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$ 100 Change
A blueprint for creating change, taking action and
       starting your dream project today

Focus On A Single Small Change                                                      Day 4  with
The results of big changes are dramatic, but they are often produced by
lots of small, incremental, cumulative changes.

So if youre just starting out and feeling daunted by the challenge, focus
on making a single small change. If youre not yet in a position to help
others, then make a change in your own life.

Dont worry how small it is - as long as it is measurable and meaningful.
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Keep doing this and learning from the results. Over time, youll start to see
some of the changes you create start to snowball, and youll know youre
onto something bigger...
                                                                                Mark McGuinness
                                                                                  Mark is a Creative Business
                                                                                    Coach, based in London
                                                                                 and helping creative people
                                                                                 worldwide via Lateral Action

Generosity Makes An Impact                                                          Day 12    with
The $100 is irrelevant. The challenge of starting a business for $100 is just
a marketing gimmick.

The way you see the world is what counts.

The real question is, do you believe that youre capable of starting, growing
and sustaining a business?
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If you do, are you hungry enough to accept the risk and challenges that
are part and parcel of entrepreneurship?

If you can answer a resounding yes, then go for it and go big.
                                                                                   Michael Port
Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there.
                                                                                     Michael is a New York Times
                                                                                Bestselling author of four books
                                                                                   including Book Yourself Solid,
                                                                                        Beyond Booked Solid, The
                                                                                 Contrarian Effect and The Think
                                                                                       Big Manifesto. Michael can
                                                                                    be seen regularly on MSNBC
                                                                                      and CNBC and receives the
                                                                                highest overall speaker ratings at
                                                                                  conferences around the world.
                                                                                  Why? Because his mission is to
                                                                                   rally you to think bigger about
                                                                                who you are and what you offer

Create Content And Connections                                                         Day 17    with
If I only had $100 to start up a new business, I would find a cheap hosting
service and purchase a URL and a year of hosting.

I would install Wordpress, set up a free template, and start writing articles
immediately that are unique, full of personality, and provide a tremen-
dous amount of very specific advice that solves a problem that people
are struggling with.
Click to tweet this

Id use free social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+
to connect with potential readers, readers, fans, and my personal heroes.
Id spend all of my free time creating new content, connecting with more
people, and just trying to be as helpful as possible.
                                                                                       Steve Kamb
Eventually, Id ask the people reading the site what are you struggling                        Steve is the creator of
with the most right now? and then find a way to create a product or ser-                  NerdFitness.com, a fitness
vice around that idea.                                                              community dedicated to helping
                                                                                      average Joes and desk jockeys
                                                                                   live healthier lives. While running
Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there
                                                                                         Nerd Fitness from his laptop,
                                                                                      Steve has explored the ruins of
                                                                                      Machu Picchu and Angkor Wat,
                                                                                       dived with sharks on the Great
                                                                                      Barrier Reef, flew a Wt plane in
                                                                                       New Zealand, lived like James
                                                                                        Bond in Monte Carlo, tracked
                                                                                  animals in South Africa, and guest
                                                                                 lectured at Facebook and Google.

Play More And Work Less                                                          Day 27   with
My mom always told me to play more, and work less.

I used to think she was nuts. Like, how I am supposed to be SUCCESSFUL,

But Ive realized shes onto something.

Space, freedom, playtime, relationships, intimacy, spontaneity, LOVE. Hel-
lo? Thats what life is about.
Click to tweet this pearler

And thats worth $100 dollars, at least.

More like a trillion.
                                                                             Alexandra Franzen
                                                                               With laser-lucid copywriting
Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there.
                                                                                    & quick poetic instincts,
                                                                                Alexandra helps bestselling
                                                                                     authors, elite coaches,
                                                                               wellness warriors & spiritual
                                                                                   leaders find their voices,
                                                                                 claim their online territory,
                                                                                and channel their skills into
                                                                             products, services and entirely
                                                                                            new businesses.

Be True To Yourself                                                                     Day 35   with
A killer mindset is not something you can buy, and Im not sure you can create
it, you have develop it over time - it needs constant work and a LOT of kind-

Self-doubt and negative self-talk is a huge issue for most people. A great way to
keep your mindset solid is to look at all the amazing things youve done.

What have you achieved that rocked? What have you done that only you could
have done? At the end of the day we are all experts of our own experience.

Surrounding yourself with people who are going to inspire and motivate you
is key - but its about having the right people to make you get where you want
to be.

And lastly, be true to yourself - authenticity is an abused word these days but
                                                                                    Ameena Falchetto
knowing who you are and what you stand for, or having a manifesto on your
                                                                                    Ameena is a straight up, honest
wall to refer to daily will keep you going to conquer whatever mountain you
                                                                                     marketing consultant. A serial
want to climb!                                                                        entrepreneur. Changing the
Tweet a shortened version of this                                                        world one Brand Identity
                                                                                            Visualisation at a time.
Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there

Create A Master Task
I create a detailed plan to follow before I start.
                                                                                              Day 48    with

When I have an idea for a new project, I sit down with my project manager
to fill in the holes and created a master task list of everything that needs to be

Then she coordinates feeding the tasks to the team step-by-step.

Sometimes a project will need to be revised, or youll see something that you
missed in the initial planning session, but youll still have at the very least a skel-
eton to work from.

Completing the project is as simple as following the plan - we dont stop
until its done!
Click to tweet Lauras tip                                                                    Laura Roeder
Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there                               Laura is a social media
                                                                                            marketing expert who teaches
                                                                                                  small businesses how to
                                                                                           become well-known and claim
                                                                                             their brand online. She is the
                                                                                               creator of LKR Social Media
                                                                                              Marketer and Creating Fame
                                                                                           and author of Facebook Fame:
                                                                                            The Facebook Marketing Bible
                                                                                          For The Small Business. In 2011,
                                                                                             Laura was named one of the
                                                                                             top 100 entrepreneurs under
                                                                                            30 and was invited to speak at
                                                                                                          the White House.

Go To The Edge
Fear is not something to avoid, but something to pursue. Finding your fear is a
                                                                                         Day 53    with
perfect indicator of the edge of all you know, and shows you the path that you
need to take to evolve, change and grow.

Fear reveals the border or line of the goal, dream, vision or project that
truly matters to you on a deep and soulful level (otherwise, thered be no fear,
just indifference).
Click to tweet this

You conquer fear by heading head-first into it with a bit of defiance, reckless
abandon, total detachment and by being firmly rooted in what you believe.

For me, I find great comfort in knowing my work is on behalf of others and
hope to inspire, reinvigorate, and just generally give to people on the widest
possible level that I can achieve.                                                       Dave Ursillo
That element of giving is a core value of mine, and because of that I feel ex-            Dave was born in 1986 to an
tremely motivated to act, even in the face of fear.                                        aspiring chef and a heart-of-
                                                                                        gold attorney. He writes in ink,
Why do you do what you do? Look deeply. Examine your roots. Explore your                energy and quiet smiles on the
                                                                                        street, and considers himself a
                                                                                     communicator, a lover of people
                                                                                         and devout life-explorer. After
From this place of gratitude and giving, fear just becomes a simple line that you     abandoning the divisive world of
willingly cross to get further and go farther, every day.                            politics in 2009, Dave has written
                                                                                       over 250 essays on DaveUrsillo.
                                                                                              com, published his debut
Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there
                                                                                         nonfiction book Lead Without
                                                                                    Followers in 2011 and a collection
                                                                                        of spiritual poetry entitled God
                                                                                        Whispers on the Wind in 2012.

Get Clear About Your Big
Well, there are the big picture priorities and then the small day-to-day details
                                                                                         Day 63       with
on the way to seeing the big picture come alive.

I find the most important piece on the big picture is getting clear about
what that big picture is.
Click to tweet this

Next step is to hone it down to about 6 months worth of detail. My team uses
a project management system to take that 6 months of detail to the day to day
granular -- we call it thrashing.

Its probably the single most important business focus/growth system Ive
learned in the past two years.

Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there                     Alexis Neely
                                                                                           Alexis is a truth-telling lawyer and
                                                                                       evolutionary strategist. All before the
                                                                                   age of 35, Alexis quickly scaled the ranks
                                                                                      of successful entrepreneurship, built
                                                                                      multiple million dollar entrepreneurial
                                                                                       endeavors, wrote a best-selling book
                                                                                     and appeared on numerous top-rated
                                                                                       television shows, all while raising her
                                                                                         children as a single mother. Today,
                                                                                             she trains lawyers on a new law
                                                                                        business model she created, guides
                                                                                          creative visionary entrepreneurs to
                                                                                       build sustainable businesses with the
                                                                                     right legal, insurance, financial and tax

Get Out Of Your Own Way Day 72                                                                   with
The best thing Ive done for my business is take care of myself.

All your personal issues, hangups, fears, flaws, etc WILL show up in your busi-
ness and manifest in your company culture.

Entrepreneurship has a way of finding your weaknesses (even more so than
relationships), so my advice is to constantly work on getting your sh*t to-
Click to tweet this

Work out, meditate, go to therapy, read self-help books, journal . . . whatever
you need to do become as psychologically and physically healthy as you can
be is what you need to be doing.

If youre not already happy, your business isnt going to make you happier. If
                                                                                       Clay Collins
you have weaknesses, your business will find them and exploit them.
                                                                                     Clay Collins is the co-founder of
                                                                                        Leadplayer and the host of the
Entrepreneurship can be one of the greatest impetuses for self-growth, and           Marketing Show. Now in his 30s,
you can either embrace the challenge or run away from it.                            Clay left home at age 15 to start
                                                                                       his first software company and
But the challenge itself is not going to go away.                                    (excluding his college years) has
                                                                                  been a hard-core entrepreneur ever
Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there                 since. Hes has been behind the
                                                                                   scenes (advising and writing copy)
                                                                                      for some of the most important
                                                                                    and highest grossing information
                                                                                          marketing campaigns on the
                                                                                     Internet. Clay is a product guy
                                                                                                  through and through.

Value Your Superpower                                                                  Day 89    with
Perhaps the most important thing Ive learned in my business life is that what
comes easiest and most naturally to you is actually your highest value of-
Click to tweet this pearler

That is the thing you should be charging the most for! Yet too often its the very
thing people end up charging the least for.

Because its fun and easy for YOU, its easy for you to undervalue it. But thats
your superpower, your secret sauce.

Believe me, its not easy and fun for everyone else! And those people will be
more than willing to pay you for it, either to avoid having to do it themselves,
or because they simply cant do it themselves.                                       Melissa Dinwiddie
Not only do I wish Id known this before starting my last venture, I wish Id
known it before starting my first! I think my business life might have gone a lot      Melissa is back again. Shes
                                                                                          a self-described Passion
                                                                                           Pluralite and shes on a
                                                                                      mission to empower people
Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there                 to follow their own creative
                                                                                      callings. You can find her at

Always Take Action                                                                      Day 96      with
Youre freer than you think you are.

This came from a mentor at a time when I felt so hemmed in and trapped
by circumstance. Bankers were calling in their loans, my company was falling
apart, I was being pressured to do things that I didnt want to do.

And that perspective stopped me in my frantic tracks. I realized I had the power
-- the power to create peace in my life, the power to choose my principles,
the power to sign, walk away, fight, relax -- all of it.
Click to tweet a version of this

This wisdom comes back to me often. Free to choose.

                                                                                     Danielle LaPorte
                                                                                     Danielle LaPorte is the author of
                                                                                   The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful
                                                                                       + Practical Guide for Creating
                                                                                     Success on Your Own Terms. An
                                                                                   inspirational speaker, former think
                                                                                    tank exec and business strategist,
                                                                                          she is the creator of the co-
                                                                                    author of Your Big Beautiful Book
                                                                                     Plan. Over a million visitors have
                                                                                   gone for her straight-up advice on
                                                                                      DanielleLaPorte.com, a site that
                                                                                     has been deemed the best place
                                                                                        on-line for kick-ass spirituality.

$ 100 Change
A blueprint for creating change, taking action and
       starting your dream project today

               Created by Natalie Sisson

               eBook Design by Lauren Rains


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  • 1. $ 100 Change A blueprint for creating change, taking action and starting your dream project today 1
  • 2. Focus On A Single Small Change Day 4 with The results of big changes are dramatic, but they are often produced by lots of small, incremental, cumulative changes. So if youre just starting out and feeling daunted by the challenge, focus on making a single small change. If youre not yet in a position to help others, then make a change in your own life. Dont worry how small it is - as long as it is measurable and meaningful. Click to tweet this Keep doing this and learning from the results. Over time, youll start to see some of the changes you create start to snowball, and youll know youre onto something bigger... Mark McGuinness Mark is a Creative Business Coach, based in London and helping creative people worldwide via Lateral Action 9
  • 3. Generosity Makes An Impact Day 12 with The $100 is irrelevant. The challenge of starting a business for $100 is just a marketing gimmick. The way you see the world is what counts. The real question is, do you believe that youre capable of starting, growing and sustaining a business? Click to tweet this If you do, are you hungry enough to accept the risk and challenges that are part and parcel of entrepreneurship? If you can answer a resounding yes, then go for it and go big. Michael Port Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there. Michael is a New York Times Bestselling author of four books including Book Yourself Solid, Beyond Booked Solid, The Contrarian Effect and The Think Big Manifesto. Michael can be seen regularly on MSNBC and CNBC and receives the highest overall speaker ratings at conferences around the world. Why? Because his mission is to rally you to think bigger about who you are and what you offer 20
  • 4. Create Content And Connections Day 17 with If I only had $100 to start up a new business, I would find a cheap hosting service and purchase a URL and a year of hosting. I would install Wordpress, set up a free template, and start writing articles immediately that are unique, full of personality, and provide a tremen- dous amount of very specific advice that solves a problem that people are struggling with. Click to tweet this Id use free social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+ to connect with potential readers, readers, fans, and my personal heroes. Id spend all of my free time creating new content, connecting with more people, and just trying to be as helpful as possible. Steve Kamb Eventually, Id ask the people reading the site what are you struggling Steve is the creator of with the most right now? and then find a way to create a product or ser- NerdFitness.com, a fitness vice around that idea. community dedicated to helping average Joes and desk jockeys live healthier lives. While running Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there Nerd Fitness from his laptop, Steve has explored the ruins of Machu Picchu and Angkor Wat, dived with sharks on the Great Barrier Reef, flew a Wt plane in New Zealand, lived like James Bond in Monte Carlo, tracked animals in South Africa, and guest lectured at Facebook and Google. 27
  • 5. Play More And Work Less Day 27 with My mom always told me to play more, and work less. I used to think she was nuts. Like, how I am supposed to be SUCCESSFUL, moooo-oooom? But Ive realized shes onto something. Space, freedom, playtime, relationships, intimacy, spontaneity, LOVE. Hel- lo? Thats what life is about. Click to tweet this pearler And thats worth $100 dollars, at least. More like a trillion. Alexandra Franzen With laser-lucid copywriting Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there. & quick poetic instincts, Alexandra helps bestselling authors, elite coaches, wellness warriors & spiritual leaders find their voices, claim their online territory, and channel their skills into products, services and entirely new businesses. 42
  • 6. Be True To Yourself Day 35 with A killer mindset is not something you can buy, and Im not sure you can create it, you have develop it over time - it needs constant work and a LOT of kind- ness. Self-doubt and negative self-talk is a huge issue for most people. A great way to keep your mindset solid is to look at all the amazing things youve done. What have you achieved that rocked? What have you done that only you could have done? At the end of the day we are all experts of our own experience. Surrounding yourself with people who are going to inspire and motivate you is key - but its about having the right people to make you get where you want to be. And lastly, be true to yourself - authenticity is an abused word these days but Ameena Falchetto knowing who you are and what you stand for, or having a manifesto on your Ameena is a straight up, honest wall to refer to daily will keep you going to conquer whatever mountain you marketing consultant. A serial want to climb! entrepreneur. Changing the Tweet a shortened version of this world one Brand Identity Visualisation at a time. Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there 54
  • 7. Create A Master Task I create a detailed plan to follow before I start. Day 48 with When I have an idea for a new project, I sit down with my project manager to fill in the holes and created a master task list of everything that needs to be done. Then she coordinates feeding the tasks to the team step-by-step. Sometimes a project will need to be revised, or youll see something that you missed in the initial planning session, but youll still have at the very least a skel- eton to work from. Completing the project is as simple as following the plan - we dont stop until its done! Click to tweet Lauras tip Laura Roeder Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there Laura is a social media marketing expert who teaches small businesses how to become well-known and claim their brand online. She is the creator of LKR Social Media Marketer and Creating Fame and author of Facebook Fame: The Facebook Marketing Bible For The Small Business. In 2011, Laura was named one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under 30 and was invited to speak at the White House. 73
  • 8. Go To The Edge Fear is not something to avoid, but something to pursue. Finding your fear is a Day 53 with perfect indicator of the edge of all you know, and shows you the path that you need to take to evolve, change and grow. Fear reveals the border or line of the goal, dream, vision or project that truly matters to you on a deep and soulful level (otherwise, thered be no fear, just indifference). Click to tweet this You conquer fear by heading head-first into it with a bit of defiance, reckless abandon, total detachment and by being firmly rooted in what you believe. For me, I find great comfort in knowing my work is on behalf of others and hope to inspire, reinvigorate, and just generally give to people on the widest possible level that I can achieve. Dave Ursillo That element of giving is a core value of mine, and because of that I feel ex- Dave was born in 1986 to an tremely motivated to act, even in the face of fear. aspiring chef and a heart-of- gold attorney. He writes in ink, Why do you do what you do? Look deeply. Examine your roots. Explore your energy and quiet smiles on the street, and considers himself a values. communicator, a lover of people and devout life-explorer. After From this place of gratitude and giving, fear just becomes a simple line that you abandoning the divisive world of willingly cross to get further and go farther, every day. politics in 2009, Dave has written over 250 essays on DaveUrsillo. com, published his debut Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there nonfiction book Lead Without Followers in 2011 and a collection of spiritual poetry entitled God Whispers on the Wind in 2012. 82
  • 9. Get Clear About Your Big Well, there are the big picture priorities and then the small day-to-day details Day 63 with on the way to seeing the big picture come alive. I find the most important piece on the big picture is getting clear about what that big picture is. Click to tweet this Next step is to hone it down to about 6 months worth of detail. My team uses a project management system to take that 6 months of detail to the day to day granular -- we call it thrashing. Its probably the single most important business focus/growth system Ive learned in the past two years. Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there Alexis Neely Alexis is a truth-telling lawyer and evolutionary strategist. All before the age of 35, Alexis quickly scaled the ranks of successful entrepreneurship, built multiple million dollar entrepreneurial endeavors, wrote a best-selling book and appeared on numerous top-rated television shows, all while raising her children as a single mother. Today, she trains lawyers on a new law business model she created, guides creative visionary entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses with the right legal, insurance, financial and tax foundations. 100
  • 10. Get Out Of Your Own Way Day 72 with The best thing Ive done for my business is take care of myself. All your personal issues, hangups, fears, flaws, etc WILL show up in your busi- ness and manifest in your company culture. Entrepreneurship has a way of finding your weaknesses (even more so than relationships), so my advice is to constantly work on getting your sh*t to- gether. Click to tweet this Work out, meditate, go to therapy, read self-help books, journal . . . whatever you need to do become as psychologically and physically healthy as you can be is what you need to be doing. If youre not already happy, your business isnt going to make you happier. If Clay Collins you have weaknesses, your business will find them and exploit them. Clay Collins is the co-founder of Leadplayer and the host of the Entrepreneurship can be one of the greatest impetuses for self-growth, and Marketing Show. Now in his 30s, you can either embrace the challenge or run away from it. Clay left home at age 15 to start his first software company and But the challenge itself is not going to go away. (excluding his college years) has been a hard-core entrepreneur ever Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there since. Hes has been behind the scenes (advising and writing copy) for some of the most important and highest grossing information marketing campaigns on the Internet. Clay is a product guy through and through. 112
  • 11. Value Your Superpower Day 89 with Perhaps the most important thing Ive learned in my business life is that what comes easiest and most naturally to you is actually your highest value of- fering. Click to tweet this pearler That is the thing you should be charging the most for! Yet too often its the very thing people end up charging the least for. Because its fun and easy for YOU, its easy for you to undervalue it. But thats your superpower, your secret sauce. Believe me, its not easy and fun for everyone else! And those people will be more than willing to pay you for it, either to avoid having to do it themselves, or because they simply cant do it themselves. Melissa Dinwiddie Not only do I wish Id known this before starting my last venture, I wish Id known it before starting my first! I think my business life might have gone a lot Melissa is back again. Shes a self-described Passion easier... Pluralite and shes on a mission to empower people Click to see this quote visually on Pinterest and share it from there to follow their own creative callings. You can find her at LivingACreativeLife.com 131
  • 12. Always Take Action Day 96 with Youre freer than you think you are. This came from a mentor at a time when I felt so hemmed in and trapped by circumstance. Bankers were calling in their loans, my company was falling apart, I was being pressured to do things that I didnt want to do. And that perspective stopped me in my frantic tracks. I realized I had the power -- the power to create peace in my life, the power to choose my principles, the power to sign, walk away, fight, relax -- all of it. Click to tweet a version of this This wisdom comes back to me often. Free to choose. Danielle LaPorte Danielle LaPorte is the author of The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide for Creating Success on Your Own Terms. An inspirational speaker, former think tank exec and business strategist, she is the creator of the co- author of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. Over a million visitors have gone for her straight-up advice on DanielleLaPorte.com, a site that has been deemed the best place on-line for kick-ass spirituality. 141
  • 13. $ 100 Change A blueprint for creating change, taking action and starting your dream project today Created by Natalie Sisson http://www.SuitcaseEntrepreneur.com eBook Design by Lauren Rains http://www.TheMadToLive.com 148