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Permit restrictions are intended to
help whitetail numbers stabilize after
liberal regulations and disease com-
bined to push deer numbers down.
Page 4A
Columbia Public Schools will host an
event Wednesday seeking public input
on ways to improve the School District
and student achievement. Page 8A
The grant, from State Farm Insurance,
would expand the Center for Urban
Agricultures outdoor classrooms to
five more schools. Page 8A
Today: Sunny.
Temp: 68属
Tonight: Clear.
Temp: 42属
Page 2A
Abby	7A
Life Story	 2A
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014 n SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1908 n Join the conversation at ColumbiaMissourian.com n 50 cents
Republican Lisa Ballenger
embraces her country upbringing
and work ethic during campaign
n a normal workday at the Boone County
recorder of deeds office, it might be hard
to guess that deputy recorder Lisa Balleng-
er is a farm girl. Bracelets and earrings appear
carefully selected to match her business-casual
Her necklace, though, offers a hint: a sterling sil-
ver horse pendant hangs from a black leather band,
displaying her love for horses.
Ballenger, a Republican who is campaigning to
replace 35-year incumbent Recorder of Deeds Bet-
tie Johnson, grew up on a ranch near Bethany in
northwest Missouri. She takes pride in the fact that
she and her sister were required to do the same
chores her three brothers did. Ballenger believes
the work ethic shes developed on the farm and her
professional career with Walmart and the record-
ers office have prepared her to succeed her boss.
Theres a lot of things that happened on the
farm, Ballenger said. Ive done everything on
there ... I have bailed hay, I have drove tractors,
I have ate many a meals on the back of a pickup
truck, and doing homework all out in the field
because thats what our life was. I was still milking
cows when I was 18.
Time on the farm wasnt all hard work. On Sun-
days after church, her family would roast weenies,
ride horses or go swimming at Brooklyn Falls.
Ballenger graduated with a class of 16 at Ridge-
way High School in 1981. She said she loved the
one-on-one interactions she had with teachers in
small classes.
You get a lot of hands on teaching and learning
because the classes were small, and you got more
individual attention, Ballenger said. Im a farm
girl, so I kinda see a lot of the rural communities,
things that they do. Smaller schools, smaller com-
After Ballenger graduated, her parents moved to
Hallsville, then Harrisburg and finally to Columbia
in search of better work. She has lived in Columbia
since 2001.
A public job
Ballengers first full-time job out of high school
was at the Walmart on Paris Road in Columbia.
Democrat Nora Dietzel combines
music and business in her run for
Boone County recorder of deeds
ora Dietzel found the confidence to run for
public office by participating in theater
and singing.
Dietzel, an 18-year veteran of the Boone County
recorder of deeds office, is the Democratic candi-
date seeking to replace her boss, Bettie Johnson.
Johnson decided against another campaign after
holding the office for 35 years.
Dietzel is soft-spoken but knows what she wants
to say and exudes confidence when talking in front
of a large group. She said her public speaking skills
are rooted in her musical upbringing.
Dietzel moved with her family to Columbia from
Belton, a suburb of Kansas City, when she was 10.
Her father worked for the University of Missouri
System and was transferred between the Kansas
City and Columbia campuses several times. Dietzel
was the fourth of five children, all of whom played
an instrument.
We were musical, Dietzel said. Most of my
family plays musical instruments and sings, so that
was always something that came very naturally for
Dietzels two brothers played the guitar and band
instruments such as the trombone and cornet.
Her sisters played the trombone and flute. Dietzel
played the clarinet and would occasionally pick up
a guitar.
We all would kinda get together every once and
while and jam, Dietzel said.
Dietzel also took to the stage in junior high and
high school plays. Dietzel met her husband, Larry
Dietzel, while performing in The Music Man.
I thought she was cute, Larry Dietzel said. We
actually first became friends, and we were friends
for four or five months, and then it just kind of
developed from there.
After high school, Dietzel pursued a degree in
voice and music at William Woods College, now
William Woods University, in Fulton. She later
attended theater classes at MU.
Dietzel took a break from the stage when her
children were small but mustered up the courage to
audition for a local performance of The Sound of
Music after her kids entered grade school.
That started an addiction, I guess. Dietzel said.
Please see BALLENGER, page 6APlease see DIETZEL, page 6A
Race for recorder
Lauren Kastner/MISSOURIAN
Nora Dietzel, Boone County recorder of deeds candidate, speaks with guests at a
fundraising party hosted by neighbor Margie Sable on Oct. 12. Dietzel has worked in
the recorder of deeds office for 17 years.
Lisa Ballenger, Boone County recorder of deeds candidate, campaigns while
spending time with her family at the Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival on Oct. 11.
MU provost
to speak at
public forum
The forum is Thursday at
the MU Student Center
The first MU provost candidate,
Michele Wheatly, will participate in a
forum Thursday afternoon, according
to an email from the provost search
Students, staff and faculty are invit-
ed to the forum from 3:45 to 5 p.m. in
Room 1209 A and B of the MU Stu-
dent Center.
Wheatly was the provost and vice
president for academic affairs at West
Virginia University from 2009 to June
2014. Before that, she was dean of the
College of Science
and Mathematics at
Wright State Uni-
versity in Dayton,
Ohio, from 2002
to 2009, according
to her resume pro-
vided by the search
committee. She was
also the chair of the
biological scienc-
es department at
Wright State from
1994 to 2002.
In September,
Wheatly was one of
four candidates for president of Flor-
ida State University. Florida Repub-
lican Sen. John Thrasher was ulti-
mately chosen for that position.
Wheatly, 58, was born in London
and attended the University of Bir-
mingham, earning a bachelors
degree in biological sciences in 1977
and a doctorate in comparative physi-
ology in 1980.
20-year-old MU student, member of
Sigma Pi fraternity dies Sunday night
The candidates
Lisa Ballenger
Personal: Age 51. Married to Gary
Ballenger. They have two sons and
two daughters.
Party affiliation: Republican
On the Web: Campaign website,
Twitter, Facebook page
Occupation: Deputy recorder of
deeds for Boone County
Education: Graduated from
Ridgeway High School in 1981
Background: Member of Wood-
crest Chapel
Nora Dietzel
Personal: Age 49. Married to Larry
Dietzel. They have two sons.
Party affiliation: Democrat
On the Web: Campaign website,
Twitter and Facebook page
Occupation: Lead deputy recorder
for Boone County
Education: Attended Williams
Woods College and MU
Background: Member of Boone
County Suicide Prevention Coalition
and the Daughters of the American
Revolution; treasurer for Comocaba-
ret; board member for Columbia
Entertainment Co.; past president
and current board member of Talk-
ing Horse Theatre; and chair of the
Worship Committee and elder at
First Christian Church of Columbia.
She has also served on the United
Way, Holiday, Purchasing and
Employee Activities committees for
Boone County and as the continu-
ing education coordinator for the
International Association of Clerks,
Recorders, Election Officials and
A 20-year-old MU student died
Sunday night at Boone Hospital
Chris Nicklow was visiting
friends at 310 N. William St. when
he was found unresponsive, police
spokeswoman Bryana Maupin said.
Columbia police were dispatched
to the home at 7:32 p.m. Nicklow
was taken to the hospital, where he
was pronounced dead.
Maupin said no foul play is sus-
pected. An autopsy is pending.
The 20-year-old food science and
nutrition major from Medina, Min-
nesota, was a member of the Sigma
Pi fraternity. According to the
chapters Facebook page, a candle-
light vigil will be held for Nicklow
at 10 p.m. Tuesday on the Sigma Pi
lawn, 808 S. Providence Road.
Members of Sigma Pi could not be
reached. The chapter sent this mes-
sage from its Twitter account early
Monday morning:
We love you Chris. Hopefully
youre looking down on us with a
smile on your face seeing all the
people that love you and miss you.
Supervising editor is Scott
Swafford: swaffords@missouri.edu,
is a candidate for
MU provost.
Chris Nicklow was an MU
student and member of Sigma
Pi fraternity.
Please see PROVOST page 4A
City Council
votes no on
The Columbia City Council
declined Monday to decriminalize
growing marijuana. Council mem-
bers also voted to build a new land-
fill building and update facilities at
Columbia Regional Airport for peo-
ple with disabilities.
After more than two and a half
hours of discussion, council mem-
bers voted against decriminalizing
growing up to two marijuana plants
and possessing up to 35 grams of
Mayor Bob McDavid, First Ward
Councilwoman Ginny Chadwick,
Third Ward Councilman Karl Skala
and Fifth Ward Councilwoman
Laura Nauser voted against the pro-
Sixth Ward Councilwoman Barba-
ra Hoppe, Second Ward Councilman
Michael Trapp and Fourth Ward
Councilman Ian Thomas voted for it.
n Columbia Police Chief Ken Bur-
ton said the measure would put his
officers at odds with federal law in
a way the current ordinance, which
decriminalizes possessing but not
growing marijuana, does not.
nSteve Concannon, coordinator
of MUs Student Legal Services, said
approving the measure would send
mixed messages to students. MU
police are state agents, he said, and
they dont have to abide by the citys
nDan Viets, a Columbia-based
attorney, said there is nothing stop-
ping Columbia from establishing a
law that is different from federal
Please see COUNCIL page 4A

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  • 1. Our 107th year/#27 2 sections 16 pages 6 54051 90850 3 DEER FORECAST Permit restrictions are intended to help whitetail numbers stabilize after liberal regulations and disease com- bined to push deer numbers down. Page 4A WORLD CAFE Columbia Public Schools will host an event Wednesday seeking public input on ways to improve the School District and student achievement. Page 8A CCUA GRANT The grant, from State Farm Insurance, would expand the Center for Urban Agricultures outdoor classrooms to five more schools. Page 8A TODAYS WEATHER Today: Sunny. Temp: 68属 Tonight: Clear. Temp: 42属 Page 2A INDEX Abby 7A Life Story 2A Comics 7A Lottery 2A Opinion 5A Sports 1B Tuesday, October 21, 2014 n SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1908 n Join the conversation at ColumbiaMissourian.com n 50 cents Republican Lisa Ballenger embraces her country upbringing and work ethic during campaign By ALLISON GRAVES news@ColumbiaMissourian.com O n a normal workday at the Boone County recorder of deeds office, it might be hard to guess that deputy recorder Lisa Balleng- er is a farm girl. Bracelets and earrings appear carefully selected to match her business-casual wardrobe. Her necklace, though, offers a hint: a sterling sil- ver horse pendant hangs from a black leather band, displaying her love for horses. Ballenger, a Republican who is campaigning to replace 35-year incumbent Recorder of Deeds Bet- tie Johnson, grew up on a ranch near Bethany in northwest Missouri. She takes pride in the fact that she and her sister were required to do the same chores her three brothers did. Ballenger believes the work ethic shes developed on the farm and her professional career with Walmart and the record- ers office have prepared her to succeed her boss. Theres a lot of things that happened on the farm, Ballenger said. Ive done everything on there ... I have bailed hay, I have drove tractors, I have ate many a meals on the back of a pickup truck, and doing homework all out in the field because thats what our life was. I was still milking cows when I was 18. Time on the farm wasnt all hard work. On Sun- days after church, her family would roast weenies, ride horses or go swimming at Brooklyn Falls. Ballenger graduated with a class of 16 at Ridge- way High School in 1981. She said she loved the one-on-one interactions she had with teachers in small classes. You get a lot of hands on teaching and learning because the classes were small, and you got more individual attention, Ballenger said. Im a farm girl, so I kinda see a lot of the rural communities, things that they do. Smaller schools, smaller com- munities. After Ballenger graduated, her parents moved to Hallsville, then Harrisburg and finally to Columbia in search of better work. She has lived in Columbia since 2001. A public job Ballengers first full-time job out of high school was at the Walmart on Paris Road in Columbia. Democrat Nora Dietzel combines music and business in her run for Boone County recorder of deeds By ALLISON GRAVES news@ColumbiaMissourian.com N ora Dietzel found the confidence to run for public office by participating in theater and singing. Dietzel, an 18-year veteran of the Boone County recorder of deeds office, is the Democratic candi- date seeking to replace her boss, Bettie Johnson. Johnson decided against another campaign after holding the office for 35 years. Dietzel is soft-spoken but knows what she wants to say and exudes confidence when talking in front of a large group. She said her public speaking skills are rooted in her musical upbringing. Dietzel moved with her family to Columbia from Belton, a suburb of Kansas City, when she was 10. Her father worked for the University of Missouri System and was transferred between the Kansas City and Columbia campuses several times. Dietzel was the fourth of five children, all of whom played an instrument. We were musical, Dietzel said. Most of my family plays musical instruments and sings, so that was always something that came very naturally for me. Dietzels two brothers played the guitar and band instruments such as the trombone and cornet. Her sisters played the trombone and flute. Dietzel played the clarinet and would occasionally pick up a guitar. We all would kinda get together every once and while and jam, Dietzel said. Dietzel also took to the stage in junior high and high school plays. Dietzel met her husband, Larry Dietzel, while performing in The Music Man. I thought she was cute, Larry Dietzel said. We actually first became friends, and we were friends for four or five months, and then it just kind of developed from there. After high school, Dietzel pursued a degree in voice and music at William Woods College, now William Woods University, in Fulton. She later attended theater classes at MU. Dietzel took a break from the stage when her children were small but mustered up the courage to audition for a local performance of The Sound of Music after her kids entered grade school. That started an addiction, I guess. Dietzel said. Please see BALLENGER, page 6APlease see DIETZEL, page 6A Race for recorder Lauren Kastner/MISSOURIAN Nora Dietzel, Boone County recorder of deeds candidate, speaks with guests at a fundraising party hosted by neighbor Margie Sable on Oct. 12. Dietzel has worked in the recorder of deeds office for 17 years. JIAYUE HUANG/Missourian Lisa Ballenger, Boone County recorder of deeds candidate, campaigns while spending time with her family at the Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival on Oct. 11. MU provost candidate to speak at public forum The forum is Thursday at the MU Student Center By CAITLIN HOLLAND news@ColumbiaMissourian.com The first MU provost candidate, Michele Wheatly, will participate in a forum Thursday afternoon, according to an email from the provost search committee. Students, staff and faculty are invit- ed to the forum from 3:45 to 5 p.m. in Room 1209 A and B of the MU Stu- dent Center. Wheatly was the provost and vice president for academic affairs at West Virginia University from 2009 to June 2014. Before that, she was dean of the College of Science and Mathematics at Wright State Uni- versity in Dayton, Ohio, from 2002 to 2009, according to her resume pro- vided by the search committee. She was also the chair of the biological scienc- es department at Wright State from 1994 to 2002. In September, Wheatly was one of four candidates for president of Flor- ida State University. Florida Repub- lican Sen. John Thrasher was ulti- mately chosen for that position. Wheatly, 58, was born in London and attended the University of Bir- mingham, earning a bachelors degree in biological sciences in 1977 and a doctorate in comparative physi- ology in 1980. 20-year-old MU student, member of Sigma Pi fraternity dies Sunday night The candidates Lisa Ballenger Personal: Age 51. Married to Gary Ballenger. They have two sons and two daughters. Party affiliation: Republican On the Web: Campaign website, Twitter, Facebook page Occupation: Deputy recorder of deeds for Boone County Education: Graduated from Ridgeway High School in 1981 Background: Member of Wood- crest Chapel Nora Dietzel Personal: Age 49. Married to Larry Dietzel. They have two sons. Party affiliation: Democrat On the Web: Campaign website, Twitter and Facebook page Occupation: Lead deputy recorder for Boone County Education: Attended Williams Woods College and MU Background: Member of Boone County Suicide Prevention Coalition and the Daughters of the American Revolution; treasurer for Comocaba- ret; board member for Columbia Entertainment Co.; past president and current board member of Talk- ing Horse Theatre; and chair of the Worship Committee and elder at First Christian Church of Columbia. She has also served on the United Way, Holiday, Purchasing and Employee Activities committees for Boone County and as the continu- ing education coordinator for the International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers. By KATHERINE KNOTT news@ColumbiaMissourian.com A 20-year-old MU student died Sunday night at Boone Hospital Center. Chris Nicklow was visiting friends at 310 N. William St. when he was found unresponsive, police spokeswoman Bryana Maupin said. Columbia police were dispatched to the home at 7:32 p.m. Nicklow was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Maupin said no foul play is sus- pected. An autopsy is pending. The 20-year-old food science and nutrition major from Medina, Min- nesota, was a member of the Sigma Pi fraternity. According to the chapters Facebook page, a candle- light vigil will be held for Nicklow at 10 p.m. Tuesday on the Sigma Pi lawn, 808 S. Providence Road. Members of Sigma Pi could not be reached. The chapter sent this mes- sage from its Twitter account early Monday morning: We love you Chris. Hopefully youre looking down on us with a smile on your face seeing all the people that love you and miss you. Supervising editor is Scott Swafford: swaffords@missouri.edu, 884-5366. COURTESY PHOTO MICHELE WHEATLY is a candidate for MU provost. Chris Nicklow was an MU student and member of Sigma Pi fraternity. Please see PROVOST page 4A City Council votes no on marijuana cultivation By ALLISON GRAVES and GUIMEL SIBINGO news@ColumbiaMissourian.com The Columbia City Council declined Monday to decriminalize growing marijuana. Council mem- bers also voted to build a new land- fill building and update facilities at Columbia Regional Airport for peo- ple with disabilities. Marijuana After more than two and a half hours of discussion, council mem- bers voted against decriminalizing growing up to two marijuana plants and possessing up to 35 grams of marijuana. Votes: Mayor Bob McDavid, First Ward Councilwoman Ginny Chadwick, Third Ward Councilman Karl Skala and Fifth Ward Councilwoman Laura Nauser voted against the pro- posal. Sixth Ward Councilwoman Barba- ra Hoppe, Second Ward Councilman Michael Trapp and Fourth Ward Councilman Ian Thomas voted for it. Comment: n Columbia Police Chief Ken Bur- ton said the measure would put his officers at odds with federal law in a way the current ordinance, which decriminalizes possessing but not growing marijuana, does not. nSteve Concannon, coordinator of MUs Student Legal Services, said approving the measure would send mixed messages to students. MU police are state agents, he said, and they dont have to abide by the citys directions. nDan Viets, a Columbia-based attorney, said there is nothing stop- ping Columbia from establishing a law that is different from federal rules. Please see COUNCIL page 4A