TSB was founded in 2008 as a spin-off from ITACA Institute to develop e-health, ambient assisted living, and ambient intelligence solutions. With over 40 R&D employees, TSB focuses on mobile technologies, indoor positioning systems, and social web platforms to create health management systems, chronic disease monitoring, home care solutions, and patient tracking in hospitals. TSB licenses its products and solutions, including mobile apps for dermatology patients and platforms for home care units and telehealth monitoring of patients.
3. AboutusTSB was founded in January 2008 as spin-off from ITACA Institute (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)
4. Our mission is the development, licensing and marketing of solutions and products for e-health, AmbientAssisted Living (AAL) and Ambient Intelligence (AMI), improving the quality life of all citizens.
5. 15 years of experience at the ITACA are the background of our company, researching and developing projects, solutions and services based on information technologies and communication for the health and wellbeing areas.
6. Our Human capital, more than 40 people, is clearly R&D oriented, including high qualified and motivated engineers and experts, covering telecomm, software and hardware areas. 3
10. Health information and communication, including WEB 2.0 Where Ideas become a realityTelehealthe-HealthAmi (AmbientIntelligence)AAL (AmbientAssisted Living4
11. Our Technologiesmobile: mobile phones, PDAs, laptops and tablet PCSPHERAone technology: advance positioning indoor system Location
13. SecurityTRIBOOnet: configuration and programming of social web pages 2.0Our technologies are compatible following the most adopted standards:5
14. Business modelsSolutions:- Requirements - Consulting - Development - Instalation - Support and maintenance- LicensingProducts:- Instalation - Sales, support and licensingSupportingCMMI e ISO 90016
33. Platform management system for Home Care Unit (HCU)Providing clinicians with access to the most current clinical information and data at the point of care:
41. PCs, PDAs, mobile phones11http://www.tsbtecnologias.es/solutions/NOMHADhospital/
42. Platform management system for Home Care Unit (HCU)More info at http://www.tsbtecnologias.es/solutions/NOMHADhospital/12
43. Tracking patients in your hospital everywhereIdentification, tracking and monitoring patient positions at hospital and clinics on real time.System will provide security to the hospital, being possible to read details of any patient on real time.
44. Using positioning technologies and AMI concepts, the system provides information about position of each patient, tracking their timings.
45. Connecting each bracelet to central mobile system individually, professional receives updated information of patient everywhere in the hospital.