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My Greatest Challenges In Life
What has been one of your greatest challenges in life? For me, it has been growing up, and
evolving from my adolescence years to adulthood. Which means going from high school to college,
and having my first job. Going to college and having my first job was a great accomplishment that
required a lot of responsibility and commitment. It was an immense step to take and face many
challenges, but I was able to overcome them one by one.
My first day of class was very challenging and nerve wracking. By eight o' clock I was out the door
and walking to my car. It was a lovely morning, as the sun was making its way up the horizon. I got
into my car, and as I let the engine heat up and many thoughts came to mind. "Am I going to like
college? What is it going to be like? Will I get lost trying to find my classes?"
I got to the campus after a 30–minute drive. After minutes of searching, I finally found a parking
space. I got out of my car and suddenly, "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" I heard a loud noise coming from
above. I looked up and realized there was a giant bell on top of the building. I was startled and
became even more anxious. My stomach felt as if it had millions of butterflies because of how
nervous I was. I made my way inside the building, trying to control my nerves. Gladly my class
wasn't that difficult to find. "Take a seat wherever you want." I heard as I walked into the
classroom. It was the teacher who had greeted me from behind his desk. He looked like a very nice
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My Perfect Life Essay
Many people think having a perfect life is having a lot of money, doing whatever you want, and
having everything you ever wanted. But in my mind, that isn't the perfect life. The perfect life to
me is living life to the fullest creating memories you won't forget and creating friendships that last
forever. Many people think that when something bad happens in life it is the devil trying to get to
you, but you have to use that to motivate yourself to be the greatest you can be. Now here are
some of my lifelong lasting memories and stories that motivate me to be the greatest I can be. To
start off, I have had many pets in the 13 years I have been alive. But I have one that meant the
world to me. Her name was Kemi, and she was an Alaskan...show more content...
I remember thinking that they had magical powers to fix almost anything, and they always
worked like a charm. This has been the greatest gift I have ever received and I don't know if I
would be who I am today if it weren't for those hearts. I have had a lot of memories as a child, but
there is one that sticks out the most. A few years ago my family went to Brevard for vacation.
Now, this is a place in the middle of nowhere, I was just surrounded by woods. But there was this
place we went to down there called sliding rock. Now, this is just a waterfall but runs down a hill
so it is like a really long slip and slide. Even though the water was freezing cold, everyone in my
family goes in even my dog. This is one of my greatest memories because that was the perfect day
in my mind. A person who has the biggest influence on me in my life is a girl named Rachel... she
lives in Ireland and came over to spend a summer with my family. She opened my eyes to how
life was like in different areas of the world. Even though she only stayed for a summer I formed a
lifelong bond and lifelong memories. One of the greatest thing I remember is how she told us there
were no bugs in Ireland. That alone was enough to make my mom want to move. We are going to go
visit her this summer. You have to learn to see the good in the bad and you have to be the one there
when people need you most. If you get this down then you will
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My Greatest Movies Essay
There are remarkably multiple amazing movies to choose from.If I had to pick 10 of the greatest
films of all time they would include suspense and action. The list of movies that I have picked out
are in my opinion the greatest films of all time. In the cinema, there are hundreds and hundreds of
memorable moments and scenes from many films. The reason behind this is because the ten movies
that I have picked out have compelled me to ''relive'' the moment. Therefore they give me a memory
that I will hold on to.
If a movie changes you mine it's not because of your reasoning it's because of your emotions that
you feel towards the movie. My 10 greatest films must be films that fascinate me and pull me in
quickly. They need to embezzle my attention and keep me entertained at all times.
Therefore my 10 greatest films are:
1) Moana
After seeing this movie multiple times, this movie is by far my favorite film. It's not because it is a
disney film or even a kids movie it's because all the elements in this movie was well executed. The
animation of this film was done beautifully and done with great detail. In the film you can tell how
much time and effort was put in and how the animators took the time to work on each section of
the movie. The soundtrack of moana was beautifully written and composed. Another reason that
moana is my number one movie is because she is not a princess. In the movie she is trained to be
the chief and wants be for her island and her people.In addition to that the characters in the film that
we encounter are very compelling. We watch them change, and grow and react throughout the
movie. Lastly, the story was very strong Moana had conflicts, and goals and knew how to overcome
the conflicts to get to her goals.
2) The Hunger Games
One of the main reasons why I chose The Hunger Games as my second choice is because it is a
very intense and suspenseful movie. In this film what I really liked was that there was love, loss
and explosion. You never knew what was going to happen which I enjoyed because I knew it was
going to be a very superb movie. The actors and actresses in this movie were picked out
marvelously. Each character in this movie played their part as if the Hunger Games existed. The
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A Great Leader Essay
This paper will address my personal feelings of what is leadership. It will then discuss the
characteristics that go into making up a great leader. Next, I will evaluate my strengths and
weaknesses as an effective leader in relation to my list of great leadership characteristics. As a final
point, I will finish with a plan on how I will improve myself as a leader.
Leadership is a difficult word to define. There are so many different meanings that leadership has
meant over the centuries. My personal definition is, "Leadership is a positive process that helps
followers to move in the right direction so they can eventually achieve their goals."
1. Visionary– All great leaders have the ability to visualize a future for their company and are...show
more content...
They also are driven by a need for achievement instead of external rewards." (Hicks, 2008) Capable
leaders have the most influence on their employees in the work environment during the improvement
of their products and services. Furthermore, one of the most important contributions a leader can
make to his company is the creation of a team atmosphere within the company culture. This is done
with the correct amount of encouragement, criticism, and motivation to maintain a balance that will
drive employees with the spirit to succeed.
3. Integrity– Integrity is the combination of inner core values and a person's external actions. An
individual with high integrity will act the same externally as they feel on the inside. This type of
person is trusted by employees because they do not waver from their core value system, even if
at times it may be easier to do so. Special Agent D. Day who is currently a researcher at the
Advanced Operational Art Studies, School of Advanced Military Studies feels that, "Good leaders
have solid integrity to trust in their abilities, as well as those of their employees, to take
ownership of a situation or problem regardless of how small, and to foster a team attitude. People
can quickly point out when they have worked for a good leader." (Day, 2009) Integrity is essential
for successful leadership to take
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Greatest Invention Essays
What is the greatest invention of all time?
Throughout time there have been lots of new inventions which have both hindered and helped
everyday life with humans. There are many different possible world's greatest inventions because
they have all helped out humankind in some way, some more than others.
I think that the greatest invention of all time is Harnessed Electricity. Some may argue that this was
not an invention it was a discovery but although electricity itself was a discovery there was still the
invention of had to use it and what it could be used for. I think that electricity is very important to
human life because it would be nearly impossible to do anything we do today. If we didn't have
electricity a lot of things would...show more content...
I believe that the use of electricity in healthcare is more important than the use of penicillin because
of the x–rays, MRI scans, life support machines, cat scans, ultrasound, surgery lighting, heart rate
monitors, incubators and loads of other much needed specialist equipment. This equipment has
over the years helped to save millions of lives and although penicillin helps to treat the odd few
illnesses it doesn't help to run a well equipped hospital which saves even more lives with the billions
of people who visit a hospital every year.
Without electricity there would be no light and it would constantly be dark from around 4pm ever
day. This would restrict most people from doing things because as soon as it was dark they would
have to go to bed because there would be no lighting. Nobody could go out after dark as there
would be no street lights on the roads and houses would have to be lit by candle light which
wouldn't give of the strength of light that a light bulb does now. Yet again it would be exactly like
living in the dark ages.
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Why I Want A Wife
1972 was a monumental year for women and their rights. On March 22, 1972, the Equal Rights
Amendment was passed by the Senate and was added to the United States Constitution; this
amendment banned discrimination based on sex. The subject of the unfairness between the roles of
men and women was approached in a sarcastic and opinionated way in several forms of media. The
controversy was addressed daily because this was the historical movement of that time period. Judy
Brady published "Why I want a Wife" in Ms. Magazine, addressing the issue of what women are
expected to live up to by using ethos, logos, and pathos. Brady establishes a connection with the
audience by using ethos initially: "I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am A
Wife. And, not altogether, incidentally, I am amother" (229). Considering the primary audience are
women, she connects with them on a level that shows them her knowledge of the subject at hand.
Brady has the experiences of being a wife and mother, making her information credible. The jobs
that women, mothers, and wives have to overtake such as "keeping track of the children's doctor and
dentist appointments" (229), "keeping the house clean" (229), and...show more content...
By using phrases such as "must arrange" (229) and "make sure" (229) Brady is inferring what the
men think is right in their consciousness. The women who are reading the article are drawn in
because they recognize what the men think is right in society and can sense the sarcastic tone. One
of the most substantial quotes in the reading sends a message to the public eye: "My God, who
wouldn't want a wife?" (230). Brady listed the jobs that women are required throughout the whole
reading and then ended the entire article with the strong use of pathos. Brady grabbed the audience
by making them indignant and emotionally involved in the
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Bryan's Greatest Strength
Bryan's total performance is outstanding. His greatest strength is his communication with the team.
His directions are very clear and easy to understand, making it easier for the team to understand the
objective and follow the proper processes and procedures to produce the most accurate work. I
believe on area of improvement is delegation of certain responsibilities. This could impact the
performance of smaller tasks such as scheduling, making commutation easier when team member
devotion form normally scheduled
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The 100 Essay
At the close of its second season, the CW's The 100 is making waves – the brutal postapocalyptic
world liberally peppered with the deaths of young teens didn't turn too many heads after season one,
but the revelation of the canon bisexuality of its protagonist, Clarke Griffin, sure has.
Clarke spent approximately the last season and a half embroiled in one way or another with Finn,
a (male) troublemaker with a heart of gold, sort of. After they have sex one time, Clarke refuses to
get into a real relationship with Finn or return his declarations of affection, although he's clearly still
important to her. Following Finn's death in Season Two, Clarke isn't concerned with getting back on
the horse as far as dating goes; she's pretty busy trying...show more content...
Initial takeaways from critics was that The 100 was "disappointingly familiar" (Starr). Clarke and
Lexa's kiss, the first indication that their relationship isn't platonic, doesn't come until very late in the
second season. When it does come, it's a very brief moment – Clarke does kiss back, but she also
stops kissing about three seconds later, and tells Lexa "I can't." The implication is that Clarke means
"I can't right now because my last love interest died about five minutes ago and also I'm
responsible for keeping hundreds of people alive even though I'm only 17," not "I can't because
we're both girls." (Rachel) Still though, viewers were hoping for a little more than the few seconds
of blissful bi reciprocal feelings seen. Much has been said about this show, and so much of it
enthusiastic, that most people would be prepared for a full–on relationship. What viewers actually
got ultimately amounts to a demonstration that our protagonist is bi, but the scene doesn't last long
enough to do much more. What's more, Lexa and Clarke don't exactly end the season on an
amicable note. While viewers are cautiously optimistic about Clarke and Lexa's reconciliation, the
fact remains that if viewers had blinked several times, they could possibly have missed this
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Gratitude Essay
"Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other."
Randy Rausch was an American professor of computer science, human–computer interaction, and
design at Carnegie Mellon University. He believed that showing appreciation for others was the
strongest yet simplest act someone could do for anyone. Over the past generations, philosophers and
professors from around the world have come up with different assumptions about the term gratitude.
Behavioral and psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements that can stem
from the practice of gratitude. A conclusion that can drawn from this research is that giving thanks
makes people happier and more resilient, strengthens relationships,...show more content...
Falling in love with Jenny was something Forest was grateful for. He felt praised for knowing
such a woman as Jenny. Life changed for Forest when he met Jenny. She brought a sense of relief
to his life, which awoke him to the idea of recognition. Recognizing the beauty in Jenny's
personality made him feel gratified to know her as a human. Also, Forest gave back to Jenny by
giving her flowers and chocolates to show his appreciation for her. Forever thanking Jenny for her
compassion is all Forest wanted to do. Thus, Forest Gump is an excellent example for the idea of
giving thanks and broadcasting appreciative thoughts.
Gratitude is used either as referring to the wellness in one's self and the wellness outside one's
self. First, the acknowledgment of goodness can be in one's life. In a state of gratitude, we affirm
that all in all, life is good, and has elements that make it not just worth living, but rich detail. When
we show gratitude from in our lives, we are presenting a wise, beautiful idea that makes mankind
realize that giving thanks should not be a choice; it should be a priority. No matter who we are,
expressing acknowledgement is contagious. We see others accomplish goals and show appreciation
for their hard work, and that makes us feel that we need to bring ourselves accountable for our efforts
and appreciate ourselves for our own accomplishments. Consequently, the acknowledgment that we
have received something gratifies us, both by its presence
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Is America Really Great
"Remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness" is the Merriam–Webster dictionary denotation
of the word 'great'. At one time it was said that America was the greatest nation in the world.
However, today with the economic ups and downs, social instability, and political unrest, one has
to wonder if America can still proudly claim that title. When examining America's economy, it
appears to be the antithesis of what the word "great" represents. According to the U.S. Debt Clock
website, America is currently 19.4 trillion dollars in debt and will most likely have escalated by the
time this paper is read. The economic growth that was considered to be normal was, for a time, 3
percent growth per year. And, in recent years, the nation's...show more content...
Although Coleman's findings may be true, America now has "more than half a century of awkward,
and often ignored, evidence about the mostly small and evanescent effects of early–childhood
education." Meaning that America has not put into practice the results of that impactful study. Not
to mention the disease that is plaguing American academics as it is, anti–Semitism. Anti–Semitism
is a phenomenon commonly found in European politics today, but has also bled into the American
educational system. This situation has gotten progressively worse as a movement has erupted in
which it "aims not to pressure Israel to change policies, as South Africa was pressured to abandon
apartheid, but rather to de–legitimize Israel's existence as a nation," a movement many American
scholars and teachers support. Is this how we want the future generations of scholars, our children
or future children, to think? Apropos to Europe and their issues, World War One was one of the
most devastating. In just the few first hours, "eight British soldiers fell per second," and compared
to the Americans, who were involved, Europe is still "deeply buried in its own aftermath." One of
the reasons this may be is because America tries greatly to prevent wars happening on its soil. Even
in World War Two, most Americans did not know what was going on until the 1940 election when
Wendell Willkie entered the picture. Willkie knew of the events happening in Europe and one of his
motivations for becoming president was letting
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My Greatest Experience
The greatest experience you can have, can also be the most simple lesson you can learn. For me, the
greatest experience I ever had will always be the lesson I learned on my trip to Israel, in 2015. Israel
was a lesson learned for the fortunate. Going to Israel was an eye opener for my life. It gave me a
new perspective and outlook. To never take things for granted, even if what you have may seem little.
Israel was my very first trip out of the country, it was also the very first time traveling without my
family. At first I was intimidated, I was unsure of what was ahead of me. I had never been on a
plane, let alone traveling to a place that at the time was unsafe towards the West bank. However, as
I got to Israel, I learned to love the cultural differences, the history behind it all, and the people
there. I've always had a travelers heart, a desire for adventure. Growing up my father would
always take me out hiking. I learned at a very young age to have the love for nature. To look
through a new lens, and focus on the important aspects of life. To find yourself in the midst of this
world by living life without borders. To travel the world, and touch other nations who need a helping
hand. To learn about different cultures and their languages. Connect with people even through the
diversity. Learn to love the life you were given, because others won't have the opportunities you have.
In the world there is a lot of hate, people judge others built up on things they've heard, or
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100 Year War Essay
There were several battles during the 100 Year War but, some of the most significant battles
included: Battle of Crecy led by Edward III, Battle of Poitiers led by Edward the "Black Prince",
Battle of Agincourt led by King Henry V. In the Siege of Orleans or Battle of Orelans, Joan of Arc
took leadership of the French army, Battle of Castillon led by English John Talbot, Earl of
Shrewsbury, French leader Jean Bureau[ http://historylists.org/events
/list–of–5–most–significant–battles–of–the–hundred–years –war.html] During the Hundred Years
War, King Edward III's English army wiped out a French force under King Philip VI at the Battle of
Crecy in Normandy. The battle, which saw an early use of the deadly longbow by the English, is
regarded as
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100 Great Essays

  • 1. My Greatest Challenges In Life What has been one of your greatest challenges in life? For me, it has been growing up, and evolving from my adolescence years to adulthood. Which means going from high school to college, and having my first job. Going to college and having my first job was a great accomplishment that required a lot of responsibility and commitment. It was an immense step to take and face many challenges, but I was able to overcome them one by one. My first day of class was very challenging and nerve wracking. By eight o' clock I was out the door and walking to my car. It was a lovely morning, as the sun was making its way up the horizon. I got into my car, and as I let the engine heat up and many thoughts came to mind. "Am I going to like college? What is it going to be like? Will I get lost trying to find my classes?" I got to the campus after a 30–minute drive. After minutes of searching, I finally found a parking space. I got out of my car and suddenly, "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" I heard a loud noise coming from above. I looked up and realized there was a giant bell on top of the building. I was startled and became even more anxious. My stomach felt as if it had millions of butterflies because of how nervous I was. I made my way inside the building, trying to control my nerves. Gladly my class wasn't that difficult to find. "Take a seat wherever you want." I heard as I walked into the classroom. It was the teacher who had greeted me from behind his desk. He looked like a very nice person, Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. My Perfect Life Essay Many people think having a perfect life is having a lot of money, doing whatever you want, and having everything you ever wanted. But in my mind, that isn't the perfect life. The perfect life to me is living life to the fullest creating memories you won't forget and creating friendships that last forever. Many people think that when something bad happens in life it is the devil trying to get to you, but you have to use that to motivate yourself to be the greatest you can be. Now here are some of my lifelong lasting memories and stories that motivate me to be the greatest I can be. To start off, I have had many pets in the 13 years I have been alive. But I have one that meant the world to me. Her name was Kemi, and she was an Alaskan...show more content... I remember thinking that they had magical powers to fix almost anything, and they always worked like a charm. This has been the greatest gift I have ever received and I don't know if I would be who I am today if it weren't for those hearts. I have had a lot of memories as a child, but there is one that sticks out the most. A few years ago my family went to Brevard for vacation. Now, this is a place in the middle of nowhere, I was just surrounded by woods. But there was this place we went to down there called sliding rock. Now, this is just a waterfall but runs down a hill so it is like a really long slip and slide. Even though the water was freezing cold, everyone in my family goes in even my dog. This is one of my greatest memories because that was the perfect day in my mind. A person who has the biggest influence on me in my life is a girl named Rachel... she lives in Ireland and came over to spend a summer with my family. She opened my eyes to how life was like in different areas of the world. Even though she only stayed for a summer I formed a lifelong bond and lifelong memories. One of the greatest thing I remember is how she told us there were no bugs in Ireland. That alone was enough to make my mom want to move. We are going to go visit her this summer. You have to learn to see the good in the bad and you have to be the one there when people need you most. If you get this down then you will Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. My Greatest Movies Essay There are remarkably multiple amazing movies to choose from.If I had to pick 10 of the greatest films of all time they would include suspense and action. The list of movies that I have picked out are in my opinion the greatest films of all time. In the cinema, there are hundreds and hundreds of memorable moments and scenes from many films. The reason behind this is because the ten movies that I have picked out have compelled me to ''relive'' the moment. Therefore they give me a memory that I will hold on to. If a movie changes you mine it's not because of your reasoning it's because of your emotions that you feel towards the movie. My 10 greatest films must be films that fascinate me and pull me in quickly. They need to embezzle my attention and keep me entertained at all times. Therefore my 10 greatest films are: 1) Moana After seeing this movie multiple times, this movie is by far my favorite film. It's not because it is a disney film or even a kids movie it's because all the elements in this movie was well executed. The animation of this film was done beautifully and done with great detail. In the film you can tell how much time and effort was put in and how the animators took the time to work on each section of the movie. The soundtrack of moana was beautifully written and composed. Another reason that moana is my number one movie is because she is not a princess. In the movie she is trained to be the chief and wants be for her island and her people.In addition to that the characters in the film that we encounter are very compelling. We watch them change, and grow and react throughout the movie. Lastly, the story was very strong Moana had conflicts, and goals and knew how to overcome the conflicts to get to her goals. 2) The Hunger Games One of the main reasons why I chose The Hunger Games as my second choice is because it is a very intense and suspenseful movie. In this film what I really liked was that there was love, loss and explosion. You never knew what was going to happen which I enjoyed because I knew it was going to be a very superb movie. The actors and actresses in this movie were picked out marvelously. Each character in this movie played their part as if the Hunger Games existed. The Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. A Great Leader Essay This paper will address my personal feelings of what is leadership. It will then discuss the characteristics that go into making up a great leader. Next, I will evaluate my strengths and weaknesses as an effective leader in relation to my list of great leadership characteristics. As a final point, I will finish with a plan on how I will improve myself as a leader. Leadership is a difficult word to define. There are so many different meanings that leadership has meant over the centuries. My personal definition is, "Leadership is a positive process that helps followers to move in the right direction so they can eventually achieve their goals." 1. Visionary– All great leaders have the ability to visualize a future for their company and are...show more content... They also are driven by a need for achievement instead of external rewards." (Hicks, 2008) Capable leaders have the most influence on their employees in the work environment during the improvement of their products and services. Furthermore, one of the most important contributions a leader can make to his company is the creation of a team atmosphere within the company culture. This is done with the correct amount of encouragement, criticism, and motivation to maintain a balance that will drive employees with the spirit to succeed. 3. Integrity– Integrity is the combination of inner core values and a person's external actions. An individual with high integrity will act the same externally as they feel on the inside. This type of person is trusted by employees because they do not waver from their core value system, even if at times it may be easier to do so. Special Agent D. Day who is currently a researcher at the Advanced Operational Art Studies, School of Advanced Military Studies feels that, "Good leaders have solid integrity to trust in their abilities, as well as those of their employees, to take ownership of a situation or problem regardless of how small, and to foster a team attitude. People can quickly point out when they have worked for a good leader." (Day, 2009) Integrity is essential for successful leadership to take Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Greatest Invention Essays What is the greatest invention of all time? Throughout time there have been lots of new inventions which have both hindered and helped everyday life with humans. There are many different possible world's greatest inventions because they have all helped out humankind in some way, some more than others. I think that the greatest invention of all time is Harnessed Electricity. Some may argue that this was not an invention it was a discovery but although electricity itself was a discovery there was still the invention of had to use it and what it could be used for. I think that electricity is very important to human life because it would be nearly impossible to do anything we do today. If we didn't have electricity a lot of things would...show more content... I believe that the use of electricity in healthcare is more important than the use of penicillin because of the x–rays, MRI scans, life support machines, cat scans, ultrasound, surgery lighting, heart rate monitors, incubators and loads of other much needed specialist equipment. This equipment has over the years helped to save millions of lives and although penicillin helps to treat the odd few illnesses it doesn't help to run a well equipped hospital which saves even more lives with the billions of people who visit a hospital every year. Without electricity there would be no light and it would constantly be dark from around 4pm ever day. This would restrict most people from doing things because as soon as it was dark they would have to go to bed because there would be no lighting. Nobody could go out after dark as there would be no street lights on the roads and houses would have to be lit by candle light which wouldn't give of the strength of light that a light bulb does now. Yet again it would be exactly like living in the dark ages. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Rhetorical Analysis Of Why I Want A Wife 1972 was a monumental year for women and their rights. On March 22, 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment was passed by the Senate and was added to the United States Constitution; this amendment banned discrimination based on sex. The subject of the unfairness between the roles of men and women was approached in a sarcastic and opinionated way in several forms of media. The controversy was addressed daily because this was the historical movement of that time period. Judy Brady published "Why I want a Wife" in Ms. Magazine, addressing the issue of what women are expected to live up to by using ethos, logos, and pathos. Brady establishes a connection with the audience by using ethos initially: "I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am A Wife. And, not altogether, incidentally, I am amother" (229). Considering the primary audience are women, she connects with them on a level that shows them her knowledge of the subject at hand. Brady has the experiences of being a wife and mother, making her information credible. The jobs that women, mothers, and wives have to overtake such as "keeping track of the children's doctor and dentist appointments" (229), "keeping the house clean" (229), and...show more content... By using phrases such as "must arrange" (229) and "make sure" (229) Brady is inferring what the men think is right in their consciousness. The women who are reading the article are drawn in because they recognize what the men think is right in society and can sense the sarcastic tone. One of the most substantial quotes in the reading sends a message to the public eye: "My God, who wouldn't want a wife?" (230). Brady listed the jobs that women are required throughout the whole reading and then ended the entire article with the strong use of pathos. Brady grabbed the audience by making them indignant and emotionally involved in the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Bryan's Greatest Strength Bryan's total performance is outstanding. His greatest strength is his communication with the team. His directions are very clear and easy to understand, making it easier for the team to understand the objective and follow the proper processes and procedures to produce the most accurate work. I believe on area of improvement is delegation of certain responsibilities. This could impact the performance of smaller tasks such as scheduling, making commutation easier when team member devotion form normally scheduled Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. The 100 Essay At the close of its second season, the CW's The 100 is making waves – the brutal postapocalyptic world liberally peppered with the deaths of young teens didn't turn too many heads after season one, but the revelation of the canon bisexuality of its protagonist, Clarke Griffin, sure has. Clarke spent approximately the last season and a half embroiled in one way or another with Finn, a (male) troublemaker with a heart of gold, sort of. After they have sex one time, Clarke refuses to get into a real relationship with Finn or return his declarations of affection, although he's clearly still important to her. Following Finn's death in Season Two, Clarke isn't concerned with getting back on the horse as far as dating goes; she's pretty busy trying...show more content... Initial takeaways from critics was that The 100 was "disappointingly familiar" (Starr). Clarke and Lexa's kiss, the first indication that their relationship isn't platonic, doesn't come until very late in the second season. When it does come, it's a very brief moment – Clarke does kiss back, but she also stops kissing about three seconds later, and tells Lexa "I can't." The implication is that Clarke means "I can't right now because my last love interest died about five minutes ago and also I'm responsible for keeping hundreds of people alive even though I'm only 17," not "I can't because we're both girls." (Rachel) Still though, viewers were hoping for a little more than the few seconds of blissful bi reciprocal feelings seen. Much has been said about this show, and so much of it enthusiastic, that most people would be prepared for a full–on relationship. What viewers actually got ultimately amounts to a demonstration that our protagonist is bi, but the scene doesn't last long enough to do much more. What's more, Lexa and Clarke don't exactly end the season on an amicable note. While viewers are cautiously optimistic about Clarke and Lexa's reconciliation, the fact remains that if viewers had blinked several times, they could possibly have missed this Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Gratitude Essay "Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other." Randy Rausch was an American professor of computer science, human–computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University. He believed that showing appreciation for others was the strongest yet simplest act someone could do for anyone. Over the past generations, philosophers and professors from around the world have come up with different assumptions about the term gratitude. Behavioral and psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude. A conclusion that can drawn from this research is that giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, strengthens relationships,...show more content... Falling in love with Jenny was something Forest was grateful for. He felt praised for knowing such a woman as Jenny. Life changed for Forest when he met Jenny. She brought a sense of relief to his life, which awoke him to the idea of recognition. Recognizing the beauty in Jenny's personality made him feel gratified to know her as a human. Also, Forest gave back to Jenny by giving her flowers and chocolates to show his appreciation for her. Forever thanking Jenny for her compassion is all Forest wanted to do. Thus, Forest Gump is an excellent example for the idea of giving thanks and broadcasting appreciative thoughts. Gratitude is used either as referring to the wellness in one's self and the wellness outside one's self. First, the acknowledgment of goodness can be in one's life. In a state of gratitude, we affirm that all in all, life is good, and has elements that make it not just worth living, but rich detail. When we show gratitude from in our lives, we are presenting a wise, beautiful idea that makes mankind realize that giving thanks should not be a choice; it should be a priority. No matter who we are, expressing acknowledgement is contagious. We see others accomplish goals and show appreciation for their hard work, and that makes us feel that we need to bring ourselves accountable for our efforts and appreciate ourselves for our own accomplishments. Consequently, the acknowledgment that we have received something gratifies us, both by its presence Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. Is America Really Great "Remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness" is the Merriam–Webster dictionary denotation of the word 'great'. At one time it was said that America was the greatest nation in the world. However, today with the economic ups and downs, social instability, and political unrest, one has to wonder if America can still proudly claim that title. When examining America's economy, it appears to be the antithesis of what the word "great" represents. According to the U.S. Debt Clock website, America is currently 19.4 trillion dollars in debt and will most likely have escalated by the time this paper is read. The economic growth that was considered to be normal was, for a time, 3 percent growth per year. And, in recent years, the nation's...show more content... Although Coleman's findings may be true, America now has "more than half a century of awkward, and often ignored, evidence about the mostly small and evanescent effects of early–childhood education." Meaning that America has not put into practice the results of that impactful study. Not to mention the disease that is plaguing American academics as it is, anti–Semitism. Anti–Semitism is a phenomenon commonly found in European politics today, but has also bled into the American educational system. This situation has gotten progressively worse as a movement has erupted in which it "aims not to pressure Israel to change policies, as South Africa was pressured to abandon apartheid, but rather to de–legitimize Israel's existence as a nation," a movement many American scholars and teachers support. Is this how we want the future generations of scholars, our children or future children, to think? Apropos to Europe and their issues, World War One was one of the most devastating. In just the few first hours, "eight British soldiers fell per second," and compared to the Americans, who were involved, Europe is still "deeply buried in its own aftermath." One of the reasons this may be is because America tries greatly to prevent wars happening on its soil. Even in World War Two, most Americans did not know what was going on until the 1940 election when Wendell Willkie entered the picture. Willkie knew of the events happening in Europe and one of his motivations for becoming president was letting Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 11. My Greatest Experience The greatest experience you can have, can also be the most simple lesson you can learn. For me, the greatest experience I ever had will always be the lesson I learned on my trip to Israel, in 2015. Israel was a lesson learned for the fortunate. Going to Israel was an eye opener for my life. It gave me a new perspective and outlook. To never take things for granted, even if what you have may seem little. Israel was my very first trip out of the country, it was also the very first time traveling without my family. At first I was intimidated, I was unsure of what was ahead of me. I had never been on a plane, let alone traveling to a place that at the time was unsafe towards the West bank. However, as I got to Israel, I learned to love the cultural differences, the history behind it all, and the people there. I've always had a travelers heart, a desire for adventure. Growing up my father would always take me out hiking. I learned at a very young age to have the love for nature. To look through a new lens, and focus on the important aspects of life. To find yourself in the midst of this world by living life without borders. To travel the world, and touch other nations who need a helping hand. To learn about different cultures and their languages. Connect with people even through the diversity. Learn to love the life you were given, because others won't have the opportunities you have. In the world there is a lot of hate, people judge others built up on things they've heard, or Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 12. 100 Year War Essay There were several battles during the 100 Year War but, some of the most significant battles included: Battle of Crecy led by Edward III, Battle of Poitiers led by Edward the "Black Prince", Battle of Agincourt led by King Henry V. In the Siege of Orleans or Battle of Orelans, Joan of Arc took leadership of the French army, Battle of Castillon led by English John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, French leader Jean Bureau[ http://historylists.org/events /list–of–5–most–significant–battles–of–the–hundred–years –war.html] During the Hundred Years War, King Edward III's English army wiped out a French force under King Philip VI at the Battle of Crecy in Normandy. The battle, which saw an early use of the deadly longbow by the English, is regarded as Get more content on HelpWriting.net