple format
Maintain the ability to adapt to different types of writing
Tonex offers Business Writing Skills Training
Business Writing Skills Training provides you with the simplest practices that business men and ladies got to know so as to write down clear, successful, professional business documents, containing e-mail, memos, letters, and reports. you'll learn a scientific technique of writing that facilitate writing and leads your audience through the content.
Learn About
Styles and formulas to meet different writing requirements
Familiar with powerful opening and closing to attract and maintain attention
Think rationally through obstructive thoughts and build documents through modeling information
Determine the needs and prospects of readers to set goals and priorities
Arrange opinions and generate content .
How to edit and proofread the final version
And More.
Course Outline:
Business Writing Skills Overview
Constructing Your Documents
Writing Reports To Consider Business Issues
Highlighting Benefits to the Audience
How to Persuade Your Readers
Communicating What You Really Mean via E-mail
TONEX Hands-On Workshop Sample
Learn More:
Write a Letter of Recommendation_ A Comprehensive Guide.pdfFuture Education MagazineIn this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the key elements, best practices, and nuances involved in crafting letters of recommendation that leave a lasting impression.
Process of writing (1)hafizhannanThe document outlines the process of technical writing in 5 steps: 1) Identify your purpose, 2) Analyze your reader, 3) Choose your ideas, 4) Collect your data, and 5) Organize your message. It then discusses the steps of writing including drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. Technical writing requires proper planning and organization as different types of messages require different structures.
How to Develop Writing Skills Fred Freeman Okpala. BA, MBA,...This document provides advice on developing writing skills. It recommends focusing on readers' needs, communicating an original contribution clearly and concisely. Basic writing rules are outlined, such as avoiding long sentences and using simple words. Signposts should guide readers, including a table of contents and introductory sections. Writing should tell a clear story and be fully referenced. Regular writing practice is encouraged to improve grammar, proofreading, and critical thinking skills. Feedback from professors is important for development.
Report writing skills brochureZabeel InstituteReport Writing Skills Course in Dubai, Sharjah & Abudhabi
The ability to communicate clearly is an important skill. Many of today’s inter-personal communication
The course contains a variety of detailed sessions, each focusing on different aspects of this life cycle. Each session provides step-by-step guidelines on how to approach the subject and is followed by exercises where delegates can immediately practice the skill. Research shows that the best way to learn is by example.
For more information: https://tinyurl.com/y2vrzurz
WhatsApp: 971503068426
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How to write a thesis statement-essayfreelancewriters.competerBj1They help establish the main idea, opinion, or theory expressed in writing or speech and can be found all over – even in advertising!
Written Comm Part One 5 4 11JNnekaThis document provides an overview of a session on critical analysis and advancement of writing and communication skills. The session aims to give participants the tools to become effective writers and think differently about communication. It discusses knowing one's audience, understanding communication, challenges with writing, and the five S's of good business writing: simple, suitable, sound, sufficient, and succinct. Participants are encouraged to apply these principles and techniques to improve their writing.
Swwp 5jayson tibayanThis document discusses effective professional writing. It provides tips for writing research papers, including selecting a topic, conducting research, outlining, drafting and revising. Professional writing is precise and reduces ambiguity to clearly convey information to specialists in the field. It focuses on content over style and uses specific vocabulary familiar to the intended audience. Sections of a research paper typically include the title, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion and references. The document also contrasts different types of communication like written, oral and internet publishing and emphasizes establishing good writing habits and ethics.
Strategies for Developing Writing SkillsFred Freeman Okpala. BA, MBA,...This document provides strategies for effective academic writing at the university level. It recommends preparing for writing by planning and outlining. Students should set a regular writing schedule with dedicated time blocks and realistic deadlines that acknowledge all stages of the writing process from research to editing. When writing longer assignments, it may be best to start with the sections you are most familiar with. Taking breaks is important but set times to restart. Academic writing should be clear, reasoned, and based on robust evidence from reliable sources, with strengths and weaknesses critically examined. Materials for writing like articles and notes need to be well-organized for easy reference.
7 Principles of CommunicationsdexpanThe document discusses the 7 principles of effective communication: Conciseness, Completeness, Consideration, Clarity, Concreteness, Correctness, and Courtesy. It provides guidelines for each principle to help compose messages that achieve communication goals in the shortest time possible. The principles tie closely with basic communication concepts and are important for both written and oral interactions.
Sample National Junior Honor Society EssayAndrea NgoThis document discusses some of the key challenges in writing an effective essay for the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). It notes that applicants must clearly understand NJHS's values and selection criteria. They must also showcase leadership, character, service, citizenship, and scholarship through concrete examples while maintaining humility. Additionally, applicants need to present their ideas in a logical, coherent structure without using cliches or generic statements. Finally, careful editing is required to eliminate errors ensure a polished essay. The document concludes by acknowledging writing assistance services can provide guidance but must be used ethically.
Top 10 Tips For Improving Writing Skills - Copy (2).pptxDissertation Writing Services Hey!! I have been a worker at the Dissertation Writing Services Company for 5 years . If you need any writing help you can visit our website.Dissertation Writing Services are designed to empower students to achieve academic excellence.
dissertation stands as a pinnacle of academic achievement. It is a substantial, often daunting task that requires not only an in-depth understanding of a chosen field but also rigorous research, analytical prowess, and exceptional writing skills. For many students, balancing the demands of dissertation writing with other academic, professional, and personal responsibilities can be overwhelming.
Writing A Persuasive PaperAngel JordanThe document discusses several topics related to writing academic papers and persuasive documents, including how to write discussion papers, issue papers, research papers, admission essays, proposals, and formal letters. It provides guidance on understanding topics, formatting outlines, including thorough discussion of multiple sides of issues, citing sources, and using templates to structure writing. The document also defines persuasive writing and discusses how to write persuasive commercial cleaning proposals to expand a business.
10 Step plan for creating a winning personal statementpersonalstatementwriter.orgDo you still have problems on how to write the perfect personal statement? Get a winning personal satetement now! Just come on with us at http://www.personalstatementwriter.org/ and take an outstanding statement.
written skill.docxthenationaltvprofessional writing - one of the effective soft skills to improve and enhance the communication and writing in an effective & better way in the companies
Business communication for successMarouaneeloualiThis document provides an overview of communication as a process with 8 essential components. It defines communication as the process of understanding and sharing meaning between participants. The document outlines two models of communication - the transmission model which views communication as a linear process of sending and receiving messages, and the transactional model which views it as a circular process where communication is influenced by both parties through feedback. It also identifies the key components of communication as the sender, message, medium, receiver, feedback, noise, context and environment.
Business communication for successMaria Alejandra DominguezThis document provides an overview of a textbook on business communication. It discusses the goals and structure of the textbook. The textbook aims to provide a comprehensive approach to teaching written and oral business communication skills. It contains chapters organized into three sections: foundations, processes and products, and communication contexts. Each chapter focuses on clear learning objectives and demonstrations of skills that can be linked to course requirements. The textbook is designed to help students identify important information, reinforce learning, and demonstrate mastery of communication skills.
How To Write A Good Persuasive Essay.pdfBrittany KochThe document discusses how to write a persuasive essay on the topic of "How To Write A Good Persuasive Essay". It states that such an essay requires a comprehensive understanding of persuasive writing techniques as well as the ability to effectively teach those techniques to others. It notes that the writer must balance persuasiveness with objectivity, use strong evidence and logical organization. Producing an engaging essay on this complex topic demands introspection, analysis of exemplary essays, and a commitment to honing persuasive writing skills. Overall, the document presents composing such an essay as a challenging but enriching process that can enhance one's own abilities when they successfully navigate the principles of persuasive writing and communication.
7Cs Of Effective Communication.pptxDakshUpadhyay4This document outlines the principles of effective communication according to the 7 C's model. The 7 C's are clear, concise, concrete, coherent, complete, correct, and courteous communication. Each C is defined and examples are provided. Clear communication means being unambiguous and easy to understand. Concise communication avoids unnecessary words. Concrete communication provides specific details. Coherent communication uses logical organization. Complete communication includes all necessary information. Correct communication is free of errors. Courteous communication is respectful and considerate of the audience. Mastering the 7 C's leads to effective business communication.
BC 206 - Amity Tashkent - Writing Process & Workplace CommunicationParveen Kumar SharmaThe document provides guidance for Parveen Kumar's final exam in B Sc IT 2. It outlines the exam format which includes 3 sections (A, B, C) and various types of questions worth different point values. Section A contains 6 multiple choice questions worth 4 marks each. Section B has 2 questions worth 8 marks each. Section C is a compulsory long answer question worth 14 marks. The document advises on the expected length of answers based on question point value. It also lists the exam modules and provides some sample questions.
How To Write A Scholarship Essay Format.pdfMichelle StefanichWriting a successful scholarship essay requires addressing several challenges: conducting thorough research on essay requirements and yourself, clearly conveying why you deserve the scholarship while avoiding arrogance, organizing content coherently within a limited word count, finding a unique angle to stand out from other applicants, and ensuring proper grammar. Mastering the art of crafting a compelling scholarship essay format increases chances of securing financial aid and improves communication skills. Seeking guidance from reliable sources can help overcome these challenges.
Writing Informative Texts Education Presentation in Blue and Orange Grid Line...NioAbaoCasyaoThis document discusses strategies for effective writing. It begins by explaining how strong writing skills are important for success and outlines key areas like selecting ideas, developing topics, and using precise language. It then delves into various aspects of successful writing like planning, understanding the audience, sentence structure, and revision. The document emphasizes developing a "writer's eye" through techniques like shifting perspectives, focusing on conciseness, and sharpening descriptions. It concludes by recommending resources for improving editing abilities and notes that the editing process is iterative.
readessay.com-Types of Accounting and Careers and Job Opportunities in 2022-2...AlexRobert25Did you know that a career in accounting has great potential? The reason is that the accounting stance for jobs is thriving and paving a successful future for candidates.
Top Assignment Cover Page IdeasAlexRobert25An assignment cover page, also the first page of a project creates the first impression on the reader. So, when attempting an assignment, the cover page is the most important part as it includes the candidate’s name, course title, institution, student ID, submission date and other relevant details.
How to export import a mysql database via ssh in aws lightsail wordpress rizw...AlexRobert25Suppose you want a database backup of any instances ‘ in AWS Lightsail WordPress ‘ through putty or SSH. For that, first, we need to create an instance
Managerial accounting - read essayAlexRobert25Managerial Accounting before 1950 was focused on the manufacturing product costs. The technology was also simple in evaluating the product-related cost. In 1977 the more complex managerial accounting method was introduced, and the company starts using the costs accounts to evaluate the product-related material and direct labor costs.
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How to write a thesis statement-essayfreelancewriters.competerBj1They help establish the main idea, opinion, or theory expressed in writing or speech and can be found all over – even in advertising!
Written Comm Part One 5 4 11JNnekaThis document provides an overview of a session on critical analysis and advancement of writing and communication skills. The session aims to give participants the tools to become effective writers and think differently about communication. It discusses knowing one's audience, understanding communication, challenges with writing, and the five S's of good business writing: simple, suitable, sound, sufficient, and succinct. Participants are encouraged to apply these principles and techniques to improve their writing.
Swwp 5jayson tibayanThis document discusses effective professional writing. It provides tips for writing research papers, including selecting a topic, conducting research, outlining, drafting and revising. Professional writing is precise and reduces ambiguity to clearly convey information to specialists in the field. It focuses on content over style and uses specific vocabulary familiar to the intended audience. Sections of a research paper typically include the title, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion and references. The document also contrasts different types of communication like written, oral and internet publishing and emphasizes establishing good writing habits and ethics.
Strategies for Developing Writing SkillsFred Freeman Okpala. BA, MBA,...This document provides strategies for effective academic writing at the university level. It recommends preparing for writing by planning and outlining. Students should set a regular writing schedule with dedicated time blocks and realistic deadlines that acknowledge all stages of the writing process from research to editing. When writing longer assignments, it may be best to start with the sections you are most familiar with. Taking breaks is important but set times to restart. Academic writing should be clear, reasoned, and based on robust evidence from reliable sources, with strengths and weaknesses critically examined. Materials for writing like articles and notes need to be well-organized for easy reference.
7 Principles of CommunicationsdexpanThe document discusses the 7 principles of effective communication: Conciseness, Completeness, Consideration, Clarity, Concreteness, Correctness, and Courtesy. It provides guidelines for each principle to help compose messages that achieve communication goals in the shortest time possible. The principles tie closely with basic communication concepts and are important for both written and oral interactions.
Sample National Junior Honor Society EssayAndrea NgoThis document discusses some of the key challenges in writing an effective essay for the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). It notes that applicants must clearly understand NJHS's values and selection criteria. They must also showcase leadership, character, service, citizenship, and scholarship through concrete examples while maintaining humility. Additionally, applicants need to present their ideas in a logical, coherent structure without using cliches or generic statements. Finally, careful editing is required to eliminate errors ensure a polished essay. The document concludes by acknowledging writing assistance services can provide guidance but must be used ethically.
Top 10 Tips For Improving Writing Skills - Copy (2).pptxDissertation Writing Services Hey!! I have been a worker at the Dissertation Writing Services Company for 5 years . If you need any writing help you can visit our website.Dissertation Writing Services are designed to empower students to achieve academic excellence.
dissertation stands as a pinnacle of academic achievement. It is a substantial, often daunting task that requires not only an in-depth understanding of a chosen field but also rigorous research, analytical prowess, and exceptional writing skills. For many students, balancing the demands of dissertation writing with other academic, professional, and personal responsibilities can be overwhelming.
Writing A Persuasive PaperAngel JordanThe document discusses several topics related to writing academic papers and persuasive documents, including how to write discussion papers, issue papers, research papers, admission essays, proposals, and formal letters. It provides guidance on understanding topics, formatting outlines, including thorough discussion of multiple sides of issues, citing sources, and using templates to structure writing. The document also defines persuasive writing and discusses how to write persuasive commercial cleaning proposals to expand a business.
10 Step plan for creating a winning personal statementpersonalstatementwriter.orgDo you still have problems on how to write the perfect personal statement? Get a winning personal satetement now! Just come on with us at http://www.personalstatementwriter.org/ and take an outstanding statement.
written skill.docxthenationaltvprofessional writing - one of the effective soft skills to improve and enhance the communication and writing in an effective & better way in the companies
Business communication for successMarouaneeloualiThis document provides an overview of communication as a process with 8 essential components. It defines communication as the process of understanding and sharing meaning between participants. The document outlines two models of communication - the transmission model which views communication as a linear process of sending and receiving messages, and the transactional model which views it as a circular process where communication is influenced by both parties through feedback. It also identifies the key components of communication as the sender, message, medium, receiver, feedback, noise, context and environment.
Business communication for successMaria Alejandra DominguezThis document provides an overview of a textbook on business communication. It discusses the goals and structure of the textbook. The textbook aims to provide a comprehensive approach to teaching written and oral business communication skills. It contains chapters organized into three sections: foundations, processes and products, and communication contexts. Each chapter focuses on clear learning objectives and demonstrations of skills that can be linked to course requirements. The textbook is designed to help students identify important information, reinforce learning, and demonstrate mastery of communication skills.
How To Write A Good Persuasive Essay.pdfBrittany KochThe document discusses how to write a persuasive essay on the topic of "How To Write A Good Persuasive Essay". It states that such an essay requires a comprehensive understanding of persuasive writing techniques as well as the ability to effectively teach those techniques to others. It notes that the writer must balance persuasiveness with objectivity, use strong evidence and logical organization. Producing an engaging essay on this complex topic demands introspection, analysis of exemplary essays, and a commitment to honing persuasive writing skills. Overall, the document presents composing such an essay as a challenging but enriching process that can enhance one's own abilities when they successfully navigate the principles of persuasive writing and communication.
7Cs Of Effective Communication.pptxDakshUpadhyay4This document outlines the principles of effective communication according to the 7 C's model. The 7 C's are clear, concise, concrete, coherent, complete, correct, and courteous communication. Each C is defined and examples are provided. Clear communication means being unambiguous and easy to understand. Concise communication avoids unnecessary words. Concrete communication provides specific details. Coherent communication uses logical organization. Complete communication includes all necessary information. Correct communication is free of errors. Courteous communication is respectful and considerate of the audience. Mastering the 7 C's leads to effective business communication.
BC 206 - Amity Tashkent - Writing Process & Workplace CommunicationParveen Kumar SharmaThe document provides guidance for Parveen Kumar's final exam in B Sc IT 2. It outlines the exam format which includes 3 sections (A, B, C) and various types of questions worth different point values. Section A contains 6 multiple choice questions worth 4 marks each. Section B has 2 questions worth 8 marks each. Section C is a compulsory long answer question worth 14 marks. The document advises on the expected length of answers based on question point value. It also lists the exam modules and provides some sample questions.
How To Write A Scholarship Essay Format.pdfMichelle StefanichWriting a successful scholarship essay requires addressing several challenges: conducting thorough research on essay requirements and yourself, clearly conveying why you deserve the scholarship while avoiding arrogance, organizing content coherently within a limited word count, finding a unique angle to stand out from other applicants, and ensuring proper grammar. Mastering the art of crafting a compelling scholarship essay format increases chances of securing financial aid and improves communication skills. Seeking guidance from reliable sources can help overcome these challenges.
Writing Informative Texts Education Presentation in Blue and Orange Grid Line...NioAbaoCasyaoThis document discusses strategies for effective writing. It begins by explaining how strong writing skills are important for success and outlines key areas like selecting ideas, developing topics, and using precise language. It then delves into various aspects of successful writing like planning, understanding the audience, sentence structure, and revision. The document emphasizes developing a "writer's eye" through techniques like shifting perspectives, focusing on conciseness, and sharpening descriptions. It concludes by recommending resources for improving editing abilities and notes that the editing process is iterative.
readessay.com-Types of Accounting and Careers and Job Opportunities in 2022-2...AlexRobert25Did you know that a career in accounting has great potential? The reason is that the accounting stance for jobs is thriving and paving a successful future for candidates.
Top Assignment Cover Page IdeasAlexRobert25An assignment cover page, also the first page of a project creates the first impression on the reader. So, when attempting an assignment, the cover page is the most important part as it includes the candidate’s name, course title, institution, student ID, submission date and other relevant details.
How to export import a mysql database via ssh in aws lightsail wordpress rizw...AlexRobert25Suppose you want a database backup of any instances ‘ in AWS Lightsail WordPress ‘ through putty or SSH. For that, first, we need to create an instance
Managerial accounting - read essayAlexRobert25Managerial Accounting before 1950 was focused on the manufacturing product costs. The technology was also simple in evaluating the product-related cost. In 1977 the more complex managerial accounting method was introduced, and the company starts using the costs accounts to evaluate the product-related material and direct labor costs.
Maus an analysis novel by art spiegelmanAlexRobert251) Maus is a graphic novel by Art Spiegelman that depicts his father's experience surviving the Holocaust. It portrays Jews as mice and Nazis as cats. This was meant to allow a new perspective on the history.
2) There was denial of the Holocaust in the Arab/Muslim world and anti-Semitism still exists. Nazis spread propaganda to Arabs against Jewish migration to Palestine. Tensions increased between Jews and Arabs from the 1950s-1980s due to Jewish migration from Arab states.
3) Spiegelman used animals to force readers to confront the inhumanity and brutality of what happened, while also showing human resilience and survival. German hatred of Jews became linked to
Applications of PhysicsAlexRobert25Physics has been unified in our daily lives so well that it has imprisoned people with its combined forces. Physics have many long-term and short-term uses in our daily lives from which our lives are evolved. Many technologies today incorporate the laws of physics in their working. In this essay, some of the noteworthy applications of physics in our daily lives, have been mentioned.
Kuwait Trade Union FederationAlexRobert25Trade union is a kind of organization that is more likely to work for the promotion as well as protection of common concerns of leaders of unions along with other workers of unions. In this regard, it would not be wrong to say that trade union play a major role, especially when it comes about to settle conflict of interest and other issues of workers involving wage issues, working hours, nature and level of work employed to workers with special issues etc.
How Toyota Turns Workers into Problem SolversAlexRobert25The article reflects several factors which are core to the quality products of Toyota. The quality of Toyota car has been maintained for several years, and Toyota is continuously trying to improve it further. The underlying question is that despite the openness of Toyota about its processes, no other company has yet attained the same level of efficiency and effectiveness par with Toyota.
Dc motor modelling lab reportAlexRobert25The experiment is on the DC motor modelling along with DC motor validation. The system of DC analysed in this experiment by the connection of hardware and software. The bump test method is done which depends on responses of the stable system.
Impact of computers on big dataAlexRobert25Big data has revolutionized manufacturing through computational analysis. Manufacturers can now analyze massive data sets from assembly lines and product testing to improve quality, cut costs, optimize workforce efficiency, and enhance collaboration. However, many manufacturers have not fully leveraged big data analytics due to the complexity of integrating information technology systems and determining the right analytical tools. As manufacturers learn to better extract insights from their large amounts of production data, they can continue developing processes and increasing growth.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAKThese questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Principle and Practices of Animal Breeding || Boby BasnetBoby BasnetPrinciple and Practices of Animal Breeding Full Note
|| Assistant Professor Boby Basnet ||IAAS || AFU || PU || FU
Kaun TALHA quiz Prelims - El Dorado 2025Conquiztadors- the Quiz Society of Sri Venkateswara CollegePrelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline GeorgeOdoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar SudarThe main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of software’s, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
APM People Interest Network Conference - Oliver Randall & David Bovis - Own Y...Association for Project Management APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM® an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA™ and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the ‘Go-To’ expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in London’s Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caan’s ‘Your business’ Magazine, ‘Quality World’, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities ‘PMA’, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SME’s. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy – The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to “a world in which all projects succeed”.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM® Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo ݺߣsCeline GeorgeIn this slide we’ll discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny JeniferA powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
10 Ways to Improve Writing Skills in 2023 – Beginner to Professional Guide
1. 1/7
10 Ways to Improve Writing Skills in 2023 – Beginner to
Professional Guide
When you enter the professional world, you will realize that communication skills are
extremely important for personal accomplishment and a successful career. While
educational institutions place special emphasis on students’ communication skills
development, writing skills are equally important. These skills enable you to communicate
efficiently in an official environment via correspondence, persuade potential customers,
and win business.
The elements like expression, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, paragraph formation,
sentence structure, research and accuracy, precision and persuasiveness, all influence the
quality of writing.
Writing skills are not only important for your academic performance but are also highly
demanded in professional life. It makes you a better communicator, as you can
communicate your ideas via official correspondence and publications. Excellent written
communication creates an impression, boosts the reader’s confidence and earns you more
credibility as a professional.
What are the Different Types of Business Writings?
When you are at your workplace, you are required to communicate with your co-workers,
stakeholders and clients. You may have to connect via telephone, text, video, email, fax, or
others, and share info. Hence, writing skills are an important factor in job places. When
we talk about writing in the workplace, it is mainly business writing. So, here are the main
types of business writing:
You can use instructional business writing when variations take place at the job place.
And if you are a senior authority, you may use instructional writing to deliver directions to
your subordinates. Instructional writing is highly demanded at workplaces as it breaks
down the messages into individual tasks or series of steps that enhance readers’
Informational writing is mainly about forming official documents for reference or record
keeping. Good writers are a valuable business asset as they help progress towards
organizational goals, anticipate forthcoming changes, and conform to legal obligations.
2. 2/7
Persuasive writing influences readers to take an action such as purchasing a product,
hiring a service, or donating. This type of writing is highly common in sales and
marketing, usually direct, and focuses on a specific good or service. It also helps build and
maintain client relationships over long periods.
This type of business writing embraces routine communication. You can use it to draft
emails, business letters, invoices, and other company forms. The human resource
department uses transactional writing to share complex info with the staff members.
What are the Different Types of Academic Writing?
If you are a student, you may have to do a lot of academic writing to achieve good grades.
Here are different types of academic writing that you may come across:
It is the most basic type of academic writing. You can use descriptive writing to share facts
or info. Some common examples of descriptive writing include article summaries, reports
or experiment outcomes. If you are given an assignment that requires descriptive writing,
you may have to identify, report, record summarise and define.
Though analytical writing embraces descriptive writing, in this, you, have to shuffle the
facts and info you describe into types, clusters, parts, varieties or relationships. In
analytical writing, you may have to examine, compare, contrast, relay and study.
Persuasive writing encompasses all aspects of analytical writing such as facts and
reorganization of the info, along with your viewpoint. As a student, you may have to write
several persuasive essays and include a convincing element in the discussion and
Critical writing includes all elements of persuasive writing along with your viewpoint. If
you are doing persuasive writing, you may have your perspective, matter or theme,
however, for critical writing, you are required to reflect on at least two outlooks (that may
include your own). For instance, you may describe a researcher’s analysis or argument,
and then assess the merits of the argument, or provide your alternate explanation. If you
are doing critical writing, you may have to critique, debate, disagree and evaluate. For
critical writing, you require strong writing skills, a sound understanding of the topic, and
skills to develop a strong argument along with evidence.
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What are the 10 Ways to Improve Writing Skills in 2023?
Some people have innate writing skills, which makes them outshine others. However, if
you are not an expert writer, you can always learn. All you need is focus, time and
practice. This article will illustrate 10 ways or strategies that can help enhance your
writing skills in 2023:
Understand the Ideologies of Thoughtful Practice
If you are struggling with how to improve writing skills and feeling overwhelmed, the
great news is that it is not very difficult. All you need is commitment and dedication, and
you can achieve big. Just like a cook becomes a professional chef, and a guitarist becomes
a popular singer, you can also build on your skill set, and feel accomplished.
Here is how you can improve your writing aptitude:
Know Your Writing Flaws
To improve your writing skills, you need to identify your weaknesses and determine what
you wish to improve. For instance, if you are a student you will have to build on your
academic writing skills, however, if you are a professional, you will have to master
business writing skills. These efforts will accelerate your life achievements.
Read Work of Other Authors to Enhance Your Understanding of Writing Techniques
If you wish to enhance your writing skills, you should find works of other authors, and
learn how they apply different writing techniques to influence the readers. If you wish to
master one specific writing technique, learn its specifics and practice. Challenge yourself,
create new content every time, and nurture a growth mind-set.
Do Research Before Writing
Before cooking a meal, you consider everyone’s requirements, and preferences to make a
decision. Then, you get your groceries and follow a set of instructions to prepare a dish. As
good cooking requires planning and effort, building writing skills have similar
requirements. So, here are a few things to consider when writing:
Who is the target audience or reader?
A good writer will always develop their writings according to a particular reader in mind.
They will understand their interests, motivations and fears when writing. This will make
their writing more specific, and popular.
What Resolution Will You Present?
Every person acts out of their interest. Readers will be more interested in your writing
when it will show a resolution to a problem. Valuable content has a clear purpose i.e. to
enthuse readers to follow your advice or opinion.
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What Resolution Will You Present?
What roadmap will you choose to help your readers solve issues or achieve their targets?
Setting a roadmap will help you write clear and rational articles.
How Can You Mentor the Reader?
Remember that you are influencing the reader with your writings, and you act as a
mentor. So, you need to reflect that you understand readers’ problems, discuss the
solution, and motivate them to do something that can make their lives or future better.
Learn the Art of Structuring the Writing
When you want to achieve big, you plan. Every project requires a concept or idea,
preparation, and effort that will lead to exceptional results. Similarly, a good writer also
plans, prepares and does hard work. A credible piece of writing will keep the reader
hooked and engaged throughout. So, your writings should be in accordance.
Influential Headline
An influential headline uses powerful words or facts to capture the readers’ attention.
Remember readers’ mind is occupied with many things and stresses. So, as a writer, you
need to include content in the headline that interests the reader and addresses their
Attractive Opening
An attractive opening can well capture the audience, discuss readers’ concerns and show
them a way out, so they are motivated to read.
Valuable Body
A valuable body of an essay includes relevant and credible evidence or pathway on how to
resolve the issue or achieve a target.
Inspirational Conclusion
The conclusion should be inspirational as it will entice the reader to take action. You can
become a real authority when your reader feels the change that your suggestion can make
in their life.
As long as you keep your readers’ interests in mind, you can successfully achieve your
purpose. However, you should communicate clearly and powerfully.
Master The Basic Writing Skills
To prepare a delicious meal, a chef needs to follow many steps such as cutting, sautéing,
grilling and roasting. Similarly, you should follow the basic writing skills to create highly
impressive writings.
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Learn the Art of Using Rich Language
Rich language can help you expertly transform abstract ideas into concrete ones. The
reader will be able to better understand ideas, messages and viewpoints.
Write Expressive Sentences
The basis of good writing is to include expressive and meaningful words and sentences in
your essays.
Transition Smoothly
A commendable writer knows how to transition easily from one sentence to another, and
from one paragraph to another. Make sure that every sentence and para interconnects, as
it will provide a flow to your writings.
Clear and Concise Writing
Writing clear and concise messages will make your writings persuasive, strong and
Use Powerful Words
Weak words, clichés and slang can reduce the worth of your essay. So, if you wish to jazz
up your writing, choose powerful words and sensory phrases.
Learn the Advanced Skill to Boost Your Writing Credibility
After you have learnt to communicate with power and lucidity, it is the right time to build
your signature style:
Zoom-in-zoom-out are worthy techniques that will help you weave minute stories in
your content.
Use cliffhangers to pace your stories and capture readers.
Using metaphors can spice up your writing and change the essence of boring topics.
Include long sentences, and learn how to use rhythm to tune your writings.
Choose different word choices, and prefer using a more conversational tone so that
readers get accustomed to your voice.
Write from the bottom of your heart so that your writings reflect enthusiasm. It is a
great way to engross readers and flash action.
Learn Writing Habits
People learn cooking through YouTube videos, referring to recipe books, guidance from
experts or experimenting. Similarly, you can learn writing skills in many ways. One of the
most powerful ways to master writing skills is to practice regularly. Here is how:
Plan your timetable and allocate some part of the day to writing
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Set daily targets to achieve big. Remember that writing one paragraph daily or even
allocating 10 minutes to writing each day can be very helpful.
Develop a creative link with your inner critic, as it will enable you to become a more
thrilled and productive writer.
Begin writing, even if you are least motivated for the day. Your thinking will
recompense your hard work, and your words will start creating a magical influence.
Choose a peaceful place to write where there are no distractions. Put aside your cell
phone, social media, and other entertainment to focus. Once, you are successful in
focusing, your output will be your superpower.
Break down the writing process into simple steps such as outline, drafting, revision
and final editing. Try not to do too much work at one time. Instead, divide it into
days, so that you can do some each day, and improve your writing with fresh energy.
Haughty goals might not help you develop writing habits. So, try to make small
efforts such as writing sentences, small paragraphs and then eventually writing
essays. This will eventually help build your strength and boost your confidence in
writing. You will grow day by day.
Proofread and Edit
Do you think a piece of writing full of grammar and spelling mistakes will create a good
impression? Certainly not. So, you should learn to create fool-proof writing making it easy
for the writer to understand.
As a good writer, you should know the skills of using punctuation and forming sentence
structure and paragraphs. It will add more credibility to your writing.
If you are weak at grammar and spelling, it’s a good idea to use various online checking
tools such as Grammarly. These tools are helpful and seasoned for writers to help them
avoid mistakes. You can even consider practising online or seeking expert help. Business
Assignment Help in UK is a preferred option for this.
Read What You Wish to Write
Whatever you wish to write, read a similar sample. It will guide your writing, and develop
your professional approach. For instance, if you are writing an argumentative essay, read
the essay requirements, the way of writing, and a sample. Make notes of how the author
has structured the essay and made it valuable. You can search for samples online.
However, if you are a student, you may ask your senior class teacher to provide you with a
sample of past students. Another useful way is to seek Online Business Management
Assignment Help in UK.
If you wish to become a valuable writer, you should develop a reading habit. Reading
every day can help improve your writing. You can read a newspaper, magazine, article or
book. If you are not a habitual reader, you may begin with the topics that interest you. You
can even ask your friends and family for suggestions. It will help you understand different
subjects, genres and authors.
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Get Feedback
No matter what you are writing, taking feedback from an expert or someone can notably
improve your writing. Another person’s opinion or interpretation can help you focus and
create better structure, conclusion and argument.
So, the best way to get feedback is to approach a trusted friend, co-worker, teacher,
mentor or family member and ask them to read your writings. However, if you are a
student, your institution might also have a writing resource centre you can access for help.
Another way is to formulate a writing group or join a writing class. You may look up
writing courses online, at your local library, community college or independent workshop
in your locality.
Joining a writing course is the most effective and fast-tracked way to improve your
writing skills. You will be amazed to know that there are several creative writing,
copywriting and academic writing courses available online. You just need to sign up,
submit payment and join classes.
Structure is Important
While grammar, spelling and sentence structure make your writing cohesive, your essay
structure is equally important. So, before you start writing, create an outline to set the
structure. An outline can give you an idea of what to include in each section, allowing you
to imagine the flow of your writing and structure parts that require more research and
Remember that structure for every piece of writing is different. A typical essay comprises
of intro, body and conclusion. However, a fiction piece might feature a six-stage plot
structure including exposition, action, climax, falling action, resolution and
denouncement. So, make the best choice, and sway your audience.