The document provides step-by-step guides for managing the Global Internship Programme and Global Community Development Programme on the platform. It outlines how to raise TN and EP forms, change form statuses, change form managers, and assign quick matches. The guides include screenshots and describe the actions various user types can take to complete tasks like creating forms, searching for opportunities, and facilitating matches between interns and organizations.
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S t e p b y S t e p g u i d e s O n H o w To u s e M y A I E S E C . n e t
Managing Global Internship Programme And
Global Community Development Programme
3. Contents
1.0. Global Community Development Programme..............................................................5
1.1. How to raise a GCDP TN form........................................................................................6
1.2. How to raise a GCDP EP Form.......................................................................................8
2.0. Global Internship Programme.....................................................................................12
2.1. How to raise a GIP TN form.........................................................................................13
2.2. How to raise a GIP EP form.........................................................................................15
3.0. How to change the status of a form............................................................................19
4.0 How to change the form manager................................................................................21
5.0 How to Assign Quick Matches......................................................................................23
4. Introduction
This user guide outlines how to use for creating and managing the Global Community
Development Programme and Global Internship Programme. It shows the steps needed to perform basic
functions like Raising EP forms, Raising Tns, Applying for Internships etc.
This guide would use screenshot illustration to make it easier to use. Each step explained is precedent with
the type of users who can take them. The phase, programme or the extra role the user needs to be
assigned on the system. This is explained by Actors. The available Actors are.
SU: Super User
AI/P-EB: AIESEC International Team.
P.: President.
EB.: Executive member.
TL.: Someone taking a Team Leader Programme
TM.: Someone taking a Team Member Programme
TN Manager.: Manager. Someone managing a TN form
EP Manager.: Manager. Someone managing an EP form
Account Manager.: Someone managing an organisation on the system
Engager.: Someone who just registered and has not taken any of the ELD Programmes
Inactive.: Someone who is on ELD Phase but is currently not taken any of the ELD Programmes
GIP/GCDP.: Someone taking either the GIP or GCDP programme.
5. Global Community Develeopment
This programme is part of the International internships programmes and it is part of the Experiential
Leadership Development phase.
This programme provides an opportunity for young people to develop entrepreneurial and responsible
leadership by creating direct positive impact through an international volunteer experience.
Instructions on how to create EP forms, TN forms and apply for GCDP is explained.
6. 1. How to Raise a GCDP TN
The illustration below describes the steps needed to add a GCDP TN on the system.
?From the drop down, click on Partnership Management.
?This would load the landing page of the Partnership Menu.
?Select the Organization, the TN is to be raised with. Click View All to see all Organizations
you have access to. The partner page would be loaded.
?Click on Create TN form. You would be taken to a page where you select organization contact for
the TN
Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB, TL.
Login and go to AIESEC programmes --> Team Member.
7. ?
listed, click on Add Organization Contact to add one. On clicking on next you would be taken to a
page where you choose if the TN form should be either GIP or GCDP.
?Click on next to proceed with the creation of the TN form.
Now select the Organization contact and click Next. If the organization contact you want is not
How to Raise A GCDP TN
8. 2. How to Raise a GCDP EP form
The illustration below describes the steps needed to add a GCDP EP on the system. To take the
programme, as a user of the platform, you have two options:
Option One: Choosing to move to the Global Community Development Programme then looking
for an exchange.
Option Two: looking for an GCDP Opportunity then deciding to apply for it.
Option One: Move to the Global Community Development Programme then looking for an
?From the main page of the platform, go to the upper bar, to the section My Experience.
?Under the Programmes and Phases, click on Take Global Community Development
?On clicking, the user will be prompted to ensure that their Personal Information, Academic
Information, Professional Information, Backgrounds, Skills and Languages are up to date.
?If you have any of the profile as incomplete, there would be a red asterix by the link, and the
system would allow for creation of the form. If profile is up to date, click on Generate Form to
?The EP form is generated and the status is on Incomplete.
Actors: All Users
9. ?The system then takes you to a page where you can specify your personal preference and
?Complete this final step. The form is generated and if satisfied, the user would select 'Save'.
Form status
would now be on New.
?Form would be moved to Available by the P/EB user in that entity.
?Once form is on avaialble, users can now apply for GCDP internships.
Option Two:
User can choose to search a GCDP opportunity first before raising an EP form. If a user who does
not have an EP form, clicks on Apply to an internship, the system would prompt the user to
generate an EP form in the application process. The steps are oulined below:
?In the main page of the platform, click on the Connect Menu.
?A drop down appears, from here, click on View Internship Opportunities.
?The browse Internships page loads. Here the user can search for available internships in the
looking for an GCDP Opportunity then deciding to apply for it.
How to Raise A GCDP EP Form
10. ?The browse Internship has various filter which you can use to refine your search.
Searching based on Organization Name, Earliest State Date.
This can be done via the part of the browse Internship page shown below
Searching based on Committee.
You can refine searches to include internships from selected Member committees and Local
?To do this, below the search field, you would see the link Committee (Show). Click on the show
?A list of all Member Committee and their respective Local Committee is displayed.
?Note that clicking on the country would list only Internships raised by that Member Commitee.
To include internships from local committees, make sure the respective local committee is selected
How to Raise A GCDP EP Form
11. ?
By the side of the Browse Internship page, you have further ability to filter the search results based
on status, duration, backgrounds, skills, languages, degrees.
Searching based on Status, Duration, Backgrounds, Skills, Languages, Degrees
For example when you click on Background, It expands and list all the
available internship background in AIESEC.
User can then proceed and select background of choice to be listed in the result. The same rule
applies to other filters.
How to Raise A GCDP EP Form
12. Global Internship Development
This programme is part of the International internships programmes and part of the Experiential Leadership
development phase.
This programme provides the opportunity for a young person to develop entrepreneurial and responsible
leadership by living a cross-cultural professional development experience.
Instructions on how to create EP forms, TN forms and apply for GIP is explained.
13. 3. How to Raise a GIP TN
The illustration below describes the steps needed to add a GIP TN on the system.
?From the drop down, click on Partnership Management.
?This would load the landing page of the Partnership Menu.
?Select the Organization, the TN is to be raised with. Click View All to see all Organizations
you have access to. The partner page would be loaded.
?Click on Create TN form. You would be taken to a page where you select organization contact for
the TN
Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB, TL.
Login and go to AIESEC programmes --> Team Member.
14. ?
listed, click on Add Organization Contact to add one. On clicking on next you would be taken to a
page where you choose if the TN form should be either GIP or GCDP.
?Click on next to proceed with the creation of the TN form.
Now select the Organization contact and click Next. If the organization contact you want is not
How to Raise A GIP TN
15. 4. How to Raise a GIP EP form
The illustration below describes the steps needed to add a GIP EP on the system. To take the
programme, as a user of the platform, you have two options:
Option One: Choosing to move to the Global Internship Programme then looking for an exchange.
Option Two: looking for an Global Internship Pogramme then deciding to apply for it.
Option One: Move to the Global Internship Programme then looking for an exchange.
?From the main page of the platform, go to the upper bar, to the section My Experience.
?Under the Programmes and Phases, click on Take Global Internship Programme.
?On clicking, the user will be prompted to ensure that their Personal Information, Academic
Information, Professional Information, Backgrounds, Skills and Languages are up to date.
?If you have any of the profile as incomplete, there would be a red asterix by the link, and the
system would allow for creation of the form. If profile is up to date, click on Generate Form to
?Your EP form is generated and your status is on Incomplete.
Actors: All Users
16. ?The system then takes you to a page where you can specify your personal preference and
?Complete this final step. The form is generated and if satisfied, the user would select 'Save'.
Form status
would now be on New.
?Form would be moved to Available by the P/EB user in that entity.
?Once form is on avaialble, users can now apply for GIP internships.
Option Two:
User can choose to search a GIP opportunity first before raising an EP form. If a user who does not
have an EP form, clicks on Apply to an internship, the system would prompt the user to generate
an EP form in the application process. The steps are oulined below:
?In the main page of the platform, click on the Connect Menu.
?A drop down appears, from here, click on View Internship Opportunities.
?The browse Internships page loads. Here the user can search for available internships in the
looking for an GIP Opportunity then deciding to apply for it.
How to Raise A GIP EP Form
17. ?The browse Internship has various filter which you can use to refine your search.
Searching based on Organization Name, Earliest State Date.
This can be done via the part of the browse Internship page shown below
Searching based on Committee.
You can refine searches to include internships from selected Member committees and Local
?To do this, below the search field, you would see the link Committee (Show). Click on the show
?A list of all Member Committee and their respective Local Committee is displayed.
?Note that clicking on the country would list only Internships raised by that Member Commitee.
To include internships from local committees, make sure the respective local committee is
How to Raise A GIP EP Form
18. ?
By the side of the Browse Internship page, you have further ability to filter the search results based
on status, duration, backgrounds, skills, languages, degrees.
Searching based on Status, Duration, Backgrounds, Skills, Languages, Degrees
For example when you click on Background, It expands and list all the
available internship background in AIESEC.
User can then proceed and select background of choice to be listed in the result. The same rule
applies to other filters.
How to Raise A GIP EP Form
19. 5. How to Change the Status of a Form
Forms, either EP or TN can have different Status. Brief explanation of status include:
Incomplete: Form is raised, but user yet to specify preference and region for EP and Internship
details for TN
New: Form is raised and all information filled. Waiting for P/EB to move to available
Available: Form is available and a Match can happen.
Pending: For an EP forms goes on pending if Interest is shown to 3 Tns or when A TN response by
showing Interest back in the EP. For TN, forms goes on pending when 3 Eps shows interest in the
Accepted: For EP. forms changes to status when a TN accepts the EP.
Matched: This is the final confirmation of an internship. Forms is changed after exchange of AN.
Realized: The status of the form as soon as internship starts and EP is in the country of the TN
On Hold: Indicates the EP/TN is temporarily unavailable to proceed with the internship process.
Rejected: Indicated the EP/TN is no longer valid for an Internship. A form automatically moves to
rejected after spending 12months on available. Forms on rejected can be moved back to New
Expired: Forms are moved to Expired after spending 90 days in Rejected. Forms on Expired cant
be changed to another status.
Changing Statuses.
You can change form status from the Manage Form tools.
?Login to the system and click on AIESEC Programmes --> Team Member.
?Under Exchange Management, click on Manage Forms.
?Choose if it is an EP form or TN form you want to work with.
?Select your choice, and you would be taken to a page where you can search for the form.
Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB, TL, TN manager, EP manager.
20. ?Specify all criteria and search. Result would be appended to the end of the page.
?Select the desired form, and click on Update Form Status. This loads the Form details
?You can then proceed and change the status of the form.
How to change the status of a form
21. 6. How to Change The Form Manager
Forms, either EP or TN can be assigned managers. TN manager or EP manager.
The following steps outlines how to assign a user as TN or EP manager. Note that the user to be
assigned needs to be taking either a TLP or TMP programme.
?Login to the system and click on AIESEC Programmes --> Team Member.
?Under Exchange Management, click on Manage Forms.
?Choose if it is an EP form or TN form you want to work with.
?Select your choice, and you would be taken to a page where you can search for the form.
Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB, TL, TN manager, EP manager.
22. ?Specify all criteria and search. Result would be appended to the end of the page.
?Select the desired form, and click on Change Form Manager. Page where you can change
managers is loaded
?Select a user from the drop down menu and click Update EP Manager (Or Update TN manager
for TN).
How to change the form manager
23. Matches can be done in the system outside the Match Monitor. This is done using the Quick Match
?Login to the system and click on AIESEC Programmes --> Team Leader
?Under Manage Exchange Experience, click on Assign Quick Match
?Choose TN or EP to start the process. In this illustration, EP was chosen.
?Fill in the citeria and search for the form
?Result of search is appended to end of page. Select a form to proceed.
Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB.
6. How to Assign Quick Matches
24. ?Clicking on search selects the EP. You then proceed to select the TN to be matched.
This list the available Tns.
?Select on the choice and click on Match.
How to Assign Quick Matches